chasteté; Why Is Vitex Called The Chaste or Chastity Tree? / How To Prune & Learn About A New Hardier Hybrid

Le thème « chasteté » par Overdevest Nurseries

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La durée (00:07:56s) de la vidéo, le titre (Why Is Vitex Called The Chaste or Chastity Tree? / How To Prune & Learn About A New Hardier Hybrid), sont à prendre en compte de même que la description publiée par l’auteur :« Join David and find out about this exciting new hardier (USDA Zone 5) selection of Vitex (Chaste or Chastity Tree).
Watch and listen as he demonstrates how to prune it in early spring and near the end of this video, he explains how they have become known by these unusual common names.

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Vitex Summertime Blues™ (Vitex x ‘Helen Froehlich’) PPAF ».

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Quelle influence la pratique de la chasteté exerce-t-elle sur la relation entre deux personnes ?

L’impact de la chasteté sur une relation de couple peut être considérable. Elle peut renforcer la confiance et la communication, en encourageant les partenaires à explorer de nouvelles formes d’intimité. Pour certains, elle transforme la sexualité en un terrain plus vaste et créatif, tout en augmentant la complicité et l’excitation. Lorsqu’elle est bien gérée, la chasteté peut devenir un moyen puissant de renforcer les liens et de découvrir de nouvelles dimensions de la relation.

En quoi la chasteté est-elle bénéfique?

La chasteté, souvent pratiquée avec l’aide de dispositifs comme les cages de chasteté, peut offrir plusieurs avantages, tant sur le plan personnel que relationnel. En matière personnelle, la chasteté aide à renforcer la maîtrise de soi, ce qui améliore la concentration sur d’autres aspects de la vie. Le désir sexuel, amplifié par la chasteté, rend les moments d’intimité bien plus intenses. La chasteté, au sein du couple, permet d’améliorer la communication et de renforcer la complicité. En se concentrant sur des gestes d’affection non sexuels, les partenaires peuvent explorer de nouvelles façons de se connecter sur le plan émotionnel et d’enrichir leur relation.

Les règles pour porter et utiliser une cage de chasteté :

Quand la cage de chasteté est installée, elle bloque les érections complètes et limite l’accès au pénis. Ce dispositif aide à gérer l’activité sexuelle, que ce soit en solo ou avec la surveillance d’un partenaire. Maintenir une hygiène adéquate est crucial lorsque l’on porte la cage. La plupart des cages sont conçues pour permettre la miction sans devoir retirer le dispositif, mais il est vital de nettoyer régulièrement pour éviter les irritations et infections. La cage ne peut être retirée qu’en utilisant la clé pour déverrouiller le dispositif et enlever l’anneau de base ainsi que le tube. Il est conseillé de vérifier l’état de la peau et la circulation sanguine après chaque utilisation prolongée. La cage de chasteté est un dispositif complexe mais fonctionnel pour ceux qui veulent pratiquer la chasteté. En connaissant les divers composants et en l’utilisant correctement, on peut intégrer cette pratique en toute sécurité et avec confort dans sa vie personnelle ou de couple.

Comment évaluer la taille convenable pour une cage de chasteté ?

Pendant l’utilisation d’une ceinture de chasteté, il est impératif de suivre des recommandations précises. La prévention des infections passe par un maintien rigoureux de l’hygiène. Il est essentiel de retirer régulièrement la cage pour examiner la peau et permettre un nettoyage adéquat. Pour s’assurer que la pratique se déroule dans de bonnes conditions, une bonne communication avec le coach est nécessaire, car son expérience aide à prévoir les évolutions.

Pourquoi opter pour une ceinture ou une cage de chasteté ?

Il existe différentes raisons pour utiliser une ceinture de chasteté. Pour certains individus, c’est une manière de maintenir une discipline stricte et de contrôler la sexualité masculine (érection, masturbation, etc.). La ceinture de chasteté est aussi un moyen de stimuler l’excitation dans les jeux de domination. Certaines personnes l’utilisent pour assurer la fidélité dans le couple en empêchant l’infidélité physique. Elle est parfois perçue comme un jeu ou un défi où la contrainte et la patience amplifient l’excitation et le désir.

