Youtube (chasteté): La chasteté~Mon histoire

Le thème «chasteté» : nouvelle publication sur Youtube

Cette vidéo, réalisée par Stéphanie Therrien (Stéphanie Therrien) et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « chasteté ».

YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.

À l’instant où nous avons visionné la vidéo (), elle comptait déjà plusieurs interactions cumulées. Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 39.

Vous noterez la durée (00:11:59s), le titre (La chasteté~Mon histoire), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Je vous partage mon histoire avec la chasteté et quelques petits conseils.

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Abonne-toi 😉 ».

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Approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Accessoires de chasteté : Une cage de chasteté est mise en place pour empêcher physiquement la manipulation ou la masturbation du pénis. La cage représente la maîtrise des pulsions exercée par le partenaire, maître ou maîtresse.Confiance avec un partenaire : La réussite de la chasteté contrôlée dépend d’une confiance réelle et d’une dynamique d’abandon au pouvoir de l’autre. Le mandataire, qui détient la clé ou enferme le pénis, régule la libido et s’occupe des préoccupations qui en découlent. La clé confiée à une personne extérieure non impliquée émotionnellement assure une chasteté contrôlée optimale. Les coachs professionnels et les sexologues offrent ce service avec des obligations contractuelles claires. Les keyholders bénévoles peuvent gérer la clé, mais leur plaisir prime souvent sur celui de l’homme en chasteté.

Les bénéfices de la chasteté contrôlée se manifestent de différentes manières.

S’impliquer dans la chasteté contrôlée permet de ressentir un apaisement profond. La personne engagée dans la chasteté contrôlée se sent allégée des préoccupations émotionnelles et bien encadrée. Son chemin est tracé et il n’a plus qu’à suivre la discipline imposée. En éliminant certaines impulsions, les hommes peuvent réduire les distractions liées au sexe. Les individus sont en permanence sollicités par les industries de la pornographie et des rencontres amoureuses. Diminuer l’activité sexuelle peut conduire à des relations plus intenses et plus significatives. Cela offre la chance de découvrir de nouvelles opportunités. Cela permet de démarrer des projets et de se focaliser sur de nouveaux défis.

La pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée est courante. On utilise fréquemment des dispositifs comme les cages ou ceintures pour maintenir la chasteté. La gestion des pulsions sexuelles permet de diriger l’énergie vers d’autres objectifs.

La chasteté masculine contrôlée consiste à ce qu’un homme restreigne ses activités sexuelles à l’aide d’accessoires spécialisés tels que les cages de chasteté, en donnant le contrôle à un partenaire. Voici quelques caractéristiques de cette pratique : Une section entière est consacrée à l’étude de la chasteté controlée dans ce dossier qui aborde le sujet de la chasteté controlée.

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la publication originale: Cliquer ici

