chasteté,نبيل العوضي

YouTube : Le thème « chasteté » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative

Publiée sur YouTube par الشيخ نبيل العوضي (), cette vidéo se concentre sur le thème « chasteté », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.

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قصص الانبياء), fournis par l’auteur sont des éléments à noter, ainsi que la description :« لا تنسي الإشتراك في قناة الشيخ نبيل العوضي ليصلك كل جديد :
ما عليك سوى الانضمام إلى عضوية هذه القناة للاستفادة من المزايا:
نبيل العوضي | ميلاد المسيح | قصص الانبياء
سلسلة أروع القصص :
مقاطع مميزة بقصص نادرة ستبهرك :
برنامج قصة الشيخ نبيل العوضي :
اللهم صلي و سلم و بارك علي سيدنا و حبيبنا محمد —–
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Le concept de chasteté masculine contrôlée est de plus en plus répandu. Cela inclut généralement l’utilisation d’outils comme des cages de chasteté. Le contrôle de ses désirs permet de concentrer ses efforts sur des objectifs différents.

La pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée se manifeste par la décision d’un homme d’utiliser des accessoires spécialisés, tels que les cages de chasteté, dont il confie la gestion à un partenaire. Voici différents aspects de cette pratique :Ce dossiersous divers angles.

Techniques associées à la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Accessoires de chasteté : La cage de chasteté aide à limiter physiquement la manipulation ou la masturbation du pénis. En utilisant la cage, le partenaire, maître ou maîtresse prend le contrôle des pulsions.Confiance avec un partenaire : La chasteté contrôlée est viable uniquement dans un cadre de confiance réelle et d’abandon total au pouvoir du partenaire. Le détenteur de la clé de la cage ou celui qui enferme le pénis joue le rôle de mandataire, régulant la libido et prenant en charge les préoccupations associées. La chasteté contrôlée est plus réussie lorsque le détenteur de la clé est un tiers avec une approche objective. Les sexologues et autres coachs professionnels assurent ce service avec engagement contractuel. Des keyholders bénévoles peuvent assumer cette responsabilité, mais leur motivation est avant tout leur plaisir.

Les avantages offerts par la chasteté contrôlée sont divers et nombreux.

La chasteté contrôlée permet de se sentir apaisé et serein. Le bénéficiaire de la chasteté contrôlée est libéré des contraintes sentimentales tout en étant encadré. Son trajet est délimité, il n’a qu’à appliquer la discipline fixée. En éliminant certaines impulsions, les hommes peuvent réduire les distractions liées au sexe. Les secteurs de la pornographie et des rencontres amoureuses sollicitent sans cesse les individus. Diminuer l’activité sexuelle peut conduire à des relations plus intenses et plus significatives. De nouvelles possibilités se présentent. Il devient possible de se lancer dans de nouveaux projets et de se concentrer sur des défis différents.

