Youtube (chasteté): Chastity

Sur YouTube, Le thème « chasteté » analysé en profondeur

Le thème « chasteté » en vidéo par BBC Three

Signée par BBC Three, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « chasteté ».

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Sex On The Edge), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« BBC Three meets David who has been wearing a penis cage for over 100 days. Today he is having his penis cage removed by a dominatrix. He explains why he has chosen chastity, and our experts give their view.

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Les valeurs morales médiévales étaient souvent liées à la pratique de la chasteté. La chasteté était un outil au service du pouvoir pour renforcer l’ordre établi.

La pureté féminine était un symbole religieux dans de nombreuses cultures.

Les femmes étaient particulièrement valorisées pour leur chasteté durant le Moyen Âge. La fidélité après le mariage et la virginité avant étaient des valeurs majeures soutenues par l’Église. Les femmes étaient considérées comme les protectrices de la pureté morale et leur chasteté était cruciale pour la légitimité des héritiers.

Les pratiques de chasteté des chevaliers ont été redéfinies sous l’influence des croisades.

Avant de se lancer dans les croisades, les chevaliers prenaient fréquemment des vœux de chasteté, pensant que cela fortifiait leur pureté spirituelle et morale pour mieux servir Dieu dans la reconquête de Jérusalem.

Les ordres religieux monastiques dictaient des règles sévères sur la chasteté pour soutenir la pureté spirituelle.

Les bénédictins, les cisterciens et les chevaliers teutoniques, parmi d’autres ordres monastiques médiévaux, suivaient des vœux de chasteté stricte. Les vœux de chasteté des religieux médiévaux étaient vus comme une forme de renoncement aux plaisirs mondains pour atteindre une plus grande pureté spirituelle. La période médiévale regorge d’histoires et de légendes soulignant l’importance cruciale de la chasteté dans les domaines religieux, moraux, et sociaux. La chasteté, à travers des éléments tels que les ceintures légendaires, les vœux avant les croisades, et les combats personnels contre la tentation, était perçue comme un concept central, imprégné de mysticisme et de dévotion. Ces récits révèlent que la chasteté était un moyen d’exercer le contrôle, d’affirmer le pouvoir, et de rechercher un idéal spirituel dans un contexte de conflit entre le corps et l’âme.

L’époque médiévale est souvent associée à l’utilisation des ceintures de chasteté. Pourtant, la vérité historique est loin de cette idée répandue.

La ceinture de chasteté est souvent attribuée à la période médiévale. Cette association est majoritairement le fruit de mythes du bas Moyen Âge. La légende rapporte que les croisés verrouillaient leurs épouses avec des ceintures de chasteté. Ces dispositifs avaient pour but d’assurer la fidélité des femmes durant les croisades. Cette croyance s’est ancrée dans l’imaginaire collectif par le biais de récits et d’illustrations. Toutefois, les preuves historiques manquent pour confirmer cette légende.

Techniques associées à la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Les époques de la Grèce et de la Rome antiques.

Dans les sociétés grecque et romaine, la chasteté était fréquemment liée à la pureté et à la vertu. Néanmoins, elle n’était pas généralement imposée au moyen de ceintures de chasteté ou d’autres dispositifs physiques. La chasteté se basait plutôt sur des idées spirituelles et religieuses. Les Vestales, prêtresses vouées à Vesta, devaient demeurer vierges au risque de mourir. Cela constitue un exemple frappant de la chasteté institutionnalisée à l’extrême.

L’Égypte antique est une des civilisations qui a façonné l’histoire.

La chasteté était parfois une décision volontaire prise par les prêtres et prêtresses en Égypte. Ils estimaient que l’abstinence augmentait leur puissance spirituelle. Aucune preuve matérielle ne soutient l’utilisation de moyens physiques pour imposer la chasteté. Le contrôle de la sexualité était davantage une affaire de discipline personnelle. Les traditions religieuses influençaient aussi la gestion de la sexualité.

Les dispositifs destinés aux hommes et aux femmes : La lutte contre la masturbation et les premières méthodes de chasteté.

