Youtube (controlled male chastity): Chastity and Orgasm Denial|controlled male chastity,Chastity and Orgasm Denial sur Youtube

Chastity and Orgasm Denial

YouTube et Le thème « controlled male chastity » dans en vidéo

A la une, le thème « controlled male chastity » publié par Female Led Relationship

Publiée sur YouTube par Female Led Relationship (), une vidéo aborde le sujet de controlled male chastity.

YouTube permet à tous dans le monde entier de partager leurs passions, leurs talents et leurs idées, offrant une plateforme unique pour s’exprimer.

Lorsque nous avons examiné la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions.
Le nombre de Likes indiquait: 147.

Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:03:25s), le titre (Chastity and Orgasm Denial), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« What is the effectiveness of male chastity, orgasm denial and a chastity cage for controlling unwanted male behavior? It is the best way to control a man. Millions of couples have found that using a male chastity and orgasm denial to be a highly effective tool for reducing male disobedience. Additionally, couples find that the psychological element of being in chastity helps men focus on intimacy with their Queen, helping them to avoid compulsive or addictive masturbation and instead to use their sexual energy to perform household chores, child care and other relationship responsibilities. ».

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#Chastity #Orgasm #Denial

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: so male chastity and orgasm denial are sexual practices that involve the submissive man wearing a chastity device to prevent him from engaging in sexual activity or achieving orgasm often at the request of the queen it is commonly used as sex play Within dominance’s submission relationships like female-led relationships since your queen wants to show you that she has control over you she will dictate when you can have an orgasm and the rules associated with what happens during this period you as her submissive can reap the benefits by being completely under her control and experiencing complete submission orgasm denial used by your queen to increase your control over you or submissive because you’re kept in a state of sexual need and vulnerability it helps to deepen your commitment and service to her you will definitely be more compliant the point is that this opens you and your queen up to a world of Endless Possibilities to dramatically transform your female lead life Chastity and orgasm denial may not be for everyone but they can be beneficial for couples in female-led relationships in the following ways first enhance intimacy male chastity and orgasm denial increases intimacy between you and your Queen by requiring a high level of trust and communication when you remove the wham bam thank you ma’am and change a man’s Focus to service to the queen and goddess worship from Simply getting off this is a game changer don’t knock it till you’ve tried it hundreds of thousands of couples swear by Chastity and look forward to experimenting with it by delaying or denying orgasm male chastity and orgasm denial can lead to more intense and satisfying sexual experiences for both you and your queen satisfaction is always a goal in life and your Queen’s sexual satisfaction is almost guaranteed with Chastity because you as for submissive gentleman has no choice but to focus on her desires you must give her proper oral pleasure and by doing so you become more focused on her satisfaction over your own the buildup of excitement and anticipation is what makes us so exciting for both of you the anticipation of sexual release can create a heightened sense of sexual tension desire leading to more intense sexual experiences you have something to look forward to your anticipation of when your queen will release you will be the only thing you can think of your queen is your key holder and only she can determine when you can be released you become intensely focused on her satisfaction your queen feels her power over you when she controls the most important part of your life your manhood there’s no greater feeling of submission to a great and powerful Queen when she locks the [ __ ] she asserts her control over you and this is the very domination you crave in your female-led relationship male chastity and orgasm denial is the perfect way for couples to explore sexual fantasies and Desires in a safe and consensual manner how do you know what your deepest sexual desires are if you do not explore them together read my book Chastity the guide to male chastity and find out why at least 35 million male chassis devices have been sold each year for the past 23 years find out why so many couples find these practices to be so beneficial for their relationship and sexual satisfaction as with any sexual practice it’s important for couples to engage in open communication and consent when exploring male chastity and orgasm deny get my book Chastity the guide to male chastity today .

Image YouTube

Déroulement de la vidéo:

1.1 so male chastity and orgasm denial are
1.1 sexual practices that involve the
1.1 submissive man wearing a chastity device
1.1 to prevent him from engaging in sexual
1.1 activity or achieving orgasm often at
1.1 the request of the queen it is commonly
1.1 used as sex play Within dominance&;s
1.1 submission relationships like female-led
1.1 relationships since your queen wants to
1.1 show you that she has control over you
1.1 she will dictate when you can have an
1.1 orgasm and the rules associated with
1.1 what happens during this period you as
1.1 her submissive can reap the benefits by
1.1 being completely under her control and
1.1 experiencing complete submission orgasm
1.1 denial used by your queen to increase
1.1 your control over you or submissive
1.1 because you&;re kept in a state of sexual
1.1 need and vulnerability it helps to
1.1 deepen your commitment and service to
1.1 her you will definitely be more
1.1 compliant the point is that this opens
1.1 you and your queen up to a world of
1.1 Endless Possibilities to dramatically
1.1 transform your female lead life Chastity
1.1 and orgasm denial may not be for
1.1 everyone but they can be beneficial for
1.1 couples in female-led relationships in
1.1 the following ways first enhance
1.1 intimacy male chastity and orgasm denial
1.1 increases intimacy between you and your
1.1 Queen by requiring a high level of trust
1.1 and communication when you remove the
1.1 wham bam thank you ma&;am and change a
1.1 man&;s Focus to service to the queen and
1.1 goddess worship from Simply getting off
1.1 this is a game changer don&;t knock it
1.1 till you&;ve tried it hundreds of
1.1 thousands of couples swear by Chastity
1.1 and look forward to experimenting with
1.1 it by delaying or denying orgasm male
1.1 chastity and orgasm denial can lead to
1.1 more intense and satisfying sexual
1.1 experiences for both you and your queen
1.1 satisfaction is always a goal in life
1.1 and your Queen&;s sexual satisfaction is
1.1 almost guaranteed with Chastity because
1.1 you as for submissive gentleman has no
1.1 choice but to focus on her desires you
1.1 must give her proper oral pleasure and
1.1 by doing so you become more focused on
1.1 her satisfaction over your own the
1.1 buildup of excitement and anticipation
1.1 is what makes us so exciting for both of
1.1 you
1.1 the anticipation of sexual release can
1.1 create a heightened sense of sexual
1.1 tension desire leading to more intense
1.1 sexual experiences you have something to
1.1 look forward to your anticipation of
1.1 when your queen will release you will be
1.1 the only thing you can think of your
1.1 queen is your key holder and only she
1.1 can determine when you can be released
1.1 you become intensely focused on her
1.1 satisfaction
1.1 your queen feels her power over you when
1.1 she controls the most important part of
1.1 your life your manhood there&;s no
1.1 greater feeling of submission to a great
1.1 and powerful Queen when she locks the
1.1 [ __ ] she asserts her control over you
1.1 and this is the very domination you
1.1 crave in your female-led relationship
1.1 male chastity and orgasm denial is the
1.1 perfect way for couples to explore
1.1 sexual fantasies and Desires in a safe
1.1 and consensual manner how do you know
1.1 what your deepest sexual desires are if
1.1 you do not explore them together read my
1.1 book Chastity the guide to male chastity
1.1 and find out why at least 35 million
1.1 male chassis devices have been sold each
1.1 year for the past 23 years find out why
1.1 so many couples find these practices to
1.1 be so beneficial for their relationship
1.1 and sexual satisfaction as with any
1.1 sexual practice it&;s important for
1.1 couples to engage in open communication
1.1 and consent when exploring male chastity
1.1 and orgasm deny get my book Chastity the
1.1 guide to male chastity today

La chasteté masculine sous contrôle.

La gestion de la chasteté masculine consiste à ce qu’un individu, en général un homme, choisisse de restreindre ses activités charnelles à l’aide d’outils spécialisés comme des cages de chasteté, avec la supervision d’un partenaire.

Dans la pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée, plusieurs techniques sont employées pour restreindre les activités sexuelles.

Le rôle d’une cage de chasteté est de limiter la manipulation ou la masturbation du pénis en restreignant physiquement son accès. La mise en pratique de la chasteté contrôlée nécessite une confiance authentique et une dynamique où l’on se soumet au pouvoir du partenaire. Une chasteté contrôlée réussit mieux lorsque la clé est détenue par un tiers extérieur, ayant un regard neutre et sans émotion.Le CCC comprend également l’utilisation d’une cage de chasteté pilotée à distance, qui vous libérera des sentiments d’obligation d’orgasme et des habitudes nuisibles. Vous pourrez ainsi vous concentrer pleinement sur vos projets et vos objectifs. En savoir plus sur la pratique de la Chasteté Masculine Contrôlée

Les bénéfices et avantages de cette approche sont variés.

Se consacrer à la chasteté contrôlée procure un apaisement notable. La pratique de la chasteté entraîne une réduction des préoccupations sentimentales pour le bénéficiaire. Le bénéficiaire a un chemin tracé et doit appliquer la discipline demandée. En modérant certaines impulsions, les garçons diminuent les distractions charnelles. La sollicitation constante des individus par la pornographie et les rencontres est dictée par une logique commerciale. Une diminution de l’activité charnelle peut amener à des liaisons plus significatives. De nouvelles chances se manifestent. On peut alors entreprendre de nouveaux projets et se tourner vers de nouveaux défis. Pour résumer, la chasteté masculine contrôlée est une approche réfléchie et volontaire pour la gestion de la sexualité des garçons, visant à optimiser leur bien-être personnel et relationnel. Cette pratique est optimale lorsqu’elle est accompagnée par un coach professionnel. Cette pratique supprime les inconvénients liés au sexe et offre la possibilité de se concentrer sur d’autres buts ou projets. Les sportifs, les étudiants et les professionnels peuvent améliorer leur préparation à la réussite grâce à cette pratique. Il est responsable du bon fonctionnement, en ajustant les périodes de libération selon les buts.

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