Suivez le guide sur l’homme et la chasteté.

La chasteté de l’homme est une pratique courante. Aujourd’hui, la chasteté masculine se pratique dans l’ombre. La thématique de la chasteté masculine est largement couverte sur le site qui traite de la chasteté de l’homme. Beaucoup d’hommes dissimulent ainsi leur cage de chasteté. Son sexe est enfermé sous ses habits. Cela lui interdit de se masturber complètement. C’est un coach qui régit ses actes sexuels, ses pulsions étant sous contrôle. Sans accessoire de chasteté pour retenir sa verge et ses testicules, l’homme se masturbe aisément. C’est dans l’ordre des choses. Dans la société actuelle, l’homme est toujours sous excitation. Il peut se concentrer, mais les sollicitations incessantes de la publicité, du cinéma, de la musique et autres le rattrapent. La solution qu’il trouve est de se soumettre à une autorité qui régit son sexe et la rétention de sa semence. La chasteté est un levier pour augmenter la réussite et la performance chez les hommes. Qu’il soit cadre, sportif ou étudiant, la contrainte des organes génitaux via un accessoire induit un état psychologique autre que celui engendré par la masturbation libre ou la sexualité désordonnée.

Comment une cage de chasteté fonctionne-t-elle ?

Le principe de fonctionnement d’une cage de chasteté est relativement simple et basé sur une méthode de confinement sécurisée. Étapes pour la mise en place d’une cage de chasteté : Pour débuter, l’utilisateur place l’anneau de base autour de la base du pénis et derrière les testicules. Ensuite, on place le tube, dont la longueur peut varier, sur le pénis et on l’insère dans la cage. Comment sécuriser : Une fois le tube installé, les tiges de connexion sont utilisées pour joindre l’anneau de base à la cage. Le verrouillage du dispositif se fait ensuite à l’aide du verrou. Celui-ci permet à la cage de jouer son rôle de prison et empêche le retrait de la cage, sauf si le détenteur de la clé décide de la déverrouiller.

Quels sont les composants distincts d’une cage de chasteté ?

Une cage de chasteté est un appareil fait pour empêcher l’accès au pénis, fréquemment utilisé pour réguler le plaisir sexuel des hommes ou pour accroître la discipline personnelle. Voici les éléments principaux d’une cage de chasteté : Le tube, souvent désigné comme la cage, est la pièce principale du dispositif. Le pénis est enfermé dans cette partie du dispositif. Le tube est habituellement conçu pour épouser la forme du pénis au repos, garantissant un maintien à la fois confortable et limité. Les tubes peuvent être construits en acier, plastique ou silicone, chaque matériau ayant des avantages en qualité, confort, sécurité et hygiène. L’anneau de base joue un rôle clé dans le dispositif. Il est positionné autour de la base du pénis et en arrière des testicules. Il est connecté au tube, garantissant que la cage reste fixée et empêchant tout retrait non autorisé. Les anneaux sont disponibles en tailles variées pour un ajustement confortable à l’utilisateur, sans exercer une pression trop importante. Le verrou permet de sécuriser la cage sur l’anneau de base. Les types de verrous varient, allant de cadenas métalliques traditionnels à des options en plastique discrets. Une fois verrouillé, le dispositif ne peut être retiré sans la clé, garantissant que l’utilisateur reste dans l’état de chasteté désiré. Les espaçeurs, ou tiges de connexion, connectent l’anneau de base au tube. Elles permettent d’ajuster la distance entre l’anneau et la cage, offrant ainsi un ajustement personnalisé pour plus de confort. On trouve ces tiges en plusieurs longueurs pour garantir un ajustement optimal selon la morphologie de chaque utilisateur. Pour un ajustement optimal, il est nécessaire de mesurer la longueur de la verge et les diamètres de la base du pénis et de la verge. Certaines cages de chasteté sont équipées d’ailettes anti-recul, de petites extensions internes destinées à prévenir le mouvement arrière du pénis dans la cage. En augmentant la sécurité du dispositif, cela rend le retrait du pénis beaucoup plus compliqué.

