Youtube (chasteté): MUTLISUB【九重霄 Blossom】▶EP 17💋 战国晚期,御史之女遭继母陷害,被商人买下献于襄王,三人谋算周旋,情与谋交织,看她如何逆袭破局。💐 /#肖战/#吴谨言/#赵丽颖#许凯

YouTube : Le thème « chasteté » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative

Une vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par 追剧不能停

Une vidéo, produite par 追剧不能停 et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), aborde le sujet de « chasteté ».

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Il convient de préciser la durée (00:42:23s) de la vidéo, le titre (MUTLISUB【九重霄 Blossom】▶EP 17💋 战国晚期,御史之女遭继母陷害,被商人买下献于襄王,三人谋算周旋,情与谋交织,看她如何逆袭破局。💐 /#肖战/#吴谨言/#赵丽颖#许凯), et les observations de l’auteur :« ❤【九重霄 Blossom】👉观看全集:
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🧡剧名Name:九重霄 Blossom
🧡主演Cast: /#肖战/#吴谨言/#赵丽颖/#许凯
🧡简介:💋 战国晚期,御史之女遭继母陷害,被商人买下献于襄王,三人谋算周旋,情与谋交织,看她如何逆袭破局。💐

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九重霄#九重紫#肖战#肖战电视剧#吴谨言#吴谨言电视剧#赵丽颖#赵丽颖电视剧#许凯#许凯电视剧#肖战#肖战电视剧#李一桐#李一桐电视剧#许凯#许凯电视剧#赵丽颖#赵丽颖电视剧#黄景瑜#黄景瑜电视剧#赵露思#刘宇宁#赵露思电视剧#刘宇宁电视剧#趙麗穎#趙麗穎電視劇#肖战#肖战电视剧#肖戰#肖戰電視劇#古装剧#古装爱情电视剧#2022最新古装电视剧 #中国电视剧 #电视剧 #都市剧 #都市情感电视剧#现代爱情剧 #都市情感剧 #大陆电视剧 #大陆剧 #陆剧 #2022电视剧 #电视剧2022 #2022最新电视剧 #2022都市剧 #都市剧2022 #2022最新都市剧 #家庭情感剧 #家庭剧 #家庭情感电视剧 #都市家庭剧 #2022chinesedrama #2022 #2022ChineseDrama #ChineseDrama2022 #ChineseDrama#爱情偶像剧#chinesedram #MysteriousLotusCasebook #SheAndHerPerfectHusband ».

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Les fautes habituelles des personnes novices.

L’erreur la plus commune chez ceux qui débutent dans la chasteté est de sélectionner une cage de chasteté uniquement à partir d’un catalogue sans expérience pratique, ce qui est la pire option. La chasteté est une démarche qui demande une réflexion approfondie. De nombreuses cages de chasteté achetées sur Internet finissent par être mises de côté. Il est nécessaire de recourir à un expert dans le développement personnel. L’aide d’un professionnel vous permettra d’analyser vos objectifs, d’obtenir des conseils, de faire des choix éclairés et de bénéficier d’un accompagnement.

Quelle cage de chasteté choisir pour répondre à vos besoins ?

Lors du choix d’une cage de chasteté, il est nécessaire de tenir compte de différents critères, tels que la longueur du tube, le diamètre de l’anneau, les matériaux utilisés, et la facilité d’utilisation. Quelle est la longueur idéale du tube ? La taille du tube joue un rôle essentiel dans le confort et l’efficacité de la cage. Elle doit être adaptée à la taille du pénis lorsqu’il est au repos. Un tube excessivement long peut entraîner de l’inconfort et rendre la cage moins efficace, tandis qu’un tube trop court peut provoquer des douleurs. Il est conseillé de mesurer votre pénis au repos pour définir la longueur appropriée du tube. Quel est l’anneau idéal pour une cage de chasteté ? Le choix de l’anneau est essentiel pour garantir confort et sécurité. Il doit entourer la base du pénis et des testicules pour maintenir correctement la cage en place. Il est crucial de choisir le bon diamètre : un anneau trop petit peut provoquer gêne, douleur ou problèmes circulatoires, surtout s’il est en métal, tandis qu’un anneau trop grand ne maintiendra pas la cage correctement. Pour une mesure précise, il est conseillé de mesurer la circonférence de la base du pénis et des testicules et de sélectionner un anneau légèrement plus grand. En ce qui concerne la forme, les anneaux peuvent être circulaires, ovales ou ergonomiques, en métal ou autres matériaux. Les modèles ergonomiques, bien qu’ils soient plus complexes, offrent souvent un meilleur confort pour un port prolongé en s’adaptant mieux aux contours du corps, ce qui réduit les frottements et les irritations. Quels matériaux sont utilisés ? Les cages de chasteté peuvent être fabriquées à partir de différents matériaux, chacun avec ses propres avantages et inconvénients. Les matériaux les plus courants sont : Plastique : Léger et souvent clair, ce matériau est idéal pour les débutants en raison de son poids réduit. Cependant, il pourrait ne pas être aussi durable que d’autres matériaux. Métal : Solide et durable, le métal procure une sensation de poids qui peut être stimulante pour certains. Cependant, il peut activer les détecteurs de métaux et n’est pas recommandé pour un usage prolongé. Silicone : Flexible et confortable, le silicone est parfait pour ceux qui cherchent une cage plus douce. Il est également hypoallergénique, ce qui est un plus pour les peaux sensibles.

