À propos du thème «chastity» : Une exploration vidéo sur YouTube
Signée par Beauty Ray, une vidéo publiée sur YouTube (le ) est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « chastity ».
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Lors de notre récente consultation de cette vidéo (), elle totalisait des interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 1275.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:10:36s), le titre (Permanent Chastity ), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« https://x.com/b_gonebad ».
Visionnez la vidéo directement sous ce texte
Quelle cage de chasteté est la mieux adaptée ?
Lors de la sélection d’une cage de chasteté, il est important d’évaluer plusieurs éléments, y compris la longueur du tube, le diamètre de l’anneau, les matériaux utilisés, et la commodité d’utilisation. Quelle est la longueur correcte du tube ? La longueur du tube est fondamentale pour le confort et l’efficacité de la cage. Elle doit être proportionnelle à la taille du pénis au repos. Un tube trop long peut engendrer de l’inconfort et diminuer l’efficacité de la cage, tandis qu’un tube trop court peut provoquer des douleurs. Il est recommandé de mesurer votre pénis lorsqu’il est au repos pour établir la longueur idéale du tube. Quel type d’anneau choisir ? Le choix de l’anneau pour la cage de chasteté est essentiel pour assurer confort et sécurité. L’anneau entoure la base du pénis et des testicules, maintenant la cage en place. Il est crucial de sélectionner le bon diamètre : un anneau trop petit peut entraîner gêne, douleur ou problèmes circulatoires, surtout s’il est en métal, tandis qu’un anneau trop grand ne maintiendra pas correctement la cage. Pour une mesure précise, il est recommandé de mesurer la circonférence de la base du pénis et des testicules et de choisir un anneau légèrement plus grand. Concernant la forme, les anneaux peuvent être circulaires, ovales ou ergonomiques, en métal ou d’autres matériaux. Les modèles ergonomiques, bien que plus sophistiqués, offrent souvent un meilleur confort pour un port prolongé en s’adaptant mieux aux contours du corps, ce qui réduit les frottements et les irritations. Quels matériaux choisir pour une cage de chasteté ? Les cages de chasteté sont conçues avec plusieurs matériaux, chacun ayant ses propres avantages et désavantages. Les matériaux les plus fréquemment utilisés sont : Plastique : Ce matériau est léger et généralement transparent, ce qui le rend idéal pour les personnes qui découvrent la chasteté. Cependant, sa durabilité peut être inférieure à celle de certains autres matériaux. Métal : Étant robuste et durable, le métal donne une sensation de poids qui peut être agréable pour certaines personnes. Cependant, il peut déclencher les détecteurs de métaux et n’est pas recommandé pour une utilisation prolongée. Silicone : Flexible et confortable, le silicone convient parfaitement à ceux qui recherchent une cage plus douce. Il est également hypoallergénique, ce qui est un avantage pour les peaux délicates.
Où se procurer une cage de chasteté ?
Les sex-shops offrent des cages de chasteté. Il est aussi possible d’acheter des cages de chasteté en ligne.
Les erreurs souvent observées chez les débutants.
Éliminons l’erreur fréquente des personnes nouvelles en chasteté : opter pour une cage basée uniquement sur un catalogue sans expérience pratique est la pire des stratégies. La chasteté ne doit pas être prise à la légère. Les cages de chasteté achetées sur Internet sont souvent oubliées dans un tiroir. Il est crucial de faire appel à un professionnel pour les choix de développement personnel. Un spécialiste pourra examiner vos objectifs, vous guider, vous assister dans vos choix et vous fournir un soutien.
Quels éléments doivent être considérés pour choisir une cage de chasteté ?
