chasteté; 老員工把新員工趕走,還偷穿她的禮服參加集團宴會,殊不知董事長是她爸,這下踢到鐵板了!💕Chinese Television Dramas

A voir sur YouTube, le thème « chasteté » avec cette vidéo

七七甜剧 développe le thème « chasteté »

Disponible sur YouTube (), cette vidéo créée par 七七甜剧 est consacrée au thème « chasteté » et en présente quelques aspects.

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La vidéo présentait déjà plusieurs interactions au moment où nous l’avons observée (). Le compteur de Likes indiquait: 27.

Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (01:33:25s), le titre (老員工把新員工趕走,還偷穿她的禮服參加集團宴會,殊不知董事長是她爸,這下踢到鐵板了!💕Chinese Television Dramas), ainsi que le commentaire de l’auteur :« 感謝您的觀看,一起來快樂追劇吧~
#唐嫣 #邱澤 #chinesetelevisiondramas

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Un guide complet sur l’homme et la chasteté.

La chasteté est souvent adoptée par les hommes. La chasteté masculine est discrètement observée à notre époque. Cet article traite en profondeur du sujet de la chasteté de l’homme. Cela cache le fait que de nombreux hommes utilisent une cage de chasteté. Sous ses vêtements, l’homme a son sexe entravé. Cela l’empêche de se masturber. Il ne suit plus ses désirs animaux, mais obéit aux décisions d’un coach concernant ses actes sexuels. Sans retenue sur son sexe, l’homme se laisse facilement aller à la masturbation. C’est une tendance naturelle chez l’homme. L’excitation est omniprésente chez l’homme dans le monde moderne. Bien qu’il se concentre, l’homme est constamment exposé aux sollicitations publicitaires, cinématographiques, musicales et autres. La seule solution pour lui est de se soumettre volontairement à une autorité supérieure qui prend le contrôle de son sexe et de la rétention de sa semence. La chasteté joue un rôle essentiel dans l’amélioration des performances et de la réussite masculine. La contrainte des organes génitaux dans un accessoire, qu’il soit sportif, étudiant ou cadre, crée un état psychologique distinct de celui issu de la masturbation libre ou de la sexualité anarchique.

Quels sont les composants d’une cage de chasteté ?

Une cage de chasteté est un appareil conçu pour limiter l’accès au pénis, souvent utilisé dans des pratiques de contrôle du plaisir sexuel ou pour renforcer la discipline personnelle. Voici les composants principaux d’une cage de chasteté : Le tube, souvent désigné comme la cage, est la pièce principale du dispositif. Le pénis est enfermé dans cette partie du dispositif. Le tube est typiquement façonné pour s’adapter à la forme du pénis au repos, offrant un maintien à la fois confortable et limité. Les tubes peuvent être faits en acier, en plastique ou en silicone, chaque matériau présentant des avantages spécifiques en termes de qualité, de confort, de sécurité et d’hygiène. L’anneau de base est une pièce fondamentale du système. Il se fixe autour de la base du pénis et en arrière des testicules. Il est attaché au tube pour garantir que la cage reste stable et éviter tout retrait non autorisé. Les anneaux sont offerts en plusieurs tailles pour assurer un ajustement confortable à l’utilisateur, sans serrer trop fort. Le verrou est essentiel pour fixer la cage à l’anneau de base. Les types de verrous varient, allant de cadenas métalliques traditionnels à des options en plastique discrets. Lorsque le dispositif est verrouillé, il ne peut être enlevé sans la clé, garantissant que l’utilisateur reste dans l’état de chasteté désiré. Les pièces appelées tiges de connexion ou espaçeurs relient l’anneau de base au tube. Les tiges permettent de modifier la distance entre l’anneau et la cage, assurant ainsi un confort optimal. Ces espaçeurs sont souvent proposés en diverses longueurs pour permettre un réglage optimal selon la morphologie individuelle. Il est important de mesurer plusieurs paramètres, tels que la longueur de la verge et les diamètres de la base du pénis et de la verge. Certaines cages de chasteté sont dotées d’ailettes anti-recul, des extensions internes qui empêchent le pénis de se déplacer vers l’arrière dans la cage. Cette caractéristique améliore la sécurité du dispositif en rendant le retrait du pénis encore plus difficile.

Porter et utiliser une cage de chasteté :

En place, la cage de chasteté bloque les érections entières et restreint l’accès au pénis. Cela permet de gérer l’activité sexuelle de l’utilisateur, que ce soit seul ou avec la présence d’un partenaire. Il est important de garder une bonne hygiène pendant le port de la cage. La plupart des cages permettent d’uriner sans retirer le dispositif, mais un nettoyage fréquent est nécessaire pour éviter les irritations ou infections. Pour enlever la cage, il est indispensable d’utiliser la clé pour déverrouiller le dispositif et retirer l’anneau de base ainsi que le tube. Il est recommandé de contrôler l’état de la peau et la circulation sanguine après chaque période prolongée de port. Une cage de chasteté est un dispositif élaboré mais efficace pour ceux qui choisissent la chasteté. En comprenant bien ses parties et en l’utilisant correctement, il est possible de l’intégrer confortablement et en toute sécurité dans sa vie personnelle ou en couple.

Quelle influence la pratique de la chasteté exerce-t-elle sur la relation entre deux personnes ?

L’impact de la chasteté sur une relation de couple peut être considérable. La chasteté favorise la découverte de nouvelles formes d’intimité, renforçant ainsi la confiance et la communication entre partenaires. La pratique de la chasteté peut introduire une complicité et une excitation accrues, en élargissant la sexualité en un espace plus innovant pour certains couples. Si elle est bien gérée, la chasteté peut être un outil puissant pour fortifier les liens et explorer de nouvelles dimensions de la relation.

Comment évaluer la taille convenable pour une cage de chasteté ?

Il est essentiel de suivre des règles de sécurité lorsque vous portez une ceinture de chasteté. Pour prévenir les infections, il est essentiel de garder une hygiène rigoureuse. Pour assurer un nettoyage complet et vérifier l’état de la peau, il est important de retirer la cage régulièrement. Pour s’assurer que la pratique se déroule dans de bonnes conditions, une bonne communication avec le coach est nécessaire, car son expérience aide à prévoir les évolutions.

En quoi consiste le fonctionnement d’une cage de chasteté ?

La cage de chasteté fonctionne sur un principe relativement simple, impliquant un confinement sécurisé. Procédure pour installer une cage de chasteté : L’anneau de base est d’abord placé autour de la base du pénis et derrière les testicules. Le tube est placé sur le pénis et ensuite inséré à l’intérieur de la cage. Mise en place de la sécurité : Lorsque le tube est positionné, les tiges de connexion relient l’anneau de base à la cage. Le dernier pas consiste à verrouiller le dispositif à l’aide du verrou. Grâce au verrou, la cage reste en place et ne peut être retirée que par le détenteur de la clé.

Quels gains peut offrir la chasteté?

La pratique de la chasteté, souvent accompagnée d’accessoires comme les cages de chasteté, offre plusieurs bénéfices, aussi bien personnels que relationnels. Grâce à la pratique de la chasteté, on peut accroître son autodiscipline et se concentrer sur des aspects plus importants de la vie. En augmentant l’anticipation, la chasteté peut rendre les instants d’intimité encore plus passionnés. La chasteté permet d’intensifier la complicité et d’améliorer la communication au sein du couple. En remettant l’accent sur des formes d’affection non sexuelles, les partenaires peuvent redécouvrir d’autres moyens de se connecter émotionnellement afin d’enrichir la relation.

Pour quelles raisons choisir de porter une ceinture ou une cage de chasteté ?

Il existe différentes raisons pour utiliser une ceinture de chasteté. Pour certaines personnes, elle sert à renforcer l’autodiscipline et à maîtriser la sexualité masculine (érection, masturbation, etc.). Elle a également un usage excitant dans le cadre de jeux sexuels de domination. D’autres l’utilisent pour garantir la fidélité dans leur couple en empêchant toute possibilité d’infidélité physique. Certains voient cet accessoire comme un défi ludique où la privation et l’attente alimentent l’excitation et le désir.

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#老員工把新員工趕走還偷穿她的禮服參加集團宴會殊不知董事長是她爸這下踢到鐵板了Chinese #Television #Dramas