Les raisons de porter une cage de chasteté peuvent être variées.

Les raisons pour lesquelles on porte une cage de chasteté sont variées et propres à chaque individu. La cage de chasteté est parfois utilisée pour améliorer la discipline personnelle de certains individus. D’autres la perçoivent comme un outil pour dynamiser leur vie sexuelle. Pour certains, une cage de chasteté est utilisée pour renforcer la confiance et dynamiser leur relation. Indépendamment de vos motivations, il est nécessaire de bien comprendre vos désirs et vos attentes avant de vous lancer. Selon cela, on peut établir un critère fondamental : la durée du port de la cage de chasteté. Cela va de quelques minutes (si elle est utilisée comme un accessoire lors d’un acte sexuel) à plusieurs mois (pour une chasteté durable et véritable).

Comment faire le choix d’une cage de chasteté ?

Pour sélectionner la cage de chasteté la mieux adaptée à vos besoins, il est crucial de considérer vos préférences personnelles ainsi que vos exigences spécifiques. Pour faire un choix éclairé et améliorer votre expérience de chasteté, il est important de bien comprendre les matériaux (métal, silicone ou résine), le système de verrouillage et les dimensions qui conviennent à votre anatomie.

Dans quels magasins peut-on acheter une cage de chasteté ?

Pour acheter une cage de chasteté, les sex-shops sont une option. Les cages de chasteté peuvent également être achetées en ligne.

En résumé, les cages de chasteté peuvent être bénéfiques pour les personnes souhaitant expérimenter.

Il est essentiel de bien réfléchir avant de choisir une cage de chasteté. Il est recommandé de passer par un spécialiste dont c’est le métiercomme cette sociétéinstallé en France. En considérant la longueur du tube, les matériaux utilisés et vos besoins personnels, vous trouverez un modèle adapté. Que vous soyez novice ou expérimenté, prenez le temps nécessaire pour choisir une cage qui combine confort et sécurité.

Quels sont les critères principaux pour choisir une cage de chasteté ?

