Youtube (chasteté): Коммунисты лишат выбора?

YouTube : Le thème « chasteté » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative

Le thème « chasteté » abordé sur youtube par Перемен!

Publiée sur YouTube par Перемен! (), une vidéo offre un angle nouveau dans le thème « chasteté ».

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Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:15:08s), le titre (Коммунисты лишат выбора?), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« – тг канал

Поговорим о том лишат ли коммунисты выбора и как этот выбор вообще появляется.

0:00 – Приветствие
0:45 – о космонавтах и героях
3:55 – Как появляются герои
5:00 – СССР больше нет
8:34 – добро и зло
13:34 – Коммунисты и выбор ».

La vidéo est disponible pour visionnage directement ci-dessous

Étudier comment la pratique de la chasteté affecte les relations avec les autres et les liens familiaux.

Les relations interpersonnelles bénéficient également de la chasteté. La cage de chasteté aide un homme à renforcer ses aptitudes à séduire et à adapter son comportement vis-à-vis de ses partenaires. L’acte bénéficie de capacités physiques et sexuelles plus fortes dues à leur sollicitation réduite. Il est envisageable de suivre la chasteté en toute discrétion, sans divulguer ce choix à ses partenaires. La chasteté peut solidifier les relations entre les conjoints dans le mariage en encourageant un amour plus sincère, déconnecté du plaisir physique.

La chasteté est étroitement liée à la spiritualité.

La relation entre chasteté et spiritualité est souvent très étroite. Pour le christianisme, la chasteté est un moyen de se rapprocher de la divinité. En disciplinant ses désirs sexuels, on favorise un meilleur bien-être personnel. La chasteté est vue comme un acte de respect divin et une offrande de soi. La perception de la chasteté comme un choix d’élévation spirituelle est courante, loin de la simple privation. Les perspectives religieuses sur la chasteté sont diverses et variées. Dans le christianisme catholique, la chasteté est une vertu vitale pour les prêtres. L’islam valorise la chasteté en imposant des règles strictes pour la sexualité. La chasteté est couramment observée par les ascètes dans l’hindouisme et le bouddhisme pour rechercher l’illumination. La chasteté est une pratique qui unit les croyants au-delà des frontières religieuses.

Explorer les origines historiques et culturelles de la chasteté.

La chasteté est enracinée dans de nombreuses traditions religieuses et culturelles. Dans la tradition chrétienne, le vœu de continence des prêtres et religieux est souvent lié à la chasteté. Les traditions islamiques et les Églises catholique et orthodoxe valorisent la chasteté comme une vertu fondamentale, non seulement pour les religieux mais aussi pour les laïcs, notamment avant le mariage. Dans les temps antiques, la chasteté était vue comme un moyen de maintenir l’intégrité personnelle et la pureté morale. Ainsi, la chasteté transcende les époques et les cultures, demeurant une vertu reconnue et respectée.

FAQ : Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la Chasteté.

Est-ce que la chasteté est réservée aux religieux uniquement ? Non, la chasteté est une vertu qui peut être pratiquée par tout le monde, pas seulement les religieux. La chasteté est-elle différente de l’abstinence, et comment ? L’abstinence est le fait de faire vœu de ne pas avoir de relations sexuelles. Contrairement à l’abstinence, la chasteté peut inclure le port d’un dispositif comme une ceinture ou une cage, et s’inscrit dans une approche de développement personnel. Comment la chasteté se manifeste-t-elle dans les relations matrimoniales ? La chasteté dans le mariage est souvent une démarche commune ; si l’un des partenaires adopte une pratique de chasteté, cela est généralement abordé avec le conjoint. Quelle est la signification de la chasteté pour l’Église ? Pour l’Église, la chasteté est une vertu clé pour mener une vie conforme aux enseignements chrétiens. Comment la chasteté peut-elle contribuer à l’épanouissement personnel ? La chasteté contribue à l’épanouissement personnel en offrant une meilleure maîtrise de soi, une clarté mentale, et une paix intérieure.

Vivre selon les principes de chasteté au quotidien.