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Hey, coffee. Give it to me by the way. Yeah It’s you. What, you think it’s Timi? I’m sorry. I’ve been too busy. Jin Mei, give me coffee. You drink less. Coffee is bad for the stomach Get used to it Are you easy to get used to? I used to get used to me. Now get used to Timi. Is he my secretary? I’m kidding. In the future, you should drink less coffee. Let’s go to dinner. I made an appointment with someone from the bank to talk about the loan After all, this is a big case. Here comes the coffee No, we’re going out for dinner. Let’s go to the coffee shop downstairs for dinner. It’s about talking to someone at the bank. He’s my secretary. At least know what I’m going to do. Go Wait a minute I’d better drink the coffee. Although Brother Yan came back to me, But the heart is still in Timi. I must make sure that he can’t even be a secretary. Let him leave Brother Yan completely. Why don’t you come in? It’s getting late. I won’t go in there. That’s not what I mean I’m a little tired. You should get some rest, too. It’s been a busy day. And You just talked so much to the vice president of the bank. I think I… Or I’ll get you a glass of water. Take the medicine first. Where’s your medicine? Is it in the bag? That’s not what I want. Is it right that you are still in love with Timi? You have dinner with me. Accompany me to the movies. Talk to me. Everything a boyfriend should do. But it’s all because I have cancer. Right So you feel sorry for me. You feel responsible to me. But your heart It was on Timi from beginning to end. You’re with me. There is no love at all Are you sympathetic to me or not? Of course not. I’m just a little tired. Don’t be paranoid. A woman’s intuition is very good. Your mouth can lie to me. But your eyes can’t fool me. You saw Timi’s eyes just now. And every time you fight together, That affectionate expression I’m not an idiot. I know. Cause your misunderstanding. Cause your unhappiness. I apologize But please trust me. Now that I have chosen you You won’t get hurt again. I don’t want your sympathy. I want you to love me. What I want is your love. Thank you for being strict. Thank you for loving me. Look who’s ticklish. You’re going to lose. Treat me to dinner tonight. You must be more ticklish than me. I know Xiao Jin is pathetic. But I really need you, too. I didn’t want to break up with you. What happened to you? Timi is just a sister. It’s different from our relationship. I know I’ll give you time. Until you really forget him. But now there are some problems. He’s your secretary now. And you meet him at work every day. You have a lot of work on hand right now. He has to handle it for you. It may be really hard for you to forget him. Xiao Jing, I’m really not. I’m not asking you to push him back. And I’ll give you time. But like me, I’ve had cancer. Someone who doesn’t know when it’s going to happen again. Time is really a luxury. Don’t do this, okay? The doctor said you were cured of cancer. You’ve never had that kind of disease. You really don’t understand. Escape There’s no way to get me out of that shadow. Cancer cells exist. I am destined to live in peace with cancer cells in my life. Even the most brilliant doctor It’s impossible to promise that I won’t have a relapse. So what do you want from me? Do I have to transfer him? He didn’t make a mistake. But if Timi does meritorious service You can promote him. Then send him to the hotel department. Hold an important position. Forget it. I shouldn’t have interfered with your life arrangements. Not to mention after breaking up with Timi. He is willing to stay and work here. He must be willing to get along with you day and night. In fact, this is also for the sake of beauty. We’re back together. He watches us go to work hand in hand every day And we’ll have dinner together. Then it must be very hard for him. I see I’ll think about it. I’m tired I’m really tired. have an early rest General Manager’s Office Hello, Grandma. It’s you. Ah, Grandma. The general manager is here. I’ll stop talking for a moment. Why do you keep looking at me? Is there something wrong with me? No And said no. Look, you have dark circles under your eyes. Must have been awake last night. Okay I’ll make you some coffee later. Otherwise, it depends on how you work today. Well, there are three meetings today. When you’re done, you have to go to the construction site to see the new building materials. Come in. I need to talk to you. Hello You have to stop doing these things. I just said yes. Starting from tomorrow. You are transferred to the hotel department. Responsible for business promotion and crisis management Your office will be transferred together. Why? Did I do something wrong? I’m fine, aren’t I? I tell you to go over there, you go over there. Why do you talk so much nonsense? You figure it out You are an employee of Tiefeng. Since you’re my employee, You can transfer wherever I want you to. Okay, even if I’m just an employee, But employees should at least have basic rights and interests. Why are you so bossy? This is an order Why don’t you go so far? Even if you know I like you, You can’t bully me all the time. Do whatever you want. You broke up with me for no reason. B I’ll forgive you Because Xiao Jin is really pathetic. I appreciate the way you work hard. Because I appreciate your architectural concept. But now you transfer me casually like this. I can’t accept it. I can’t accept it. Can’t accept Unless you can give me a good reason. You want a reason, right? I already have a girlfriend. Won’t he be jealous of you like this? You’ve brought me trouble. Do you know We broke up. You still pay foolishly. Make yourself sick. What do you want? You can not pursue your own happiness. At least don’t interfere with other people’s happiness. Do you have to be so mean to me? If it is simply the boss who scolds the employee Employees will never slap the boss in the face no matter what. So in your mind, I’m still your boyfriend. That alone. We’re not fit to work together. Yeah You idiot. I already said that about you. And you said I was right. But you can rest assured. Now that I’ve done it, you and Sun Xiaojing are together. I will never be entangled with you again. I would never do anything to destroy other people’s feelings. Sabotaging a third party. I will find a boyfriend as soon as possible. It won’t bother you anymore. Wait a minute. I’ll pack my things. Tell me everything. Modulate after writing. And then Then report to the hotel department. Brother Yan The last thing I want to hurt in my life The last person who wants to cause trouble is you. I’m done. I’m going to pack my things. So a couple who love each other Love 1 When did you come in? I just got here. I came to talk to you. Yan Wen is more suitable to take over Tianmei’s job. And I talked to him for a while. He’s willing to do it himself. No, I’ll transfer Xiao Chen back. I’m used to using my own people. Xiao Chen is fine, too. It’s more serious and responsible to do things. That’s right I have an appointment with a green building materials supplier this afternoon. He said He introduced an environmentally friendly construction method from abroad. We can refer to it. This is the information. Maybe it’s better to leave. At least you don’t have to see this every day. Hurt your eyes and hurt your heart He said kindly that he had Figured it out. And became friends with Yang Liu and Zhenzhen. Is it true Just a few days. Has he really changed that much? Chairman of the board of directors Aren’t we going to visit the Chamber of Commerce? How can I get this way? I don’t want to go to the Chamber of Commerce. Please give me a call later and let me know. I want to have a bowl of chicken rice Why don’t you stop in front of the chicken restaurant later? Okay, I get it. What’s going on? Why did you suddenly go out of business? Youshan said that he had dinner at Yang Liu’s house yesterday. I didn’t mention it either. Ah, I’m sorry. Oh, hello. Excuse me, why are you doing construction? The landlady of this shop doesn’t know who she has offended. Smashing the shop and making trouble. It doesn’t allow us to install a monitor. Is it also anti-theft? Ah, so that’s it. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, no, hey. How could this happen? Friendly came back without saying a word. It has nothing to do with him, does it? Friendly and Cheng Wei, they don’t know each other. How did they get together? No way. Welcome How did this happen How could it be both of them? Okay, thank you. Ha. Oops. I’m so happy to have breakfast with you. I’m sure I’ll get lucky today. It’s going to be smooth. Come on, eat. Ha, ha. MMM. Delicious. This food is delicious. Uncle, um… Are you doing anything other than a labor agency? Besides, where do you live? Haha, I’ll do this now. Or live with my workers for the time being? Ah, we live together. It’s easy to manage. My company is doing very well. Work with me. There are some things I can’t do myself. So I hope you can help me. When I make money, I’ll be seven and you three. How about losing it and counting mine? Of course, you can’t do this right now. I hope you can speak with confidence. Be a professional again Click like an actor. To act as an entrepreneur is to act like an entrepreneur. Actor Entrepreneur I don’t quite understand what you mean. This is a check for 10 million. 1000 I want you to act as a building materials supplier. To talk about cooperation with Haotian. Encourage him to start a company I’m the middleman. At that time, we will be tripartite cooperation. Pull you in this time. I don’t want to add any more troubles. Let Haotian think I have another purpose. But you do have an ulterior motive, right? You still don’t give up on Zhong Haotian, do you? Liu Shan Your feud with Yang Zhenzhen I’ve already looked into it. You’re so mad at him. It’s not because I hate him at all The affair between your father and willow You like Zhong Haotian But he already has Yang Zhenzhen by his side. So you just… Yaoshan Uncle, tell you. This emotion, this thing. He can’t force me to spend my whole life It’s impossible to let him go. I must have Haotian bring it to me with his own hands. Begged me to marry him. Be nice. Listen to me. You see, you are in such good condition. It’s because I have good conditions. I was even more unwilling to lose to Yang Zhenzhen. Even if I get it, no. I don’t want to lose to Yang Zhenzhen, do you understand? Will you help me? I Even if you don’t help me, I’m gonna do the same. My decision made by Xia Youshan No one can change. Okay, let me help. I didn’t say no. I’m sure I’ll help you. That’s good Don’t worry about working with me. I won’t treat you badly. My career is not a fake. It’s for real. I really hope He Haotian has made a good career. Get back to capital three years later With my strength, Plus my previous contacts. I’m sure I can do it. Okay But what about that Yang Zhenzhen? He will definitely follow Zhong Haotian all the time. It’s simple Get rid of him. Get rid of him. Yu Jing. Ah! Where’s Ju Ma? Uh, uh, she went shopping. What is it? what happened? Ah, it’s okay. Sit down first. Listen to me. I want to confirm it. Is what friendly said yesterday true or not? I want to know. Is it true about him and willow mother and daughter? It’s okay I saw friendliness just now He’s walking with Cheng Wei. Ah! I can feel what you’re feeling right now. Actually, when I saw him at that time, I reacted exactly like you. My mind went blank. I had no idea. How can Cheng Wei and friendliness get mixed up? Why did Cheng Wei appear? Does he know that friendliness is his own daughter? But I saw a friendly reaction yesterday. I believe Friendly doesn’t know he’s not ours. But what about Chen Wei? Chen Wei, I’m not so sure. Zheng Song There’s one thing I haven’t told you. What’s the matter? Cheng Wei He came to see me twice. What about this office? Used to be in the construction consignment business. Because the company is growing so fast. So this office is not big enough. So he moved out. Look What about office equipment? It’s still here. I already talked to the landlord. I rent all the equipment together. Wait a minute. The owner of the house will come. Just sign a contract with them in your own name. As for your business card, I’ve asked them to reprint it. It will be delivered at 5: 00 p. M. And That seat is yours. Mine Yeah Ha ha ha Well, actually, if I want to change my wardrobe, I’m kind of like a boss. Haha. Hello. Hello. I’m Yu Dong. I’m Xia Zhengsong. Ah, brother-in-law. What do you want with me? Of course not. I saw you having breakfast with friendly people today. You come out now. Let’s talk face to face. I believe And you don’t want to hurt your own daughter. There are some things that if you say to friendly, The consequences will be unimaginable. Because being friendly is sensitive, you know? I know. Ha ha brother-in-law You said you were young. Even if you get pregnant with someone else, you can have a baby. The wife ran away after the baby was born. You can’t even hold your own child. I am a sister. Come down with you. Your brother-in-law is helping you carry it. You haven’t seen anyone for more than 20 years. Now the child has grown up. Came back to have a baby, didn’t you? When did I say I came back to have a baby? Then why are you looking for Friendship? Let me tell you something. Friendly only know one father and one mother in my life. It’s me and Zheng Song. There is a girl who is so proud and proud. If you let him know about his own biological parents, You were born without him. How sad he should be and how aggrieved he should be So I didn’t tell him I was his real father. I have always appeared in the role of an uncle How’s it going? I saw my own daughter break the law. If it’s not against the law, you can see him. But why don’t you let us know that I called you? Sister, you’ve been running away from me. You won’t let me see him. Can I not figure it out by myself? And then what? after your uncle saw friendliness, What did you say to him? What have you done? It’s really you. You did what happened at the Willow Chicken Restaurant recently. Is it smashing the store? You did all the murderers. That’s what friendly people want you to do. Of course not. What does it have to do with being friendly? It’s what I’m willing to do. Sister, I’m complaining for you, too. It’s my brother-in-law. I’m sorry. You still protect him so much. No wonder talented people feel uncomfortable. You’re ready Come on, please. You don’t know anything. What makes you say that? Do you know that friendliness and chastity have a hard time? What are most of his reasons? It’s because of friendly love. A chaste fiance. What? what about me and willow? That’s all excuses. Let me tell you something. What your brother-in-law said is true. Don’t just listen to the friendly side of the story. Why do you even say that? You’re a friendly mom. You should support him unconditionally. Brother-in-law If there’s really nothing between you and willow. Then why are you so protective of them? So protective that friendly happiness can be sacrificed. How can you say that I sacrificed friendly happiness? Haotian and Zhenzhen are a couple. So what You’re a friendly dad. You should also support him unconditionally. I can not recognize him. I can make you his father for life. But what you have to do is to convince me. That’s not how parents behave. Not to support him blindly. But to give it to them. I don’t care about right or wrong. Anyway, what does he need? I can give him something. I can not recognize him. But I can’t help but make up for what I owe him. Did he ask you to do something illegal? Do you do it, too? You were just too loyal when you were young. That’s why I don’t want to have a wife with you. Can’t even afford to support a child. Don’t you know you’re wrong by now? Of course I know I was wrong. That’s why I’m going to make amends. I’m not as rich as you. I can’t be like you. To provide him with such a generous material life. But I believe that friendliness needs more affection now. Need someone who loves him and supports him unconditionally to become You can’t do this. Why can’t you do that? There is no right or wrong in kinship. I was wrong in the past. I shouldn’t have been born defective because of friendliness. And abandon him. But what about you? You can’t blame him now. Fall in love with someone he shouldn’t love. Abandon him. Love should be nothing. Isn’t that the condition? I just want him to know Whoever he is, No matter who he falls in love with I will always be on his side. Accept him unconditionally and love him. Think about it. Is it his own fault to fall in love with that Zhong Haotian? Isn’t he in pain? But it’s just love. You can’t get back the love you give. Anyway, Now I just want to give Yongshan an absolute fatherly love. It’s the only thing I can do right now. No one can stop me. Hey Cheng Wei No Forget it at least Cheng Wei will not reveal her friendly background for the time being. This is my last job as a strict secretary. No matter what, you have to finish what you started. Come on, come on. Hey How can you drink at the construction site? There are rules on the construction site that you can’t drink alcohol. Don’t you know? Which class are you in? Oh, it’s too hot. Buy you guys a drink. It’s okay. It’s okay. You can’t drink. You’re hurting them. You don’t know. It’s okay. It’s okay. Many parts of the construction site are dangerous. It’s not safe to work after drinking. Hey, it doesn’t hurt if you stand up and talk. You blow the air conditioner in the bedroom all day. How do you know? We’re here in the pain of the wind and the sun. I’ve been drinking. What do you want from me? What do you want now? So are you going to do all this work or not? I’m not so good. What do you want That’s right. Is that we quit. What are you doing? I quit What’s up It’s amazing that you have money. I’m looking for bullying. I’m happy to change him if he has the money. Little girl, I’m not looking for bullying. What’s wrong with drinking? What can I do for you? Ah! Several men bullied a girl It’s not enough for a gentleman. Mind your own business. I still want the hero to save the