Disponible sur la plateforme YouTube, vidéo sur le thème « masturbate »
Vidéo sur le thème « masturbate » par Psych2Go
Une vidéo, réalisée par Psych2Go et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est destinée aux passionnés du thème «masturbate ».
La plateforme YouTube est propose des vidéos allant des derniers succès musicaux aux comédies hilarantes, en passant par des documentaires captivants.
Nous avons pris connaissance de cette vidéo il y a peu (). Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 60399.
La durée (00:06:42s) de la vidéo, le titre (The Effects of Masturbation on Your Brain), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Masturbation is a natural and healthy part of human sexuality, and our goal is to spread useful information on the ways it can affect you psychologically. If you find that masturbation is getting in the way of your daily life, then maybe it’s time to reevaluate the psychological and mental impact it could be having on you. Please speak to a mental health professional if you or someone else is struggling with addiction to masturbation. This video is not a replacement for medical advice.
#brain #psychology #mentalhealth
Disclaimer: Our intention is not to shame or stigmatize, but rather to offer information and support. If you or someone you know might be struggling with this issue, understanding the signs is a crucial first step to seeking help and making positive changes. Remember, you’re not alone in this, and there is always a path to healthier habits and greater well-being. Join us for this important conversation, and let’s explore the signs together.
Script Writer and Project Managed by: Michelle Rivas
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Brandon A.
Animator: Danica Diamos
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong
Hambach A, Evers S, Summ O, Husstedt IW, Frese A. The impact of sexual activity on idiopathic headaches: an observational study. Cephalalgia. 2013 Apr;33(6):384-9. doi: 10.1177/0333102413476374. Epub 2013 Feb 19. PMID: 23430983.
Benoit, Sophia. “Is ‘Post-Nut Clarity’ a Real Thing?” GQ, 25 Oct. 2023, www.gq.com/story/is-post-nut-clarity-real.
Ferguson, Sian. “Is Masturbation Actually Bad for Your Brain?” Healthline, 24 Jan. 2024, www.healthline.com/health/healthy-sex/masturbation-effects-on-brain.
Huizen , Jennifer. Masturbation: The Positive and Negative Effects on the Brain. 9 Feb. 2023, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/masturbation-effects-on-brain.
Katehakis, Alexandra. Childhood Trauma and Masturbation | Psychology Today. 6 Feb. 2015, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sex-lies-trauma/201502/childhood-trauma-and-masturbation.
Sharma, Snehal. “The Good, The Bad & The Ugly—How Masturbating Affects Your Brain.” MensXP, 29 July 2021, www.mensxp.com/health/sexual-health/91220-how-masturbating-affects-your-brain.html.
Shelton, Michael. An Unacknowledged Harm of Masturbation | Psychology Today. 30 Mar. 2014, www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sex-life-the-american-male/201403/unacknowledged-harm-masturbation.
Zane, Zachary. “What Experts Know About ‘Post-Nut Clarity.’” Men’s Health, 7 Dec. 2020, www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a34838426/post-nut-clarity-definition/. ».
La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase
Sexualité et masturbation : un voyage vers l’équilibre
Arrêter la masturbation peut s’avérer être un défi significatif pour beaucoup, que l’on soit homme ou femme. Si cette pratique est fréquemment perçue comme une façon normale et bénéfique d’explorer sa sexualité, elle peut aussi poser problème lorsqu’elle évolue en addiction, perturbant divers aspects de la vie quotidienne tels que les relations, le travail ou la santé mentale.
Planifier un chemin d’action pour cesser
Suggérer un plan d’action pour éviter les rechutes
- Organiser une journée structurée : Remplissez votre emploi du temps avec des activités variées et bien planifiées.
- Créer un emploi du temps bien organisé : Remplissez votre journée de tâches et de loisirs bien définis.
Proposer des solutions pratiques pour réduire cette activité
- Substituer à la pratique par d’autres loisirs : Explorez de nouvelles passions ou engagez-vous dans des activités sportives.
- Remplacer cette pratique par des activités alternatives : Essayez le sport ou lancez-vous dans des hobbies inédits.
- Analyser les déclencheurs : Soyez attentif à ce qui provoque ce besoin.
Faire ressortir la nécessité de l’entraide sociale
- Voir un sexologue : Les conseils d’un spécialiste peuvent être précieux pour avancercomme www.chastete.frinstallé en France.C’est l’une des options les plus efficaces pour mettre fin à la masturbation excessive.
- Adhérer à des groupes de soutien : Discuter de ses objectifs avec d’autres favorise la motivation.