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#نبيل #العوضي #ميلاد #المسيح #قصص #الانبياء

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. The wife of Zakariya became pregnant with a child who would become a leader, chaste, and hold a significant status among the Children of Israel. As for Maryam, during that period, she remained in the Temple, worshiping Allah. Some miracles began to appear through her, and she grew closer and closer to her Lord. She would become the mistress of the women of the worlds. The angels spoke to Maryam while she was standing in prayer in the mihrab. What did they tell her? And ˹remember˺ when the angels said, “O Mary! Surely Allah has selected you, A young, devout, and righteous woman, the angels told her that Allah had chosen her above the women of the worlds. And ˹remember˺ when the angels said, “O Mary! Surely Allah has selected you, purified you, and chosen you He chose her twice and chosen you over all women of the world. What is required of you, Maryam, is just one thing. O Mary! Be devout to your Lord, prostrate yourself ˹in prayer˺ and bow along with those who bow down.” Strive in worship, for Allah has chosen you, Maryam. And after a few months, Maryam would not leave the Temple except for her necessities, such as fetching water or attending to her basic needs. All her time was spent in the Temple. But in certain necessities, she would go out, and whenever she did, she would distance herself from people, wearing her veil and staying away from strangers. That day, the water ran out, so she took the pitcher and went to the place where people usually go to fetch water. She distanced herself from the eyes of the people and went to a place with water to fetch it and then return. And mention in the Book ˹O Prophet, the story of˺ Mary when she withdrew from her family to a place in the east, screening herself off from them. No one could see her, and she never mixed with people. She was alone in that place, drawing water. Suddenly, as she was about to return, she saw a man standing there. I seek refuge in Allah. Who is this man? What does he want? Why is he standing with me in this place, alone? Everyone knows Maryam, and they all respect and honor her. Who would dare to stand alone with Maryam in this place? Then We sent to her Our angel, Do you know whom? It is not any angel! He is the master of all angels! He was sent to the mistress of women The master of angels, Gabriel was sent by the Lord to the mistress of women She was by herself In order not to scare her, he appeared in the form of a human being If she saw him in his real form, she would not bear the burden He appeared in the form of a human being Despite this, Maryam felt uneasy and wondered, « Who dares to be alone with me in this place? » Then We sent to her Our angel, ˹Gabriel,˺ appearing before her as a man, perfectly formed. As soon as she saw him, She appealed, “I truly seek refuge in the Most Compassionate from you! ˹So leave me alone˺ if you are God-fearing.” The first thing she did was seek refuge in Allah from this man and reminded him of Allah so that he would fear Him. « Be mindful, if you know your Lord, for I seek refuge in Allah from you. » She found no better words than this to say. “I truly seek refuge in the Most Compassionate from you! ˹So leave me alone˺ if you are God-fearing.” The man said to her, « O Maryam, I am not a human. » Who are you? I’m Gabriel Who is Gabriel? I’m an angel sent by God, the Almighty An angel? What do you want? He responded, “I am only a messenger from your Lord, ˹sent˺ to bless you with a pure son.” He said, « So that Allah may grant you a pure, righteous, and virtuous boy. » Of course, what mattered most to Maryam was her chastity and purity, even if she were to have a righteous, pure, and virtuous offspring. Because the most important thing is honor, reputation, and dignity. She wondered, “How can I have a son when no man has ever touched me, nor am I unchaste?” « How can you give me this glad tidings, when I am the pure, chaste, and virtuous woman, who has never been touched by a man throughout my life, and you are telling me of a child? » He replied, “So will it be! Your Lord says, ‘It is easy for Me. And so will We make him a sign for humanity Your son will become a sign for humanity And so will We make him a sign for humanity and a mercy from Us.’ It is a matter ˹already˺ decreed.” While she was debating with the angel, Jibril blew into her garment, and immediately, Maryam became pregnant. He told her that the matter had been decreed, so do not argue, O Maryam. The poor woman returned to her temple, fearful and anxious. What should she do? Would the pregnancy be legitimate? And would what the angel had told her really come to pass? The days and months passed, and Maryam became certain that she was indeed pregnant, and that no man had touched her. She knew that this was the command of Allah, the Almighty. Maryam remained in her sanctuary, praying to Allah and seeking His forgiveness, fearful of what would happen to her. How would it be when the pregnancy became visible in her? The first to notice her pregnancy was her sister, who used to visit her regularly. Her sister was the wife of Zakariya, and she was pregnant before Maryam. One day, her sister passed by Maryam and suspected something, so she asked, « Is there something in your womb? » Maryam replied, « Why do you ask? » She said, « I