beauty. The gun is. I don’t want to mind my own business. But protecting girls is what a gentleman should do. She still wants a hero to save her beauty. When I was young, This is also the virtue. Crowd posture A phone call The police will be here soon. I don’t think you want to go to the police station either. Do you want to earn money to support your family or go to prison? Free choice But my patience is limited. Work. Work. Don’t talk to him. Go, go, go Oh, kill a Cheng Yaojin halfway. Ah, thank you for your help. It’s just a raise of hands. What are you doing here? Please come back with us. If I say no, If you say no. Then we are offended. Wow Wow Aah! Aah! Ah Aah! aah! Come back with us. Come back with us. I can’t tell you if you don’t go back. That’s your business. You’re not going back. The chairman won’t let us go. I’m just not going back. Just don’t go back. Ah Ah! Ah Ah! Ah! Ah. Oh, here we go. Ah! you I’m warning you. Put me down and stay away. To avoid getting into trouble. Let’s go Hello Who were those people just now? Who is riding away on a motorcycle? I don’t know. Someone you don’t know is worth helping him like this. That’s stupid. I’ll take you back. I can walk by myself. What if those people come back? What if you get stuck in traffic again? What if I don’t see you? I don’t have you anymore. If you can’t protect me forever, If If you can’t promise to hold my hand until you die, Don’t ask me what I would do without you. Because I was destined to live without you. Brother Yan, you idiot. You big fool You know how hard it takes to stop thinking about you. Don’t love you? How much courage does it take to get rid of your hands? You don’t know that the hardest task in the world I’m trying to do it. And you said I was stupid. You’re stupid. You have no idea how I love you. You big fool A fool unparalleled in the world Unparalleled in the world, super stupid. Anyway, Now I just want to give friendliness an absolute fatherly love. It’s the only thing I can do. No one can stop me. It is recognized as irresponsible as Cheng Wei A person who fails in life. All know to give their own daughter absolute fatherly love. And me? Until she is really my own daughter. Not only can I not protect her, Can’t even give him too much care and love. I’m such a failed father. Xiao Liang is upright. I want to go for a walk. Okay, come on. Take a tour. Wow This is our office. The space is large enough If you want to cooperate. The problem in the office is solved. My uncle is in the building materials business. Know a lot about many new building materials That’s why I asked him to work together. Well, actually, from the beginning, The idea of me and Haotian is to start from childhood. Because we don’t have a lot of money. I’m afraid to start a big company at the beginning. In case the cash flow is not good at that time. Then don’t worry. As long as we control the risk well. Then nothing will happen. Don’t worry about it. Yeah You’re right to be friendly. Hey, look. We all have very good resources for manpower and building materials. That means that as soon as we get the case, It can be run at the lowest cost. How can such a good platform lose money? Yeah, I think I’m good at business. I’m in charge of that business. Well, that Haotian is good at designing. The design will be handed over to Haotian. My uncle is in manpower building materials. Are very good at construction. So I put him in charge. Isn’t that perfect? What about the truth? Zhenzhen can handle the accounts. The company’s account is so important. Hand it over to Zhenzhen. Everyone must be relieved. Yeah, but that’s not my specialty, Gong. The company has just been founded. You always have to take care of it. Then you should be a little more aggrieved. After taking care of the account first. We just need to receive a lot of projects in the future. Then Haotian is responsible for the external structure. Then the interior decoration will be left to you. Ha ha Hello Ah, Chairman Xia. Why did you call me? Oh, I’m talking to Ah, I’m with Haotian now. Um, what can I do for you? Oh, then tell me where you are. I’ll come to you. Okay, I’ll see you later. Bye. Jane. Mm-hmm. I want to tell my parents about my own business. So, don’t worry about this. I’m sure I won’t say anything. Thank you Then I’ll go and see what I can do for you. Okay, okay, yeah. I’ll take you. No, you guys get down to business. Yeah. What does my brother-in-law want with Yang Zhenzhen? Is Yang Zhen really his daughter? Chairman of the board of directors Yo Zhenzhen You’re here Yeah I’m so sorry. Let you ride here alone at this late hour. Thank you for your hard work No. Oh, that’s right. Come on, I’ll show you there. So, did you see that one? Is that it? That is the first batch of agents of Happy Real Estate. Is it There is also the neon light over there. It is also a community of happy real estate. The chairman. You often come alone. Look at the house you built? I just came to see myself. Did you do the right thing? For the people who bought my house? And found a happy future for them. Oh. When I was young. I have heard a saying Every lamp is a home. A story And now I think more Every house is a home. A story I hope that in my lifetime I can do my best for the house here. Strive for a happy life with the people in the house Chairman, you are really an ambitious man. Really Of course It’s true. Yeah If I were your father, Would you be proud of me? Of course I will. You are such a good father. And both of your daughters are very proud of you. Zhenzhen Yeah If your dad’s still here, What do you want him to do for you? Ah, come on. Thank you Or what do you want? Or Is what you want from your father. There seems to be nothing. How could that be? Hey, you’re embarrassed to say, aren’t you? If there’s anything. I’d want my dad to take me fishing. Fishing Because when I was at school, There is a classmate in the class. His father takes him fishing every holiday. But at this time, I always help in the chicken restaurant. So at that time, I used to think Well, if I could have a dad, Then I don’t have to help in the Freedom Hotel. I can also go fishing. Ha, am I naive? Ah! How could that be? Yeah Really? why don’t you do this? I’ll be your father. I’ll take you there tomorrow. It’s not good. Chairman, you are so busy. Hey I like fishing myself. I used to go fishing. And you can think about some problems while you are fishing. Very good. Oh. You know what? just be it. Go with an old gentleman. Ah! Yeah, okay. Okay, you said yes. I promise Come on, pull the hook. Ha mm-hmm ha ha Chairman of the board Jane, I don’t even know what to bring. So I didn’t bring anything. It turns out that Dad has an appointment with Yang Zhenzhen. You should go fishing with an old man. You don’t have to bring anything. Everything. I’m ready. All you have to do is follow me Okay. But this fishing is the easiest to get a tan. Especially at your girls’ house. Did you get sunscreen? yeah. Chairman of the board of directors You are such a sweet and good father. So many things are used for fishing. The fish is really interesting. Well, today. Just let me be my father’s teacher and teach you how to fish. First of all, you have to learn to throw the pole first. Wow, ha ha. Did you see that? I got it. I got it. Ha ha Ah, yes. If it’s just dad having an affair with willow, Is it necessary for him to come out alone with Zhen Zhen? Unless Me and him. It seems that Timi hasn’t broken up with her yet. Tell the family. Oh, that little dress you bought her. She loves it. Uh, it’s just that recently, the family is concerned about her sister. a scene of chaos So I know. About Yushan. I heard about that. About the feelings of the children. We parents are worried and helpless. But luckily, Timi followed you. I believe that, too. You won’t be an irresponsible young man. I believe you will bring happiness to Timi. Live up to Miss Sun’s business Timi mentioned it to me. Don’t worry We all trust you very much. I hope you don’t betray our trust in you. What’s more, don’t betray Timi’s trust in you. Yeah I know you’re busy. I’ll leave you alone. Yu Jing, go to the meeting. Okay. Bye. Oh, no. If I really said that on the stage, I immediately offended Chairman Xia. How can this be regarded as an offence? It’s just telling the truth. Hey, you. You said you knew exactly how I felt about you. And asked me to help you get back together strictly. You’re not embarrassing my mom. Jin Dong is really good at joking. Jin Dong has a big family and a great career. If there are any socialites and ladies in the future I’ll stand for you. Ha. I don’t need you yet. Ha. Ouch. Ouch. Oh, My God Ah, inexplicably came a bunch of ferocious spirits. Smash it up and leave. All right, all this stuff has been smashed. I don’t know how much it will cost to fix it tomorrow. Yeah Willow Don’t you think that’s weird? These are people we’ve never seen before. And inexplicably came and ordered a lot of food and drink. These things haven’t been digested in the stomach yet. I started yelling about a stomachache. And then started smashing the shop indiscriminately. The man disappeared. Hey, isn’t that weird? You mean it’s fake for these people to eat something bad? It is true that things are smashed in the shop. It must be so. Oops. Do you think we’ve offended someone lately? How is that possible? We’ve been here for so long. Be kind and kind to others How is it possible to offend people? Hey, hey. Hey, what do you say? I’m just saying. Could it be Xia Zhengsong’s daughter? She’s been quarreling with us lately. Ma Cheng is her. It must be her. Ouch. Mom, I’m back. I’m back. Mom, why are the plates and bowls all broken? What’s going on? Ah, ah Hey Aah! I was talking about you. You just showed up. Why are you doing this? What did I do? What happened out there? Just now a bunch of strangers came to smash the shop. Please don’t say you didn’t do it. It looks like miscellaneous electricity. Why would I do such a thing? I just went to the company to get some data today. Then I met Zhenzhen on the road. So we went to the hospital together. The rest of the time is spent with Zhenzhen. Why would I do such a thing? Yes yes yes I was really with friendly this afternoon. A house watcher. He’s very enthusiastic. Wait, you’re with him. What are you doing with him? Oh, all right. All right, all right. I’ll explain. Both of our misunderstandings have been cleared up. We are good friends now. You are good friends with him. Hey, don’t say he robbed your fiance. You forgot. Aunt Xiulan Aunt Yang Liu Aah! I admit I’ve done a lot of wrong things before. So ignorant. I don’t know how to bless. It’s all my fault. I hope you can forgive me. But what happened today has nothing to do with me. Ha ha Ah! You think I can trust you by saying that, don’t you? Money makes the mare go If you want to do this, Do you still need to do it yourself? Aunt Xiulo. Since someone came to smash the store today, Why not call the police? Call the police. You don’t call the police and you don’t figure things out. You blame everything on me again. How can I be convinced? Well, you bully Zhenzhen all day long. I’m not convinced yet. Don’t think you’ve done anything. I know. Oh, my gosh. Let me tell you something. All right, all right. Hey, you’re tired. Sit down. Sit down. All right. Hello? Such a big thing happened today. I can’t believe you didn’t call me first. How dangerous it is. Mom, really. I want you to take care of Haotian in the hospital. We have to deal with the follow-up problems of car repair. I’ll just tidy up with Aunt Xiulan. Can’t we just make up the goods tomorrow? Okay, I get it. I’m glad you’re okay. Ah, Xiulan. We took out the rubbish Hey You’ve been tired all day. Please sit down. I’ll go. Okay, sit down. Sit down. Ah, Zhenzhen Let me help. Thank you What’s up It’s the same as real. I have a conscience. Huh You’re welcome. Thank you. Contact me more in the future. Okay, okay, this place is beautiful. Yeah, it’s good. Thank you. Uh-huh. Where’s Timi? Ha ha ha ha Come on, cheers. Look, there’s Timi. Ha ha ha Go and have a look. Ha ha ha Timi. Okay. Oops! oops! Excuse me. Excuse me. My daughter Timi has a dress exactly like yours. I’m sorry. Excuse me, are you employees of layered construction? Have you seen Timi? No. I didn’t see it. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Where’s Timi? Ah! Ah! 56 Happiness Street This is clearly the address. Why can’t you find it? Wow. Mm-hmm. Ladies and gentlemen, Blue Twin Star City Benchmarking Development Plan The reception will now officially begin. good Please welcome Chairman Jin successfully developed by the partner. And our big parents of Tiefeng construction. Chairman Zhang delivered a speech on the stage Ha ha ha Yes, please. Very pleased I can see so many old friends here today. Coastal development in recent years Can be day by day year by year Bring China into line with the international construction industry Even beyond It is all thanks to the merit of the elites and sages here. For everyone’s visit I would like to extend a warm welcome And express my sincere thanks. Today we can work with the excellent Chairman Kim, who has many successful development cases Cooperation To jointly develop the only piece of land in Jinhua in the urban area. I feel extremely honored and excited. Here Once again, we would like to thank Chairman Kim. Give us such an opportunity to build layers and peaks. We will do our best Make the development plan perfect. I think this plan belongs to all of us. It should belong to our future generations. Yes, thank you. Gentlemen, This development plan Be able to break ground so quickly and smoothly There are two most important behind-the-scenes actors. They are the strict general managers of layer-by-layer construction. And Sun Xiaojing, vice president of the project. Miss Sun, please. The blueprint of this blue Gemini. It was originally the common dream of these two young talents. You may not know yet. The two of them used to be lovers Are boyfriend and girlfriend. Later, uh, they separated because of some misunderstanding. Today, because of this development project, Rekindled the fire of love. Ha, this is really Love and career The dream combination of ideal and reality I believe Both of them I will live up to the expectations of me and everyone else. I will do my best Complete the development and design of this project Of course, it’s not just for themselves. But also for the sake of our citizens. In order to push our city to the top of the world Let everyone see different perspectives and work hard. Ah, ha. No wonder Timi can’t even see a figure. This is too much. Such a high-profile compound Where did you put our Timi? And he knew we were going to the party. Forget it. I can’t stay. Come on. Hey, go, go, go. Let’s go. Now let’s invite our General Manager Yan and Vice President Sun Lead the first dance for us Okay, ha, ha, ha. Liangliang, stop Chairman Xia for me. I have something to say to them. Chairman Liangliang When I first chased it out, Chairman Xia and his wife happened to leave by car. It seems that we can only hope they can understand. Sir, wipe it. Ma’am. Hey Has Timi come back yet? I don’t know where I went. Hurry up and call him back. Hey Timi. Uh-huh. What’s going on? Your mother. Oh, my God. Where have you been? Why aren’t you at the party? And got caught in so much rain. A travel agency takes the size of the company Otherwise, it will affect the travel of company people. And then I don’t know if I got the address wrong. Or what? Anyway, that travel agency ran for a long time. I didn’t find it either. Ouch, oops, oops. My God You stupid kid. I already danced with Sun Xiaojing at the reception. And publicly announced that love would be rekindled. Hey, what are you doing? Ah, working for others in the rain. Oh, you think you’ve caught a cold. That strict will feel sorry for you. That’s stupid. Why are you strictly in love with someone else? How could he do that? Timi, is this true? What can I do? Xiao Jin got blood cancer three years ago. Because I don’t want to be a drag on strict. So he chose to leave. If it wasn’t for his illness. He and strict have long been a happy couple. Now Xiaojing is back. I strictly want to go back to him and take care of him. It’s a natural thing to do. No wonder you dragged your feet this morning. Refuse to go to work It’s my fault. I’m so upset about your sister these days. I’m sorry I ignored you. Ah, I’m sorry. Mom, I’m fine. Oh, don’t go. Ouch! ouch! Tian Mei, what’s wrong? What’s up Oh, it’s so hot. Come on, Chrysanthemum Mom. Come on, find the antipyretic medicine. Look at this kid getting wet. How can a silly child be so stupid? you Of course it became a cactus. The tears in the palms are still hot. Still need to be cherished. That’s nice. I will make you fall in love with me I should have known that love would hurt like this. Love can be so hard to sleep in the first place. Why take it too seriously? Be friendly What exactly do these words mean? What does he want? Haotian The text messages just now are all my favorite lyrics. Share with you I hope you like it. It turned out to be lyrics. Uncle, come on, come on, come on. Come on. good Sit Yours Hey, hey, I think you’re in a good mood today. Mm-hmm. There must be a lot of bad breath. And then I had a good sleep. You’re relieved. The chicken seller doesn’t know anything. You have my word Uncle, you are so kind to me. Of course it is. Because you’re my baby. Baby niece? ha ha. You see, I’m alone. You’re my family. I’m not good to you. Who else am I good to? In the future. Is there anything I need to do? Go ahead and say it. Really It’s all on me. Then let’s say When it’s settled, I’ll do it. You do the bad ones. But do you think I’m too bad? Nah A beautiful and lovely girl like you How can you do those things? What about you? just be your princess. The fight against the devil. I’ll do it. I’ll do it again. It’s on me. Uncle, you are really too kind to me. Ha ha Hey Uncle. There’s one more thing I want to ask you for. What’s the matter? Well, why don’t you have breakfast first? Oh, no. What do you want to tell me? I can help you with anything you say. It’s all right. You eat and drink