Pour une cage de chasteté, il est essentiel de considérer divers critères afin d’assurer le confort, la sécurité et l’efficacité, surtout pour les hommes. Taille et Diamètre : Il est crucial de choisir une cage qui s’adapte correctement pour offrir une compression légère de la verge. Il est fondamental de mesurer avec précision la taille et le diamètre du pénis lorsqu’il est au repos. Si une cage de chasteté est trop large, elle pourrait perdre en efficacité, tandis qu’une cage trop serrée peut provoquer des douleurs et des problèmes durant l’érection. Matériau : Il existe différents matériaux pour les cages de chasteté, chacun présentant ses propres avantages et inconvénients. Les cages de chasteté en résine sont appréciées pour leur légèreté et leur discrétion. Ce matériau, étant hypoallergénique, est particulièrement adapté aux personnes ayant une peau sensible, car il diminue les risques d’irritation tout en restant robuste pour un usage prolongé. Les cages métalliques, comme celles en acier inoxydable, apportent une solidité remarquable et une sensation de poids qui peut être stimulante pour certains. Il est perçu comme un produit durable et de qualité supérieure, idéal pour ceux qui veulent une expérience plus intense. Toutefois, ces cages peuvent être plus lourdes et parfois moins confortables pour une utilisation prolongée. Il est important de choisir un modèle de cage avec un anneau qui s’adapte à votre anatomie, en termes de forme et de diamètre. Sécurité et Système de Verrouillage : Pour garantir la réussite et la rigueur d’une cage de chasteté, le système de verrouillage est un élément clé. Les cadenas classiques sont utilisés fréquemment grâce à leur simplicité. Les micro-serrures métalliques garantissent un niveau de sécurité similaire. Il y a des cages de chasteté dont la fermeture est à vis métallique, nécessitant un outil spécifique tel qu’un tournevis Torx pour l’ouverture. Les serrures de sécurité à came tubulaire, dotées d’un mécanisme métallique complexe, sont parmi les plus sécurisées et difficiles à contourner. Votre coach pourra vous conseiller sur l’une ou l’autre de ces solutions en fonction de vos objectifs. La plus sécurisée n’est pas forcément la meilleure. Il a été observé que les hommes choisissant des cages de chasteté avec un anneau en métal et un système de verrouillage sécurisé le font souvent pour l’excitation liée à l’inviolabilité plutôt que pour la sécurité réelle. Porter une cage de chasteté pendant une longue durée, qu’elle soit en métal ou en autre matière, requiert une expérience certaine et une adaptation progressive. Le modèle de cage, en particulier l’anneau, joue un rôle clé dans l’expérience globale. Il est crucial de choisir une cage dotée d’un anneau bien conçu pour garantir à la fois confort quotidien, sécurité et hygiène. Il est important qu’un bon modèle assure une ventilation adéquate et un accès facile pour les nettoyages réguliers, tout en bloquant les érections complètes.

Cage de chasteté : Sélection, Critiques, Début.

La cage de chasteté suscite un intérêt croissant chez deux types de personnes : Ceux qui désirent explorer de nouvelles facettes de leur sexualité avec leur partenaire, que ce soit par curiosité envers les cages de chasteté, pour renforcer leur relation, ou par désir de jouer avec le contrôle et la soumission. Ou ceux qui cherchent à pratiquer la chasteté pour profiter des avantages en développement personnel, pureté, spiritualité, fidélité, santé, soumission, et concentration sur des objectifs différents du sexe. Mais comment déterminer la cage de chasteté appropriée ? Quels critères évaluer avant d’acheter une cage de chasteté ? Nous vous apporterons des conseils pour éclaircir ces points.

Quelles sont les étapes pour mettre en place une cage de chasteté ?

L’installation d’une cage de chasteté peut sembler difficile au début, mais elle devient plus facile avec le temps. Préparation : Vérifiez que votre pénis est détendu et au repos avant de mettre la cage. Pour une insertion plus facile, utilisez un lubrifiant à base d’eau et évitez les lubrifiants à base de silicone qui peuvent endommager la cage. Procédure : Placez d’abord l’anneau autour des testicules, puis insérez le pénis dans le tube et verrouillez la cage.

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#MUTLISUB九重霄 #BlossomEP #战国晚期御史之女遭继母陷害被商人买下献于襄王三人谋算周旋情与谋交织看她如何逆袭破局 #肖战吴谨言赵丽颖许凯