see in my dream that what is in my womb prostrates to what is in your womb. » How is that? « What is in my womb obeys and submits to what is in your womb. Do you have something? » Yes! What do you have? I’m pregnant! How so, O Mary? She narrated the story to her They came from a righteous, believing, and devout family, where miracles were apparent. Her sister realized that the matter was true and that her sister would have a great and significant role. The matter was still hidden among the Children of Israel, and Maryam was afraid. She would go out for her needs, concealing her pregnancy. One of Maryam’s relatives, named Yusuf Al-Najjar, discovered the matter. He was one of the most righteous and virtuous men of his time. Maryam knew him, and one day he came to her, greeted her, and wanted to ask her about what was happening. He was doubtful, but he felt shy to ask Maryam. He said to her, « O Maryam, I am going to ask you, so please answer me. » She replied, « Ask. » He asked, « Can there be a plant without seed? » He wanted to ask her but didn’t know how. She replied, « Yes. » He asked, « How? » ‘Who created the first plant?’, she asked He remained silent He asked, « Can there be a tree without water? » He further clarified She said: Yes! How? Who created the first tree? He asked, « Can there be a child without a man? » Here, he asked her a very clear question She said: Yes! How so? Who created Adam? How great are the answers! Allah was inspiring to her ‘What happened?’, he asked Allah gave me good news of a Word from Him, his name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary; honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and he will be one of those nearest ˹to Allah˺. Yusuf knew that Allah, the Almighty, had chosen Maryam, and that her son would have a great and significant destiny. The days and months passed, and Maryam’s sister was blessed by Allah with a beautiful child. They named him John, the son of Zakariya. This child, Yahya, would have a great and significant role. Peace be upon him the day he was born, and the day of his death, and the day he will be raised back to life! Peace be upon Yahya from his birth. This beautiful child was born, and he would be granted prophethood in his youth. The only prophet whom Allah granted both wisdom and prophethood while still a young child was Yahya (John the Baptist). After a few months, Maryam felt the onset of parturition, and the time for her to give birth had come. Maryam became fearful and did not tell anyone. « What should I do? » She left the Temple and went to a distant place—Allah guided her to that location. A place with a dry, fruitless palm tree, and beneath it, running water. Allah guided her to the place where she should sit. She sat there, crying, awaiting the birth of her child. So she conceived him and withdrew with him to a remote place. A very far-away place Then the pains of labour drove her to the trunk of a palm tree. It was winter, and the palm tree was almost lifeless, not bearing fruit. Winter was not the season for fruit, to begin with. She sat by the palm tree, saying to herself, « I wish I had never been created. » She cried, “Alas! I wish I had died before this, Because she knows what the Israelites will do to her They already started speaking and doubting about her People began to talk, spreading rumors that Maryam was pregnant without a husband, and the news started to spread even before the birth. She wondered, « What will happen if I give birth? » She began to cry and said to herself, She cried, “Alas! I wish I had died before this, and was a thing long forgotten!” Maryam continued to suffer in pain, with no one beside her except Allah, as she sat alone by the trunk of the palm tree. Maryam was alone in Bethlehem, in that spot, at the height of her sadness and pain. Is she crying and grieving because of the pain of childbirth, or because of what the Children of Israel will do to her after the birth? Or is it because of what they will do to her son after the birth? Or because she is alone in that place? All the worries and sorrows gathered upon Maryam, and she said, “Alas! I wish I had died before this, and was a thing long forgotten!” In those moments, Jibril spoke to her, comforting her as he was close by, saying, « Do not grieve, for Allah will grant you a great and significant status. » So a voice reassured her from below her, “Do not grieve! Your Lord has provided a stream at your feet. « Do you see the water beneath you? And this trunk beside you? » « What trunk? A palm tree, almost dead, with no fruit, in the winter season. » And shake the trunk of this palm tree towards you, « If I were a man with my strength and shook the tree, its fruit wouldn’t fall. So how could a weak woman, in the moment of childbirth, expect the tree to bear fruit, especially when it doesn’t bear fruit at this time? » But this is the power of Allah and His honor for Maryam. And shake the trunk of this palm tree towards you, it will drop fresh, ripe dates upon you. She gently shook the tree with her hand, and beautiful dates fell. « Drink from the water and eat from the dates, it will ease your pain. » So eat and drink, and put your heart at ease. « What should I do? » Then, after a little while, that beautiful child was born. It is the day of the birth of Isa (Jesus), peace be upon him. Some reports say that on that day, the idols were destroyed and the devils