Analyser les causes de l’augmentation de cette pratique
Analyser les éléments psychologiques et émotionnels
Le stress, l’anxiété ou l’insatisfaction générale peuvent pousser à une pratique instinctive dans ce domaine.
Comprendre l’influence de la solitude et du désir
L’isolement et un désir non satisfait dans une relation ou dans la vie personnelle sont des éléments clés dans l’engagement dans cette pratique.
Étudier l’influence de la pornographie sur les comportements individuels
La pornographie est un facteur significatif. Elle accroît fréquemment l’envie de se masturber et peut altérer la perception de la sexualité.
Mesurer l’impact d’un sevrage complet
Souligner le parcours vers un bonheur véritable et stable
La réduction de la dépendance mène à des avantages durables dans la vie personnelle, sociale et professionnelle.
Expliquer l’amélioration progressive de la santé mentale
Lorsque l’on cesse, l’énergie augmente, l’humeur s’améliore et la concentration devient plus claire.
Présenter les changements bénéfiques dans les relations sociales
Les relations avec un conjoint deviennent plus profondes, avec une harmonie émotionnelle et physique accrue.
Explorer les causes et les effets de la dépendance à la masturbation
Repérer les premiers signes d’une dépendance
La masturbation habituelle, symptôme de la dépendance, entraîne une fréquence accrue et une perte de maîtrise, ce qui peut créer des tensions dans les relations avec un partenaire.
Observer les influences sur la santé mentale et corporelle
La consommation compulsive de pornographie, couplée à l’addiction à la masturbation, crée une stimulation continue du système dopaminergique, pouvant engendrer des troubles comme l’éjaculation précoce, une fatigue générale ou une insatisfaction sexuelle.
Comprendre ce qu’est la masturbation et ses différentes formes
Souvent associée à des bienfaits comme une gestion accrue du stress et une meilleure compréhension de son corps, la masturbation, lorsqu’elle est habituelle, peut engendrer certains problèmes.
En résumé
Cesser la masturbation habituelle nécessite du temps et de la détermination. En adoptant un plan bien conçu et avec un soutien approprié, ce défi peut être relevé, ouvrant la voie à une vie plus équilibrée et centrée sur des objectifs significatifs.
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#Effects #Masturbation #Brain
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: masturbation is as common as anything else also the sky is blue and water is wet yes we know you’ve heard it all before studies show that over 90% of men and over 50% of women masturbate however one aspect of masturbation that isn’t discussed as often is the way it can impact your brain masturbation can be healthy or dangerous depending on the frequency and pyo’s purpose is to help our audience understand and educate them on the phys physical and mental effects of masturbation because it can have a major impact on your health well-being and personal life especially for those who are struggling with compulsive masturbation so let’s get into it number one post masturbation Clarity we know this is actually referred to as the famous post nut Clarity by everyone on the internet but since we’re only discussing this in the context of masturbation and not sexual intercourse we will use the term post-masturbation Clarity to explain it post-masturbation Clarity refers to the mental reset and Clarity many people report feeling after achieving orgasm during masturbation there are many theories out there about this phenomenon but we’ll explain how it’s linked to your brain according to urologist Justin dubbin blood rushes back into your brain when you masturbate and reach orgasm specifically the prefrontal cortex which is the area of the brain responsible for decision making concentration and problem solving among other important functions Dr dubbin explains this can possibly explain the post-nut clarity sensation of calmness or mental Clarity you experience you’re kind of rebooting the system this explains the clarifying effect masturbation has on many people and why many opt to do it when they’re extremely stressed or anxious number two trauma response masturbation can be a self- soothing action for those who’ve experienced severe trauma and while this is not a bad thing if done occasionally too much of it can impact your relationships feeling an urgent need to masturbate any time you feel a negative emotion could be an unhealthy trauma response because you’re not facing the underlying issue that is causing you distress according to PhD Alexandra kacis anxiety fear jealousy and other Primal emotions can immediately trigger the need to pleasure me oneself often so quickly that the addict doesn’t have time to make the connection between the stressor and his or her reaction to it eventually negative emotions will bubble to the surface even if you’re masturbating to numb your feelings of pain and grief it’s important to seek mental health treatment to face any trauma or negative emotions because avoiding it and using masturbation to self soothe can be extremely toxic and can end up causing any mental health issues to become much worse number three happiness hormones one of the positive things about masturbation is its mood boosting effects here’s how it works the happiness hormones are made up of endorphins serotonin oxytocin and dopamine to name a few every time you take a bite of your favorite