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#Vitex #Called #Chaste #Chastity #Tree #Prune #Learn #Hardier #Hybrid

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: good afternoon and welcome to over devos nurseries it’s a beautiful sunny day in early spring just the sort of day when it’s great to be outside and to get some projects done in the garden and especially if you come across some gorgeous plants like that little viburnum i was just smelling that is viburnum spice island a relatively new variety that is absolutely exquisite short and compact and rounded lots and lots of flowers and above all a fantastic fragrance wonderful on a day like today when the fragrance is wafting on the breeze and here in front of me is another new variety that we’re excited about at the nursery too this is a new variety of vitax that was developed at the chicago botanic gardens this is vitac summertime blues and what’s neat about this particular variety is that it is one zone hardier than all of the other vitax that we’ve been hither to able to grow they’re mostly zone six and warmer what’s neat about the vitax is that this is a summer flowering shrub that is very tolerant of hot summer conditions once it’s established it’s very drought tolerant it flowers at a time of year during the summer time when a lot of other plants are kind of wilting in the bright sunlight not this one this holds up remarkably well it’s got panicles of purplish blue flowers that are very attractive to pollinating insects the hummingbirds and butterflies and it’s really good and that it also can be grown without having to worry about deer bothering it and so on so if you want to find out more about it check out also on this website we have a video that explains more detail more of the features of this variety and if you haven’t come across it before i would suggest that you take a look at it because i think that is something that certainly if you’ve got a sunny well-drained area is a plant that you’ll probably want to think at least about growing now i know it doesn’t look that great just now but i promise you during the summer time it really is quite striking and very easy to grow but there’s a couple of things that you can do to it to really get the most out of it and one of those things is to prune it now at this time of year in early spring you see this is kind of like a butterfly bush it grows out and flowers on the current year’s growth and if you look here on the stems you’ll see these are the remains of the old flowers from last year and it made the growth from the base and then grew out and flowered on it and that kind of gives a clue to the thing that you should do when you prune it now at this time of year so like many other plants that grow and flower on the current year’s growth the more you cut it back the stronger it’s going to grow out and the larger and more impressive the flowers are going to be and this is really no exception now when i look at this plant here to prune it back the first thing i want to do is to get in here and cut back all of these little thin weak spindly growths here in the middle now there’s some old leaves and other debris that is kind of collected here at the base over the winter time and so it might be hard for you to see but effectively what i’m doing is going in here and taking out all of this congested little thin spindly growth that’s here in the inside and if you come across any dead branches or anything like that that’s in here that’s there’s one there that is dead and showing no life in it so those you’ll take out two so basically what we’re doing is just opening up the center of the plant here and then leaving it so that we’re able to take a look at the framework the main framework of branches now it might be a little difficult for you to see but effectively i’ve taken out all of the little twiggy growth that was here i’ve shortened back some of the small little shoots that are growing in towards the middle of the plant and that leaves me now with as you see this structure which as you see what i’ve done with these shoots is shorten them back taking about two-thirds the growth off and leaving a third here at the base so here’s the other half of the plant and i’m going to do exactly the same with that take a look at this shoot here you see there’s the flowers from last year and now here’s nice strong vigorous growth and i’m going to take this shoot off just about here and that means that now what’s going to happen is the buds are going to sprout from here and this is all going to grow off in this direction this one i’m taking out there there’s an old flower head that comes out and this one over here on this shoot you’ll see there’s a set of buds just there and that’s where i’m going to take that out as well so now working my way around the plant we’re nearly finished as you see there’s really just a few shoots over here in this direction so here’s one again i’m going to take this back to here there’s a couple growing off out in this direction i’m going to chop those back to there and then here’s one that as you see is almost growing along the ground there’s where it was pruned last year and all of this growth was made so this time and already is starting i see to form buds here so i’m going to take that back to there a little twiggy growth there so that comes out and then finally the last two i’m going to shorten it back to there and this one here i’m going to take back to there and now as you see the plant is all set to produce lots of good strong vigorous growth now the only thing left to do now is just gather up the trimmings and also give it a treatment with some well-balanced formulated fertilizer i like to use a slow release fertilizer because i only have to put it down once and it slowly releases fertilizer over the year now what’s interesting about the vitax is that as you see if you get some of your prunings they’re very flexible they were used in the ancient times in fact even middle ages i believe for basket work for weaving wattle fences and basket work and so on and there’s also another interesting thing about vitax and that revolves around the common name the chase tree or chastity plant you see one of the parents of this hybrid is a species that comes from the mediterranean and the ancient apothecaries there believed that it had peculiar sedative properties and it said that the matrons went out and cut leaves and shoots and used it as bedding to quell the desires of young maidens now i doubt very much whether it works or not but if you have a house full of daughters it might be worth investing in a few this is david wilson enjoy your gardening it’s good for us and it’s very good for our environment too .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