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Qin Wangsun, what are you doing? You have nothing to do. Weave a basket to put pens and ink. Your hands can play the piano and write, but you shouldn’t do such rough work. There is nothing in this world that you should not take seriously. Just do it when necessary. I forgot. I asked you why you are here. I came here specifically to say thank you to Qin Wangsun. Thank you for solving a lot of trouble for us. If it weren’t for Qin Wangsun’s help, you would be here now. Lu Buwei can’t get rid of the king’s suspicion . Compared with Brother Lu, I’m just a useless person. I don’t deserve your thanks . Lu Buwei is smart and decisive . Others can’t deceive him. King Qin Sun is open-minded and sincere. Others can’t bear to deceive. So in your opinion, we Which one of the two is better? Lu Buwei knew that he couldn’t do it, so he did it and dared to risk the power of the world for the sake of King Qin. Sun had enough intelligence but He would never use him to hurt others. He knew what he could do but didn’t do it, so naturally you are better . But you two are more similar, right? King Zhao of Tang Dynasty is determined to win you. If you don’t want to be his concubine, there is only one last option left for us to leave. What should you do ? I was fine without you before, right? No, now Zhao Qin is at war with King Qin, and his grandson may be killed at any time. The two of you staying here are nothing more than two more people buried with you . If you don’t continue to suffer the consequences, go and find Lu Buwei. He will tell you what to do . And don’t come to me again from now on . Sister Haolan, the master has prepared everything. Hao Lan has seen the king, and there is no need to be polite. How many times have I told you that I need to apologize to you? I am afraid that the king will be postponed because he is ill and cannot afford the canonization . It was just before the canonization that Hao Lan had a request. Hey, hey, hey, why did you kneel down again ? Tell me what happened. Later, I was favored by the king. It was really God ’s protection. I shouldn’t have made any more requests , but this matter is important. Hao Lan wanted to Go home to visit your parents and family, and ask your Majesty to allow Hao Lan to leave the palace for a few days to continue her family relationship with her parents. By the way, I would like to report this matter. Is this normal? Normally , I will allow you to go back to the Royal Master’s Mansion in three days. Thank you, Your Majesty. I am not in a hurry. Don’t be in a hurry, good times will come. No rush, no rush , hahahaha. You have thought carefully about it. Now that you have made up your mind, you have no regrets. Now that you have made up your mind , I just want to say that you cherish Xiaochun all the way. Why do you still stay in the palace ? I have done countless things . I have thought for the first time that if I could leave here one day, I would open the largest medical clinic in the world and earn countless money, live happily all day long, drink a glass of old wine, and have three friends care about who wins the world and who goes to hell. This is really It’s a comfortable ideal, but it’s a pity that I’m in debt. I can only stay here until I clear my debt. Whose debt do you owe? Let’s go, let’s go , don’t look back. Would n’t it be better if Ogawa could be the best layman in the world ? Token, okay, let you go. What are you doing, Haolan, you’re back, hey, hey , hey, what are you doing, what are you doing? I don’t want to see you, why are you so stubborn ? Go away, you are too stubborn, I am stubborn, my father forgets me, but I will never, I will never. Remember how my mother died. A life for a life. I have received the retribution I deserve . White-haired people send black-haired people. Is there anything worse than this? Sister, everything is my fault . If you have all the limbs, please forgive me. My God, everything is my fault. Why should I retaliate against Xiuyu? Whatever is wrong with me, Xiuyu has committed all the mistakes. I will spend the rest of my life repaying them. I just beg you not to let Xiuyu Tuo live like this again. people Well , your mother is the kindest woman in the world. If he is still alive, he will definitely not want to see you living with such deep-seated hatred. He has become like this and is still struggling to make amends. Even if he one day You should forgive him for such a big sin . Later, I am willing to give up my position of righteousness and let your mother be buried beside your father a hundred years later . We will move your mother’s tomb back to the Li family cemetery immediately. She is a member of the Li family and she dies. answer Where should I hide ? Are you really willing to go out for my mother ? I’m not forgiving you, I’m just atoneing for myself. If what I said today is even half a lie, I’ll be struck by thunder and die. Haolan, you should respect your mother’s wish. Your room ? You’ve packed up, can you come back? No, I have nothing to do with Li Jia. Now that Xiu Yun is gone, you are my husband’s only daughter. You will be my husband’s longevity minister in the future . Can’t you bear the heart to let your husband be alone? Ling Ling ‘s birthday is the last time for my father to fulfill his father’s wish, okay? I beg you, Ms. Li, let’s take you back to the Royal Master’s Mansion. No, I want to walk around alone. I will escort Ms. Li back to the Royal Master’s Mansion. You guys can look for it. Go ahead and drink . You are still afraid that I will abduct her ? Go ahead . Let’s follow and protect Li Nv from a distance . It’s up to you. You don’t want to go back to the Li family . You don’t want to , but you still have to decide to go back for your mother’s wish. Although I Disagree but You must respect that there is a temple fair tonight. Do