Les hommes qui choisissent la chasteté peuvent se tourner vers plusieurs méthodes. Pour saisir ses motivations et valeurs, il est crucial de commencer par une introspection. Il peut être avantageux de se tenir éloigné des situations et contenus qui pourraient éveiller des désirs incontrôlés. Chercher un groupe de soutien ou un mentor avec des convictions communes peut aider à suivre le bon chemin. La chasteté peut être difficile à vivre dans une société où la sexualité est omniprésente. Les tentations et la pression sociale sont des défis importants dans la pratique de la chasteté. Pour réussir à surmonter ces défis, une discipline personnelle stricte est nécessaire. Face à un revers, il est crucial de ne pas se décourager et de recommencer avec une nouvelle énergie. La chasteté n’est pas une perfection à atteindre, mais un parcours qui demande patience et persévérance. Intégrer la chasteté dans sa vie permet de connaître une plus grande liberté, une meilleure maîtrise de soi, et un épanouissement spirituel profond. Dans un monde où la sexualité est souvent privilégiée au détriment de la spiritualité, la chasteté, bien qu’elle puisse paraître contraignante, permet d’atteindre une vie plus authentique, alignée avec ses valeurs et sa foi.

Cerner le concept de chasteté dans le monde actuel. Définir la chasteté avec une approche contemporaine.

Essentiellement, la chasteté est le contrôle de soi en matière de sexualité. La chasteté va au-delà de la simple abstinence, en impliquant un contrôle des désirs sexuels dans un cadre moral. La chasteté dans le monde moderne est davantage une question d’orienter les désirs vers des buts plus élevés comme le respect de soi et des autres. Pour les hommes contemporains, la chasteté n’implique pas le renoncement au plaisir, mais la possibilité de vivre la sexualité selon ses propres termes.

La chasteté : Une valeur à redécouvrir dans le contexte moderne.

La chasteté est considérée comme une vertu taboue dans notre époque actuelle. La chasteté, lorsqu’elle est intégrée dans la vie quotidienne, peut offrir une paix intérieure accrue, renforcer les relations et enrichir la connexion spirituelle. La chasteté était plus souvent prise en compte et discutée dans le passé.www.chastete.frdéveloppe de manière exhaustive la thématique de la chasteté . À travers divers angles, cet article explore la chasteté et offre aux hommes des conseils pour comprendre et appliquer cette vertu dans leur quotidien.

La chasteté apporte des avantages notables pour le bien-être personnel et moral. Explorer comment la chasteté impacte le bien-être personnel et moral est nécessaire.

Pratiquer la chasteté de manière consciente a un impact important sur le bien-être personnel. Cette pratique permet d’atteindre une plus grande maîtrise de soi, une clarté mentale accrue, et une paix intérieure qui découle du respect des valeurs morales. Cette pratique conduit à une relation plus harmonieuse entre l’homme, son corps et ses désirs. En développant la maîtrise de soi, la chasteté permet une plus grande liberté en éloignant les pulsions et les pressions sociales sur la sexualité. La chasteté assure un sentiment de pureté morale, améliorant la dignité et l’estime de soi. Les impacts psychologiques de la chasteté sont significatifs. En pratiquant la chasteté, les individus trouvent une confiance accrue en eux et sont mieux préparés pour les épreuves.