milk first. Okay, then I’ll eat first. Come on, come on. Don’t let him see it. I’ll watch it for you. Ah, I’m sorry. Timi, I didn’t know it was a gift from the general manager. Sorry Oops. You scared me You don’t even know. I know this is a dress given to him by the general manager How nervous I am. And Xia Zhengsong saw me wearing Tianmei clothes again. Recognized me as Timi. Who makes you like to do something wrong? Why did you trick Timi into sending large and small sheets? Oh, stop it. How do I know he’ll catch a cold and have a fever? Xiao Chen said he wasn’t coming. I feel bad, too. But, uh, that’s interesting. Timi is really gullible. There is no company that needs him to send large and small sheets. Oh, you just make a phone call. He’s really going in the rain. And almost got pneumonia. He must hate me now. If he reports to the general manager Then I’m dead. You’re already dead. Hello, General Manager. How dare you set up a small group in the company? Framing colleagues One big mistake at a time Disappear in front of me right now. Yes This fool. I didn’t even know I was bullied like this. And got himself a cold. Is it appropriate for me to go now? I just broke up with him. And last night, Xia Dong The secretary must be very angry. Oh, whatever. I’m his supervisor. If he gets sick for business, I should go to see him. Tianmei Timi, how are you? Good point not ah How’s Timi? Is it better? Oh, it’s still so hot. No, let’s go to the hospital. Be good, son. Come on, Timi, let me get some sleep. Alas, foreigners never take medicine for colds. And I don’t go to the hospital. Just get some sleep. Foreigners are foreigners. You’re not a different race. The way to treat the disease is also different. Come on. Let’s try the Chinese way. No, no. This old ginger soup dispels the cold If you drink it, you can force the cold out. Maybe you’ll be refreshed soon. Come on, get up. Come on. uncle Excuse me, is Timi there? What are you doing here? I heard he was sick. So I came to see him. In what capacity did you see him? It’s the boss Is it a friend or ex-boyfriend? I know my uncle must not understand me very much. I’m sorry, Timi. I failed him. But he did it yesterday because of the company. Just caught a cold in the rain. In love and reason, I should have come to see him. If you are looking at him as your boss Then I appreciate your kindness. You can go now. Uncle, I just want to What more do you want? Don’t you know Who on earth is Timi working so hard for? Who did he get sick for? You came to see him like this. It can only make him more unforgettable about you. Can only break his heart. It’s more difficult to recover. Did you get back together with your ex-girlfriend? And you greedily want Timi to continue to love you. Continue to pay for you? You’re so selfish. That’s definitely not what I meant. I’m just worried about him. Oh, hello, uncle. I really catch a cold. Come on, will you let me talk to him for a second? Uncle. Uncle. Ah! I have a fever and I’m confused. I thought I heard a strict voice. It can’t be. It won’t. He bullied you like that. He has the nerve to come. let’s go Uncle, please trust me again. Let me see Timi again. I just want to see him. It’s really strict. Timi, you can’t go. You’ll catch cold. It’s not ready yet. Oh, ma’am. You see him Oh, what are you doing? Since you can’t avoid hurting him, Then please stay away from him. Uncle, I really just want to see him. I just want to see him. Uncle, just trust me for once. I really just want to see him. he You stupid bastard. What would you do without me? I’m so confused. What would I do without you? I have the size sheet. I’ll go in and get it now. Hello That’s not why I’m here. I came to tell you You were deceived by Yan Wen. good There is no employee reason at all. They played a trick on you. How did this happen? Yao Tianmei, look, you are just one o’clock. Put your clothes on. You are such a child. This is your dress. Hey, where did you find it? I looked for it for a long time yesterday, but I couldn’t find it. It was also stolen by Yan Wen. That’s too much. How could you do that? I’ve already done it for each of them. I didn’t take care of them properly. Sorry Forget it It has nothing to do with you anyway. They must have known that after I broke up with you He turned to curry favor with Sun Xiaojin. I’m not talking about Sun Xiaojing. It’s just Yan Wen and they know it. Will choose people who are good for themselves to curry favor with. Now that you both broke up, I think you should just resign. Why would I resign? I’m just taking a day off with a cold today. Why did you resign? You’re both like this. you’re still together. Isn’t work awkward? No, there’s no awkwardness. Ask him if you don’t believe me Do you think it’s embarrassing and unnatural? Nah Weren’t you my girlfriend before you were my secretary? That is to say, strict and I have a clear distinction between public and private. Okay Tianmei I can respect your choice. But I hope you can also understand your parents’ feelings. You look like this. We parents will be very distressed, you know? Oh, me. Went to the office. Okay Then I’ll go back to the office first. I just had ginger soup. When I feel a little better, I will go to work at the company. Today. Yeah You’d better come to the office after you get rid of your cold. Don’t infect others. You can’t wear a mask if you’re afraid of infection. So timid. Auntie, say good-bye. Oh, you stupid kid. Silly girl I haven’t given up yet. Who said that I wouldn’t like a man with a girlfriend. From now on, I would like to solemnly announce to you I’m going to fall in love. I’m not going to lose to strict. Ma’am, I’ll tell you. Ginger soup is very effective You see, I feel much more energetic now. I don’t know if it’s the sharpening of love. Or the sharpening of ginger soup. Hey Oh. Ah, Xiulan. You tidy up the outside I’ll get it inside. Okay. Xiulun, help me carry the chicken soup first. Careful. Careful. Be careful, be hot. Come on, one, two, go. Oh, I loosened the meal. You wash this dish clean. Okay, okay. Ah! Ah, Xiulan. Come here. Come here. What? what’s going on? How did this white rice turn into sand rice? All the formalities for discharge have been completed. What about the rest of the money? Well, is this money all from Haotian? Then give me the rest. Hey, Mom. Yeah Why do you really care about this? He pays for all the car repairs. He’s been working very hard. Oh, what do you know? The money was used on me. I saved it for you. That’s. Hey, Mom. All right, all right. Shh. Hello What? How could this happen? Oh, okay, okay. I’ll be right back. Don’t worry. Don’t worry. What’s up Zhenzhen listens to you sound so anxious Is something wrong? Mom called just now. I don’t know who played the prank. Make the chicken rice in the shop covered with sand. So now the business can’t be done. Mom was scared. Already called the police to take care of it. Then what are we waiting for? Hurry back and have a look. Okay, okay, let’s go. Hey Haotian, you just got out of the hospital. Don’t run around. Ouch. It is you who stay well. I really have to deal with the chicken restaurant. You let him go alone. You rest at home obediently. Hey, how about this? Jane, go first. Then I drove Hao Tian first to have a rest. Then I’ll go to the chicken restaurant. What can I do for you? Being friendly is too much trouble for you. No, then I’m gonna go. Okay. Who could it be? Yeah, who could it be? Have you had any grudges with anyone lately? Or offend someone. No. No. If there is, it is, too. It’s impossible We are all small businesses. Serve the general public Make a little money There’s no time to hold a grudge against others. Ah! Mom. How’s mom? This is… This is my daughter Zhen Zhen. Well, hello. It seems that the warning from the other side is very strong. So I suggest you be careful these days. All right, all right. If you can. You’d better install some monitors in the store. Or install an alarm. Comrade policeman Does that look like you can recognize who it is? Yeah, we run a snack bar. I’m worried that in case those people are not reconciled, If you come back secretly and tamper with it, It doesn’t matter if our business gets worse. But it affects the health of the guests. That would be troublesome. Yes, yes So I built it. You’d better go out of business for a few days. we If we find someone suspicious, You will be informed of the identification at any time. Oh, okay. Thank you, Xie. To Have you collected the physical evidence? Collected. Then let’s go back. Okay. Thank you. Thank you. Hey, thank you. Take care! take care! Oh, how could that be? How is that possible? It’s time to rest. How can I get my income if I don’t do business? That’s what I said. Oh, he’s so abominable. Who did this? If I catch him, I must have skinned him. It’s real. How about being friendly? Can I help you? The police have already been here. And they took a statement. Take all the evidence with you. What did the police say? The police still don’t know who did it. But he did suggest that we install a monitor. So that when those people come back, We’ll know who did it. Then what are you waiting for? I know the manufacturer. I’ll call them right now. Oh, nice. Thank you. Never mind Good point not ah I miss you so much I want to. I really do. Haha, did you miss me? Ha, ha. Mm-hmm. Do you think he’s really changed? I hope he’s really changed. That won’t do him any good. Oh, I mean you. It’s just like you. You mother and daughter are both too righteous and kind. If it were me, I’d rather kill 100 by mistake. Don’t rely on women to get close to my husband. Ha, although I don’t have a husband. How does this woman treat love and perseverance? It’s like a man fighting for power. Spare no effort. How could he not know how to play innocent? Let the other party lose his guard. This is not the trick Yang Liu used to my parents. Mom. I’m hungry. Is the meal ready yet? Come to dinner when you are hungry Come and eat quickly. Wow, so many. Sit down. Sit down. Come and eat. It really smells good. Try this. Thank you. Good. Eat more food yourself. Mm-hmm. Friendly come here to eat. It’s our hometown food. Yeah, those are your dad’s favorite foods. Ah, Aunt Yang Liu is my father’s hometown. So it’s natural to know what Dad likes to eat. I know friendliness. I’m glad you already understand. Your father and I are simply good friends. That’s for sure At first, I really didn’t think There will be pure friendship between men and women. But I understand now. In fact, between lovers and friends It’s still easy to tell. For example, Haotian and I are actually friends. Friendliness, in fact, I never dreamed of. I can be good friends with you. Because you have a very high position in my mind. It’s also noble. It’s like a fairy. Haha, actually. People can’t beat the cold on high ground. Only you know the pain. I’m glad to have you as a friend, too. Oops, oops. It’s just like it’s real. Be friendly. Now that you’ve figured it out, Then why don’t you go home? Your parents love you so much. I believe that whenever at this time They saw that your seat was empty. They’re gonna be upset. If you want to treat me like an elder, Just take my advice. Go home Yeah, friendly chairman. And the wife of the chairman must miss you very much. Yongshan mother I cook your favorite dish every night. Set the dishes and wait for you. Waiting for you to come back any time. What is it? what is it? Did you say something you shouldn’t have said? Okay, I won’t say. Teach me not to preach. Yeah, let’s eat. Let’s eat amicably. Come on! Order more food. Eat. Eat. Eat more. You eat more, too. Yeah. Don’t think you pretend to be nice to me. I will forget the harm you have done to me. Okay, we’re ready to eat. Let’s eat. Coming I drank ginger soup all day. I want to eat some other soup. Dad, eat. Good to eat. Ma’am, I’m sorry. I put it away quickly. Oh. The horse is not needed. I promised to be friendly. Bowls and chopsticks are left for him every day. Let him come back at any time to have a meal. Oh. Let’s eat. Jun Ma, come and eat together. Anyway, there are so many meals. The three of us can’t finish it. Sit down Take a look It’s my fault. Look at me being lovelorn at this time. If I had a boyfriend, I can bring him back. Then it will be for four people. You won’t be less lively. All right, all right. At the request of a wide audience I decided to make a new boyfriend tomorrow. In that case, Try to bring him home for dinner tomorrow. And it better be a big git. Sweep up all the dishes as soon as you get to the table All right, Mom? Of course. You really need to find another one. Or what? In your heart. Can’t let go of being strict. Who said that Obviously, I can’t let go of me strictly. The reason why he came back to Xiao Jin It’s because of responsibility. And he doesn’t want to be a unfaithful man. Oh, that’s right. And, ah, According to the statistical report of women’s magazine All the men in the world Will never forget the lover he can’t get. So, strictly speaking, I’m the one he’s obsessed with. So I’m in his heart. There must be a very important position. Oops. What’s the use of this position? That’s all he knows. Hold your feelings together So that you can never get your own happiness. You, don’t be so stupid, will you? Just like your father and Aunt Yang Liu. Your father will always be my husband. He eats with me every day. Talk to me, kid. Accompany me through every lonely and sad day Although he often misses the willow in his heart. however For willows Everything he endured has to face by himself. That is because The most important position in my heart is still you. The willow has passed. You are my present and future. In that case, Strict I am his past. Xiao Xin is his present and future. But there is also a little gold in Brother Yan’s past. At best, I was just one of his passers-by. So, you have to let go. It’s not strict. You let yourself go. If you ask me, Such a half-hearted man Let’s not Don’t be like your sister. Oops. Messed up his whole life for love. There’s something wrong, sister. I bought a horror movie. I’m afraid to look, so… I’ll watch it with you. And there are Mom and Dad. We can all watch it with you. Does Ju Ma have any delicious snacks? Or ice cream. Yes or no, I will also change it. Friendly or your old position? I saved it for you. Let me get you a bowl and chopsticks. Oh, no. I already ate at Aunt Yang Liu’s house. Mom and Dad I got it all figured out. Zhenzhen and I have become good friends now. I will never let you worry again. Can I go home now? Silly boy, this is your home. Who dares not to let you come back? Yeah Now that we’ve all eaten, Let’s get ready to watch DVDs later. All right, all right. Oh, sister. It’s really nice of you to come back. There’s so much I want to tell you. The first is that I have a cold and The second thing is that I’m just like you I’ve been dumped You broke up with Yan Ge Hey, did you lose to Sun Xiaojing? Yeah, stupid. How can I lose? Tell me quickly over Come here and tell you Sister, I really miss you I have so much to tell you I’ve been busy at the reception this morning. But now the seats are ready. All you have to do is help me with the lighting. That’s weird. where’s my dress? That dress is a strict gift. You can’t lose it. I obviously put it here. Oh. Oh, okay, okay. I’ll be there as soon as I find the dress. Ha, ha, ha. Okay. I’ll be there as soon as I find the dress. AHA. What do you mean bad? Don’t downgrade me, okay? This is called evil. In fact, it’s good that Timi can’t find the dress. You know, if you get to the reception, He saw the love between the general manager and Xiaojing Qing. Ah, yes. In that case, A good man will do it to the end. Hey, what are you doing? Hey, come here. Mm-hmm. Let me tell you something. Yeah Okay. Mm-hmm. Hey, are you guys with me or not? You need to figure out The future crown princess is Sun Xiaojing. If we can drive Tianmei out of Tianfeng construction, That’s weird. It’s here. sorry We take advantage of the wind company because there is a reception in the evening. Ah! The company’s travel was stamped with the wrong stamp. If the size and size sheets are not delivered today, It will delay the company’s travel. And will be cancelled. Oops. How did this happen? Can’t you deliver it tomorrow? Forget it There’s no dress anyway. What about the cocktail party? Okay, you give me the address. I’ll wait for you. I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. I’m so happy. Yes yes Oh, boss Li. Please, please treat me badly. The registration here is unexpectedly given to people like this. Yeah, that’s funny. That’s funny. Oh, my God. Okay, inside, please. Hello. Ha. I said, what are you three doing here? Why don’t I go inside and help? Go ahead. Oh. Oh. Hello. Hello. Hello. Go, go, go. Inside, please. It seems that Timi is really angry. I was so angry that I even gave Yan Wen a gift. No wonder. Haha, please. grandma Grandma, the groundbreaking ceremony this afternoon. Very smooth. Tonight has attracted a lot of distinguished guests. The whole coastal area All attach great importance to this indicator development. Where’s Timi? is she in the venue? I have no idea I didn’t see him. There’s something you may not have thought of. Come to this meeting. Among these seniors, Of course, it also includes Timi’s parents. You made your own decision. Clean up by yourself Grandma, take care. The general manager, then I will follow. Miss Sun, come on. Come on, Xiao Dong. Let me introduce you. This is my closest partner recently. Strict General Manager of Tianfeng Company This is Sun Xiaojing. These two are my most important driving forces. Ah, I know. General Manager Yan is a very excellent young man. Miss Sun’s talent Tianmei also talked about it when she came home. What? So you all know each other. The tianmei you’re talking about Is the youngest daughter in our family. My own company doesn’t want to stay. He just went to Tiefeng Construction to become a little secretary. Oops! oops! Look at you. Look at you. I really don’t know Tarzan. Ah, Jin Dong. I’m sorry. I have something to ask you. Okay, okay. Then I’ll go over there first. This way, please. Okay, what’s the matter? Where’s Timi? .