you want to go see it? But they have money and can push the devil. Oh, grab the gun and get out of the way. Can you look at these dolls ? Are they cute? Silly money , you men always ignore these cute things . In your eyes , only glittering gold and power can excite you? Don’t you dislike it? Even now, I don’t think the doll is cute. So why did you buy it? You’ve been helping me , but do you really like fame and wealth? No, if you don’t like it, then why can’t I buy this doll for you? No matter what you want, I will meet you. As long as I can make you smile, I am a wealthy young woman Lu. If I want this world, can you take it off for me? Do you want it? I think it’s you who wants it. Let me tell you again. I entered the palace for myself , not for you. Don’t always put gold on your face. Money is good, power is beautiful, as long as I hold your hand. Those powers It’s not that important. Wait until your father’s birthday passes. Let’s leave the Kingdom of Zhao forever. No matter where we go , we will be together . Then you will lose all your wealth. I am wealth and you have it. Am I afraid that I will not have power and wealth in the future? I have never seen such an arrogant person . Hahaha, where is King Qin’s grandson? Qin Wangsun is a rare smart man. He must have a way to protect himself. Well, I have already made arrangements in the next few days. You are waiting for me. Can you say a few words to me? What do you want to say? Even today, you still refuse to forgive me. I, you will never repeat your words, even if you did something wrong . It’s not my turn to judge you. The person you want to win your forgiveness is not me . Yes, I know that my father has done many wrong things in his life of pursuing fame, wealth, greed and vanity. I am not qualified to ask for your forgiveness. But later, I can tell my father from my heart. I treat you badly, don’t I love you? The killing caused by hatred has taken away your mother and taken away the humiliation . Do you want to let this tragedy continue? I have lost one family member after another. Can you understand this heartbreaking pain ? Father , my chastity does not depend on me, does n’t it? It’s not all his fault. You know, after hearing the news of Xiuyu’s death, I thought he would go crazy , but he didn’t. After being extremely sad, he suddenly realized that he no longer resents you and no longer screams for revenge against you every day. Got us Can you let the hatred end here and let everything return to peace? The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is still . I hope he is sincerely repentant . He is a father and promises you that he will never hurt you again. It ’s late at night and father should go back to rest early. Yeah , you’ve worked hard all your life Fangcao’er, don’t worry. What are you doing? My slave, Fangcao, please step aside . My mother’s illness has not recovered yet . Don’t catch a cold. Thank you for your concern . Mother, take a good rest. Doctor, please, doctor, please . How is the situation? Lawyer, lawyer, Fu’s pulse is stable and strong. The body is indeed gradually recovering tomorrow . It’s my birthday party. I don’t know if that person can attend , but I can’t go. But remember, don’t But it’s too much work. Hahaha, thank you so much, doctor . It’s a wonderful farewell . I’m sending the doctor out . Master, the guest list is ready. Please take a look at it. Master , hahaha. I have a request. Can you please bring my brother and me to the birthday banquet ? Invite my nephew to come together. This is originally a small banquet at home. Brother Ninth is busy, so don’t disturb him. Is there a birthday banquet at home? It’s a trivial matter and we’re all members of the family. How can we not invite that father? Since mother insists , go ahead and invite him. Okay, ok, ok , haha. I’ll send someone to ask Xie Patriarch to shave. Hahahahao Lan. My body hasn’t recovered yet. It ‘s the Patriarch’s birthday party. It’s all up to you to take care of everything . Congratulations, congratulations , congratulations, sir. Hahaha, I live up to the prophet Haoyang. Hahaha, uncle. The birthday banquet is about to begin. Please come to the table, mother. Hao Lan, sit with me for a while. The front hall is busy . Hao Lan still has many things to prepare. No matter how busy he is, this time is not enough. Tell me. That year, the princes held a feast. The girls were so beautiful. At the banquet, I saw your father for the first time. He was standing in the crowd. I saw him at first sight. I only saw him. When people get old, they sometimes get short of breath . Taking a piece of ginseng slice will make you feel better. At that time, Li’s family background was ordinary , but I was determined to be with him. My father and brother were furious , but no one could stop me from becoming a uncle and coming to Gao. For the first time , I felt so full of joy when I fell in love with someone. I thought you had always been such a vicious look. When I was young, I would have looked very good. I am even more beautiful than your mother. But when I reach middle age, my appearance is affected by my temperament. In your eyes, have I always been so fierce and ugly? To tell you the truth, I have always wanted to have a good relationship with your mother. We got along until one day I accidentally passed by his door and saw my husband drawing his eyebrows. My husband was holding a willow branch in his hand . His eyebrows were slightly thick and his hands were shaking a little until he painted his eyebrows as long and beautiful as distant mountains. I still remember how nervous , affectionate and cute he looked at that time . Only then did I realize that although my new house was luxurious, it was so beautiful. It’s cold. Your mother lives in an old house and uses old things. But her room is bathed in the spring light. I envy you. I really envy