were stoned, and Allah knows best. Today, a great human was born on Earth. He is the Seal of the Prophets of the Children of Israel—Isa, the son of Maryam. So eat and drink, and put your heart at ease. But if you see any of the people, She took the child, cleaned him, washed him, and then wrapped him in cloth. What will I do now? But if you see any of the people, « Now, go back to your people. » It is said that she returned on the same day, while others say she returned after forty days, and Allah knows best. « But when you return and see anyone, do not speak. » « Indicate with your finger that you have fasted for the sake of Allah, and that you will not speak. » But if you see any of the people, say, ‘I have vowed silence to the Most Compassionate, so I am not talking to anyone today.’” In those times, they would fast even from speaking for the sake of Allah. She was fearful of them and what they might do. She knew what the Jews had done to the prophets before her, how they had killed the righteous, the saints, and the prophets. What would they do to her? She carried this beautiful child and went to the Children of Israel. Among them were the righteous, but there were also those who disliked Zakariya, Yahya, and the righteous people. The rumors spread that she was pregnant without a husband. When she arrived, holding the child, the malicious talk began. People gathered around her, insulting and accusing her, while she remained silent. How difficult is silence in those moments! A silence filled with a kind of pain. and for their denial and outrageous accusation against Mary, They disbelieved in Allah and insulted the noblest of women. They began speaking ill, while Maryam remained silent. They insulted her, and some even threw accusations at her, while she remained silent and did not speak. « Okay, say something, » but she was unable to speak, for she had promised her Lord not to utter a word. People began to gather, and the righteous did not know what to say. The disbelievers and corrupt ones increased in their insults and accusations against Maryam, the Virgin. Then she returned to her people, carrying him. They said ˹in shock˺, “O Mary! You have certainly done a horrible thing! You committed a huge crime! O sister of Aaron! Harun was one of the righteous worshipers of that time, and the reference here is not to the brother of Musa, peace be upon him. He was a righteous, devout man, and all the Children of Israel respected and honored him. They used to call Maryam the sister of Harun, meaning she was like Harun in her worship and piety. « We are the ones who used to call you the sister of Aaron, and now you are doing this act? » O sister of Aaron! Your father was not an indecent man, « Imran was one of the most devout of worshipers, and now you are doing this act? » O sister of Aaron! Your father was not an indecent man, nor was your mother unchaste.” Mariam was silent, not speaking, and began pointing to her son, Jesus, peace be upon him. « What do you mean, we should speak to this child? Your mocking of us, O Maryam, is worse than your disgraceful act. » « After this disgraceful act, are you mocking us? » The men and the elders are in front of her now, and she is facing the crowd. « O Maryam, we ask you, and you point to this child so that we may speak to him? Are you mocking us, O Maryam? » So she pointed to the baby. They exclaimed, “How can we talk to someone who is an infant in the cradle?” In those moments,they were committing a great falsehood due to their audacity towards Maryam, their cursing and insulting of her, and their slanderous words about her. Suddenly, their words were interrupted by a powerful voice coming from this child who had just been born. The child began to speak, and the people started commanding each other to be silent. The child began to make a sound, and everyone fell silent, as a calmness and stillness spread, and then the child began to speak. Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. The child spoke with great eloquence. Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah. He has destined me to be given the Scripture The Lord will reveal a Book to him. and to be a prophet. He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live, Then the infant looked at his mother. and to be kind to my mother. He has not made me arrogant or defiant. Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I die, and the day I will be raised back to life!” When the people heard these words, they were amazed. It was the miracle of miracles and the sign of signs, as speaking in the cradle was something rare in the history of mankind. Among them is Jesus, the son of Mary. When he spoke the truth, Mary calmed down, and the people became silent and dispersed from her. They left her alone, so she took care of her son in Jerusalem, and the cousin of this child was John. John is older than him by a few months – John grows, and Jesus grows. The two children grew up in that era, and at the time of the birth, Jesus, the son of Mary, peace be upon him, was raised. .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

69.057 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
69.057 The wife of Zakariya
became pregnant with a child
69.057 who would become a leader, chaste, and hold a
significant status among the Children of Israel.
69.057 As for Maryam, during that period, she
remained in the Temple, worshiping Allah.