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2968.566 Hey, coffee.
2968.566 Give it to me by the way.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 It&;s you.
2968.566 What, you think it&;s Timi?
2968.566 I&;m sorry. I&;ve been too busy.
2968.566 Jin Mei, give me coffee.
2968.566 You drink less.
2968.566 Coffee is bad for the stomach
2968.566 Get used to it
2968.566 Are you easy to get used to?
2968.566 I used to get used to me.
2968.566 Now get used to Timi.
2968.566 Is he my secretary?
2968.566 I&;m kidding.
2968.566 In the future, you should drink less coffee.
2968.566 Let&;s go to dinner.
2968.566 I made an appointment with someone from the bank to talk about the loan
2968.566 After all, this is a big case.
2968.566 Here comes the coffee
2968.566 No, we&;re going out for dinner.
2968.566 Let&;s go to the coffee shop downstairs for dinner.
2968.566 It&;s about talking to someone at the bank.
2968.566 He&;s my secretary.
2968.566 At least know what I&;m going to do.
2968.566 Go
2968.566 Wait a minute
2968.566 I&;d better drink the coffee.
2968.566 Although Brother Yan came back to me,
2968.566 But the heart is still in Timi.
2968.566 I must make sure that he can&;t even be a secretary.
2968.566 Let him leave Brother Yan completely.
2968.566 Why don&;t you come in?
2968.566 It&;s getting late.
2968.566 I won&;t go in there.
2968.566 That&;s not what I mean
2968.566 I&;m a little tired.
2968.566 You should get some rest, too.
2968.566 It&;s been a busy day.
2968.566 And
2968.566 You just talked so much to the vice president of the bank.
2968.566 I think I…
2968.566 Or I&;ll get you a glass of water.
2968.566 Take the medicine first.
2968.566 Where&;s your medicine?
2968.566 Is it in the bag?
2968.566 That&;s not what I want.
2968.566 Is it right that you are still in love with Timi?
2968.566 You have dinner with me.
2968.566 Accompany me to the movies.
2968.566 Talk to me.
2968.566 Everything a boyfriend should do.
2968.566 But it&;s all because I have cancer.
2968.566 Right
2968.566 So you feel sorry for me.
2968.566 You feel responsible to me.
2968.566 But your heart
2968.566 It was on Timi from beginning to end.
2968.566 You&;re with me.
2968.566 There is no love at all
2968.566 Are you sympathetic to me or not?
2968.566 Of course not.
2968.566 I&;m just a little tired.
2968.566 Don&;t be paranoid.
2968.566 A woman&;s intuition is very good.
2968.566 Your mouth can lie to me.
2968.566 But your eyes can&;t fool me.
2968.566 You saw Timi&;s eyes just now.
2968.566 And every time you fight together,
2968.566 That affectionate expression
2968.566 I&;m not an idiot. I know.
2968.566 Cause your misunderstanding.
2968.566 Cause your unhappiness.
2968.566 I apologize
2968.566 But please trust me.
2968.566 Now that I have chosen you
2968.566 You won&;t get hurt again.
2968.566 I don&;t want your sympathy.
2968.566 I want you to love me.
2968.566 What I want is your love.
2968.566 Thank you for being strict.
2968.566 Thank you for loving me.
2968.566 Look who&;s ticklish.
2968.566 You&;re going to lose.
2968.566 Treat me to dinner tonight.
2968.566 You must be more ticklish than me.
2968.566 I know Xiao Jin is pathetic.
2968.566 But I really need you, too.
2968.566 I didn&;t want to break up with you.
2968.566 What happened to you?
2968.566 Timi is just a sister.
2968.566 It&;s different from our relationship.
2968.566 I know
2968.566 I&;ll give you time.
2968.566 Until you really forget him.
2968.566 But now there are some problems.
2968.566 He&;s your secretary now.
2968.566 And you meet him at work every day.
2968.566 You have a lot of work on hand right now.
2968.566 He has to handle it for you.
2968.566 It may be really hard for you to forget him.
2968.566 Xiao Jing, I&;m really not.
2968.566 I&;m not asking you to push him back.
2968.566 And I&;ll give you time.
2968.566 But like me, I&;ve had cancer.
2968.566 Someone who doesn&;t know when it&;s going to happen again.
2968.566 Time is really a luxury.
2968.566 Don&;t do this, okay?
2968.566 The doctor said you were cured of cancer.
2968.566 You&;ve never had that kind of disease.
2968.566 You really don&;t understand.
2968.566 Escape
2968.566 There&;s no way to get me out of that shadow.
2968.566 Cancer cells exist.
2968.566 I am destined to live in peace with cancer cells in my life.
2968.566 Even the most brilliant doctor
2968.566 It&;s impossible to promise that I won&;t have a relapse.
2968.566 So what do you want from me?
2968.566 Do I have to transfer him?
2968.566 He didn&;t make a mistake.
2968.566 But if Timi does meritorious service
2968.566 You can promote him.
2968.566 Then send him to the hotel department.
2968.566 Hold an important position.
2968.566 Forget it.
2968.566 I shouldn&;t have interfered with your life arrangements.
2968.566 Not to mention after breaking up with Timi.
2968.566 He is willing to stay and work here.
2968.566 He must be willing to get along with you day and night.
2968.566 In fact, this is also for the sake of beauty.
2968.566 We&;re back together.
2968.566 He watches us go to work hand in hand every day
2968.566 And we&;ll have dinner together.
2968.566 Then it must be very hard for him.
2968.566 I see
2968.566 I&;ll think about it.
2968.566 I&;m tired
2968.566 I&;m really tired.
2968.566 have an early rest
2968.566 General Manager&;s Office
2968.566 Hello, Grandma. It&;s you.
2968.566 Ah, Grandma.
2968.566 The general manager is here.
2968.566 I&;ll stop talking for a moment.
2968.566 Why do you keep looking at me?
2968.566 Is there something wrong with me?
2968.566 No
2968.566 And said no.
2968.566 Look, you have dark circles under your eyes.
2968.566 Must have been awake last night.
2968.566 Okay
2968.566 I&;ll make you some coffee later.
2968.566 Otherwise, it depends on how you work today.
2968.566 Well, there are three meetings today.
2968.566 When you&;re done, you have to go to the construction site to see the new building materials.
2968.566 Come in. I need to talk to you.
2968.566 Hello
2968.566 You have to stop doing these things.
2968.566 I just said yes.
2968.566 Starting from tomorrow.
2968.566 You are transferred to the hotel department.
2968.566 Responsible for business promotion and crisis management
2968.566 Your office will be transferred together.
2968.566 Why?
2968.566 Did I do something wrong?
2968.566 I&;m fine, aren&;t I?
2968.566 I tell you to go over there, you go over there.
2968.566 Why do you talk so much nonsense?
2968.566 You figure it out
2968.566 You are an employee of Tiefeng.
2968.566 Since you&;re my employee,
2968.566 You can transfer wherever I want you to.
2968.566 Okay, even if I&;m just an employee,
2968.566 But employees should at least have basic rights and interests.
2968.566 Why are you so bossy?
2968.566 This is an order
2968.566 Why don&;t you go so far?
2968.566 Even if you know I like you,
2968.566 You can&;t bully me all the time.
2968.566 Do whatever you want.
2968.566 You broke up with me for no reason.
2968.566 B I&;ll forgive you
2968.566 Because Xiao Jin is really pathetic.
2968.566 I appreciate the way you work hard.
2968.566 Because I appreciate your architectural concept.
2968.566 But now you transfer me casually like this.
2968.566 I can&;t accept it.
2968.566 I can&;t accept it.
2968.566 Can&;t accept
2968.566 Unless you can give me a good reason.
2968.566 You want a reason, right?
2968.566 I already have a girlfriend.
2968.566 Won&;t he be jealous of you like this?
2968.566 You&;ve brought me trouble.
2968.566 Do you know
2968.566 We broke up.
2968.566 You still pay foolishly.
2968.566 Make yourself sick.
2968.566 What do you want?
2968.566 You can not pursue your own happiness.
2968.566 At least don&;t interfere with other people&;s happiness.
2968.566 Do you have to be so mean to me?
2968.566 If it is simply the boss who scolds the employee
2968.566 Employees will never slap the boss in the face no matter what.
2968.566 So in your mind,
2968.566 I&;m still your boyfriend.
2968.566 That alone.
2968.566 We&;re not fit to work together.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 You idiot.
2968.566 I already said that about you.
2968.566 And you said I was right.
2968.566 But you can rest assured.
2968.566 Now that I&;ve done it, you and Sun Xiaojing are together.
2968.566 I will never be entangled with you again.
2968.566 I would never do anything to destroy other people&;s feelings.
2968.566 Sabotaging a third party.
2968.566 I will find a boyfriend as soon as possible.
2968.566 It won&;t bother you anymore.
2968.566 Wait a minute. I&;ll pack my things.
2968.566 Tell me everything.
2968.566 Modulate after writing.
2968.566 And then
2968.566 Then report to the hotel department.
2968.566 Brother Yan
2968.566 The last thing I want to hurt in my life
2968.566 The last person who wants to cause trouble is you.
2968.566 I&;m done.
2968.566 I&;m going to pack my things.
2968.566 So a couple who love each other
2968.566 Love 1
2968.566 When did you come in?
2968.566 I just got here.
2968.566 I came to talk to you.
2968.566 Yan Wen is more suitable to take over Tianmei&;s job.
2968.566 And I talked to him for a while.
2968.566 He&;s willing to do it himself.
2968.566 No, I&;ll transfer Xiao Chen back.
2968.566 I&;m used to using my own people.
2968.566 Xiao Chen is fine, too.
2968.566 It&;s more serious and responsible to do things.
2968.566 That&;s right
2968.566 I have an appointment with a green building materials supplier this afternoon.
2968.566 He said
2968.566 He introduced an environmentally friendly construction method from abroad.
2968.566 We can refer to it.
2968.566 This is the information.
2968.566 Maybe it&;s better to leave.
2968.566 At least you don&;t have to see this every day.
2968.566 Hurt your eyes and hurt your heart
2968.566 He said kindly that he had
2968.566 Figured it out.
2968.566 And became friends with Yang Liu and Zhenzhen.
2968.566 Is it true
2968.566 Just a few days.
2968.566 Has he really changed that much?
2968.566 Chairman of the board of directors
2968.566 Aren&;t we going to visit the Chamber of Commerce?
2968.566 How can I get this way?
2968.566 I don&;t want to go to the Chamber of Commerce.
2968.566 Please give me a call later and let me know.
2968.566 I want to have a bowl of chicken rice
2968.566 Why don&;t you stop in front of the chicken restaurant later?
2968.566 Okay, I get it.
2968.566 What&;s going on?
2968.566 Why did you suddenly go out of business?
2968.566 Youshan said that he had dinner at Yang Liu&;s house yesterday.
2968.566 I didn&;t mention it either.
2968.566 Ah, I&;m sorry.
2968.566 Oh, hello.
2968.566 Excuse me, why are you doing construction?
2968.566 The landlady of this shop doesn&;t know who she has offended.
2968.566 Smashing the shop and making trouble.
2968.566 It doesn&;t allow us to install a monitor.
2968.566 Is it also anti-theft?
2968.566 Ah, so that&;s it.
2968.566 Thank you. Thank you.
2968.566 Hey, no, hey.
2968.566 How could this happen?
2968.566 Friendly came back without saying a word.
2968.566 It has nothing to do with him, does it?
2968.566 Friendly and Cheng Wei, they don&;t know each other.
2968.566 How did they get together?
2968.566 No way.
2968.566 Welcome
2968.566 How did this happen
2968.566 How could it be both of them?
2968.566 Okay, thank you.
2968.566 Ha. Oops.
2968.566 I&;m so happy to have breakfast with you.
2968.566 I&;m sure I&;ll get lucky today.
2968.566 It&;s going to be smooth.
2968.566 Come on, eat. Ha, ha.
2968.566 MMM. Delicious.
2968.566 This food is delicious.
2968.566 Uncle, um…
2968.566 Are you doing anything other than a labor agency?
2968.566 Besides, where do you live?
2968.566 Haha, I&;ll do this now.
2968.566 Or live with my workers for the time being?
2968.566 Ah, we live together. It&;s easy to manage.
2968.566 My company is doing very well.
2968.566 Work with me.
2968.566 There are some things I can&;t do myself.
2968.566 So I hope you can help me.
2968.566 When I make money, I&;ll be seven and you three.
2968.566 How about losing it and counting mine?
2968.566 Of course, you can&;t do this right now.
2968.566 I hope you can speak with confidence.
2968.566 Be a professional again
2968.566 Click like an actor.
2968.566 To act as an entrepreneur is to act like an entrepreneur.
2968.566 Actor
2968.566 Entrepreneur
2968.566 I don&;t quite understand what you mean.
2968.566 This is a check for 10 million.
2968.566 1000
2968.566 I want you to act as a building materials supplier.
2968.566 To talk about cooperation with Haotian.
2968.566 Encourage him to start a company
2968.566 I&;m the middleman.
2968.566 At that time, we will be tripartite cooperation.
2968.566 Pull you in this time.
2968.566 I don&;t want to add any more troubles.
2968.566 Let Haotian think I have another purpose.
2968.566 But you do have an ulterior motive, right?
2968.566 You still don&;t give up on Zhong Haotian, do you?
2968.566 Liu Shan
2968.566 Your feud with Yang Zhenzhen
2968.566 I&;ve already looked into it.
2968.566 You&;re so mad at him.
2968.566 It&;s not because I hate him at all
2968.566 The affair between your father and willow
2968.566 You like Zhong Haotian
2968.566 But he already has Yang Zhenzhen by his side.
2968.566 So you just…
2968.566 Yaoshan
2968.566 Uncle, tell you.
2968.566 This emotion, this thing.
2968.566 He can&;t force me to spend my whole life
2968.566 It&;s impossible to let him go.
2968.566 I must have Haotian bring it to me with his own hands.
2968.566 Begged me to marry him.
2968.566 Be nice. Listen to me.
2968.566 You see, you are in such good condition.
2968.566 It&;s because I have good conditions.
2968.566 I was even more unwilling to lose to Yang Zhenzhen.
2968.566 Even if I get it, no.
2968.566 I don&;t want to lose to Yang Zhenzhen, do you understand?
2968.566 Will you help me?
2968.566 I
2968.566 Even if you don&;t help me,
2968.566 I&;m gonna do the same.
2968.566 My decision made by Xia Youshan
2968.566 No one can change.
2968.566 Okay, let me help.
2968.566 I didn&;t say no.
2968.566 I&;m sure I&;ll help you.
2968.566 That&;s good
2968.566 Don&;t worry about working with me.
2968.566 I won&;t treat you badly.
2968.566 My career is not a fake.
2968.566 It&;s for real.
2968.566 I really hope
2968.566 He Haotian has made a good career.
2968.566 Get back to capital three years later
2968.566 With my strength,
2968.566 Plus my previous contacts.
2968.566 I&;m sure I can do it.
2968.566 Okay
2968.566 But what about that Yang Zhenzhen?
2968.566 He will definitely follow Zhong Haotian all the time.
2968.566 It&;s simple
2968.566 Get rid of him.
2968.566 Get rid of him.
2968.566 Yu Jing.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 Where&;s Ju Ma?
2968.566 Uh, uh, she went shopping.
2968.566 What is it? what happened?
2968.566 Ah, it&;s okay.
2968.566 Sit down first. Listen to me.
2968.566 I want to confirm it.
2968.566 Is what friendly said yesterday true or not?
2968.566 I want to know.
2968.566 Is it true about him and willow mother and daughter?
2968.566 It&;s okay
2968.566 I saw friendliness just now
2968.566 He&;s walking with Cheng Wei.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 I can feel what you&;re feeling right now.
2968.566 Actually, when I saw him at that time,
2968.566 I reacted exactly like you.
2968.566 My mind went blank.
2968.566 I had no idea.
2968.566 How can Cheng Wei and friendliness get mixed up?
2968.566 Why did Cheng Wei appear?
2968.566 Does he know that friendliness is his own daughter?
2968.566 But
2968.566 I saw a friendly reaction yesterday.
2968.566 I believe
2968.566 Friendly doesn&;t know he&;s not ours.
2968.566 But what about Chen Wei?
2968.566 Chen Wei, I&;m not so sure.
2968.566 Zheng Song
2968.566 There&;s one thing I haven&;t told you.
2968.566 What&;s the matter?
2968.566 Cheng Wei
2968.566 He came to see me twice.
2968.566 What about this office?
2968.566 Used to be in the construction consignment business.
2968.566 Because the company is growing so fast.
2968.566 So this office is not big enough.
2968.566 So he moved out.
2968.566 Look
2968.566 What about office equipment?
2968.566 It&;s still here. I already talked to the landlord.
2968.566 I rent all the equipment together.
2968.566 Wait a minute. The owner of the house will come.
2968.566 Just sign a contract with them in your own name.
2968.566 As for your business card,
2968.566 I&;ve asked them to reprint it.
2968.566 It will be delivered at 5: 00 p. M.
2968.566 And
2968.566 That seat is yours.
2968.566 Mine
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 Ha ha ha
2968.566 Well, actually, if I want to change my wardrobe,
2968.566 I&;m kind of like a boss. Haha.
2968.566 Hello. Hello.
2968.566 I&;m Yu Dong.
2968.566 I&;m Xia Zhengsong.
2968.566 Ah, brother-in-law.
2968.566 What do you want with me?
2968.566 Of course not.
2968.566 I saw you having breakfast with friendly people today.
2968.566 You come out now.
2968.566 Let&;s talk face to face.
2968.566 I believe
2968.566 And you don&;t want to hurt your own daughter.
2968.566 There are some things that if you say to friendly,
2968.566 The consequences will be unimaginable.
2968.566 Because being friendly is sensitive, you know?
2968.566 I know.
2968.566 Ha ha brother-in-law
2968.566 You said you were young.
2968.566 Even if you get pregnant with someone else, you can have a baby.
2968.566 The wife ran away after the baby was born.
2968.566 You can&;t even hold your own child.
2968.566 I am a sister.
2968.566 Come down with you.
2968.566 Your brother-in-law is helping you carry it.
2968.566 You haven&;t seen anyone for more than 20 years.
2968.566 Now the child has grown up.
2968.566 Came back to have a baby, didn&;t you?
2968.566 When did I say I came back to have a baby?
2968.566 Then why are you looking for Friendship?
2968.566 Let me tell you something.
2968.566 Friendly only know one father and one mother in my life.
2968.566 It&;s me and Zheng Song.
2968.566 There is a girl who is so proud and proud.
2968.566 If you let him know about his own biological parents,
2968.566 You were born without him.
2968.566 How sad he should be and how aggrieved he should be
2968.566 So I didn&;t tell him I was his real father.
2968.566 I have always appeared in the role of an uncle
2968.566 How&;s it going?
2968.566 I saw my own daughter break the law.
2968.566 If it&;s not against the law, you can see him.
2968.566 But why don&;t you let us know that I called you?
2968.566 Sister, you&;ve been running away from me.