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#Коммунисты #лишат #выбора

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: You often hear the opinion that Stalin purged only traitors from the ranks of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks, or that the USSR fell from the hands of the CIA and “genetic” traitors, BUT today we, the team of the CHANGE collective, will explain to you who, how and why commits those actions and for what purpose or other actions. One hymn says “insert line no one will give us deliverance” and this is absolutely true. 5 years ago, on Cosmonautics Day, a video about Soviet cosmonauts was released on the Vestnik Buri channel. Some of them in the post-Soviet years did not perform as expected from them. It is especially interesting to observe the metamorphoses that occurred with the most famous living people – Valentina Tereshkova and the recently deceased Alexei Leonov. In 2003, Valentina Tereshkova participated in the work of the predecessor of A Just Russia, the Russian Party of Life. After failure in the elections, she moved even further to the right and joined United Russia, became a deputy of the regional Duma here in Yaroslavl, and then advocated renaming the city of Tutaev, which received its name after the name of a young Red Army soldier who died at the hands of the white fascist infection. And then she voted for another bill – to raise the retirement age. Alexey Arkhipovich, assessing the Soviet past from the height of his current social position, gives it the following assessment: “As a representative of the board of directors of a large company specializing in the construction of low-rise housing, I have been doing this for several years. Every person needs a piece of land and their own home. Could we have dreamed of this under Soviet rule? I really didn’t expect such a revelation. After all, your finest hour came precisely during these years. Come on, at what cost did we get everything? Take even the space program. I don’t understand those who praise Stalin at all. It was the executioner. We won the war not due to his skillful leadership, but due to the millions of soldiers who were thrown into the meat grinder. From those times, I would take the education system and the health care system, and let the rest remain in the past.” In short, education and medicine are linked to the country’s economy. And in a capitalist economy, where your Alfa-Bank exists, the Soviet model of medicine and education will not exist. Why are many people surprised that people who were previously respected have become greedy and obscurantist? Because we don’t see their shortcomings. We admire their exploits and space exploration. We think that they are better than us, ordinary workers. It’s always like this: we look for authorities to judge. But who are we to judge them? Maybe they are right in some ways? Or not? Some say everything is pointless. And some even try to whine. Who’s right? Of course, no one. There are no objective laws about who will become a hero and who will not. And there are no laws to ensure that only certain people have achievements. But we cannot deny the fact that heroic deeds are possible and real, no matter how much some people cry. Heroism is a direct consequence of the development of the hero, his formation. Soviet times gave the opportunity to people from the lower classes, peasants such as Yuri Gagarin, Valentina Tereshkova and Alexey Leonov, to become heroes, outstanding personalities, space conquerors. Nothing was predetermined for them, and there was no magical block that blocked their path to meanness or stupidity in the future. This is the humanistic desire of socialists and communists to create a society where it is precisely the opportunity to surpass the current level of development, that of personality, that of social relations, that makes people better. On one’s own. Naturally. Do not pull by the hand and force, do not take away the choice of censorship, do not simulate consciousness, as obscurantists believe, who deny a person any subjectivity and thereby deny the possibility of a materialistic view of society. The task is to show the path and say, look how beautiful this path is, look where it can lead, I will help you walk, let’s go together. This is the task, including one of the tasks of art. But the Soviet Union, Soviet existence, Soviet culture, Soviet morals, Soviet art, everything is over. And not just with one blow from evil traitors, the CIA or the Soviet intelligentsia, who planted another atomic bomb under an infallible society. And after a long, decades-long decay and transformation of Soviet society into an ordinary, bourgeois society, as a result of which traitors, intellectuals with bombs, and members of the CPSU Central Committee who signed the Belovezh Treaty appeared. The culmination of the regression was 1991. The gangster 90s would have been impossible without the 80s, and those without the 70s and their stagnation, and those without the Khrushchev thaw, and that without Stalin’s repressions and the reforging of the socialist state into a fortress state for defense against external aggression. And this is not to say that the Soviet Union was an incarnation of hell. This is simply the dialectic of Soviet history. Development and survival are inseparable from the fight against regression and counter-revolution. Is it any wonder that by 1991 Soviet citizens came fully armed, equipped with those qualities that were not encouraged in Soviet people? Let us repeat once again, it is impossible to take and create some special, unchanging person. Soviet man is not a superman, he is simply a man to whom the possibilities of development in the humanistic