69.057 Some miracles began to appear through her,
and she grew closer and closer to her Lord.
69.057 She would become the mistress
of the women of the worlds.
69.057 The angels spoke to Maryam while
she was standing in prayer in the mihrab.
69.057 What did they tell her?
69.057 And ˹remember˺ when the angels said,
“O Mary! Surely Allah has selected you,
69.057 A young, devout, and righteous woman, the angels told her
that Allah had chosen her above the women of the worlds.
69.057 And ˹remember˺ when the angels said, “O Mary! Surely
Allah has selected you, purified you, and chosen you
69.057 He chose her twice
69.057 and chosen you over all women of the world.
69.057 What is required of you, Maryam, is just one thing.
69.057 O Mary! Be devout to your Lord, prostrate yourself
˹in prayer˺ and bow along with those who bow down.”
69.057 Strive in worship, for Allah has chosen you, Maryam.
69.057 And after a few months, Maryam would not
leave the Temple except for her necessities,
69.057 such as fetching water or
attending to her basic needs.
69.057 All her time was spent in the Temple.
69.057 But in certain necessities, she would go out, and
whenever she did, she would distance herself from people,
69.057 wearing her veil and staying away from strangers.
69.057 That day, the water ran out, so she took the pitcher and
went to the place where people usually go to fetch water.
69.057 She distanced herself from the eyes of the people and
went to a place with water to fetch it and then return.
69.057 And mention in the Book ˹O Prophet, the story of˺ Mary
when she withdrew from her family to a place in the east,
69.057 screening herself off from them.
69.057 No one could see her, and
she never mixed with people.
69.057 She was alone in that place, drawing water.
69.057 Suddenly, as she was about to
return, she saw a man standing there.
69.057 I seek refuge in Allah. Who is this man? What does he want?
69.057 Why is he standing with me in this place, alone?
69.057 Everyone knows Maryam, and they all respect and honor her.
69.057 Who would dare to stand alone with Maryam in this place?
69.057 Then We sent to her Our angel,
69.057 Do you know whom?
69.057 It is not any angel!
69.057 He is the master of all angels!
69.057 He was sent to the mistress of women
69.057 The master of angels, Gabriel was
sent by the Lord to the mistress of women
69.057 She was by herself
69.057 In order not to scare her, he
appeared in the form of a human being
69.057 If she saw him in his real form,
she would not bear the burden
69.057 He appeared in the form of a human being
69.057 Despite this, Maryam felt uneasy and wondered,
"Who dares to be alone with me in this place?"
69.057 Then We sent to her Our angel, ˹Gabriel,˺
appearing before her as a man, perfectly formed.
69.057 As soon as she saw him,
69.057 She appealed, “I truly seek refuge in the Most Compassionate
from you! ˹So leave me alone˺ if you are God-fearing.”
69.057 The first thing she did was seek refuge in Allah from this
man and reminded him of Allah so that he would fear Him.
69.057 "Be mindful, if you know your Lord, for I seek refuge in
Allah from you." She found no better words than this to say.
69.057 “I truly seek refuge in the Most Compassionate from
you! ˹So leave me alone˺ if you are God-fearing.”
69.057 The man said to her, "O Maryam, I am not a human."
69.057 Who are you?
69.057 I&;m Gabriel
69.057 Who is Gabriel?
69.057 I&;m an angel sent by God, the Almighty
69.057 An angel? What do you want?
69.057 He responded, “I am only a messenger from your
Lord, ˹sent˺ to bless you with a pure son.”
69.057 He said, "So that Allah may grant
you a pure, righteous, and virtuous boy."
69.057 Of course, what mattered most to
Maryam was her chastity and purity,
69.057 even if she were to have a
righteous, pure, and virtuous offspring.
69.057 Because the most important thing
is honor, reputation, and dignity.
69.057 She wondered, “How can I have a son when no
man has ever touched me, nor am I unchaste?”
69.057 "How can you give me this glad tidings, when
I am the pure, chaste, and virtuous woman,
69.057 who has never been touched by a man throughout
my life, and you are telling me of a child?"