2968.566 You won&;t let me see him.
2968.566 Can I not figure it out by myself?
2968.566 And then what? after your uncle saw friendliness,
2968.566 What did you say to him?
2968.566 What have you done?
2968.566 It&;s really you.
2968.566 You did what happened at the Willow Chicken Restaurant recently.
2968.566 Is it smashing the store?
2968.566 You did all the murderers.
2968.566 That&;s what friendly people want you to do.
2968.566 Of course not.
2968.566 What does it have to do with being friendly?
2968.566 It&;s what I&;m willing to do.
2968.566 Sister, I&;m complaining for you, too.
2968.566 It&;s my brother-in-law. I&;m sorry.
2968.566 You still protect him so much.
2968.566 No wonder talented people feel uncomfortable.
2968.566 You&;re ready
2968.566 Come on, please.
2968.566 You don&;t know anything.
2968.566 What makes you say that?
2968.566 Do you know that friendliness and chastity have a hard time?
2968.566 What are most of his reasons?
2968.566 It&;s because of friendly love.
2968.566 A chaste fiance.
2968.566 What? what about me and willow?
2968.566 That&;s all excuses.
2968.566 Let me tell you something.
2968.566 What your brother-in-law said is true.
2968.566 Don&;t just listen to the friendly side of the story.
2968.566 Why do you even say that?
2968.566 You&;re a friendly mom.
2968.566 You should support him unconditionally.
2968.566 Brother-in-law
2968.566 If there&;s really nothing between you and willow.
2968.566 Then why are you so protective of them?
2968.566 So protective that friendly happiness can be sacrificed.
2968.566 How can you say that I sacrificed friendly happiness?
2968.566 Haotian and Zhenzhen are a couple.
2968.566 So what
2968.566 You&;re a friendly dad.
2968.566 You should also support him unconditionally.
2968.566 I can not recognize him.
2968.566 I can make you his father for life.
2968.566 But what you have to do is to convince me.
2968.566 That&;s not how parents behave.
2968.566 Not to support him blindly.
2968.566 But to give it to them.
2968.566 I don&;t care about right or wrong.
2968.566 Anyway, what does he need?
2968.566 I can give him something.
2968.566 I can not recognize him.
2968.566 But I can&;t help but make up for what I owe him.
2968.566 Did he ask you to do something illegal?
2968.566 Do you do it, too?
2968.566 You were just too loyal when you were young.
2968.566 That&;s why I don&;t want to have a wife with you.
2968.566 Can&;t even afford to support a child.
2968.566 Don&;t you know you&;re wrong by now?
2968.566 Of course I know I was wrong.
2968.566 That&;s why I&;m going to make amends.
2968.566 I&;m not as rich as you.
2968.566 I can&;t be like you.
2968.566 To provide him with such a generous material life.
2968.566 But I believe that friendliness needs more affection now.
2968.566 Need someone who loves him and supports him unconditionally to become
2968.566 You can&;t do this.
2968.566 Why can&;t you do that?
2968.566 There is no right or wrong in kinship.
2968.566 I was wrong in the past.
2968.566 I shouldn&;t have been born defective because of friendliness.
2968.566 And abandon him.
2968.566 But what about you?
2968.566 You can&;t blame him now.
2968.566 Fall in love with someone he shouldn&;t love.
2968.566 Abandon him.
2968.566 Love should be nothing.
2968.566 Isn&;t that the condition?
2968.566 I just want him to know
2968.566 Whoever he is,
2968.566 No matter who he falls in love with
2968.566 I will always be on his side.
2968.566 Accept him unconditionally and love him.
2968.566 Think about it.
2968.566 Is it his own fault to fall in love with that Zhong Haotian?
2968.566 Isn&;t he in pain?
2968.566 But it&;s just love.
2968.566 You can&;t get back the love you give.
2968.566 Anyway,
2968.566 Now I just want to give Yongshan an absolute fatherly love.
2968.566 It&;s the only thing I can do right now.
2968.566 No one can stop me.
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 Cheng Wei
2968.566 No
2968.566 Forget it
2968.566 at least
2968.566 Cheng Wei will not reveal her friendly background for the time being.
2968.566 This is my last job as a strict secretary.
2968.566 No matter what, you have to finish what you started.
2968.566 Come on, come on.
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 How can you drink at the construction site?
2968.566 There are rules on the construction site that you can&;t drink alcohol.
2968.566 Don&;t you know?
2968.566 Which class are you in?
2968.566 Oh, it&;s too hot.
2968.566 Buy you guys a drink.
2968.566 It&;s okay. It&;s okay.
2968.566 You can&;t drink.
2968.566 You&;re hurting them.
2968.566 You don&;t know.
2968.566 It&;s okay. It&;s okay.
2968.566 Many parts of the construction site are dangerous.
2968.566 It&;s not safe to work after drinking.
2968.566 Hey, it doesn&;t hurt if you stand up and talk.
2968.566 You blow the air conditioner in the bedroom all day.
2968.566 How do you know?
2968.566 We&;re here in the pain of the wind and the sun.
2968.566 I&;ve been drinking.
2968.566 What do you want from me?
2968.566 What do you want now?
2968.566 So are you going to do all this work or not?
2968.566 I&;m not so good.
2968.566 What do you want
2968.566 That&;s right.
2968.566 Is that we quit.
2968.566 What are you doing?
2968.566 I quit
2968.566 What&;s up
2968.566 It&;s amazing that you have money.
2968.566 I&;m looking for bullying.
2968.566 I&;m happy to change him if he has the money.
2968.566 Little girl, I&;m not looking for bullying.
2968.566 What&;s wrong with drinking?
2968.566 What can I do for you?
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 Several men bullied a girl
2968.566 It&;s not enough for a gentleman.
2968.566 Mind your own business.
2968.566 I still want the hero to save the beauty.
2968.566 The gun is.
2968.566 I don&;t want to mind my own business.
2968.566 But protecting girls is what a gentleman should do.
2968.566 She still wants a hero to save her beauty.
2968.566 When I was young,
2968.566 This is also the virtue.
2968.566 Crowd posture
2968.566 A phone call
2968.566 The police will be here soon.
2968.566 I don&;t think you want to go to the police station either.
2968.566 Do you want to earn money to support your family or go to prison?
2968.566 Free choice
2968.566 But my patience is limited.
2968.566 Work. Work.
2968.566 Don&;t talk to him.
2968.566 Go, go, go
2968.566 Oh, kill a Cheng Yaojin halfway.
2968.566 Ah, thank you for your help.
2968.566 It&;s just a raise of hands.
2968.566 What are you doing here?
2968.566 Please come back with us.
2968.566 If I say no,
2968.566 If you say no.
2968.566 Then we are offended.
2968.566 Wow
2968.566 Wow
2968.566 Aah!
2968.566 Aah!
2968.566 Ah
2968.566 Aah! aah!
2968.566 Come back with us.
2968.566 Come back with us.
2968.566 I can&;t tell you if you don&;t go back.
2968.566 That&;s your business.
2968.566 You&;re not going back.
2968.566 The chairman won&;t let us go.
2968.566 I&;m just not going back.
2968.566 Just don&;t go back.
2968.566 Ah
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 Ah
2968.566 Ah! Ah!
2968.566 Ah.
2968.566 Oh, here we go.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 you
2968.566 I&;m warning you.
2968.566 Put me down and stay away.
2968.566 To avoid getting into trouble.
2968.566 Let&;s go
2968.566 Hello
2968.566 Who were those people just now?
2968.566 Who is riding away on a motorcycle?
2968.566 I don&;t know.
2968.566 Someone you don&;t know is worth helping him like this.
2968.566 That&;s stupid.
2968.566 I&;ll take you back.
2968.566 I can walk by myself.
2968.566 What if those people come back?
2968.566 What if you get stuck in traffic again?
2968.566 What if I don&;t see you?
2968.566 I don&;t have you anymore.
2968.566 If you can&;t protect me forever,
2968.566 If
2968.566 If you can&;t promise to hold my hand until you die,
2968.566 Don&;t ask me what I would do without you.
2968.566 Because I was destined to live without you.
2968.566 Brother Yan, you idiot.
2968.566 You big fool
2968.566 You know how hard it takes to stop thinking about you.
2968.566 Don&;t love you?
2968.566 How much courage does it take to get rid of your hands?
2968.566 You don&;t know that the hardest task in the world
2968.566 I&;m trying to do it.
2968.566 And you said I was stupid.
2968.566 You&;re stupid.
2968.566 You have no idea how I love you.
2968.566 You big fool
2968.566 A fool unparalleled in the world
2968.566 Unparalleled in the world, super stupid.
2968.566 Anyway,
2968.566 Now I just want to give friendliness an absolute fatherly love.
2968.566 It&;s the only thing I can do.
2968.566 No one can stop me.
2968.566 It is recognized as irresponsible as Cheng Wei
2968.566 A person who fails in life.
2968.566 All know to give their own daughter absolute fatherly love.
2968.566 And me?
2968.566 Until she is really my own daughter.
2968.566 Not only can I not protect her,
2968.566 Can&;t even give him too much care and love.
2968.566 I&;m such a failed father.
2968.566 Xiao Liang is upright.
2968.566 I want to go for a walk.
2968.566 Okay, come on.
2968.566 Take a tour.
2968.566 Wow
2968.566 This is our office.
2968.566 The space is large enough
2968.566 If you want to cooperate.
2968.566 The problem in the office is solved.
2968.566 My uncle is in the building materials business.
2968.566 Know a lot about many new building materials
2968.566 That&;s why I asked him to work together.
2968.566 Well, actually, from the beginning,
2968.566 The idea of me and Haotian is to start from childhood.
2968.566 Because we don&;t have a lot of money.
2968.566 I&;m afraid to start a big company at the beginning.
2968.566 In case the cash flow is not good at that time.
2968.566 Then don&;t worry.
2968.566 As long as we control the risk well.
2968.566 Then nothing will happen.
2968.566 Don&;t worry about it.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 You&;re right to be friendly.
2968.566 Hey, look.
2968.566 We all have very good resources for manpower and building materials.
2968.566 That means that as soon as we get the case,
2968.566 It can be run at the lowest cost.
2968.566 How can such a good platform lose money?
2968.566 Yeah, I think I&;m good at business.
2968.566 I&;m in charge of that business.
2968.566 Well, that Haotian is good at designing.
2968.566 The design will be handed over to Haotian.
2968.566 My uncle is in manpower building materials.
2968.566 Are very good at construction.
2968.566 So I put him in charge.
2968.566 Isn&;t that perfect?
2968.566 What about the truth?
2968.566 Zhenzhen can handle the accounts.
2968.566 The company&;s account is so important.
2968.566 Hand it over to Zhenzhen.
2968.566 Everyone must be relieved.
2968.566 Yeah, but that&;s not my specialty, Gong.
2968.566 The company has just been founded.
2968.566 You always have to take care of it.
2968.566 Then you should be a little more aggrieved.
2968.566 After taking care of the account first.
2968.566 We just need to receive a lot of projects in the future.
2968.566 Then Haotian is responsible for the external structure.
2968.566 Then the interior decoration will be left to you.
2968.566 Ha ha
2968.566 Hello
2968.566 Ah, Chairman Xia.
2968.566 Why did you call me?
2968.566 Oh, I&;m talking to
2968.566 Ah, I&;m with Haotian now.
2968.566 Um, what can I do for you?
2968.566 Oh, then tell me where you are.
2968.566 I&;ll come to you.
2968.566 Okay, I&;ll see you later. Bye.
2968.566 Jane. Mm-hmm.
2968.566 I want to tell my parents about my own business.
2968.566 So, don&;t worry about this.
2968.566 I&;m sure I won&;t say anything.
2968.566 Thank you
2968.566 Then I&;ll go and see what I can do for you.
2968.566 Okay, okay, yeah.
2968.566 I&;ll take you.
2968.566 No, you guys get down to business. Yeah.
2968.566 What does my brother-in-law want with Yang Zhenzhen?
2968.566 Is Yang Zhen really his daughter?
2968.566 Chairman of the board of directors
2968.566 Yo
2968.566 Zhenzhen
2968.566 You&;re here
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 I&;m so sorry.
2968.566 Let you ride here alone at this late hour.
2968.566 Thank you for your hard work
2968.566 No.
2968.566 Oh, that&;s right.
2968.566 Come on, I&;ll show you there.
2968.566 So, did you see that one?
2968.566 Is that it?
2968.566 That is the first batch of agents of Happy Real Estate.
2968.566 Is it
2968.566 There is also the neon light over there.
2968.566 It is also a community of happy real estate.
2968.566 The chairman.
2968.566 You often come alone.
2968.566 Look at the house you built?
2968.566 I just came to see myself.
2968.566 Did you do the right thing?
2968.566 For the people who bought my house?
2968.566 And found a happy future for them.
2968.566 Oh.
2968.566 When I was young.
2968.566 I have heard a saying
2968.566 Every lamp is a home.
2968.566 A story
2968.566 And now I think more
2968.566 Every house is a home.
2968.566 A story
2968.566 I hope that in my lifetime
2968.566 I can do my best for the house here.
2968.566 Strive for a happy life with the people in the house
2968.566 Chairman, you are really an ambitious man.
2968.566 Really
2968.566 Of course
2968.566 It&;s true.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 If I were your father,
2968.566 Would you be proud of me?
2968.566 Of course I will.
2968.566 You are such a good father.
2968.566 And both of your daughters are very proud of you.
2968.566 Zhenzhen
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 If your dad&;s still here,
2968.566 What do you want him to do for you?
2968.566 Ah, come on.
2968.566 Thank you
2968.566 Or what do you want?
2968.566 Or
2968.566 Is what you want from your father.
2968.566 There seems to be nothing.
2968.566 How could that be?
2968.566 Hey, you&;re embarrassed to say, aren&;t you?
2968.566 If there&;s anything.
2968.566 I&;d want my dad to take me fishing.
2968.566 Fishing
2968.566 Because when I was at school,
2968.566 There is a classmate in the class.
2968.566 His father takes him fishing every holiday.
2968.566 But at this time,
2968.566 I always help in the chicken restaurant.
2968.566 So at that time, I used to think
2968.566 Well, if I could have a dad,
2968.566 Then I don&;t have to help in the Freedom Hotel.
2968.566 I can also go fishing.
2968.566 Ha, am I naive?
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 How could that be?
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 Really? why don&;t you do this?
2968.566 I&;ll be your father.
2968.566 I&;ll take you there tomorrow.
2968.566 It&;s not good.
2968.566 Chairman, you are so busy.
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 I like fishing myself.
2968.566 I used to go fishing.
2968.566 And you can think about some problems while you are fishing.
2968.566 Very good.
2968.566 Oh.
2968.566 You know what? just be it.
2968.566 Go with an old gentleman.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 Yeah, okay.
2968.566 Okay, you said yes.
2968.566 I promise
2968.566 Come on, pull the hook.
2968.566 Ha mm-hmm ha ha
2968.566 Chairman of the board
2968.566 Jane, I don&;t even know what to bring.
2968.566 So I didn&;t bring anything.
2968.566 It turns out that Dad has an appointment with Yang Zhenzhen.
2968.566 You should go fishing with an old man.
2968.566 You don&;t have to bring anything.
2968.566 Everything.
2968.566 I&;m ready.
2968.566 All you have to do is follow me
2968.566 Okay.
2968.566 But this fishing is the easiest to get a tan.
2968.566 Especially at your girls&; house.
2968.566 Did you get sunscreen? yeah.
2968.566 Chairman of the board of directors
2968.566 You are such a sweet and good father.
2968.566 So many things are used for fishing.
2968.566 The fish is really interesting.
2968.566 Well, today.
2968.566 Just let me be my father&;s teacher and teach you how to fish.
2968.566 First of all, you have to learn to throw the pole first.
2968.566 Wow, ha ha.
2968.566 Did you see that?
2968.566 I got it. I got it.
2968.566 Ha ha
2968.566 Ah, yes.
2968.566 If it&;s just dad having an affair with willow,
2968.566 Is it necessary for him to come out alone with Zhen Zhen?
2968.566 Unless
2968.566 Me and him.
2968.566 It seems that
2968.566 Timi hasn&;t broken up with her yet.
2968.566 Tell the family.
2968.566 Oh, that little dress you bought her.
2968.566 She loves it.
2968.566 Uh, it&;s just that recently, the family is concerned about her sister.
2968.566 a scene of chaos
2968.566 So I know.
2968.566 About Yushan.
2968.566 I heard about that.
2968.566 About the feelings of the children.
2968.566 We parents are worried and helpless.
2968.566 But luckily,
2968.566 Timi followed you.
2968.566 I believe that, too.
2968.566 You won&;t be an irresponsible young man.
2968.566 I believe you will bring happiness to Timi.
2968.566 Live up to Miss Sun&;s business
2968.566 Timi mentioned it to me.
2968.566 Don&;t worry
2968.566 We all trust you very much.
2968.566 I hope you don&;t betray our trust in you.
2968.566 What&;s more, don&;t betray Timi&;s trust in you.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 I know you&;re busy.
2968.566 I&;ll leave you alone.
2968.566 Yu Jing, go to the meeting.
2968.566 Okay. Bye.
2968.566 Oh, no.
2968.566 If I really said that on the stage,
2968.566 I immediately offended Chairman Xia.
2968.566 How can this be regarded as an offence?
2968.566 It&;s just telling the truth.
2968.566 Hey, you.
2968.566 You said you knew exactly how I felt about you.
2968.566 And asked me to help you get back together strictly.
2968.566 You&;re not embarrassing my mom.
2968.566 Jin Dong is really good at joking.
2968.566 Jin Dong has a big family and a great career.
2968.566 If there are any socialites and ladies in the future
2968.566 I&;ll stand for you. Ha.
2968.566 I don&;t need you yet. Ha.
2968.566 Ouch.
2968.566 Ouch.
2968.566 Oh, My God
2968.566 Ah, inexplicably came a bunch of ferocious spirits.
2968.566 Smash it up and leave.
2968.566 All right, all this stuff has been smashed.
2968.566 I don&;t know how much it will cost to fix it tomorrow.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 Willow
2968.566 Don&;t you think that&;s weird?
2968.566 These are people we&;ve never seen before.
2968.566 And inexplicably came and ordered a lot of food and drink.
2968.566 These things haven&;t been digested in the stomach yet.
2968.566 I started yelling about a stomachache.
2968.566 And then started smashing the shop indiscriminately.
2968.566 The man disappeared.
2968.566 Hey, isn&;t that weird?
2968.566 You mean it&;s fake for these people to eat something bad?