Durant l’ère victorienne, la masturbation était jugée comme un danger important pour la santé physique et mentale. Les médecins et les moralistes de l’époque recommandaient des mesures strictes pour prévenir ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus ». Cette situation a favorisé l’élaboration et l’utilisation de dispositifs de chasteté pour les deux genres. Aujourd’hui, la chasteté est suivie avec des objectifs divers, et un accompagnement adapté est accessible grâce aux services de coaching (en particuliersur ce lien)

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#Chastity #Sex #Edge

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: [Music] part of it is is challenging yourself can you go through the cycle of locking and unlocking and deal with the physiological and mental changes that come with that [Music] transferring that control gives me a type of sort of mental release it’s a very comforting a type of release for me [Music] I think I’m fairly normal other than obviously the one thing is a bit stranger I found myself acquiring a being drawn to more powerful women the transfer of power to someone else this seemed like the ultimate version of that this is a cheap chastity device that I just bought when I was first experimenting first of all you would put your bolster and have it down against your body then you’d slide the catch part over your shaft and then that will click into place and then basically just a lock your testicles will hang down and they sort of trap the cage against your body so it can’t slide up today I’ll be unlocked the reason I’m unlocking is I’m getting new piercing normally I don’t know what the count is I know the code right now because my keyholes I told it to me last night so now I can put code in here so these these are the keys that to my actual chastity device that’s the key to the lock in it [Music] that’s the that’s the actual walk I have been locked up for almost two months being unlocked at this point if it feels strange not having it on I have permission from my key holder to you know have fun tonight you know I’ve done six weeks self abstinence before three months is gonna be an interesting challenge let’s see how it goes I’ve been doing chastity for ten years effectively before I spent long periods of time locked up third there was a a large volume of sex involved in in my life and part of the chastity is a way to sort of clamp down on that to control that part of my life certainly with men I think there’s a tendency to want someone to tell them no sometimes if they feel that desire runs over into their everyday life all the time and they can’t get a handle on it it’s affecting that everyday activities they want someone to come along and just put a cap on it for them some people say yes it gives them a tremendous sense of mental clarity and focus and energy and that sort of thing and that’s very similar to the rhetoric you see coming out of the anti masturbation movements in the States and at home I don’t know of any evidence that there is any attractive health benefit from refraining from orgasm I do know that there are health benefits to regular orgasm for men this is mr. sneaky French and she has become my key holder which basically means that she’s the only one who has access to unlock my chastity device I’ve been wearing it for 103 days I used to feel really nervous every time I went to see her now not so much you’ve got a genuine friendship person the main thing I like about her is she’s just born and she wants to have a good time with like when she’s sessioning she won’t sound good time in a job in her profession I think the dynamic between somebody who is chaste and their keyholder is one of obviously obedience but there’s a general gray erotic thriller about the idea of somebody having that much control and power over your sexual desire it’s about the power exchange it’s about giving over control of yourself of a bodily function to someone else and it’s also about negotiating that relief she’s neighborhoods you know it’s kind of half out of your control and I know I have a safe word and I could stop anytime but I don’t you know what’s coming I don’t know what to expect and that’s it’s just a thrill this is you doing it sweet but feeling vulnerable it’s quite exciting why don’t don’t you trust your mistress and [ __ ] shut your mouth huh I know exactly what I’m doing to you so what you’re talking about all right chastity at the end it’s a game so you plays a game or you don’t I know it won’t remove it and if he does I will know it’s anyway and I won’t be happy about it but I know if he does that I’m don’t think he will come back to see me you know it would be a big punishment and he doesn’t like that I own him he is mine so the fact I’ve got the key around my wrists really shows the ownership [Music] I’m now at the point financially were can actually afford to go and get a completely custom cage made it’s certainly a step forward that’s something I’ve not done before the these for the total cost that I’m estimating is in the neighborhood of two to three thousand pounds it’s likely to be the last cage that I bought for a significant period of time there are days when I when I do get horny but for the most part it’s just it takes a back seat in my life instead of worrying about oh I’m horny I should jerk off or I’m mourning I should go find someone to hook up it just that whole part to state to bhakti chastity for me is is is a form of lifestyle choice it’s an opportunity for me to give up control of one part my day job involves a lot of responsibility and I find transferring that control outside of work gives me a type of sort of mental release it’s a very sort of comforting type of release for me you .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