69.057 He replied, “So will it be! Your Lord says, ‘It is easy
for Me. And so will We make him a sign for humanity
69.057 Your son will become a sign for humanity
69.057 And so will We make him a sign for humanity and a
mercy from Us.’ It is a matter ˹already˺ decreed.”
69.057 While she was debating with the angel, Jibril blew into
her garment, and immediately, Maryam became pregnant.
69.057 He told her that the matter had been
decreed, so do not argue, O Maryam.
69.057 The poor woman returned to
her temple, fearful and anxious.
69.057 What should she do? Would the pregnancy be legitimate?
And would what the angel had told her really come to pass?
69.057 The days and months passed, and Maryam became certain that
she was indeed pregnant, and that no man had touched her.
69.057 She knew that this was the
command of Allah, the Almighty.
69.057 Maryam remained in her sanctuary, praying to Allah and
seeking His forgiveness, fearful of what would happen to her.
69.057 How would it be when the
pregnancy became visible in her?
69.057 The first to notice her pregnancy was her
sister, who used to visit her regularly.
69.057 Her sister was the wife of Zakariya,
and she was pregnant before Maryam.
69.057 One day, her sister passed by
Maryam and suspected something,
69.057 so she asked, "Is there something in your
womb?" Maryam replied, "Why do you ask?"
69.057 She said, "I see in my dream that what is in
my womb prostrates to what is in your womb."
69.057 How is that?
69.057 "What is in my womb obeys and submits to
what is in your womb. Do you have something?"
69.057 Yes!
69.057 What do you have?
69.057 I&;m pregnant!
69.057 How so, O Mary?
69.057 She narrated the story to her
69.057 They came from a righteous, believing, and
devout family, where miracles were apparent.
69.057 Her sister realized that the matter was true and that
her sister would have a great and significant role.
69.057 The matter was still hidden among the
Children of Israel, and Maryam was afraid.
69.057 She would go out for her
needs, concealing her pregnancy.
69.057 One of Maryam&;s relatives, named
Yusuf Al-Najjar, discovered the matter.
69.057 He was one of the most righteous
and virtuous men of his time.
69.057 Maryam knew him, and one day he came to her, greeted
her, and wanted to ask her about what was happening.
69.057 He was doubtful, but he felt shy to ask Maryam.
69.057 He said to her, "O Maryam, I am going to ask
you, so please answer me." She replied, "Ask."
69.057 He asked, "Can there be a plant without seed?"
69.057 He wanted to ask her but didn&;t know
how. She replied, "Yes." He asked, "How?"
69.057 &;Who created the first plant?&;, she asked
69.057 He remained silent
69.057 He asked, "Can there
be a tree without water?"
69.057 He further clarified
69.057 She said: Yes!
69.057 How?
69.057 Who created the first tree?
69.057 He asked, "Can there
be a child without a man?"
69.057 Here, he asked her a very clear question
69.057 She said: Yes!
69.057 How so?
69.057 Who created Adam?
69.057 How great are the answers!
69.057 Allah was inspiring to her
69.057 &;What happened?&;, he asked
69.057 Allah gave me good news of a Word from Him, his
name will be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary;
69.057 honoured in this world and the Hereafter, and
he will be one of those nearest ˹to Allah˺.
69.057 Yusuf knew that Allah, the Almighty, had chosen Maryam, and
that her son would have a great and significant destiny.
69.057 The days and months passed, and Maryam&;s sister
was blessed by Allah with a beautiful child.
69.057 They named him John, the son of Zakariya.
69.057 This child, Yahya, would
have a great and significant role.
69.057 Peace be upon him the day he was born, and the day of
his death, and the day he will be raised back to life!
69.057 Peace be upon Yahya from his birth. This beautiful child
was born, and he would be granted prophethood in his youth.
69.057 The only prophet whom Allah granted both wisdom and prophethood
while still a young child was Yahya (John the Baptist).
69.057 After a few months, Maryam felt the onset of
parturition, and the time for her to give birth had come.