2968.566 It is true that things are smashed in the shop.
2968.566 It must be so.
2968.566 Oops.
2968.566 Do you think we&;ve offended someone lately?
2968.566 How is that possible?
2968.566 We&;ve been here for so long.
2968.566 Be kind and kind to others
2968.566 How is it possible to offend people?
2968.566 Hey, hey.
2968.566 Hey, what do you say?
2968.566 I&;m just saying.
2968.566 Could it be Xia Zhengsong&;s daughter?
2968.566 She&;s been quarreling with us lately.
2968.566 Ma Cheng is her.
2968.566 It must be her.
2968.566 Ouch.
2968.566 Mom, I&;m back. I&;m back.
2968.566 Mom, why are the plates and bowls all broken?
2968.566 What&;s going on?
2968.566 Ah, ah
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 Aah!
2968.566 I was talking about you.
2968.566 You just showed up.
2968.566 Why are you doing this?
2968.566 What did I do?
2968.566 What happened out there?
2968.566 Just now a bunch of strangers came to smash the shop.
2968.566 Please don&;t say you didn&;t do it.
2968.566 It looks like miscellaneous electricity.
2968.566 Why would I do such a thing?
2968.566 I just went to the company to get some data today.
2968.566 Then I met Zhenzhen on the road.
2968.566 So we went to the hospital together.
2968.566 The rest of the time is spent with Zhenzhen.
2968.566 Why would I do such a thing?
2968.566 Yes yes yes
2968.566 I was really with friendly this afternoon.
2968.566 A house watcher.
2968.566 He&;s very enthusiastic.
2968.566 Wait, you&;re with him.
2968.566 What are you doing with him?
2968.566 Oh, all right.
2968.566 All right, all right.
2968.566 I&;ll explain.
2968.566 Both of our misunderstandings have been cleared up.
2968.566 We are good friends now.
2968.566 You are good friends with him.
2968.566 Hey, don&;t say he robbed your fiance. You forgot.
2968.566 Aunt Xiulan
2968.566 Aunt Yang Liu
2968.566 Aah!
2968.566 I admit I&;ve done a lot of wrong things before.
2968.566 So ignorant.
2968.566 I don&;t know how to bless.
2968.566 It&;s all my fault.
2968.566 I hope you can forgive me.
2968.566 But what happened today has nothing to do with me.
2968.566 Ha ha
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 You think I can trust you by saying that, don&;t you?
2968.566 Money makes the mare go
2968.566 If you want to do this,
2968.566 Do you still need to do it yourself?
2968.566 Aunt Xiulo.
2968.566 Since someone came to smash the store today,
2968.566 Why not call the police?
2968.566 Call the police. You don&;t call the police and you don&;t figure things out.
2968.566 You blame everything on me again.
2968.566 How can I be convinced?
2968.566 Well, you bully Zhenzhen all day long.
2968.566 I&;m not convinced yet.
2968.566 Don&;t think you&;ve done anything. I know.
2968.566 Oh, my gosh.
2968.566 Let me tell you something.
2968.566 All right, all right.
2968.566 Hey, you&;re tired.
2968.566 Sit down. Sit down.
2968.566 All right. Hello?
2968.566 Such a big thing happened today.
2968.566 I can&;t believe you didn&;t call me first.
2968.566 How dangerous it is.
2968.566 Mom, really.
2968.566 I want you to take care of Haotian in the hospital.
2968.566 We have to deal with the follow-up problems of car repair.
2968.566 I&;ll just tidy up with Aunt Xiulan.
2968.566 Can&;t we just make up the goods tomorrow?
2968.566 Okay, I get it.
2968.566 I&;m glad you&;re okay.
2968.566 Ah, Xiulan.
2968.566 We took out the rubbish
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 You&;ve been tired all day.
2968.566 Please sit down.
2968.566 I&;ll go.
2968.566 Okay, sit down. Sit down.
2968.566 Ah, Zhenzhen
2968.566 Let me help.
2968.566 Thank you
2968.566 What&;s up
2968.566 It&;s the same as real.
2968.566 I have a conscience.
2968.566 Huh
2968.566 You&;re welcome. Thank you.
2968.566 Contact me more in the future.
2968.566 Okay, okay, this place is beautiful.
2968.566 Yeah, it&;s good.
2968.566 Thank you. Uh-huh.
2968.566 Where&;s Timi?
2968.566 Ha ha ha ha
2968.566 Come on, cheers.
2968.566 Look, there&;s Timi.
2968.566 Ha ha ha
2968.566 Go and have a look.
2968.566 Ha ha ha
2968.566 Timi. Okay.
2968.566 Oops! oops!
2968.566 Excuse me. Excuse me.
2968.566 My daughter
2968.566 Timi has a dress exactly like yours.
2968.566 I&;m sorry.
2968.566 Excuse me, are you employees of layered construction?
2968.566 Have you seen Timi?
2968.566 No.
2968.566 I didn&;t see it.
2968.566 I&;m sorry. I&;m sorry.
2968.566 Where&;s Timi?
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 56 Happiness Street
2968.566 This is clearly the address.
2968.566 Why can&;t you find it?
2968.566 Wow. Mm-hmm.
2968.566 Ladies and gentlemen,
2968.566 Blue Twin Star City Benchmarking Development Plan
2968.566 The reception will now officially begin.
2968.566 good
2968.566 Please welcome Chairman Jin successfully developed by the partner.
2968.566 And our big parents of Tiefeng construction.
2968.566 Chairman Zhang delivered a speech on the stage
2968.566 Ha ha ha
2968.566 Yes, please.
2968.566 Very pleased
2968.566 I can see so many old friends here today.
2968.566 Coastal development in recent years
2968.566 Can be day by day year by year
2968.566 Bring China into line with the international construction industry
2968.566 Even beyond
2968.566 It is all thanks to the merit of the elites and sages here.
2968.566 For everyone&;s visit
2968.566 I would like to extend a warm welcome
2968.566 And express my sincere thanks.
2968.566 Today we can work with the excellent
2968.566 Chairman Kim, who has many successful development cases
2968.566 Cooperation
2968.566 To jointly develop the only piece of land in Jinhua in the urban area.
2968.566 I feel extremely honored and excited.
2968.566 Here
2968.566 Once again, we would like to thank Chairman Kim.
2968.566 Give us such an opportunity to build layers and peaks.
2968.566 We will do our best
2968.566 Make the development plan perfect.
2968.566 I think this plan belongs to all of us.
2968.566 It should belong to our future generations.
2968.566 Yes, thank you.
2968.566 Gentlemen,
2968.566 This development plan
2968.566 Be able to break ground so quickly and smoothly
2968.566 There are two most important behind-the-scenes actors.
2968.566 They are the strict general managers of layer-by-layer construction.
2968.566 And Sun Xiaojing, vice president of the project.
2968.566 Miss Sun, please.
2968.566 The blueprint of this blue Gemini.
2968.566 It was originally the common dream of these two young talents.
2968.566 You may not know yet.
2968.566 The two of them used to be lovers
2968.566 Are boyfriend and girlfriend.
2968.566 Later, uh, they separated because of some misunderstanding.
2968.566 Today, because of this development project,
2968.566 Rekindled the fire of love.
2968.566 Ha, this is really
2968.566 Love and career
2968.566 The dream combination of ideal and reality
2968.566 I believe
2968.566 Both of them
2968.566 I will live up to the expectations of me and everyone else.
2968.566 I will do my best
2968.566 Complete the development and design of this project
2968.566 Of course, it&;s not just for themselves.
2968.566 But also for the sake of our citizens.
2968.566 In order to push our city to the top of the world
2968.566 Let everyone see different perspectives and work hard.
2968.566 Ah, ha.
2968.566 No wonder Timi can&;t even see a figure.
2968.566 This is too much.
2968.566 Such a high-profile compound
2968.566 Where did you put our Timi?
2968.566 And he knew we were going to the party.
2968.566 Forget it. I can&;t stay. Come on.
2968.566 Hey, go, go, go. Let&;s go.
2968.566 Now let&;s invite our General Manager Yan and Vice President Sun
2968.566 Lead the first dance for us
2968.566 Okay, ha, ha, ha.
2968.566 Liangliang, stop Chairman Xia for me.
2968.566 I have something to say to them.
2968.566 Chairman Liangliang
2968.566 When I first chased it out,
2968.566 Chairman Xia and his wife happened to leave by car.
2968.566 It seems that we can only hope they can understand.
2968.566 Sir, wipe it.
2968.566 Ma&;am.
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 Has Timi come back yet?
2968.566 I don&;t know where I went.
2968.566 Hurry up and call him back.
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 Timi. Uh-huh.
2968.566 What&;s going on?
2968.566 Your mother. Oh, my God.
2968.566 Where have you been?
2968.566 Why aren&;t you at the party?
2968.566 And got caught in so much rain.
2968.566 A travel agency takes the size of the company
2968.566 Otherwise, it will affect the travel of company people.
2968.566 And then I don&;t know if I got the address wrong.
2968.566 Or what?
2968.566 Anyway, that travel agency ran for a long time.
2968.566 I didn&;t find it either.
2968.566 Ouch, oops, oops.
2968.566 My God
2968.566 You stupid kid.
2968.566 I already danced with Sun Xiaojing at the reception.
2968.566 And publicly announced that love would be rekindled.
2968.566 Hey, what are you doing?
2968.566 Ah, working for others in the rain.
2968.566 Oh, you think you&;ve caught a cold.
2968.566 That strict will feel sorry for you.
2968.566 That&;s stupid.
2968.566 Why are you strictly in love with someone else?
2968.566 How could he do that?
2968.566 Timi, is this true?
2968.566 What can I do?
2968.566 Xiao Jin got blood cancer three years ago.
2968.566 Because I don&;t want to be a drag on strict.
2968.566 So he chose to leave.
2968.566 If it wasn&;t for his illness.
2968.566 He and strict have long been a happy couple.
2968.566 Now Xiaojing is back.
2968.566 I strictly want to go back to him and take care of him.
2968.566 It&;s a natural thing to do.
2968.566 No wonder you dragged your feet this morning.
2968.566 Refuse to go to work
2968.566 It&;s my fault.
2968.566 I&;m so upset about your sister these days.
2968.566 I&;m sorry I ignored you.
2968.566 Ah, I&;m sorry.
2968.566 Mom, I&;m fine.
2968.566 Oh, don&;t go.
2968.566 Ouch! ouch!
2968.566 Tian Mei, what&;s wrong?
2968.566 What&;s up
2968.566 Oh, it&;s so hot.
2968.566 Come on, Chrysanthemum Mom.
2968.566 Come on, find the antipyretic medicine.
2968.566 Look at this kid getting wet.
2968.566 How can a silly child be so stupid?
2968.566 you
2968.566 Of course it became a cactus.
2968.566 The tears in the palms are still hot.
2968.566 Still need to be cherished.
2968.566 That&;s nice.
2968.566 I will make you fall in love with me
2968.566 I should have known that love would hurt like this.
2968.566 Love can be so hard to sleep in the first place.
2968.566 Why take it too seriously?
2968.566 Be friendly
2968.566 What exactly do these words mean?
2968.566 What does he want?
2968.566 Haotian
2968.566 The text messages just now are all my favorite lyrics.
2968.566 Share with you
2968.566 I hope you like it.
2968.566 It turned out to be lyrics.
2968.566 Uncle, come on, come on, come on.
2968.566 Come on.
2968.566 good
2968.566 Sit
2968.566 Yours
2968.566 Hey, hey, I think you&;re in a good mood today.
2968.566 Mm-hmm.
2968.566 There must be a lot of bad breath.
2968.566 And then I had a good sleep.
2968.566 You&;re relieved.
2968.566 The chicken seller doesn&;t know anything.
2968.566 You have my word
2968.566 Uncle, you are so kind to me.
2968.566 Of course it is.
2968.566 Because you&;re my baby.
2968.566 Baby niece? ha ha.
2968.566 You see, I&;m alone.
2968.566 You&;re my family.
2968.566 I&;m not good to you. Who else am I good to?
2968.566 In the future.
2968.566 Is there anything I need to do?
2968.566 Go ahead and say it.
2968.566 Really
2968.566 It&;s all on me.
2968.566 Then let&;s say
2968.566 When it&;s settled, I&;ll do it.
2968.566 You do the bad ones.
2968.566 But do you think I&;m too bad?
2968.566 Nah
2968.566 A beautiful and lovely girl like you
2968.566 How can you do those things?
2968.566 What about you? just be your princess.
2968.566 The fight against the devil.
2968.566 I&;ll do it. I&;ll do it again.
2968.566 It&;s on me.
2968.566 Uncle, you are really too kind to me.
2968.566 Ha ha
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 Uncle.
2968.566 There&;s one more thing I want to ask you for.
2968.566 What&;s the matter?
2968.566 Well, why don&;t you have breakfast first?
2968.566 Oh, no.
2968.566 What do you want to tell me?
2968.566 I can help you with anything you say.
2968.566 It&;s all right. You eat and drink milk first.
2968.566 Okay, then I&;ll eat first.
2968.566 Come on, come on.
2968.566 Don&;t let him see it.
2968.566 I&;ll watch it for you.
2968.566 Ah, I&;m sorry.
2968.566 Timi, I didn&;t know it was a gift from the general manager.
2968.566 Sorry
2968.566 Oops.
2968.566 You scared me
2968.566 You don&;t even know.
2968.566 I know this is a dress given to him by the general manager
2968.566 How nervous I am.
2968.566 And Xia Zhengsong saw me wearing Tianmei clothes again.
2968.566 Recognized me as Timi.
2968.566 Who makes you like to do something wrong?
2968.566 Why did you trick Timi into sending large and small sheets?
2968.566 Oh, stop it.
2968.566 How do I know he&;ll catch a cold and have a fever?
2968.566 Xiao Chen said he wasn&;t coming.
2968.566 I feel bad, too.
2968.566 But, uh, that&;s interesting.
2968.566 Timi is really gullible.
2968.566 There is no company that needs him to send large and small sheets.
2968.566 Oh, you just make a phone call. He&;s really going in the rain.
2968.566 And almost got pneumonia.
2968.566 He must hate me now.
2968.566 If he reports to the general manager
2968.566 Then I&;m dead.
2968.566 You&;re already dead.
2968.566 Hello, General Manager.
2968.566 How dare you set up a small group in the company?
2968.566 Framing colleagues
2968.566 One big mistake at a time
2968.566 Disappear in front of me right now.
2968.566 Yes
2968.566 This fool.
2968.566 I didn&;t even know I was bullied like this.
2968.566 And got himself a cold.
2968.566 Is it appropriate for me to go now?
2968.566 I just broke up with him.
2968.566 And last night, Xia Dong
2968.566 The secretary must be very angry.
2968.566 Oh, whatever.
2968.566 I&;m his supervisor.
2968.566 If he gets sick for business,
2968.566 I should go to see him.
2968.566 Tianmei
2968.566 Timi, how are you?
2968.566 Good point not ah
2968.566 How&;s Timi?
2968.566 Is it better?
2968.566 Oh, it&;s still so hot.
2968.566 No, let&;s go to the hospital.
2968.566 Be good, son.
2968.566 Come on, Timi, let me get some sleep.
2968.566 Alas, foreigners never take medicine for colds.
2968.566 And I don&;t go to the hospital.
2968.566 Just get some sleep.
2968.566 Foreigners are foreigners.
2968.566 You&;re not a different race.
2968.566 The way to treat the disease is also different.
2968.566 Come on.
2968.566 Let&;s try the Chinese way.
2968.566 No, no.
2968.566 This old ginger soup dispels the cold
2968.566 If you drink it, you can force the cold out.
2968.566 Maybe you&;ll be refreshed soon.
2968.566 Come on, get up. Come on.
2968.566 uncle
2968.566 Excuse me, is Timi there?
2968.566 What are you doing here?
2968.566 I heard he was sick.
2968.566 So I came to see him.
2968.566 In what capacity did you see him?
2968.566 It&;s the boss
2968.566 Is it a friend or ex-boyfriend?
2968.566 I know my uncle must not understand me very much.
2968.566 I&;m sorry, Timi.
2968.566 I failed him.
2968.566 But he did it yesterday because of the company.
2968.566 Just caught a cold in the rain.
2968.566 In love and reason, I should have come to see him.
2968.566 If you are looking at him as your boss
2968.566 Then I appreciate your kindness.
2968.566 You can go now.
2968.566 Uncle, I just want to
2968.566 What more do you want?
2968.566 Don&;t you know
2968.566 Who on earth is Timi working so hard for?
2968.566 Who did he get sick for?
2968.566 You came to see him like this.
2968.566 It can only make him more unforgettable about you.
2968.566 Can only break his heart.
2968.566 It&;s more difficult to recover.
2968.566 Did you get back together with your ex-girlfriend?
2968.566 And you greedily want Timi to continue to love you.
2968.566 Continue to pay for you?
2968.566 You&;re so selfish.
2968.566 That&;s definitely not what I meant.
2968.566 I&;m just worried about him.
2968.566 Oh, hello, uncle.
2968.566 I really catch a cold.
2968.566 Come on, will you let me talk to him for a second?
2968.566 Uncle. Uncle.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 I have a fever and I&;m confused.
2968.566 I thought I heard a strict voice.
2968.566 It can&;t be. It won&;t.
2968.566 He bullied you like that.
2968.566 He has the nerve to come.
2968.566 let&;s go
2968.566 Uncle, please trust me again.
2968.566 Let me see Timi again.
2968.566 I just want to see him.
2968.566 It&;s really strict.
2968.566 Timi, you can&;t go.
2968.566 You&;ll catch cold.
2968.566 It&;s not ready yet.
2968.566 Oh, ma&;am.
2968.566 You see him
2968.566 Oh, what are you doing?
2968.566 Since you can&;t avoid hurting him,
2968.566 Then please stay away from him.
2968.566 Uncle, I really just want to see him.
2968.566 I just want to see him.
2968.566 Uncle, just trust me for once.
2968.566 I really just want to see him.
2968.566 he
2968.566 You stupid bastard.
2968.566 What would you do without me?
2968.566 I&;m so confused.
2968.566 What would I do without you?
2968.566 I have the size sheet.
2968.566 I&;ll go in and get it now.
2968.566 Hello
2968.566 That&;s not why I&;m here.
2968.566 I came to tell you
2968.566 You were deceived by Yan Wen.
2968.566 good
2968.566 There is no employee reason at all.
2968.566 They played a trick on you.
2968.566 How did this happen?
2968.566 Yao Tianmei, look, you are just one o&;clock.
2968.566 Put your clothes on.
2968.566 You are such a child.
2968.566 This is your dress.
2968.566 Hey, where did you find it?
2968.566 I looked for it for a long time yesterday, but I couldn&;t find it.
2968.566 It was also stolen by Yan Wen.
2968.566 That&;s too much.
2968.566 How could you do that?
2968.566 I&;ve already done it for each of them.
2968.566 I didn&;t take care of them properly.
2968.566 Sorry
2968.566 Forget it
2968.566 It has nothing to do with you anyway.
2968.566 They must have known that after I broke up with you
2968.566 He turned to curry favor with Sun Xiaojin.
2968.566 I&;m not talking about Sun Xiaojing.
2968.566 It&;s just Yan Wen and they know it.
2968.566 Will choose people who are good for themselves to curry favor with.
2968.566 Now that you both broke up,
2968.566 I think you should just resign.
2968.566 Why would I resign?
2968.566 I&;m just taking a day off with a cold today.
2968.566 Why did you resign?