Lorsqu’on sélectionne une cage de chasteté, il est important de prendre en compte plusieurs critères pour garantir à la fois confort, sécurité et efficacité, particulièrement pour les hommes. Taille et Diamètre : Une cage de chasteté correctement ajustée et compressant légèrement la verge est indispensable. La mesure correcte de la taille et du diamètre du pénis au repos est cruciale. Si une cage de chasteté est trop large, elle pourrait perdre en efficacité, tandis qu’une cage trop serrée peut provoquer des douleurs et des problèmes durant l’érection. Matériau : Les cages de chasteté peuvent être faites de divers matériaux, chaque type ayant ses propres avantages et inconvénients. Les cages en résine sont populaires pour leur légèreté et leur discrétion. Ce matériau hypoallergénique convient parfaitement aux personnes ayant la peau sensible, car il minimise les risques d’irritation tout en offrant une robustesse pour une utilisation prolongée. Les cages en métal, en particulier celles en acier inoxydable, sont connues pour leur robustesse et leur poids, ce que certains utilisateurs trouvent stimulant. Ce produit durable est souvent vu comme un accessoire de qualité supérieure pour ceux qui désirent une expérience plus intense. Néanmoins, ces cages peuvent présenter un poids plus important et être parfois moins confortables lors d’une utilisation prolongée. Il est vital de choisir un modèle de cage avec un anneau bien ajusté à votre anatomie, en termes de forme et de diamètre. Sécurité et Système de Verrouillage : Le verrouillage est un élément fondamental pour assurer le sérieux et le succès d’une cage de chasteté. Les cadenas classiques sont utilisés fréquemment grâce à leur simplicité. Les micro-serrures en métal offrent une protection comparable. Il y a des cages de chasteté dont la fermeture est à vis métallique, nécessitant un outil spécifique tel qu’un tournevis Torx pour l’ouverture. Les serrures de sécurité à came tubulaire sont parmi les plus sécurisées, avec un mécanisme toujours en métal plus complexe, plus lourd et difficile à forcer. Votre coach pourra vous conseiller sur l’une ou l’autre de ces solutions en fonction de vos objectifs. La plus sécurisée n’est pas forcément la meilleure. Les hommes qui choisissent des cages de chasteté avec un anneau en métal et un système de verrouillage très sécurisé le font souvent pour l’excitation d’être dans une cage inviolable plutôt que pour une véritable sécurité. Porter une cage de chasteté pendant une longue durée, qu’elle soit en métal ou en autre matière, requiert une expérience certaine et une adaptation progressive. L’expérience globale est grandement influencée par la qualité du modèle de cage et de l’anneau choisi. Il est essentiel d’opter pour une cage avec un anneau bien conçu qui assure un confort quotidien, sans compromettre la sécurité ni l’hygiène. Un modèle de cage efficace doit assurer une bonne ventilation et un accès pratique pour les nettoyages tout en empêchant les érections complètes.
Les cages de chasteté sont une solution intéressante pour ceux qui souhaitent essayer cette pratique.
Il est essentiel de bien réfléchir avant de choisir une cage de chasteté. Une des solutions les plus fiables est de s’adresser à quelqu’un dont c’est le domaine d’expertise (notammentce service) Pour trouver une cage de chasteté qui répond à vos attentes, évaluez la longueur du tube, les matériaux et vos besoins spécifiques. Que vous soyez un débutant ou un utilisateur expérimenté, assurez-vous de bien vous informer pour choisir une cage qui offre confort et sécurité.
Cage de chasteté : Décision, Avis, Introduction.
La cage de chasteté suscite un intérêt croissant chez deux types de personnes : Ceux qui désirent explorer de nouvelles facettes de leur sexualité avec leur partenaire, que ce soit par curiosité envers les cages de chasteté, pour renforcer leur relation, ou par désir de jouer avec le contrôle et la soumission. Ou ceux qui désirent s’engager dans la chasteté pour obtenir des bénéfices en termes de croissance personnelle, de pureté, de spiritualité, de fidélité, de santé, de soumission, et de concentration sur des objectifs de vie différents du sexe. Mais comment sélectionner la cage de chasteté idéale ? Quels éléments doivent être examinés avant d’acheter une cage de chasteté ? Nous vous guiderons pour mieux cerner ces aspects.
Les buts associés à l’utilisation d’une cage de chasteté sont divers.
Les motifs derrière le port d’une cage de chasteté sont divers et souvent personnels. Pour certains individus, la cage de chasteté représente une façon d’accentuer la discipline personnelle. D’autres la voient comme un outil pour intensifier leur vie sexuelle. Certains couples utilisent la cage de chasteté pour fortifier leur confiance et renouveler leur relation. Peu importe vos raisons, il est crucial de comprendre vos désirs et attentes avant de vous engager. En tenant compte de cela, un critère primordial se dessine : la durée d’utilisation de la cage de chasteté. Cela varie de quelques minutes (quand elle sert d’accessoire lors d’un rapport sexuel) à plusieurs mois (dans le cadre d’une chasteté continue et authentique).