23.23 [Music]
23.23 part of it is is challenging yourself
23.23 can you go through the cycle of locking
23.23 and unlocking and deal with the
23.23 physiological and mental changes that
23.23 come with that
23.23 [Music]
23.23 transferring that control gives me a
23.23 type of sort of mental release it&;s a
23.23 very comforting a type of release for me
23.23 [Music]
23.23 I think I&;m fairly normal other than
23.23 obviously the one thing is a bit
23.23 stranger
23.23 I found myself acquiring a being drawn
23.23 to more powerful women
23.23 the transfer of power to someone else
23.23 this seemed like the ultimate version of
23.23 that this is a cheap chastity device
23.23 that I just bought when I was first
23.23 experimenting first of all you would put
23.23 your bolster and have it down against
23.23 your body then you&;d slide the catch
23.23 part over your shaft and then that will
23.23 click into place and then basically just
23.23 a lock your testicles will hang down and
23.23 they sort of trap the cage against your
23.23 body so it can&;t slide up
23.23 today I&;ll be unlocked the reason I&;m
23.23 unlocking is I&;m getting new piercing
23.23 normally I don&;t know what the count is
23.23 I know the code right now because my
23.23 keyholes I told it to me last night so
23.23 now I can put code in here so these
23.23 these are the keys that to my actual
23.23 chastity device that&;s the key to the
23.23 lock in it
23.23 [Music]
23.23 that&;s the that&;s the actual walk I have
23.23 been locked up for almost two months
23.23 being unlocked at this point if it feels
23.23 strange not having it on I have
23.23 permission from my key holder to you
23.23 know have fun tonight you know I&;ve done
23.23 six weeks self abstinence before three
23.23 months is gonna be an interesting
23.23 challenge let&;s see how it goes I&;ve
23.23 been doing chastity for ten years
23.23 effectively before I spent long periods
23.23 of time locked up third there was a a
23.23 large volume of sex involved in in my
23.23 life and part of the chastity is a way
23.23 to sort of clamp down on that to control
23.23 that part of my life certainly with men
23.23 I think there&;s a tendency to want
23.23 someone to tell them no sometimes if
23.23 they feel that desire runs over into
23.23 their everyday life all the time and
23.23 they can&;t get a handle on it it&;s
23.23 affecting that everyday activities they
23.23 want someone to come along and just put
23.23 a cap on it for them some people say yes
23.23 it gives them a tremendous sense of
23.23 mental clarity and focus and energy and
23.23 that sort of thing and that&;s very
23.23 similar to the rhetoric you see coming
23.23 out of the anti masturbation movements
23.23 in the States and at home I don&;t know
23.23 of any evidence that there is any
23.23 attractive health benefit from
23.23 refraining from orgasm I do know that
23.23 there are health benefits to regular
23.23 orgasm for men this is mr. sneaky French
23.23 and she has become my key holder which
23.23 basically means that she&;s the only one
23.23 who has access to unlock my chastity
23.23 device I&;ve been wearing it for 103 days
23.23 I used to feel really nervous every time
23.23 I went to see her now not so much you&;ve
23.23 got a genuine friendship person
23.23 the main thing I like about her is she&;s
23.23 just born and she wants to have a good
23.23 time with like when she&;s sessioning she
23.23 won&;t sound good time in a job in her
23.23 profession I think the dynamic between
23.23 somebody who is chaste and their
23.23 keyholder is one of obviously obedience
23.23 but there&;s a general gray erotic
23.23 thriller about the idea of somebody
23.23 having that much control and power over
23.23 your sexual desire it&;s about the power
23.23 exchange it&;s about giving over control
23.23 of yourself of a bodily function to
23.23 someone else and it&;s also about
23.23 negotiating that relief she&;s
23.23 neighborhoods you know it&;s kind of half
23.23 out of your control and I know I have a
23.23 safe word and I could stop anytime but I
23.23 don&;t you know what&;s coming I don&;t
23.23 know what to expect and that&;s it&;s just
23.23 a thrill this is you doing it sweet but
23.23 feeling vulnerable it&;s quite exciting
23.23 why don&;t don&;t you trust your mistress
23.23 and [ __ ] shut your mouth huh I know
23.23 exactly what I&;m doing to you so what
23.23 you&;re talking about
23.23 all right chastity at the end it&;s a
23.23 game so you plays a game or you don&;t I
23.23 know it won&;t remove it and if he does I
23.23 will know it&;s anyway and I won&;t be
23.23 happy about it but I know if he does
23.23 that I&;m don&;t think he will come back
23.23 to see me
23.23 you know it would be a big punishment
23.23 and he doesn&;t like that I own him
23.23 he is mine so the fact I&;ve got the key
23.23 around my wrists really shows the
23.23 ownership
23.23 [Music]
23.23 I&;m now at the point financially were
23.23 can actually afford to go and get a
23.23 completely custom cage made it&;s
23.23 certainly a step forward
23.23 that&;s something I&;ve not done before
23.23 the these for the total cost that I&;m
23.23 estimating is in the neighborhood of two
23.23 to three thousand pounds it&;s likely to
23.23 be the last cage that I bought for a
23.23 significant period of time there are
23.23 days when I when I do get horny but for
23.23 the most part it&;s just it takes a back
23.23 seat in my life instead of worrying
23.23 about oh I&;m horny I should jerk off or
23.23 I&;m mourning I should go find someone to
23.23 hook up it just that whole part to state
23.23 to bhakti chastity for me is is is a
23.23 form of lifestyle choice it&;s an
23.23 opportunity for me to give up control of
23.23 one part my day job involves a lot of
23.23 responsibility and I find
23.23 transferring that control outside of
23.23 work gives me a type of sort of mental
23.23 release it&;s a very sort of comforting
23.23 type of release for me
23.23 you

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