#chasteteMon #histoire

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] you to bleep Great Western fantastic the maha-mantra me I’ve achieved a new therapy for Cathy line Illinois effects now in West Italian man many stricken say formerly birthday – OH Steve – so my white hair needs a quiet minor pursuit hava a set the amount of work in a penalty don’t forget your shoes today whoever touched it and it Kiki a pony so much shine it has relax relax not focus of ordnance castle Township you see in the nubile video some little break of the pre-war as soon as it japanish a stately necessity he cashes QC a cinema actor Magnum bagua from she became a common sound producer step-uncle vida are many do my comic songs of historical associated with affairs Veronique Easter baskets Vacanti no questions retailer chastity allow certain love you kiss me a Hindu family has company since you Obama dear Tessa emotional make Savannah change orders and chicken killer sauce the mantle shop yahshimabet sweet shop don’t evacuate this is only if Madame ozera okay this is my kid unique fact Count de l’Alma the disease rates of a shafted Jessica’s Philip Hammond swagger on well Susie Castillo she – of communism don’t just oppose the lashes the image quick SEC common called a personage of the dichotomy Amontillado five and vote don’t chase this down below as cassava Christine make Anjali the Indian family Palantir education may all neck people less formal is awesome and a deal to get it now so changed so my catalyst focus on Agent P and other sounds banging speedily I am yeah so it she put on I give a background to get the back here is quite a bit like a receiver Marco this is a persuasive Oh Nessus I do a musical in saving a man and confess young over and if he is on decent Selma calling easily book to have a shift called pounds sigh segment about to the little pattern a she would already be past you a comic song she sang Emma that some confess down I think it looks cute Eddie’s on the couch to stretch quiet a pop on touch anything just check five new exit o’clock but yes she fit in there okay so guess I start talking a man Paul Bettany Rogers copies of the vehement April time check what you sound like office only school in with a person it’s a situation tough enough the montage of Pavan SAT here on the reticle noodle sadness of to see concrete just a second about the tragedy tyranny are negotiated the Maggie come on say it cheap he fled this is no direct shock turns just come on Josh it’s just she’s alert social tree the radiation it was Eddie just like favor among versa Jennifer taboo it’s about fifty come so haha she’s capital contraband Excel McNally sweet any company could recover from owns 12 baskets even Pocoyo shows the factors took to happen it should canoe sir from the posse Atticus also announced to no joke Shepherd see in the book saga the shank he only could the sagacity for Romania chose key but if I’m above the squad basis / FCC is Sequoia facile with a bulged web which tragically said this is owner step work second assumption that about the history hola mama basically he manages reach the second analysis on slips to try okay second narcissist logic so if I report on me or the power here people could access to don’t you get it Mahima Ashoka requires a magnitude mind of central apostle cover is the Africa back so no softails intimate Sriman society be get the she told me Rishi it’s a serious moment oh thanks back office don’t daydream sign five the moonwalk constantly a mystery track on the rotisserie by George avocados kinetics too much nitrogen anime song by Michigan a disease the animalistic may accept and about the fire fantasy for circle all the things she this market people knew how could she did you get yourself tossed occasional monkey cash at work usually Alec own files confess II suppose she do a better job the Navy stay cannot Seagal Thank You Andre – awkward – Jenna a confessors company and spiritless lessons the finish of the dictatorship liquid find my move I’m on my gosh a shock recited preserve Farsi suzaku’s complete aqua casual fitting it we might not share further changes we finish there is a forest a jackal capo quickest recipes you should speak about but then five to my oxygen each lima parque de caso de paris expands well during sukiyaki are known in famine Oh Tommy char dham dhaanye I believe you know the legend eyes on Hakam Comanche a DA in every case every data as well Joseph Kony’s positive emitter it Lara so successful in Nevada +8 them to find a detector don’t six turn comes ah plane person over secondly that won’t come easy he earn unless you see a sketch uncle’s an apple Sam Dean five moves asking not just Fernando cinema see me I have concerns though beneath the words on the river gamma or a taco solanum psychic turn if gamma is all be done not sermon that common with an Indian man the charge welcome to the new is a fellow soldiers thanks vanish immediately fear seized anthem so emitted and a plane Jochum surveying is a fabulous lungs at Leicester Charles Atlas a funny person follows down JCC going back on the pyramid fancy sauce cook the language of success the five-number see go see a big deal key Alicia cancer who Yama come in black DiNozzo on the ethical alternate sounds less a spot seconds well he approached me the five are the thing totally about the kids in Osaka man stop it sounds the neurons to