Quelle est la démarche pour installer correctement une cage de chasteté ?
L’installation d’une cage de chasteté peut sembler difficile au début, mais elle devient plus facile avec le temps. Préparation : Il est important que votre pénis soit au repos et détendu avant de mettre la cage. Utilisez un lubrifiant à base d’eau pour rendre l’insertion plus facile et évitez les lubrifiants à base de silicone qui pourraient abîmer la cage. Procédure : Commencez par introduire l’anneau autour des testicules, puis insérez le pénis dans le tube avant de verrouiller la cage.
Comment faire le choix d’une cage de chasteté ?
Pour sélectionner la cage de chasteté qui répondra le mieux à vos attentes, il est nécessaire de prendre en compte vos besoins personnels. Pour faire un choix éclairé et améliorer votre expérience de chasteté, il est important de bien comprendre les matériaux (métal, silicone ou résine), le système de verrouillage et les dimensions qui conviennent à votre anatomie.
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#Chasteté #Permanente
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hello everyone my name is Bella welcome back to my channel and I haven’t been posting for a while because I obviously have a lot of better things to do than just you know let you all see my face all day because I know very well that all of you are addicted to it so yeah but finally I made my appearance again so you should be really grateful for that anyways in this video we are going to be discussing permanent Chasity what it is and for who I recommend it and um you know how can you become a permanent Chasity slave right so what is permanent chassity permanent Chastity means being permanently locked or you don’t have to be locked if you don’t want to you can just be permanently abstaining from any sort of pleasure okay so there’s something that can do that most people prefer to use a chass device to help them do that I don’t know what these noises are but look at my background though like I am obsessed okay anyways so yeah we were talking about Chastity you can do it with a chasity device or without a chasity cage as you want um most slaves however do need one in my experience and a lot of them are you know it’s actually a very tough um you know lifestyle to be a permanent CH these slaves because you have to train yourself to be completely okay without any pleasure right like you have to train yourself some people don’t have to train um Trend themselves if they are if they are like not into it that much you know but probably you would not be watching this video if that was your case it would just be living your permanent chest not any pleasure life you know like kind of sexual life but you are watching this video so I can guess that you probably do need a chassity God okay so probably do need a Chas to function right so anyways how to get there I have some slaves who cannot stay locked for more than two days or like more than am days like they need it every single day right and um there are some actually they have they could go for longer but every time I talk with them they have to like work their way up there right it’s not it doesn’t come naturally to them to just out of nowhere ly themselves because you know with men their stuff gets full they need a release you know it’s not the same as women like for me it’s really hard to understand because I don’t have such a thing right so um yeah but it’s absolutely possible for a man to be permanently you know in a chassity right so so what I recommend is for you to gradually work your way up but it needs a lot of willpower if your real power is strong you don’t need a chassity to do this but I still do recommend a chassity fore too to be successful with that right so even if you have a chassity and if your key is still available you’re are going to be tempted right so when you’re in a permanent chassity well that means is that the key just doesn’t exist right it was thrown away by your mistress by yourself by your master it just doesn’t exist so your only way to get rid of chassity would be actually to surgically remove it I shouldn’t have told you this because you should be locked all the time not thinking about any surgical removals of chassity right and that’s going to be embarrassing you don’t want to go through that right like you don’t want to be like oh hello doctor you know like I was just watching Bella’s videos one day and she really convinced me to lock myself and throw away the key so um yeah now I need to remove it because that was a bad idea okay you don’t want that all right actually maybe you do that would be so fun if this if there something that happens to you I need to know okay so speaking of which there’s a Twitter Link in the description and there’s my other special link where you can talk to me and some people don’t get it like you cannot talk to me on Twitter okay like I’m literally not not answering on Twitter only on my special page so if you want to talk to me only on my special page okay so share your experience with me I want to know all right so to avoid rash