you. Gradually, I become so envious. It turned into hatred. This hatred turned into poison and has been torturing my heart. That’s why you hate my mother. How could I not hate my mother ? The past events are still vivid in my mind. They all turned into hatred. Only I hate that my mother was married to a matchmaker but ended up living in depression. He has been suffering for so many years and has not ended up well in the end. What is there to hate? So he is wrong, I am wrong, everyone is wrong, and it affects our children. Life is worse than death. What’s wrong with you ? It’s nothing. I just want to tell you that I don’t hate you anymore. I really don’t hate you at all now. Xiuyi has liked to run with you since he was a child. He told me You are his role model. He likes you. He wants to be you so much that you fall in love with the same man. He kills you. His heart is tormented more than anyone else. But that is life. It is a nightmare. He cannot escape. Today I will pass on my life . Give it to your mother , but Haolan, you must also accompany Xiuyu Come , come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, come, if you come, kill someone, come, come, if you come, kill someone , young lady, kill someone, come quickly, Mrs. Amin, Mrs. Amin, Amin, how could this happen, Father, Madam, Madam? What’s going on, Amin, what’s going on? Let me go and see why this is happening. Madam, uncle, what is this , a body film ? Not only is there arsenic ointment in the ginseng slices, right , arsenic and arsenic, what’s going on with Fangcao? Your Majesty, tell me that Fangcao doesn’t know Fangcao doesn’t dare to say. Do you not know or don’t dare to say? It was the eldest lady when the incident happened. He is the only one in the mistress’s room. I also reminded the mistress that the eldest lady has always been holding a grudge , but the mistress just didn’t listen. Now it’s miserable. His poisonous hands , hey, hey, you dare to kill your own mother. What are you doing? He killed my sister. I want him to pay for it with blood. You get out of the way, Jiuji. You get out of the way. The matter is not clear yet. I don’t believe that Hao Lan is Murderer, what’s going on? No, don’t you speak? Tell me, did you do it? Haolan, I didn’t kill anyone, but this room There is no other person except you . Who is it? You actually killed your own mother. It is so cruel. It’s all because of this girl’s cruelty, cunning and disregard for human relations. This kind of woman should be cut into pieces. You killed your mother. Heaven and earth will not tolerate it . I want you to pay with blood. Execute on the spot , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no , no, no, no, no, you get out of the way, no, no , no, no, you want to tie me up. Daughter, what are you doing? You let go of my daughter. No, you can’t take my daughter. General , you bully a weak woman like this. Will you be able to bear the consequences when the king and queen know about it? Everyone knows that you are the murderer. I will execute you on the spot. No one will say anything. I already know that you are the murderer. The general is right. Everyone has seen it with their own eyes. I saw that he was about to be kidnapped. You killed the devil and pretended to be a traitor . Why are you laughing ? I laughed at you. Who saw me kill someone with your own eyes ? Who saw it ? You or you just decided that I was guilty based on the specious words of a maid ? I dare to ask you. Who has the right to set up a private court here? Li Haolan. Everyone here today is your elders and the pillars of the imperial court. You are so arrogant. General Gao is right. We need to seek justice for Yu Shifu. To seek justice , perhaps what you want to seek today is not justice at all , but to please this person. You are afraid of the power of the Gao family. Whatever he says today is nothing. If you don’t give me a chance to tell, no matter how much you argue, the fact of murder cannot be changed. He committed suicide. What did you say? Say it again. It is absolutely impossible to commit suicide. Why? There is no reason to commit suicide because he is about to die. If he does not avenge Xiuyu, he will never have a chance. This is not the case. The Yushifu has been cured. It is just full of nonsense. He is cured. Yes, the doctor has already said that when I was close to Gao Ming that day, I deliberately put a hand on his My wrists were slightly stained. Later, when the doctor took over the pillowcase, my hands were clean. Why do you think this is because the doctor didn’t diagnose a highly sensitive pulse , but the hands of a healthy person? You hid the person’s hand on the bed. This is not true. You said yes, tell me the truth, no. After that, I still kept thinking about why Gao Min pretended to be a contraceptive and insisted on attending the birthday party. Now I finally understand that he wanted everyone to know that he had no reason to commit suicide. Fang Te didn’t know if that was the case. Love, Fangte really doesn’t know. I don’t know. Fangte doesn’t know that you stole the dragon and turned around. Feng secretly transferred the package , I dare say, not to paralyze my vigilance, father! This girl’s preface and last words are clearly inconsistent. She is hiding the truth . Why don’t we interrogate him strictly ? I’ll beat you to death. Tell me what’s going on. Li Hao Lan, all this is just your guess. Isn’t the corpse of a terminally ill person right here? Why don’t you ask a doctor to come and take a look ? Then everything will come to light. Yes, come on, please tell me. If you don’t tell me , I’ll tie you up now . I really don’t know if Fangcao wants to kill yourself Do n’t you even want the lives of the whole family? You have to know that you will bring disaster to your whole family . Miss Ci’er, please spare her life. Miss Ci’er is nothing without her