1.199 good afternoon and welcome to over devos
1.199 nurseries it&;s a beautiful sunny day in
1.199 early spring
1.199 just the sort of day when it&;s great to
1.199 be outside and to get some projects done
1.199 in the garden and especially if you come
1.199 across some gorgeous plants like that
1.199 little viburnum i was just smelling that
1.199 is viburnum spice island a relatively
1.199 new variety that is absolutely exquisite
1.199 short and compact and rounded lots and
1.199 lots of flowers and above all a
1.199 fantastic fragrance wonderful on a day
1.199 like today
1.199 when the fragrance is wafting on the
1.199 breeze and here in front of me is
1.199 another new variety
1.199 that we&;re excited about at the nursery
1.199 too
1.199 this is a new variety of vitax that was
1.199 developed at the chicago botanic gardens
1.199 this is vitac summertime blues and
1.199 what&;s neat about this particular
1.199 variety is that it is one zone hardier
1.199 than all of the other vitax that we&;ve
1.199 been hither to able to grow they&;re
1.199 mostly zone six and
1.199 warmer what&;s neat about the vitax is
1.199 that this is a summer flowering shrub
1.199 that is very tolerant of hot summer
1.199 conditions once it&;s established it&;s
1.199 very drought tolerant it flowers at a
1.199 time of year during the summer time when
1.199 a lot of other plants are kind of
1.199 wilting in the bright sunlight not this
1.199 one this holds up remarkably well it&;s
1.199 got
1.199 panicles of purplish blue flowers that
1.199 are very attractive to pollinating
1.199 insects the hummingbirds and butterflies
1.199 and it&;s really good and that it also
1.199 can be grown
1.199 without having to worry about deer
1.199 bothering it and so on so if you want to
1.199 find out more about it check out also on
1.199 this website we have a video that
1.199 explains more detail more of the
1.199 features of this variety and if you
1.199 haven&;t come across it before i would
1.199 suggest that you take a look at it
1.199 because i think that is something that
1.199 certainly if you&;ve got a sunny
1.199 well-drained area is a plant that you&;ll
1.199 probably want to think at least about
1.199 growing
1.199 now i know it doesn&;t look that great
1.199 just now but i promise you during the
1.199 summer time it really is quite striking
1.199 and very easy to grow but there&;s a
1.199 couple of things that you can do to it
1.199 to really get the most out of it and one
1.199 of those things is to prune it now at
1.199 this time of year in early spring
1.199 you see this is kind of like a butterfly
1.199 bush it grows out and flowers on the
1.199 current year&;s growth and if you look
1.199 here on the stems you&;ll see these are
1.199 the remains of the old flowers from last
1.199 year and it made the growth from the
1.199 base and then grew out and flowered on
1.199 it and that kind of gives a clue to the
1.199 thing that you should do when you prune
1.199 it now at this time of year
1.199 so like many other plants that grow and
1.199 flower on the current year&;s growth the
1.199 more you cut it back the stronger it&;s
1.199 going to grow out and the larger and
1.199 more impressive the flowers are going to
1.199 be and this is really no exception now
1.199 when i look at this plant here to prune
1.199 it back the first thing i want to do is
1.199 to get in here and cut back all of these
1.199 little thin weak spindly growths here in
1.199 the middle
1.199 now there&;s some old leaves and other
1.199 debris that is kind of collected here at
1.199 the base over the winter time and so it
1.199 might be hard for you to see but
1.199 effectively what i&;m doing is going in
1.199 here and taking out all of this
1.199 congested little thin spindly growth
1.199 that&;s here in the inside and if you
1.199 come across any dead branches or
1.199 anything like that that&;s in here that&;s