decisions of throwing away the key and then having to go to the doctor to remove it or you know using the axe or what is it called no it’s not an axe ax is this one what is this one called tell me tell me guys because I forgot the name it just doesn’t come to my mind right now um you don’t want to do that because you’re going to cut something else with it as well I mean it’s not like you don’t want it as well but you know what I mean you we don’t we don’t want that all right for this video at least I have some other videos where we do that but not in this video okay so you have to work yourself up to a permanent chassity so I recommend starting with how much can you endure first okay so if it’s three three days do it three days if it’s 5 days do it five days and then always add One Day More okay one day more then release then seven days one day release 8 days one day release 9 days and you know gradually it’s going to take a while but you’re going to see the urge going down it might be hard to master in the beginning if you are used to different frequency but what I really recommend is just distracting yourself with me obviously and knowing that you have to listen to my orders if he wants to be my slave um I mean I’m not kidding but that’s one thing I can you can do but I’m pretty sure that my videos kind of you know excite you a lot because that’s what they do that’s how I make them yeah it’s just my presence that excites everybody but anyways um yeah what was I say saying what was I saying yeah so you have to work yourself up there and gradually you’re going to see the notice that the urge is going away and you’re not going to need it at all and that’s when you can throw away the key that’s when you can get locked and throw away the key and you don’t need it you’re permanently locked there is no pleasure for you anymore you don’t deserve to you never actually deserve to any to experience any pleasure just really pathetic to me that some betas are you know um so desperate but it is what it is okay some people cannot control their urges so yeah um I wonder if somebody can hear me have not but okay so that’s all I wanted to tell you guys today about permanent Chastity so what it is it is being permanently locked in a Chastity or mental Chastity where you just don’t need the chassity eyes and just not experiencing any sort of pleasure ever like zero zero Z zero no pleasure anyway guys look at my fit it’s pretty cool right this is my um bathing suit because I went to Waterfall today and you actually have to go with a with a bathing suit because you get completely wet right so but I like my f look look look what’s from the back okay I’m obsessed okay anyways I like the color combination you know like this is the same color as This Isn’t that cool okay so what I was saying um who is a perfect um perfect candidate for permanent Chastity is somebody who has been who is already practicing it but just doesn’t know you know um so probably you’re not watching this video if that’s you and another one is somebody who is aware that his urges are not in place you know he cannot um control them he cannot do you know um he cannot concentrate on real life permanent Chasity is a good option for you but you have to understand that you you you are probably going to need to work yourself up and the process that I recommend is just always adding one more day and distracting yourself with other things okay distracting yourself with my videos as I said but no I mean distracting yourself with something that makes sense you know like serving you know you can just be cleaning the house all day you can be focusing on some other stuff you know something productive right because some of you guys are just like doing that all day like I cannot believe that some of you guys can really go for the whole day but anyways I guess that just type of people that you know got so deep into it that now they need a goddess to control them right I’m talking to you you yeah yes you this is why watching this video yeah I mean how did you get to this video you probably cannot control yourself and you started to search for stuff like this my videos are not just recommended to anyone you know you have to search for them so I got you I got you okay so thank you for watching my video and make sure to subscribe and um follow me on my special page as well make sure to comment down there what’s your longest time of wearing a chassity I want to know okay I want to know what is the average because s the slaves like some the slaves can go out for really long like they can do months right like they’re already in a permanent chacy in a way because it just doesn’t stop they can just go on and on but some of them have to do it like every day right like they log themselves but they unlock you know it’s just yeah they just cannot handle it right so I want to know let me know down in the comments and I see you in my next one bye .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.96 hello everyone my name is Bella welcome
0.96 back to my channel and I haven&;t been