mistress . Even the doctor said that he has only a few months to live. Don’t say that. Even if you can’t listen to the death penalty of the eldest lady, even if you add the title of matricide Not to mention that if you become a concubine and become a concubine, you will be scolded by others for the rest of your life. It is really pitiful. He confessed so easily. Gao Min really admitted the wrong person. Even I feel so disappointed. Please spare my life, sir. General, do you hear me clearly? Father, okay. Father , you bastard, I want you to leave . I want you to leave. Leaving means I want to leave and give up everything I have worked so hard for for a woman. Since I can give up, naturally I can rebuild . But change a place and start everything all over again. It is stupid and ridiculous. Material leaves this place and starts everything over again. It is easier said than done. Father, you should have confidence in me. Of course I have confidence in you. I have confidence , but I can’t tolerate you giving up everything you’ve got for a woman. Son, you are my father’s only hope. You will be proud of your ancestors and be famous all over the world. Didn’t you say that one day you will be able to trample the world under your feet? What’s wrong now? You were knocked unconscious by a woman. Headache Talk, talk, you talk, I’ll go to hell, you bastard, I ‘m sorry, father . If a man can’t even protect the woman he loves, what else can he say about his family, country, and world? Now that he has agreed, he can no longer be unemployed. Xiaozhi is dead. You bastard, get out of here forever. You are not my son in this family. Get out of here. Get out of this house, get out of here, get out of here, get out of here, wait for me , my father, I don’t understand how you can suspect that Gao Min is pretending to be sick and try to test him? Mother faces suffering, he can only cry, he can only endure, and in the end, he has nothing. Dignity ends but I told myself that from the day my mother died Never put down the dagger of self-defense. I came back this time just to give him a chance to take action. Okay , now that your mother’s revenge has been avenged, you should feel at ease. Father, the real culprit is not you, aren’t you? What did you say that your daughter is very grateful to her father for being at the most critical moment? Protect me every time, but my daughter will never understand You, you brought my mother into misfortune, made the Gao family fall into despair , and Xiuyu and I were tied to a rope that could never be untied . The one who really ruined the family relationship was you. Later, you, since you married my mother, you should be fine. Love her , since you married Gao Ming, you should maintain a balance , but you Nothing can be done. You are dodging and giving in at every turn, which has led to today’s situation. Today, every woman in the family has been irreparably harmed. It is all your fault. Please, please wait for your assistant. My father, what are you doing? Lu Buwei, please listen to me clearly. This person was killed when a flash flood broke out in Wei State 15 years ago . He carried you on his back and escaped from danger. He is your benefactor. This person helped you toddle and learn language 30 years ago. He helped you through your childhood and made you the head of the family. This person was passing by Chu State at that time. When I met a bandit , he was stabbed three times and almost lost his life because of you. These people are very kind to you. Rushan, if you run away from home now, can’t you say goodbye to them ? And these are our Lu family’s retainers and servants. They have created the family business for you through life and death. They are the people who were born based on you. Now you are running away irresponsibly. They have no choice but to die. Well, well, that’s it. Then I will remove these obstacles for you and you can leave in peace . Ah, ah, ah, go out in peace. Father , do you really want to force me like this? It’s not me who forces you , it’s you who forces me. If you walk out of this door today, I will Kill all your servants and disciples. Hey , okay, they are all the Lu family. The most powerful person is the capital of the Lu family’s comeback. My father wants to kill his son-in-law. Kill them all . See if I can blink and say no. Just stop, Lu Buwei. Before you leave, give your father a bell. Don’t stop me from running away . Father, not only did you run away with someone else, you also wronged your own mother. Dear sister, do you know that there is still a word of shame in the world ? You and I have been in love with each other since we were tired of each other . Now have you forgotten your oath? The person I like is Xiuyu , not you with bad conduct . Will you disappoint me again? I want to see your master. You are your master . Tell him that I am Li. Haolan, I’m here to ask him for an answer. Please wait a moment . Last time I said so little , but you must remember that you must be looking for Lu Buwei. Please let him out. I have never seen such a shameless woman. Lu Buwei and I came to the door on her own. I have an appointment and I came to ask him for an answer and he has already given it to you. He has a clear answer . What other answer do you want? I want to listen to him in person. I don’t know how to be ashamed. I can tell you that Lu Buwei doesn’t want you anymore and will never be with you . Go home quickly. Don’t embarrass yourself here. This is him. Yes, that’s his answer. I ‘m telling you , you don’t She is just an insignificant woman. Any man with lofty ambitions will not give up his easy future just because of a mere woman. Go away and close the door . It turns out that you are here and we have already rummaged through Handan City . Come back with us. It will delay your return to the palace. No one can afford to be drunk at this time .