meal or watch your favorite TV show you release a concoction of Happiness hormones within your brain and masturbation is no exception when you masturbate these hormones send signals to your brain that can reduce stress and help you relax number four a natural stress and pain reliever masturbation can be a natural stress and pain reliever as we mentioned earlier when you masturbate your brain releases all types of hormones and oxytocin is one of them according to a 2015 study conducted by researcher and physician Dr Ken mberg oxytocin is linked with lowering cortisol levels the hormone you release when stressed and lowering blood pressure after masturbation with the help of endorphins and oxytocin you naturally feel relaxed which can promote better sleep in addition the endorphins you release are the brain’s natural pain relievers in a 2013 pure reviewed article research found that engaging in sexual activity can reduce migraines and cluster headaches which includes masturbation number five it can be addictive too much of any good thing can be problem and masturbation can definitely turn into a full-blown addiction if done excessively we mentioned the happiness hormones earlier but one in particular can trigger addiction when masturbation is done too frequently and that hormone is dopamine which is responsible for pleasure and reward in the brain over time masturbating excessively activates Delta fosb a molecule that regulates the reward system in your brain and accumulates when you engage in addictive behavior this Ule works like an electric switch in the brain and creates new neural Pathways in response to overs stimulation such as dopamine release from frequent masturbation the more you engage in masturbation the more this switch goes off making it very difficult to stop because your brain is now wired to constantly crave masturbation every time it wants to feel that same high from before in moderation it’s fine but in excess it can become like any other addiction and can literally rewire your brain the same way porn gambling or drug addiction does number six underlying conditions this might be surprising but many underlying conditions can make it difficult to masturbate and cause you to feel even more stress those experiencing sexual dysfunction such as vaginismus or erectile dysfunction may feel emotionally exhausted and frustrated during masturbation due to these conditions which can be exacerbated by mental health issues as we mentioned earlier trauma is a reason some may masturbate compulsively but trauma and emotional distress can also cause a person to stop masturbating altogether it’s extremely important to speak to a medical professional if you’re experiencing difficulty masturbating or any type of sexual dysfunction because they can refer you to the right treatment options were you shocked by any of these points are you going to continue doing the Deeds or stop either way masturbation can affect our mental health in some capacity providing short-term release but like anything long-term it becomes a dependence if you enjoyed this video we also made one talking about how porn damages your brain .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.399 masturbation is as common as anything
0.399 else also the sky is blue and water is
0.399 wet yes we know you&;ve heard it all
0.399 before studies show that over 90% of men
0.399 and over 50% of women masturbate however
0.399 one aspect of masturbation that isn&;t
0.399 discussed as often is the way it can
0.399 impact your brain masturbation can be
0.399 healthy or dangerous depending on the
0.399 frequency and pyo&;s purpose is to help
0.399 our audience understand and educate them
0.399 on the phys physical and mental effects
0.399 of masturbation because it can have a
0.399 major impact on your health well-being
0.399 and personal life especially for those
0.399 who are struggling with compulsive
0.399 masturbation so let&;s get into it number
0.399 one post masturbation Clarity we know
0.399 this is actually referred to as the
0.399 famous post nut Clarity by everyone on
0.399 the internet but since we&;re only
0.399 discussing this in the context of
0.399 masturbation and not sexual intercourse
0.399 we will use the term post-masturbation
0.399 Clarity to explain it post-masturbation
0.399 Clarity refers to the mental reset and
0.399 Clarity many people report feeling after
0.399 achieving orgasm during masturbation
0.399 there are many theories out there about
0.399 this phenomenon but we&;ll explain how
0.399 it&;s linked to your brain according to
0.399 urologist Justin dubbin blood rushes
0.399 back into your brain when you masturbate
0.399 and reach orgasm specifically the
0.399 prefrontal cortex which is the area of
0.399 the brain responsible for decision
0.399 making concentration and problem solving
0.399 among other important functions Dr
0.399 dubbin explains this can possibly
0.399 explain the post-nut clarity sensation
0.399 of calmness or mental Clarity you
0.399 experience you&;re kind of rebooting the
0.399 system this explains the clarifying
0.399 effect masturbation has on many people
0.399 and why many opt to do it when they&;re
0.399 extremely stressed or
0.399 anxious number two trauma response
0.399 masturbation can be a self- soothing
0.399 action for those who&;ve experienced
0.399 severe trauma and while this is not a
0.399 bad thing if done occasionally too much