tradition, enriched with the fruits of Marxist teaching, were open. The very phenomenon of Soviet man arose exclusively in the historical context of the existence of Soviet society, and therefore, while Soviet social existence was degrading, social consciousness was degrading. All these Leonovs, Tereshkovs and others are natural in their betrayal of everything that symbolized their success, their heroism in the past. I’m sure that most of them don’t even understand what the meanness is, because the damned Savok turned out to be bad. So, when Leonov talks nonsense about education and medicine, which should be taken from the USSR, and otherwise leave capitalism, he is not lying, he has really degraded so much and no longer understands the essence of objects and phenomena, just as Uncle Vanya does not understand. In one sentence he scolds the current authorities and commies, who are supposedly no different from them. Closed-mindedness, degradation, selfishness, meanness – all these traits are inherent in such people, not because they are somehow bad and wrong in themselves, but because current existence creates conditions under which a person can absorb and develop such qualities much easier and more likely than honesty, courage, altruism, and even when one absorbs is there any sense in the courage of a Cossack beating an atheist with a nut, and in honesty? a rich man saying who hasn’t earned hundreds of millions, let him go to hell, and from the chastity of the headmistress, who fires a young teacher for a photo in a swimsuit, and from the compassion of a human rights activist, pitying the White Guard terrorists, the sad truth is that there are no absolutes of morality, morality and personal qualities, except those that we establish for ourselves. There is no black and white in the real, specific, private conditions of life of each person. Every hero can become a scumbag. Every bastard can do good. The key word is can. An American patriot who truly loves his neighbor drops napalm on Vietnamese children. An honest communist shoots Contra under dubious circumstances on the orders of Comrade Beria. A sincere liberal approves of censorship. All this can and does happen, because a person, placed in specific conditions, makes a choice under the influence of many external and internal factors. There are many trials and difficulties in a person’s life, and none of them immediately makes him a hero. Attempts to ignore this may be associated with complexes due to the fact that one of the like-minded people may betray or commit an act that seems low. This is a sign that a person does not want to accept that people are people and not perfect superheroes. For example, some people try to argue that the traitor General Vlasov was never a communist and was always looking for opportunities to do harm. However, this is not true. Such people do not have the courage to admit that the red commander could renounce his beliefs because he loved himself and his life more than the idea and the country for which he successfully fought. Also, the inability of modern pseudo-red sectarians to recognize the merits of bourgeois art may be due to the fact that they do not want to see that it can have a value that is not associated with a negation of the society in which it was created and does not contain calls for destruction. Materialism shows that all morals, personal qualities, virtues, guidelines, ideas and ideals of a person are a product of interaction with the material world. They don’t appear from outside are not produced by a special organ. We invented them ourselves. And we ourselves can distort them, reject them, misunderstand them, use them for other purposes, and even out of nobility do something bad in relation to the same object. But does this mean that there is no difference between a hero, a hard worker, a decent person and a scoundrel, a traitor, a coward? Perhaps for atheists, nihilists and those who have realized that their morality is not absolute, there is no such difference. However, a person familiar with historical materialism understands that all the positive qualities and moral principles that are known to mankind throughout history arose from materialistic premises at a certain stage in the development of society. Over time, they were updated and cleared of excess. This is exactly what Engels and Marx wrote about. For example, remember how society used to view marriage? It was believed that marriage should be based on calculation, and not on love. But over time, people realized that marriage should be built on love, not money. Unfortunately, some people who oppose sodomites demonstrate double standards in their actions. They criticize others, but at the same time they themselves do not always meet high moral standards. The communists did not deny morality, they simply understood it better than many others. You cannot justify someone’s personal meanness and weakness with the words “we are not like that, life is like that.” You can explain why a person does this, but considering it normal and natural is wrong. Social existence determines society, and this must be taken into account when analyzing people’s behavior. But what about the consciousness of an individual person? After all, all people cannot be described by one template. Individual consciousness and human essence in each individual case determine its existence, interaction with social existence and social consciousness, of which personal consciousness is a part. Therefore, every person is terribly free in the most unfree society. He is free to make choices within the framework determined by current existence. This is how heroes and villains emerge , this is how movements towards progress and