2968.566 You&;re both like this. you&;re still together.
2968.566 Isn&;t work awkward?
2968.566 No, there&;s no awkwardness.
2968.566 Ask him if you don&;t believe me
2968.566 Do you think it&;s embarrassing and unnatural?
2968.566 Nah
2968.566 Weren&;t you my girlfriend before you were my secretary?
2968.566 That is to say, strict and I have a clear distinction between public and private.
2968.566 Okay
2968.566 Tianmei
2968.566 I can respect your choice.
2968.566 But I hope you can also understand your parents&; feelings.
2968.566 You look like this.
2968.566 We parents will be very distressed, you know?
2968.566 Oh, me.
2968.566 Went to the office.
2968.566 Okay
2968.566 Then I&;ll go back to the office first.
2968.566 I just had ginger soup.
2968.566 When I feel a little better, I will go to work at the company.
2968.566 Today.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 You&;d better come to the office after you get rid of your cold.
2968.566 Don&;t infect others.
2968.566 You can&;t wear a mask if you&;re afraid of infection.
2968.566 So timid.
2968.566 Auntie, say good-bye.
2968.566 Oh, you stupid kid.
2968.566 Silly girl
2968.566 I haven&;t given up yet.
2968.566 Who said that
2968.566 I wouldn&;t like a man with a girlfriend.
2968.566 From now on,
2968.566 I would like to solemnly announce to you
2968.566 I&;m going to fall in love.
2968.566 I&;m not going to lose to strict.
2968.566 Ma&;am, I&;ll tell you.
2968.566 Ginger soup is very effective
2968.566 You see, I feel much more energetic now.
2968.566 I don&;t know if it&;s the sharpening of love.
2968.566 Or the sharpening of ginger soup.
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 Oh.
2968.566 Ah, Xiulan.
2968.566 You tidy up the outside
2968.566 I&;ll get it inside. Okay.
2968.566 Xiulun, help me carry the chicken soup first.
2968.566 Careful. Careful.
2968.566 Be careful, be hot.
2968.566 Come on, one, two, go.
2968.566 Oh, I loosened the meal.
2968.566 You wash this dish clean. Okay, okay.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 Ah, Xiulan.
2968.566 Come here. Come here.
2968.566 What? what&;s going on?
2968.566 How did this white rice turn into sand rice?
2968.566 All the formalities for discharge have been completed.
2968.566 What about the rest of the money?
2968.566 Well, is this money all from Haotian?
2968.566 Then give me the rest.
2968.566 Hey, Mom.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 Why do you really care about this?
2968.566 He pays for all the car repairs.
2968.566 He&;s been working very hard.
2968.566 Oh, what do you know?
2968.566 The money was used on me.
2968.566 I saved it for you.
2968.566 That&;s.
2968.566 Hey, Mom.
2968.566 All right, all right. Shh.
2968.566 Hello
2968.566 What?
2968.566 How could this happen?
2968.566 Oh, okay, okay.
2968.566 I&;ll be right back.
2968.566 Don&;t worry. Don&;t worry.
2968.566 What&;s up
2968.566 Zhenzhen listens to you sound so anxious
2968.566 Is something wrong?
2968.566 Mom called just now.
2968.566 I don&;t know who played the prank.
2968.566 Make the chicken rice in the shop covered with sand.
2968.566 So now the business can&;t be done.
2968.566 Mom was scared.
2968.566 Already called the police to take care of it.
2968.566 Then what are we waiting for?
2968.566 Hurry back and have a look.
2968.566 Okay, okay, let&;s go.
2968.566 Hey
2968.566 Haotian, you just got out of the hospital.
2968.566 Don&;t run around.
2968.566 Ouch.
2968.566 It is you who stay well.
2968.566 I really have to deal with the chicken restaurant.
2968.566 You let him go alone.
2968.566 You rest at home obediently.
2968.566 Hey, how about this?
2968.566 Jane, go first.
2968.566 Then I drove Hao Tian first to have a rest.
2968.566 Then I&;ll go to the chicken restaurant.
2968.566 What can I do for you?
2968.566 Being friendly is too much trouble for you.
2968.566 No, then I&;m gonna go. Okay.
2968.566 Who could it be?
2968.566 Yeah, who could it be?
2968.566 Have you had any grudges with anyone lately?
2968.566 Or offend someone.
2968.566 No. No.
2968.566 If there is, it is, too.
2968.566 It&;s impossible
2968.566 We are all small businesses.
2968.566 Serve the general public
2968.566 Make a little money
2968.566 There&;s no time to hold a grudge against others.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 Mom.
2968.566 How&;s mom?
2968.566 This is…
2968.566 This is my daughter Zhen Zhen.
2968.566 Well, hello.
2968.566 It seems that the warning from the other side is very strong.
2968.566 So I suggest you be careful these days.
2968.566 All right, all right.
2968.566 If you can.
2968.566 You&;d better install some monitors in the store.
2968.566 Or install an alarm.
2968.566 Comrade policeman
2968.566 Does that look like you can recognize who it is?
2968.566 Yeah, we run a snack bar.
2968.566 I&;m worried that in case those people are not reconciled,
2968.566 If you come back secretly and tamper with it,
2968.566 It doesn&;t matter if our business gets worse.
2968.566 But it affects the health of the guests.
2968.566 That would be troublesome.
2968.566 Yes, yes
2968.566 So I built it.
2968.566 You&;d better go out of business for a few days.
2968.566 we
2968.566 If we find someone suspicious,
2968.566 You will be informed of the identification at any time.
2968.566 Oh, okay.
2968.566 Thank you, Xie.
2968.566 To
2968.566 Have you collected the physical evidence?
2968.566 Collected.
2968.566 Then let&;s go back.
2968.566 Okay. Thank you.
2968.566 Thank you.
2968.566 Hey, thank you.
2968.566 Take care! take care!
2968.566 Oh, how could that be?
2968.566 How is that possible?
2968.566 It&;s time to rest.
2968.566 How can I get my income if I don&;t do business?
2968.566 That&;s what I said.
2968.566 Oh, he&;s so abominable.
2968.566 Who did this?
2968.566 If I catch him,
2968.566 I must have skinned him.
2968.566 It&;s real.
2968.566 How about being friendly?
2968.566 Can I help you?
2968.566 The police have already been here.
2968.566 And they took a statement.
2968.566 Take all the evidence with you.
2968.566 What did the police say?
2968.566 The police still don&;t know who did it.
2968.566 But he did suggest that we install a monitor.
2968.566 So that when those people come back,
2968.566 We&;ll know who did it.
2968.566 Then what are you waiting for?
2968.566 I know the manufacturer.
2968.566 I&;ll call them right now.
2968.566 Oh, nice. Thank you.
2968.566 Never mind
2968.566 Good point not ah
2968.566 I miss you so much
2968.566 I want to. I really do.
2968.566 Haha, did you miss me?
2968.566 Ha, ha. Mm-hmm.
2968.566 Do you think he&;s really changed?
2968.566 I hope he&;s really changed.
2968.566 That won&;t do him any good.
2968.566 Oh, I mean you.
2968.566 It&;s just like you.
2968.566 You mother and daughter are both too righteous and kind.
2968.566 If it were me,
2968.566 I&;d rather kill 100 by mistake.
2968.566 Don&;t rely on women to get close to my husband.
2968.566 Ha, although I don&;t have a husband.
2968.566 How does this woman treat love and perseverance?
2968.566 It&;s like a man fighting for power.
2968.566 Spare no effort.
2968.566 How could he not know how to play innocent?
2968.566 Let the other party lose his guard.
2968.566 This is not the trick Yang Liu used to my parents.
2968.566 Mom.
2968.566 I&;m hungry. Is the meal ready yet?
2968.566 Come to dinner when you are hungry
2968.566 Come and eat quickly.
2968.566 Wow, so many.
2968.566 Sit down. Sit down.
2968.566 Come and eat. It really smells good.
2968.566 Try this.
2968.566 Thank you. Good.
2968.566 Eat more food yourself.
2968.566 Mm-hmm.
2968.566 Friendly come here to eat. It&;s our hometown food.
2968.566 Yeah, those are your dad&;s favorite foods.
2968.566 Ah, Aunt Yang Liu is my father&;s hometown.
2968.566 So it&;s natural to know what Dad likes to eat.
2968.566 I know friendliness. I&;m glad you already understand.
2968.566 Your father and I are simply good friends.
2968.566 That&;s for sure
2968.566 At first, I really didn&;t think
2968.566 There will be pure friendship between men and women.
2968.566 But I understand now.
2968.566 In fact, between lovers and friends
2968.566 It&;s still easy to tell.
2968.566 For example, Haotian and I are actually friends.
2968.566 Friendliness, in fact, I never dreamed of.
2968.566 I can be good friends with you.
2968.566 Because you have a very high position in my mind.
2968.566 It&;s also noble.
2968.566 It&;s like a fairy.
2968.566 Haha, actually.
2968.566 People can&;t beat the cold on high ground.
2968.566 Only you know the pain.
2968.566 I&;m glad to have you as a friend, too.
2968.566 Oops, oops.
2968.566 It&;s just like it&;s real.
2968.566 Be friendly.
2968.566 Now that you&;ve figured it out,
2968.566 Then why don&;t you go home?
2968.566 Your parents love you so much.
2968.566 I believe that whenever at this time
2968.566 They saw that your seat was empty.
2968.566 They&;re gonna be upset.
2968.566 If you want to treat me like an elder,
2968.566 Just take my advice.
2968.566 Go home
2968.566 Yeah, friendly chairman.
2968.566 And the wife of the chairman must miss you very much.
2968.566 Yongshan mother
2968.566 I cook your favorite dish every night.
2968.566 Set the dishes and wait for you.
2968.566 Waiting for you to come back any time.
2968.566 What is it? what is it?
2968.566 Did you say something you shouldn&;t have said?
2968.566 Okay, I won&;t say.
2968.566 Teach me not to preach.
2968.566 Yeah, let&;s eat.
2968.566 Let&;s eat amicably.
2968.566 Come on!
2968.566 Order more food.
2968.566 Eat. Eat. Eat more.
2968.566 You eat more, too. Yeah.
2968.566 Don&;t think you pretend to be nice to me.
2968.566 I will forget the harm you have done to me.
2968.566 Okay, we&;re ready to eat.
2968.566 Let&;s eat.
2968.566 Coming
2968.566 I drank ginger soup all day.
2968.566 I want to eat some other soup.
2968.566 Dad, eat.
2968.566 Good to eat.
2968.566 Ma&;am, I&;m sorry.
2968.566 I put it away quickly.
2968.566 Oh.
2968.566 The horse is not needed.
2968.566 I promised to be friendly.
2968.566 Bowls and chopsticks are left for him every day.
2968.566 Let him come back at any time to have a meal.
2968.566 Oh.
2968.566 Let&;s eat.
2968.566 Jun Ma, come and eat together.
2968.566 Anyway, there are so many meals.
2968.566 The three of us can&;t finish it.
2968.566 Sit down
2968.566 Take a look
2968.566 It&;s my fault.
2968.566 Look at me being lovelorn at this time.
2968.566 If I had a boyfriend,
2968.566 I can bring him back.
2968.566 Then it will be for four people.
2968.566 You won&;t be less lively.
2968.566 All right, all right.
2968.566 At the request of a wide audience
2968.566 I decided to make a new boyfriend tomorrow.
2968.566 In that case,
2968.566 Try to bring him home for dinner tomorrow.
2968.566 And it better be a big git.
2968.566 Sweep up all the dishes as soon as you get to the table
2968.566 All right, Mom?
2968.566 Of course.
2968.566 You really need to find another one.
2968.566 Or what?
2968.566 In your heart.
2968.566 Can&;t let go of being strict.
2968.566 Who said that
2968.566 Obviously, I can&;t let go of me strictly.
2968.566 The reason why he came back to Xiao Jin
2968.566 It&;s because of responsibility.
2968.566 And he doesn&;t want to be a unfaithful man.
2968.566 Oh, that&;s right.
2968.566 And, ah,
2968.566 According to the statistical report of women&;s magazine
2968.566 All the men in the world
2968.566 Will never forget the lover he can&;t get.
2968.566 So, strictly speaking,
2968.566 I&;m the one he&;s obsessed with.
2968.566 So I&;m in his heart.
2968.566 There must be a very important position.
2968.566 Oops.
2968.566 What&;s the use of this position?
2968.566 That&;s all he knows.
2968.566 Hold your feelings together
2968.566 So that you can never get your own happiness.
2968.566 You, don&;t be so stupid, will you?
2968.566 Just like your father and Aunt Yang Liu.
2968.566 Your father will always be my husband.
2968.566 He eats with me every day.
2968.566 Talk to me, kid.
2968.566 Accompany me through every lonely and sad day
2968.566 Although he often misses the willow in his heart.
2968.566 however
2968.566 For willows
2968.566 Everything he endured has to face by himself.
2968.566 That is because
2968.566 The most important position in my heart is still you.
2968.566 The willow has passed.
2968.566 You are my present and future.
2968.566 In that case,
2968.566 Strict
2968.566 I am his past.
2968.566 Xiao Xin is his present and future.
2968.566 But there is also a little gold in Brother Yan&;s past.
2968.566 At best, I was just one of his passers-by.
2968.566 So, you have to let go.
2968.566 It&;s not strict.
2968.566 You let yourself go.
2968.566 If you ask me,
2968.566 Such a half-hearted man
2968.566 Let&;s not
2968.566 Don&;t be like your sister.
2968.566 Oops.
2968.566 Messed up his whole life for love.
2968.566 There&;s something wrong, sister.
2968.566 I bought a horror movie.
2968.566 I&;m afraid to look, so…
2968.566 I&;ll watch it with you.
2968.566 And there are Mom and Dad.
2968.566 We can all watch it with you.
2968.566 Does Ju Ma have any delicious snacks?
2968.566 Or ice cream.
2968.566 Yes or no, I will also change it.
2968.566 Friendly or your old position?
2968.566 I saved it for you.
2968.566 Let me get you a bowl and chopsticks.
2968.566 Oh, no.
2968.566 I already ate at Aunt Yang Liu&;s house.
2968.566 Mom and Dad
2968.566 I got it all figured out.
2968.566 Zhenzhen and I have become good friends now.
2968.566 I will never let you worry again.
2968.566 Can I go home now?
2968.566 Silly boy, this is your home.
2968.566 Who dares not to let you come back?
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 Now that we&;ve all eaten,
2968.566 Let&;s get ready to watch DVDs later.
2968.566 All right, all right.
2968.566 Oh, sister.
2968.566 It&;s really nice of you to come back.
2968.566 There&;s so much I want to tell you.
2968.566 The first is that I have a cold
2968.566 and
2968.566 The second thing is that I&;m just like you
2968.566 I&;ve been dumped
2968.566 You broke up with Yan Ge
2968.566 Hey, did you lose to Sun Xiaojing?
2968.566 Yeah, stupid.
2968.566 How can I lose?
2968.566 Tell me quickly
2968.566 over
2968.566 Come here and tell you
2968.566 Sister, I really miss you
2968.566 I have so much to tell you
2968.566 I&;ve been busy at the reception this morning.
2968.566 But now the seats are ready.
2968.566 All you have to do is help me with the lighting.
2968.566 That&;s weird. where&;s my dress?
2968.566 That dress is a strict gift.
2968.566 You can&;t lose it.
2968.566 I obviously put it here.
2968.566 Oh. Oh, okay, okay.
2968.566 I&;ll be there as soon as I find the dress.
2968.566 Ha, ha, ha. Okay.
2968.566 I&;ll be there as soon as I find the dress.
2968.566 AHA.
2968.566 What do you mean bad?
2968.566 Don&;t downgrade me, okay?
2968.566 This is called evil.
2968.566 In fact, it&;s good that Timi can&;t find the dress.
2968.566 You know, if you get to the reception,
2968.566 He saw the love between the general manager and Xiaojing Qing.
2968.566 Ah, yes.
2968.566 In that case,
2968.566 A good man will do it to the end.
2968.566 Hey, what are you doing?
2968.566 Hey, come here.
2968.566 Mm-hmm. Let me tell you something.
2968.566 Yeah
2968.566 Okay. Mm-hmm.
2968.566 Hey, are you guys with me or not?
2968.566 You need to figure out
2968.566 The future crown princess is Sun Xiaojing.
2968.566 If we can drive Tianmei out of Tianfeng construction,
2968.566 That&;s weird. It&;s here.
2968.566 sorry
2968.566 We take advantage of the wind company because there is a reception in the evening.
2968.566 Ah!
2968.566 The company&;s travel was stamped with the wrong stamp.
2968.566 If the size and size sheets are not delivered today,
2968.566 It will delay the company&;s travel.
2968.566 And will be cancelled.
2968.566 Oops.
2968.566 How did this happen?
2968.566 Can&;t you deliver it tomorrow?
2968.566 Forget it
2968.566 There&;s no dress anyway.
2968.566 What about the cocktail party?
2968.566 Okay, you give me the address.
2968.566 I&;ll wait for you.
2968.566 I haven&;t had that much fun in a long time.
2968.566 I&;m so happy.
2968.566 Yes yes
2968.566 Oh, boss Li.
2968.566 Please, please treat me badly.
2968.566 The registration here is unexpectedly given to people like this.
2968.566 Yeah, that&;s funny. That&;s funny.
2968.566 Oh, my God. Okay, inside, please.
2968.566 Hello. Ha.
2968.566 I said, what are you three doing here?
2968.566 Why don&;t I go inside and help?
2968.566 Go ahead.
2968.566 Oh. Oh.
2968.566 Hello. Hello. Hello.
2968.566 Go, go, go.
2968.566 Inside, please.
2968.566 It seems that Timi is really angry.
2968.566 I was so angry that I even gave Yan Wen a gift.
2968.566 No wonder.
2968.566 Haha, please.
2968.566 grandma
2968.566 Grandma, the groundbreaking ceremony this afternoon.
2968.566 Very smooth.
2968.566 Tonight has attracted a lot of distinguished guests.
2968.566 The whole coastal area
2968.566 All attach great importance to this indicator development.
2968.566 Where&;s Timi? is she in the venue?
2968.566 I have no idea
2968.566 I didn&;t see him.
2968.566 There&;s something you may not have thought of.
2968.566 Come to this meeting.
2968.566 Among these seniors,
2968.566 Of course, it also includes Timi&;s parents.
2968.566 You made your own decision.
2968.566 Clean up by yourself
2968.566 Grandma, take care.
2968.566 The general manager, then I will follow.
2968.566 Miss Sun, come on.
2968.566 Come on, Xiao Dong.
2968.566 Let me introduce you.
2968.566 This is my closest partner recently.
2968.566 Strict General Manager of Tianfeng Company
2968.566 This is Sun Xiaojing.
2968.566 These two are my most important driving forces.
2968.566 Ah, I know.
2968.566 General Manager Yan is a very excellent young man.
2968.566 Miss Sun&;s talent Tianmei also talked about it when she came home.
2968.566 What?
2968.566 So you all know each other.
2968.566 The tianmei you&;re talking about
2968.566 Is the youngest daughter in our family.
2968.566 My own company doesn&;t want to stay.
2968.566 He just went to Tiefeng Construction to become a little secretary.
2968.566 Oops! oops!
2968.566 Look at you. Look at you.
2968.566 I really don&;t know Tarzan.
2968.566 Ah, Jin Dong.
2968.566 I&;m sorry.
2968.566 I have something to ask you.
2968.566 Okay, okay.
2968.566 Then I&;ll go over there first.
2968.566 This way, please.
2968.566 Okay, what&;s the matter?
2968.566 Where&;s Timi?

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