69.057 Maryam became fearful and did not tell anyone.
69.057 "What should I do?" She left the Temple and went to
a distant place—Allah guided her to that location.
69.057 A place with a dry, fruitless palm
tree, and beneath it, running water.
69.057 Allah guided her to the place where she should sit.
She sat there, crying, awaiting the birth of her child.
69.057 So she conceived him and withdrew with him to a remote place.
69.057 A very far-away place
69.057 Then the pains of labour drove
her to the trunk of a palm tree.
69.057 It was winter, and the palm tree was almost lifeless, not bearing
fruit. Winter was not the season for fruit, to begin with.
69.057 She sat by the palm tree, saying to
herself, "I wish I had never been created."
69.057 She cried, “Alas! I wish I had died before this,
69.057 Because she knows what
the Israelites will do to her
69.057 They already started speaking and doubting about her
69.057 People began to talk, spreading rumors that Maryam was pregnant without
a husband, and the news started to spread even before the birth.
69.057 She wondered, "What will happen if I give birth?"
69.057 She began to cry and said to herself,
69.057 She cried, “Alas! I wish I had died before
this, and was a thing long forgotten!”
69.057 Maryam continued to suffer in pain, with no one beside her
except Allah, as she sat alone by the trunk of the palm tree.
69.057 Maryam was alone in Bethlehem, in that
spot, at the height of her sadness and pain.
69.057 Is she crying and grieving because of the pain of childbirth, or
because of what the Children of Israel will do to her after the birth?
69.057 Or is it because of what they will do to her son after
the birth? Or because she is alone in that place?
69.057 All the worries and sorrows
gathered upon Maryam, and she said,
69.057 “Alas! I wish I had died before
this, and was a thing long forgotten!”
69.057 In those moments, Jibril spoke to her,
comforting her as he was close by, saying,
69.057 "Do not grieve, for Allah will grant
you a great and significant status."
69.057 So a voice reassured her from below her, “Do not
grieve! Your Lord has provided a stream at your feet.
69.057 "Do you see the water beneath
you? And this trunk beside you?"
69.057 "What trunk? A palm tree, almost
dead, with no fruit, in the winter season."
69.057 And shake the trunk of
this palm tree towards you,
69.057 "If I were a man with my strength and
shook the tree, its fruit wouldn&;t fall.
69.057 So how could a weak woman, in the moment of childbirth, expect the tree
to bear fruit, especially when it doesn&;t bear fruit at this time?"
69.057 But this is the power of Allah and His honor for Maryam.
69.057 And shake the trunk of this palm tree towards
you, it will drop fresh, ripe dates upon you.
69.057 She gently shook the tree with
her hand, and beautiful dates fell.
69.057 "Drink from the water and eat
from the dates, it will ease your pain."
69.057 So eat and drink, and put your heart at ease.
69.057 "What should I do?" Then, after a little
while, that beautiful child was born.
69.057 It is the day of the birth of Isa
(Jesus), peace be upon him.
69.057 Some reports say that on that day, the idols were
destroyed and the devils were stoned, and Allah knows best.
69.057 Today, a great human was born on Earth.
69.057 He is the Seal of the Prophets of the
Children of Israel—Isa, the son of Maryam.
69.057 So eat and drink, and put your heart at ease.
69.057 But if you see any of the people,
69.057 She took the child, cleaned him,
washed him, and then wrapped him in cloth.
69.057 What will I do now?
69.057 But if you see any of the people,
69.057 "Now, go back to your people."
69.057 It is said that she returned on the same day, while others
say she returned after forty days, and Allah knows best.
69.057 "But when you return and see anyone, do not speak."
69.057 "Indicate with your finger that you have fasted for
the sake of Allah, and that you will not speak."
69.057 But if you see any of the people, say, ‘I
have vowed silence to the Most Compassionate,
69.057 so I am not talking to anyone today.’”
69.057 In those times, they would fast even
from speaking for the sake of Allah.
69.057 She was fearful of them and what they might do.
69.057 She knew what the Jews had done to the prophets before her, how they had
killed the righteous, the saints, and the prophets. What would they do to her?