various forms of fascism arise that reflect outdated views. The result is a lot of personal choices. This is how existence and environment are created , which influence a person and form his essence within the framework of being. From the particular to the general, we can connect the personality and its changes with the laws of development of the entire society. This is the secret of how consciousness arises, which affects being, under the influence of being itself. Next to Vlasov there will always be Karbyshev, next to the bourgeoisized cosmonaut – the one who has preserved his principles. Next to Ayn ​​Rand is Ernest Hemingway, next to John Wayne is Dalton Trumbo. Next to thieves are honest people, regardless of their level of understanding of socio-historical processes. All that matters is what options social existence offers and what choice leads where. For example, an astronaut in 1991 has a choice – to become a huckster who squeezes out factories, or not to keep up with the times. Everything depends solely on what his essence has become at the time of choice. Afterwards , the essence can change under the influence of the consequences of choice and existence. And the choice for everyone is not made by the rotten system, not by the boys in Adidas and not by Putin. Because no matter what life is, you are always what you agree to be. Or not to be. In the main. Not in flag waving, not in the absence of bad habits, sexual fetishes, lifestyle, tastes in art and so on. Not even in accordance with any morality, but in relation to the world around. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that someone is to blame, someone is not to blame, someone should be forgiven or not. It is important to understand the essence of cause and effect, and then analyze them in the context of the general laws of development. Believe me, this approach makes life much easier than following emotions. The most interesting thing is that even when we consider people’s actions from this point of view, we make a choice: we can condemn, justify, ignore the situation. And this is also a choice, which is influenced by general existence, and social consciousness with its values ​​and attitudes, and our personal essence in relation to this consciousness. This is why statements that the values ​​of the collapsed USSR were wrong and should be forgotten and lived in a bourgeois way do not work. Man this not status and not just erase his history. Man is a process, which means CHANGE is just around the corner! .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.24 You often hear the opinion that Stalin purged only traitors from the ranks of the All-Union Communist Party of Bolsheviks,
0.24 or that the USSR fell from the hands of the CIA and “genetic” traitors, BUT today we, the team of the
0.24 CHANGE collective, will explain to you who, how and why commits those actions and for what purpose or other actions.
0.24 One hymn says “insert line no one will give us deliverance” and this is absolutely true.
0.24 5 years ago, on Cosmonautics Day, a video about Soviet cosmonauts was released on the Vestnik Buri channel. Some
0.24 of them in the post-Soviet years did not perform as expected from them. It is especially interesting
0.24 to observe the metamorphoses that occurred with the most famous living people – Valentina
0.24 Tereshkova and the recently deceased Alexei Leonov. In 2003, Valentina Tereshkova participated in
0.24 the work of the predecessor of A Just Russia, the Russian Party of Life. After failure in
0.24 the elections, she moved even further to the right and joined United Russia, became a deputy
0.24 of the regional Duma here in Yaroslavl, and then advocated renaming the city of Tutaev,
0.24 which received its name after the name of a young Red Army soldier who died at the hands of the white fascist
0.24 infection. And then she voted for another bill – to raise the retirement age.
0.24 Alexey Arkhipovich, assessing the Soviet past from the height of his current social
0.24 position, gives it the following assessment: “As a representative of the board of directors
0.24 of a large company specializing in the construction of low-rise housing, I have been doing this for several
0.24 years. Every person needs a piece of land and their own home. Could we have dreamed of this under Soviet
0.24 rule? I really didn’t expect such a revelation. After all, your finest hour came precisely during these
0.24 years. Come on, at what cost did we get everything? Take even the space program. I don’t
0.24 understand those who praise Stalin at all. It was the executioner. We won the war not due to his skillful
0.24 leadership, but due to the millions of soldiers who were thrown into the meat grinder. From those times, I would take
0.24 the education system and the health care system, and let the rest remain in the past.”
0.24 In short, education and medicine are linked to the country&;s economy. And in a capitalist
0.24 economy, where your Alfa-Bank exists, the Soviet model
0.24 of medicine and education will not exist. Why are many people surprised that people who were previously
0.24 respected have become greedy and obscurantist? Because we don&;t see their shortcomings.
0.24 We admire their exploits and space exploration. We think that they are better than us, ordinary workers.
0.24 It’s always like this: we look for authorities to judge. But who are we
0.24 to judge them? Maybe they are right in some ways? Or not? Some say everything is pointless. And
0.24 some even try to whine. Who&;s right? Of course, no one. There are no objective laws about
0.24 who will become a hero and who will not. And there are no laws to ensure that only certain people have achievements.