0.399 of it can impact your relationships
0.399 feeling an urgent need to masturbate any
0.399 time you feel a negative emotion could
0.399 be an unhealthy trauma response because
0.399 you&;re not facing the underlying issue
0.399 that is causing you distress according
0.399 to PhD Alexandra kacis anxiety fear
0.399 jealousy and other Primal emotions can
0.399 immediately trigger the need to pleasure
0.399 me oneself often so quickly that the
0.399 addict doesn&;t have time to make the
0.399 connection between the stressor and his
0.399 or her reaction to it eventually
0.399 negative emotions will bubble to the
0.399 surface even if you&;re masturbating to
0.399 numb your feelings of pain and grief
0.399 it&;s important to seek mental health
0.399 treatment to face any trauma or negative
0.399 emotions because avoiding it and using
0.399 masturbation to self soothe can be
0.399 extremely toxic and can end up causing
0.399 any mental health issues to become much
0.399 worse number three happiness hormones
0.399 one of the positive things about
0.399 masturbation is its mood boosting
0.399 effects here&;s how it works the
0.399 happiness hormones are made up of
0.399 endorphins serotonin oxytocin and
0.399 dopamine to name a few every time you
0.399 take a bite of your favorite meal or
0.399 watch your favorite TV show you release
0.399 a concoction of Happiness hormones
0.399 within your brain and masturbation is no
0.399 exception when you masturbate these
0.399 hormones send signals to your brain that
0.399 can reduce stress and help you
0.399 relax number four a natural stress and
0.399 pain reliever masturbation can be a
0.399 natural stress and pain reliever as we
0.399 mentioned earlier when you masturbate
0.399 your brain releases all types of
0.399 hormones and oxytocin is one of them
0.399 according to a 2015 study conducted by
0.399 researcher and physician Dr Ken mberg
0.399 oxytocin is linked with lowering
0.399 cortisol levels the hormone you release
0.399 when stressed and lowering blood
0.399 pressure after masturbation with the
0.399 help of endorphins and oxytocin you
0.399 naturally feel relaxed which can promote
0.399 better sleep in addition the endorphins
0.399 you release are the brain&;s natural pain
0.399 relievers in a 2013 pure reviewed
0.399 article research found that engaging in
0.399 sexual activity can reduce migraines and
0.399 cluster headaches which includes
0.399 masturbation number five it can be
0.399 addictive too much of any good thing can
0.399 be problem and masturbation can
0.399 definitely turn into a full-blown
0.399 addiction if done excessively we
0.399 mentioned the happiness hormones earlier
0.399 but one in particular can trigger
0.399 addiction when masturbation is done too
0.399 frequently and that hormone is dopamine
0.399 which is responsible for pleasure and
0.399 reward in the brain over time
0.399 masturbating excessively activates Delta
0.399 fosb a molecule that regulates the
0.399 reward system in your brain and
0.399 accumulates when you engage in addictive
0.399 behavior this Ule works like an electric
0.399 switch in the brain and creates new
0.399 neural Pathways in response to overs
0.399 stimulation such as dopamine release
0.399 from frequent masturbation the more you
0.399 engage in masturbation the more this
0.399 switch goes off making it very difficult
0.399 to stop because your brain is now wired
0.399 to constantly crave masturbation every
0.399 time it wants to feel that same high
0.399 from before in moderation it&;s fine but
0.399 in excess it can become like any other
0.399 addiction and can literally rewire your
0.399 brain the same way porn gambling or drug
0.399 addiction does number six underlying
0.399 conditions this might be surprising but
0.399 many underlying conditions can make it
0.399 difficult to masturbate and cause you to
0.399 feel even more stress those experiencing
0.399 sexual dysfunction such as vaginismus or
0.399 erectile dysfunction may feel
0.399 emotionally exhausted and frustrated
0.399 during masturbation due to these
0.399 conditions which can be exacerbated by
0.399 mental health issues
0.399 as we mentioned earlier trauma is a
0.399 reason some may masturbate compulsively
0.399 but trauma and emotional distress can
0.399 also cause a person to stop masturbating
0.399 altogether it&;s extremely important to
0.399 speak to a medical professional if
0.399 you&;re experiencing difficulty
0.399 masturbating or any type of sexual
0.399 dysfunction because they can refer you
0.399 to the right treatment options were you
0.399 shocked by any of these points are you
0.399 going to continue doing the Deeds or
0.399 stop either way masturbation can affect
0.399 our mental health in some capacity
0.399 providing short-term release but like
0.399 anything long-term it becomes a
0.399 dependence if you enjoyed this video we
0.399 also made one talking about how porn
0.399 damages your brain
Vous pouvez lire ce post traitant le sujet « chasteté ». Il est produit par la rédaction de chastete.fr. Le site chastete.fr a pour objectif de publier plusieurs articles autour du sujet chasteté développées sur le web. Cette chronique se veut générée de la façon la plus juste qui soit. Pour émettre des remarques sur ce dossier autour du sujet « chasteté » prenez les contacts indiqués sur notre site internet. En consultant régulièrement nos contenus de blog vous serez au courant des futures parutions.