69.057 She carried this beautiful child
and went to the Children of Israel.
69.057 Among them were the righteous, but there were also those
who disliked Zakariya, Yahya, and the righteous people.
69.057 The rumors spread that she was pregnant without a husband.
69.057 When she arrived, holding the
child, the malicious talk began.
69.057 People gathered around her, insulting and
accusing her, while she remained silent.
69.057 How difficult is silence in those moments!
A silence filled with a kind of pain.
69.057 and for their denial and
outrageous accusation against Mary,
69.057 They disbelieved in Allah and
insulted the noblest of women.
69.057 They began speaking ill,
while Maryam remained silent.
69.057 They insulted her, and some even threw accusations
at her, while she remained silent and did not speak.
69.057 "Okay, say something," but she was unable to speak,
for she had promised her Lord not to utter a word.
69.057 People began to gather, and the
righteous did not know what to say.
69.057 The disbelievers and corrupt ones increased in their
insults and accusations against Maryam, the Virgin.
69.057 Then she returned to her people, carrying him. They said ˹in
shock˺, “O Mary! You have certainly done a horrible thing!
69.057 You committed a huge crime!
69.057 O sister of Aaron!
69.057 Harun was one of the righteous worshipers of that time, and the
reference here is not to the brother of Musa, peace be upon him.
69.057 He was a righteous, devout man, and all the
Children of Israel respected and honored him.
69.057 They used to call Maryam the sister of Harun,
meaning she was like Harun in her worship and piety.
69.057 "We are the ones who used to call you the sister
of Aaron, and now you are doing this act?"
69.057 O sister of Aaron! Your
father was not an indecent man,
69.057 "Imran was one of the most devout of
worshipers, and now you are doing this act?"
69.057 O sister of Aaron! Your father was not an
indecent man, nor was your mother unchaste.”
69.057 Mariam was silent, not speaking, and began
pointing to her son, Jesus, peace be upon him.
69.057 "What do you mean, we should speak to this child? Your
mocking of us, O Maryam, is worse than your disgraceful act."
69.057 "After this disgraceful act, are you mocking us?"
69.057 The men and the elders are in front
of her now, and she is facing the crowd.
69.057 "O Maryam, we ask you, and you point to this child so
that we may speak to him? Are you mocking us, O Maryam?"
69.057 So she pointed to the baby. They exclaimed, “How can
we talk to someone who is an infant in the cradle?”
69.057 In those moments,they were committing a great falsehood due to their audacity towards
Maryam, their cursing and insulting of her, and their slanderous words about her.
69.057 Suddenly, their words were interrupted by a powerful
voice coming from this child who had just been born.
69.057 The child began to speak, and the people
started commanding each other to be silent.
69.057 The child began to make a sound, and everyone fell silent, as a
calmness and stillness spread, and then the child began to speak.
69.057 Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah.
69.057 The child spoke with great eloquence.
69.057 Jesus declared, “I am truly a servant of Allah.
He has destined me to be given the Scripture
69.057 The Lord will reveal a Book to him.
69.057 and to be a prophet.
69.057 He has made me a blessing wherever I go, and bid me to
establish prayer and give alms-tax as long as I live,
69.057 Then the infant looked at his mother.
69.057 and to be kind to my mother. He
has not made me arrogant or defiant.
69.057 Peace be upon me the day I was born, the day I
die, and the day I will be raised back to life!”
69.057 When the people heard these
words, they were amazed.
69.057 It was the miracle of miracles and the sign of signs, as speaking
in the cradle was something rare in the history of mankind.
69.057 Among them is Jesus, the son of Mary.
69.057 When he spoke the truth, Mary calmed down, and
the people became silent and dispersed from her.
69.057 They left her alone, so she took care of her son in
Jerusalem, and the cousin of this child was John.
69.057 John is older than him by a few
months – John grows, and Jesus grows.
69.057 The two children grew up in that era, and at the time of the
birth, Jesus, the son of Mary, peace be upon him, was raised.

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