0.24 But we cannot deny the fact that heroic deeds are possible and real,
0.24 no matter how much some people cry. Heroism is a direct consequence of the development of the hero, his formation.
0.24 Soviet times gave the opportunity to people from the lower classes, peasants such as Yuri Gagarin, Valentina
0.24 Tereshkova and Alexey Leonov, to become heroes, outstanding personalities, space conquerors.
0.24 Nothing was predetermined for them, and there was no magical block that blocked their
0.24 path to meanness or stupidity in the future. This is the humanistic desire of socialists
0.24 and communists to create a society where it is precisely the opportunity to surpass the current level
0.24 of development, that of personality, that of social relations, that makes people better. On one&;s own. Naturally.
0.24 Do not pull by the hand and force, do not take away the choice of censorship, do not simulate consciousness,
0.24 as obscurantists believe, who deny a person any subjectivity and thereby deny the possibility of
0.24 a materialistic view of society. The task is to show the path and say, look
0.24 how beautiful this path is, look where it can lead, I will help you walk, let&;s go together.
0.24 This is the task, including one of the tasks of art. But the Soviet Union,
0.24 Soviet existence, Soviet culture, Soviet morals, Soviet art, everything is over. And
0.24 not just with one blow from evil traitors, the CIA or the Soviet intelligentsia, who planted another
0.24 atomic bomb under an infallible society. And after a long, decades-long
0.24 decay and transformation of Soviet society into an ordinary, bourgeois society, as a result of which
0.24 traitors, intellectuals with bombs, and members of the CPSU Central Committee who signed the Belovezh Treaty appeared.
0.24 The culmination of the regression was 1991. The gangster 90s would have been impossible without the 80s, and those without the 70s and
0.24 their stagnation, and those without the Khrushchev thaw, and that without Stalin’s repressions and the reforging of the socialist
0.24 state into a fortress state for defense against external aggression. And this is not to say
0.24 that the Soviet Union was an incarnation of hell. This is simply the dialectic of Soviet history.
0.24 Development and survival are inseparable from the fight against regression and counter-revolution. Is it any wonder
0.24 that by 1991 Soviet citizens came fully armed, equipped with those qualities
0.24 that were not encouraged in Soviet people? Let us repeat once again, it is impossible to take and create
0.24 some special, unchanging person. Soviet man is not a superman,
0.24 he is simply a man to whom the possibilities of development in the humanistic tradition,
0.24 enriched with the fruits of Marxist teaching, were open. The very phenomenon of Soviet man arose
0.24 exclusively in the historical context of the existence of Soviet society, and therefore,
0.24 while Soviet social existence was degrading, social consciousness was degrading.
0.24 All these Leonovs, Tereshkovs and others are natural in their betrayal of everything that symbolized
0.24 their success, their heroism in the past. I’m sure that most of them don’t even understand what
0.24 the meanness is, because the damned Savok turned out to be bad. So, when Leonov talks nonsense about education and
0.24 medicine, which should be taken from the USSR, and otherwise leave capitalism, he is not lying, he has really
0.24 degraded so much and no longer understands the essence of objects and phenomena, just as Uncle Vanya does not understand.
0.24 In one sentence he scolds the current authorities and commies, who are supposedly no different from them. Closed-mindedness,
0.24 degradation, selfishness, meanness – all these traits are inherent in such people, not because
0.24 they are somehow bad and wrong in themselves, but because current existence creates conditions
0.24 under which a person can absorb and develop such qualities much easier and more likely
0.24 than honesty, courage, altruism, and even when one absorbs is there any sense
0.24 in the courage of a Cossack beating an atheist with a nut, and in honesty? a rich man saying
0.24 who hasn’t earned hundreds of millions, let him go to hell, and from the chastity of the headmistress,
0.24 who fires a young teacher for a photo in a swimsuit, and from the compassion of a human rights activist,
0.24 pitying the White Guard terrorists, the sad truth is that there are no absolutes of morality,
0.24 morality and personal qualities, except those that we establish for ourselves. There is no
0.24 black and white in the real, specific, private conditions of life of each person. Every
0.24 hero can become a scumbag. Every bastard can do good. The key word is can.
0.24 An American patriot who truly loves his neighbor drops napalm on Vietnamese children.
0.24 An honest communist shoots Contra under dubious circumstances on the orders of
0.24 Comrade Beria. A sincere liberal approves of censorship. All this can and does happen,
0.24 because a person, placed in specific conditions, makes a choice under
0.24 the influence of many external and internal factors. There are many trials and difficulties in a person&;s life, and
0.24 none of them immediately makes him a hero. Attempts to ignore this may be associated with complexes
0.24 due to the fact that one of the like-minded people may betray or commit an act
0.24 that seems low. This is a sign that a person does not want to accept that people are people
0.24 and not perfect superheroes. For example, some people try to argue that the traitor General
0.24 Vlasov was never a communist and was always looking for opportunities to do harm. However, this is not true. Such