0.96 posting for a while because I obviously
0.96 have a lot of better things to do than
0.96 just you know let you all see my face
0.96 all day because I know very well that
0.96 all of you are addicted to it so yeah
0.96 but finally I made my appearance again
0.96 so you should be really grateful for
0.96 that anyways in this video we are going
0.96 to be
0.96 discussing permanent Chasity
0.96 what it is and for who I recommend it
0.96 and
0.96 um you know how can you become a
0.96 permanent Chasity slave right so what is
0.96 permanent
0.96 chassity permanent Chastity means being
0.96 permanently locked or you don&;t have to
0.96 be locked if you don&;t want to you can
0.96 just be permanently abstaining from any
0.96 sort of pleasure okay so there&;s
0.96 something that can do that most people
0.96 prefer to use a chass device to help
0.96 them do
0.96 that I don&;t know what these noises are
0.96 but look at my background though
0.96 like I am obsessed okay anyways
0.96 so yeah we were talking about
0.96 Chastity you can do it with a chasity
0.96 device or without a chasity cage as you
0.96 want um most slaves however do need one
0.96 in my experience and a lot of them are
0.96 you
0.96 know it&;s actually a very tough um you
0.96 know lifestyle to be a permanent CH
0.96 these slaves because you have to train
0.96 yourself to be completely okay without
0.96 any pleasure right like you have to
0.96 train yourself some people don&;t have to
0.96 train um Trend themselves if they are if
0.96 they are like not into it that much you
0.96 know but probably you would not be
0.96 watching this video if that was your
0.96 case it would just be living your
0.96 permanent chest not any pleasure life
0.96 you know like kind of sexual life but
0.96 you are watching this video so I can
0.96 guess that you probably do need a
0.96 chassity God okay so probably do need a
0.96 Chas
0.96 to function right so anyways how to get
0.96 there I have some slaves who cannot stay
0.96 locked for more than two days or like
0.96 more than am days like they need it
0.96 every single day right and um there are
0.96 some actually they have they could go
0.96 for longer but every time I talk with
0.96 them they have to like work their way up
0.96 there right it&;s not it doesn&;t come
0.96 naturally to them to just out of nowhere
0.96 ly themselves because you know with men
0.96 their stuff gets full they need a
0.96 release you know it&;s not the same as
0.96 women like for me it&;s really hard to
0.96 understand because I don&;t have such a
0.96 thing right so um yeah but it&;s
0.96 absolutely possible for a man to be
0.96 permanently you know in a chassity
0.96 right so so what I recommend is for you
0.96 to gradually work your way up but it
0.96 needs a lot of willpower if your real
0.96 power is strong you don&;t need a
0.96 chassity to do this but I still do
0.96 recommend a chassity fore too to be
0.96 successful with that right so even if
0.96 you have a chassity and if your key is
0.96 still available you&;re are going to be
0.96 tempted right so when you&;re in a
0.96 permanent chassity well that means is
0.96 that the key just doesn&;t exist
0.96 right it was thrown away by your
0.96 mistress by yourself by your master it
0.96 just doesn&;t exist so your only way to
0.96 get rid of chassity would be actually to
0.96 surgically remove it I shouldn&;t have
0.96 told you this because you should be
0.96 locked all the time not thinking about
0.96 any surgical removals of chassity right
0.96 and that&;s going to be embarrassing you
0.96 don&;t want to go through that right like
0.96 you don&;t want to be like oh hello
0.96 doctor you know like I was just watching
0.96 Bella&;s videos one day and she really
0.96 convinced me to lock myself and throw
0.96 away the key so um yeah now I need to
0.96 remove it because that was a bad idea
0.96 okay you don&;t want that all right
0.96 actually maybe you do that would be so
0.96 fun if this if there something that
0.96 happens to you I need to know okay so
0.96 speaking of which there&;s a Twitter Link
0.96 in the description and there&;s my other
0.96 special link where you can talk to me
0.96 and some people don&;t get it like you
0.96 cannot talk to me on Twitter okay like
0.96 I&;m literally not not answering on
0.96 Twitter only on my special page so if
0.96 you want to talk to me only on my
0.96 special page okay so share your
0.96 experience with me I want to
0.96 know all right so to avoid rash
0.96 decisions of throwing away the key and
0.96 then having to go to the
0.96 doctor to remove it or you know using
0.96 the axe or what is it called no it&;s not
0.96 an axe ax is this one what is this one
0.96 called tell me tell me guys because I
0.96 forgot the name it just doesn&;t come to
0.96 my mind right now um you don&;t want to
0.96 do
0.96 that because you&;re going to cut
0.96 something else with it as well I mean
0.96 it&;s not like you don&;t want it as well
0.96 but you know what I mean you we don&;t we
0.96 don&;t want that all right for this video
0.96 at least I have some other videos where