1.199 there&;s one there
1.199 that is dead and showing no life in it
1.199 so those you&;ll take out two so
1.199 basically what we&;re doing is just
1.199 opening up the center of the plant here
1.199 and then leaving it so that we&;re able
1.199 to take a look at the framework the main
1.199 framework of branches
1.199 now it might be a little difficult for
1.199 you to see but effectively i&;ve taken
1.199 out all of the little twiggy growth that
1.199 was here
1.199 i&;ve shortened back some of the small
1.199 little shoots that are growing in
1.199 towards the middle of the plant and that
1.199 leaves me now with as you see this
1.199 structure which as you see
1.199 what i&;ve done with these shoots is
1.199 shorten them back taking about
1.199 two-thirds the growth off and leaving a
1.199 third here at the base so here&;s the
1.199 other half of the plant and i&;m going to
1.199 do exactly the same with that take a
1.199 look at this shoot here you see there&;s
1.199 the flowers from last year and now
1.199 here&;s nice strong vigorous growth and
1.199 i&;m going to take this shoot off just
1.199 about here and that means that now
1.199 what&;s going to happen is the buds are
1.199 going to sprout from here and this is
1.199 all going to grow off in this direction
1.199 this one i&;m taking out there there&;s an
1.199 old flower head that comes out and this
1.199 one over here on this shoot you&;ll see
1.199 there&;s a set of buds just there and
1.199 that&;s where i&;m going to take that out
1.199 as well
1.199 so now working my way around the plant
1.199 we&;re nearly finished as you see there&;s
1.199 really just a few shoots over here in
1.199 this direction so here&;s one again i&;m
1.199 going to take this back to here
1.199 there&;s a couple growing off out in this
1.199 direction i&;m going to chop those back
1.199 to there and then here&;s one that as you
1.199 see is almost growing along the ground
1.199 there&;s where it was pruned last year
1.199 and all of this growth was made so this
1.199 time and already is starting i see to
1.199 form buds here so i&;m going to take that
1.199 back to there a little twiggy growth
1.199 there so that comes out and then finally
1.199 the last two i&;m going to shorten it
1.199 back to there and this one here i&;m
1.199 going to take back to there and now as
1.199 you see
1.199 the plant is all set to produce lots of
1.199 good strong vigorous growth
1.199 now the only thing left to do now is
1.199 just gather up the trimmings
1.199 and also give it a treatment with some
1.199 well-balanced
1.199 formulated fertilizer
1.199 i like to use a slow release fertilizer
1.199 because i only have to put it down once
1.199 and it slowly releases fertilizer over
1.199 the year
1.199 now what&;s interesting about the vitax
1.199 is that as you see if you get some of
1.199 your prunings they&;re very flexible they
1.199 were used in the ancient times in fact
1.199 even middle ages i believe
1.199 for basket work for weaving wattle
1.199 fences and basket work and so on
1.199 and there&;s also another interesting
1.199 thing about vitax and that revolves
1.199 around the common name the chase tree or
1.199 chastity plant you see one of the
1.199 parents of this hybrid is a species that
1.199 comes from the mediterranean and the
1.199 ancient apothecaries there believed that
1.199 it had peculiar sedative properties and
1.199 it said that the matrons went out and
1.199 cut leaves and shoots and used it as
1.199 bedding to quell the desires of young
1.199 maidens
1.199 now i doubt very much whether it works
1.199 or not but if you have a house full of
1.199 daughters it might be worth investing in
1.199 a few
1.199 this is david wilson enjoy your
1.199 gardening it&;s good for us and it&;s very
1.199 good for our environment too

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