satanic Hispanic t magna came on circle canta canta on ET je vous aime no extra polsinelli captain person guitar – soiree for pundit and achieve a just for my sake it sounds the Denison importantly tested the wonders I don’t sleep awake assistant manager yahoo venerable person and they teach the appropriate amount to a new collection in relation words over semi pulled upon hazel converse any poor person become the chair Mahima sister about the new consumption reduction any indigenous person to see and live in no Ranma suppose this room in effects on Santa’s on that correct so where’s Q lesser shoes a pair of physics or sometimes you have a full I need ice about the land animals on such as cos Omega 2 Jumbo’s have detectable at complicity the pool and has somebody’s sb+ coupons were the potential fight – sir is mama happy Boogaloo cellphones that that one iconic like excel about to the was a function and it killed Andy Panama in aitikaf work in the put the power CC popping a killer and he doesn’t hear after nips and Monica in Texan accent sweaty just cannot find no she don’t when I could work you just be shafted in a tizzy the fire ecology my name’s Jenny I live by the week of the positive Oh Meitner its purchase easy fast interpretation welcome to the key years during the fermentation across the surface itself Mary Lou Retton ma chile de san marcos ah la la shows are very special so to the basket look at mommy you’ve done that about the real estate down yeah it’s just fantasize about you Stevie Jessica verified remedy as a tiny home trustee who said Shannon keep using diesel fuel again done except pass the do I get charged leap initiative what pasta simple ask a confessor oh yes the Oracle we all his the phylum Angela from Maine see on ZK are no known maker take Amex Ileana port online patient ever may you to remember some is fabulously I can evolve thank us the purposes will happen Exxon another the Tony Cox I can turn happy party like it’s no so much physic man may see you steal XA become avatar and to himself see Damon and you shake it up on our thumbs up unless you come on tie a Earth’s nose Candido Agnes [Music] .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.87 [Music]
0.87 you to bleep Great Western fantastic the
0.87 maha-mantra me I&;ve achieved a new
0.87 therapy for Cathy line Illinois effects
0.87 now in West Italian man many stricken
0.87 say formerly birthday – OH Steve – so my
0.87 white hair needs a quiet
0.87 minor pursuit hava a set the amount of
0.87 work in a penalty don&;t forget your
0.87 shoes today
0.87 whoever touched it and it Kiki a pony so
0.87 much shine it has relax relax
0.87 not focus of ordnance castle Township
0.87 you see in the nubile video some little
0.87 break of the pre-war as soon as it
0.87 japanish a stately necessity he cashes
0.87 QC a cinema actor Magnum bagua from she
0.87 became a common sound producer
0.87 step-uncle
0.87 vida are many do my comic songs of
0.87 historical associated with affairs
0.87 Veronique Easter baskets Vacanti no
0.87 questions retailer chastity allow
0.87 certain love you kiss me a Hindu family
0.87 has company since you Obama dear Tessa
0.87 emotional make Savannah change orders
0.87 and chicken killer sauce the mantle shop
0.87 yahshimabet sweet shop don&;t evacuate
0.87 this is only if Madame ozera
0.87 okay this is my kid unique fact Count de
0.87 l&;Alma the disease rates of a shafted
0.87 Jessica&;s Philip Hammond swagger on well
0.87 Susie Castillo she – of communism
0.87 don&;t just oppose the lashes the image
0.87 quick SEC common called a personage of
0.87 the dichotomy
0.87 Amontillado five and vote don&;t chase
0.87 this down below as cassava Christine
0.87 make Anjali the Indian family
0.87 Palantir education may all neck people
0.87 less formal is awesome and a deal
0.87 to get it now so changed so my catalyst
0.87 focus on Agent P and other sounds
0.87 banging speedily I am yeah so it she put
0.87 on I give a background to get the
0.87 back here is quite a bit like a receiver
0.87 Marco this is a persuasive
0.87 Oh Nessus I do a musical in
0.87 saving a man and confess young over and
0.87 if he is on decent Selma calling easily
0.87 book to have a shift called pounds sigh
0.87 segment about to the little pattern a
0.87 she would already be past you a comic
0.87 song she sang Emma that some confess
0.87 down I think it looks cute Eddie&;s on
0.87 the couch to stretch quiet a pop on
0.87 touch anything
0.87 just check five new exit o&;clock but yes
0.87 she fit in there okay so guess I start
0.87 talking a man Paul Bettany Rogers copies
0.87 of the vehement April time check what
0.87 you sound like office only school in
0.87 with a person it&;s a situation tough
0.87 enough the montage of Pavan SAT here on
0.87 the reticle noodle sadness of to see
0.87 concrete just a second about the tragedy
0.87 tyranny are negotiated the Maggie
0.87 come on say it cheap he fled this is no
0.87 direct shock turns just come on Josh
0.87 it&;s just she&;s alert social tree the
0.87 radiation it was Eddie just like favor
0.87 among versa Jennifer taboo it&;s about
0.87 fifty come so haha
0.87 she&;s capital contraband Excel McNally
0.87 sweet any company could recover from
0.87 owns 12 baskets even Pocoyo shows the
0.87 factors took to happen it should canoe
0.87 sir from the posse Atticus also
0.87 announced to no joke Shepherd see in the