0.24 people do not have the courage to admit that the red commander could renounce his beliefs
0.24 because he loved himself and his life more than the idea and the country for which he successfully fought.
0.24 Also, the inability of modern pseudo-red sectarians to recognize the merits of bourgeois
0.24 art may be due to the fact that they do not want to see that it can have a value that
0.24 is not associated with a negation of the society in which it was created and does not contain calls for destruction.
0.24 Materialism shows that all morals, personal qualities, virtues, guidelines, ideas
0.24 and ideals of a person are a product of interaction with the material world. They don&;t appear from outside
0.24 are not produced by a special organ. We invented them ourselves. And we ourselves can distort them, reject them,
0.24 misunderstand them, use them for other purposes, and even out of nobility do something bad
0.24 in relation to the same object. But does this mean that there is no difference between a hero,
0.24 a hard worker, a decent person and a scoundrel, a traitor, a coward? Perhaps for atheists,
0.24 nihilists and those who have realized that their morality is not absolute, there is no such difference. However, a person
0.24 familiar with historical materialism understands that all the positive qualities and moral principles
0.24 that are known to mankind throughout history arose from materialistic
0.24 premises at a certain stage in the development of society. Over time, they were updated and cleared
0.24 of excess. This is exactly what Engels and Marx wrote about. For example, remember how society
0.24 used to view marriage? It was believed that marriage should be based on calculation, and not on love.
0.24 But over time, people realized that marriage should be built on love, not money. Unfortunately,
0.24 some people who oppose sodomites demonstrate double standards in their actions.
0.24 They criticize others, but at the same time they themselves do not always meet high moral standards.
0.24 The communists did not deny morality, they simply understood it better than many others. You cannot justify
0.24 someone’s personal meanness and weakness with the words “we are not like that, life is like that.” You can explain why
0.24 a person does this, but considering it normal and natural is wrong. Social existence
0.24 determines society, and this must be taken into account when analyzing people&;s behavior.
0.24 But what about the consciousness of an individual person? After all, all people cannot be described by one template.
0.24 Individual consciousness and human essence in each individual case determine
0.24 its existence, interaction with social existence and social consciousness, of which
0.24 personal consciousness is a part. Therefore, every person is terribly free in the most unfree society.
0.24 He is free to make choices within the framework determined by current existence. This is how heroes and villains emerge
0.24 , this is how movements towards progress and various forms of fascism arise
0.24 that reflect outdated views. The result is a lot of personal choices. This is how existence and environment are created
0.24 , which influence a person and form his essence within the framework
0.24 of being. From the particular to the general, we can connect the personality and its changes with the laws of development
0.24 of the entire society. This is the secret of how consciousness arises, which affects being,
0.24 under the influence of being itself. Next to Vlasov there will always be
0.24 Karbyshev, next to the bourgeoisized cosmonaut – the one who has preserved his principles. Next
0.24 to Ayn ​​Rand is Ernest Hemingway, next to John Wayne is Dalton Trumbo. Next to thieves are honest
0.24 people, regardless of their level of understanding of socio-historical processes. All that matters is
0.24 what options social existence offers and what choice leads where. For example, an astronaut in
0.24 1991 has a choice – to become a huckster who squeezes out factories, or not to keep up with the times.
0.24 Everything depends solely on what his essence has become at the time of choice. Afterwards
0.24 , the essence can change under the influence of the consequences of choice and existence. And the choice for
0.24 everyone is not made by the rotten system, not by the boys in Adidas and not by Putin.
0.24 Because no matter what life is, you are always what you agree to be.
0.24 Or not to be. In the main. Not in flag waving, not in the absence of bad habits, sexual fetishes,
0.24 lifestyle, tastes in art and so on. Not even in accordance with any morality, but in relation to
0.24 the world around. And don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying that someone is to blame, someone is not to blame,
0.24 someone should be forgiven or not. It is important to understand the essence of cause and effect,
0.24 and then analyze them in the context of the general laws of development. Believe me,
0.24 this approach makes life much easier than following emotions.
0.24 The most interesting thing is that even when we consider people’s actions from this point of view,
0.24 we make a choice: we can condemn, justify, ignore the situation. And this is also a choice,
0.24 which is influenced by general existence, and social consciousness with its values ​​and attitudes, and our
0.24 personal essence in relation to this consciousness. This is why statements that
0.24 the values ​​of the collapsed USSR were wrong and should be forgotten and lived in a bourgeois way do not work. Man this
0.24 not status and not just erase his history. Man is a process, which means CHANGE is just around the corner!

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