0.96 we do that but not in this video
0.96 okay
0.96 so you have to work yourself up to a
0.96 permanent chassity so I recommend
0.96 starting with how much can you endure
0.96 first okay so if it&;s three three days
0.96 do it three days if it&;s 5 days do it
0.96 five days and then always add One Day
0.96 More okay one day more then release then
0.96 seven days one day release 8 days one
0.96 day release 9 days and you know
0.96 gradually it&;s going to take a while but
0.96 you&;re going to see the urge going down
0.96 it might be hard to master in the
0.96 beginning if you are used to different
0.96 frequency but
0.96 what I really recommend is just
0.96 distracting yourself with me obviously
0.96 and knowing that you have to listen to
0.96 my orders if he wants to be my slave um
0.96 I mean I&;m not kidding but that&;s one
0.96 thing I can you can do but I&;m pretty
0.96 sure that my videos kind of you know
0.96 excite you a lot because that&;s what
0.96 they do that&;s how I make
0.96 them yeah it&;s just my presence that
0.96 excites everybody but
0.96 anyways um yeah what was I say
0.96 saying what was I saying yeah so you
0.96 have to work yourself up there and
0.96 gradually you&;re going to see the notice
0.96 that the urge is going
0.96 away and you&;re not going to need it at
0.96 all and that&;s when you can throw away
0.96 the key that&;s when you can get locked
0.96 and throw away the key and you don&;t
0.96 need it you&;re permanently locked there
0.96 is no pleasure for you anymore you don&;t
0.96 deserve to you never actually deserve to
0.96 any to experience any pleasure just
0.96 really pathetic to me that some betas
0.96 are you know
0.96 um so desperate but it is what it is
0.96 okay some people cannot control their
0.96 urges
0.96 so
0.96 yeah um I wonder if somebody can hear
0.96 me have not but okay so that&;s all I
0.96 wanted to tell you guys today about
0.96 permanent
0.96 Chastity so what it is it is being
0.96 permanently locked in a Chastity or
0.96 mental Chastity where you just don&;t
0.96 need the chassity eyes and just not
0.96 experiencing any sort of pleasure ever
0.96 like zero zero Z zero no pleasure anyway
0.96 guys look at my fit it&;s pretty cool
0.96 right this is my um bathing suit because
0.96 I went to Waterfall today and you
0.96 actually have to go with a with a
0.96 bathing suit because you get completely
0.96 wet right so but I like my f look look
0.96 look what&;s from the back okay I&;m
0.96 obsessed okay anyways I like the color
0.96 combination you know like this is the
0.96 same color as This Isn&;t that
0.96 cool okay so what I was saying um who is
0.96 a perfect
0.96 um perfect candidate for permanent
0.96 Chastity is somebody who has been who is
0.96 already practicing it but just doesn&;t
0.96 know you
0.96 know um so probably you&;re not watching
0.96 this video if that&;s you and another one
0.96 is somebody
0.96 who is aware that his urges are not in
0.96 place you know he cannot um control them
0.96 he cannot do you
0.96 know um he cannot concentrate on real
0.96 life permanent Chasity is a good option
0.96 for you but you have to understand that
0.96 you you you are probably going to need
0.96 to work yourself up and the process that
0.96 I recommend is just always adding one
0.96 more day and distracting yourself with
0.96 other things okay distracting yourself
0.96 with my videos as I said but no I mean
0.96 distracting yourself with something that
0.96 makes sense you know like serving you
0.96 know you can just be cleaning the house
0.96 all day you can be focusing on some
0.96 other stuff you know something
0.96 productive right because some of you
0.96 guys are just like doing that all day
0.96 like I cannot believe that some of you
0.96 guys can really go for the whole day but
0.96 anyways I guess that just type of people
0.96 that you
0.96 know got so deep into it that now they
0.96 need a goddess to control them right I&;m
0.96 talking to you you yeah yes you this is
0.96 why watching this video yeah I mean how
0.96 did you get to this video you probably
0.96 cannot control yourself and you started
0.96 to search for stuff like this my videos
0.96 are not just recommended to anyone you
0.96 know you have to search for them so I
0.96 got you I got you okay so thank you for
0.96 watching my
0.96 video and make sure to subscribe and um
0.96 follow me on my special page as well
0.96 make sure to comment down there what&;s
0.96 your longest time of wearing a chassity
0.96 I want to know okay I want to know what
0.96 is the average because s the slaves like
0.96 some the slaves can go out for really
0.96 long like they can do months right like
0.96 they&;re already in a permanent chacy in
0.96 a way because it just doesn&;t stop they
0.96 can just go on and on but some of them
0.96 have to do it like every day right like
0.96 they log themselves but they unlock you
0.96 know it&;s just yeah they just cannot
0.96 handle it right so I want to know let me
0.96 know down in the comments and I see you
0.96 in my next one bye
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