0.87 book saga the shank he only could the
0.87 sagacity for Romania chose key but if
0.87 I&;m above the squad basis
0.87 / FCC is Sequoia facile with a bulged
0.87 web which tragically said this is owner
0.87 step work second assumption that about
0.87 the history hola mama
0.87 basically he manages reach the second
0.87 analysis on slips to try okay second
0.87 narcissist logic so if I report on me or
0.87 the power here people could access to
0.87 don&;t you get it Mahima Ashoka requires
0.87 a magnitude mind of central
0.87 apostle cover is the Africa back so no
0.87 softails intimate Sriman society be get
0.87 the she told me Rishi
0.87 it&;s a serious moment oh thanks back
0.87 office don&;t daydream sign five the
0.87 moonwalk constantly a mystery track on
0.87 the rotisserie by George avocados
0.87 kinetics too much nitrogen anime song by
0.87 Michigan a disease the animalistic may
0.87 accept and about the fire fantasy for
0.87 circle all the things she this market
0.87 people knew how could she did you get
0.87 yourself tossed occasional monkey cash
0.87 at work usually Alec own files confess
0.87 II suppose she do a better job the Navy
0.87 stay cannot Seagal
0.87 Thank You Andre – awkward – Jenna a
0.87 confessors company and spiritless
0.87 lessons the finish of the dictatorship
0.87 liquid find my move I&;m on my gosh a
0.87 shock recited preserve Farsi suzaku&;s
0.87 complete aqua casual
0.87 fitting it we might not share further
0.87 changes we finish there is a forest a
0.87 jackal capo quickest recipes you should
0.87 speak about but then five to my oxygen
0.87 each lima parque de caso de paris
0.87 expands well during sukiyaki are known
0.87 in famine
0.87 Oh Tommy char dham dhaanye I believe you
0.87 know the legend eyes on Hakam Comanche a
0.87 DA in every case every data as well
0.87 Joseph Kony&;s positive emitter it
0.87 Lara so successful in Nevada +8 them to
0.87 find a detector don&;t six turn comes ah
0.87 plane person over secondly that won&;t
0.87 come easy he earn unless you see a
0.87 sketch uncle&;s an apple Sam Dean five
0.87 moves asking not just Fernando cinema
0.87 see me I have concerns though beneath
0.87 the words on the river gamma or a taco
0.87 solanum psychic turn if gamma is all be
0.87 done not sermon that common with an
0.87 Indian man the charge welcome to the new
0.87 is a fellow soldiers
0.87 thanks vanish immediately fear seized
0.87 anthem so emitted and a plane Jochum
0.87 surveying is a fabulous lungs at
0.87 Leicester Charles Atlas a funny person
0.87 follows down JCC going back on the
0.87 pyramid fancy sauce cook the language of
0.87 success the five-number see go see a big
0.87 deal key Alicia cancer who Yama come in
0.87 black DiNozzo on the ethical
0.87 alternate sounds less a spot seconds
0.87 well he approached me the five are the
0.87 thing totally about the kids in Osaka
0.87 man stop it sounds the neurons to
0.87 satanic Hispanic
0.87 t magna came on circle canta canta on ET
0.87 je vous aime no extra polsinelli captain
0.87 person guitar – soiree for pundit
0.87 and achieve a just for my sake
0.87 it sounds the Denison importantly tested
0.87 the wonders I don&;t sleep awake
0.87 assistant manager yahoo venerable person
0.87 and they teach the appropriate amount to
0.87 a new collection in relation words over
0.87 semi pulled upon hazel converse any poor
0.87 person become the chair
0.87 Mahima sister about the new consumption
0.87 reduction any indigenous person to see
0.87 and live in no Ranma suppose this room
0.87 in effects on Santa&;s on that correct so
0.87 where&;s Q lesser shoes a pair of physics
0.87 or sometimes you have a full I need ice
0.87 about the land animals on such as cos
0.87 Omega 2 Jumbo&;s have detectable at
0.87 complicity the pool and has somebody&;s
0.87 sb+ coupons were the potential fight –
0.87 sir is mama happy Boogaloo cellphones
0.87 that that one iconic like excel about to
0.87 the
0.87 was a function and it killed Andy Panama
0.87 in aitikaf work in the put the power CC
0.87 popping a killer and he doesn&;t hear
0.87 after nips and Monica in Texan accent
0.87 sweaty just cannot find no she don&;t
0.87 when I could work you just be shafted in
0.87 a tizzy the fire ecology my name&;s Jenny
0.87 I live by the week of the positive Oh
0.87 Meitner its purchase easy fast
0.87 interpretation welcome to the key years
0.87 during the fermentation across the
0.87 surface itself Mary Lou Retton ma chile
0.87 de san marcos ah la la shows are very
0.87 special so to the basket look at mommy
0.87 you&;ve done that about the real estate
0.87 down yeah
0.87 it&;s just fantasize about you Stevie
0.87 Jessica verified remedy as a tiny home
0.87 trustee who said Shannon keep using
0.87 diesel fuel again done except
0.87 pass the do I get charged leap
0.87 initiative what pasta simple ask a
0.87 confessor oh yes the Oracle we all his
0.87 the phylum Angela from Maine see on ZK
0.87 are no known maker take Amex Ileana port
0.87 online patient ever
0.87 may you to remember some is fabulously I
0.87 can evolve thank us the purposes will
0.87 happen Exxon another the Tony Cox I can
0.87 turn happy party like it&;s no so much
0.87 physic man may see you steal XA become
0.87 avatar and to himself see Damon and you
0.87 shake it up on our thumbs up unless you
0.87 come on tie a Earth&;s nose Candido Agnes
0.87 [Music]

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