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11.6 Qin Wangsun,
11.6 what are you doing? You have
11.6 nothing to do.
11.6 Weave a basket
11.6 to put pens and ink.
11.6 Your hands can play the piano and write,
11.6 but you shouldn&;t do such rough work.
11.6 There is nothing in this world that you should not take seriously.
11.6 Just do it when
11.6 necessary.
11.6 I forgot. I asked you
11.6 why you are here.
11.6 I came here specifically to say thank you to Qin Wangsun.
11.6 Thank
11.6 you for solving a lot of trouble for us.
11.6 If it weren&;t for Qin Wangsun&;s help,
11.6 you would be
11.6 here now. Lu Buwei can&;t get rid of the king&;s suspicion
11.6 . Compared with Brother Lu,
11.6 I&;m just a useless person. I
11.6 don&;t deserve your thanks
11.6 .
11.6 Lu Buwei is smart and decisive
11.6 . Others can&;t deceive him.
11.6 King Qin Sun is open-minded
11.6 and sincere.
11.6 Others can&;t bear to deceive.
11.6 So in your opinion,
11.6 we Which one of the two is better?
11.6 Lu Buwei
11.6 knew that he couldn&;t do it, so he did it and dared
11.6 to risk the power of the world for the sake of
11.6 King Qin. Sun had enough intelligence
11.6 but He would never use him to hurt others.
11.6 He knew what he could do but didn&;t do it,
11.6 so naturally you are better
11.6 . But you two are more similar,
11.6 right?
11.6 King Zhao of Tang
11.6 Dynasty is determined
11.6 to win you. If you don&;t want to be his concubine,
11.6 there is only one last option left
11.6 for us to leave.
11.6 What should you do
11.6 ? I was fine
11.6 without you before,
11.6 right? No,
11.6 now Zhao Qin is at war with
11.6 King Qin, and his grandson may be killed at any time.
11.6 The two of you staying here
11.6 are nothing more than two more people buried
11.6 with you . If you don&;t continue
11.6 to suffer the consequences,
11.6 go and find Lu Buwei.
11.6 He will tell you what to do
11.6 . And
11.6 don&;t come to me again
11.6 from now on .
11.6 Sister Haolan, the master has prepared
11.6 everything. Hao Lan
11.6 has seen the king,
11.6 and there is no need to be polite.
11.6 How many times have I told
11.6 you that I need to apologize to you?
11.6 I am afraid that the king will be postponed because
11.6 he is ill and cannot afford the canonization
11.6 . It was just
11.6 before the canonization that Hao Lan had a request.
11.6 Hey, hey, hey, why did you kneel down again
11.6 ? Tell me what happened.
11.6 Later, I was favored by the king.
11.6 It was really God ’s protection.
11.6 I shouldn’t have made any more requests
11.6 , but this matter is important.
11.6 Hao Lan wanted to Go home to visit your parents and family,
11.6 and ask your Majesty to allow Hao Lan to leave the palace for a few days
11.6 to continue her family relationship with her parents.
11.6 By the way, I would like to report this matter.
11.6 Is this normal?
11.6 Normally
11.6 , I will allow you to go back to the Royal Master&;s Mansion in three days.
11.6 Thank you, Your
11.6 Majesty. I am not in a hurry.
11.6 Don&;t
11.6 be in a hurry, good times will come.
11.6 No rush, no rush
11.6 , hahahaha.
11.6 You have thought carefully about
11.6 it. Now that you have made up your mind, you have no regrets. Now that you have made up your mind
11.6 , I
11.6 just want to say
11.6 that you
11.6 cherish
11.6 Xiaochun
11.6 all the way.
11.6 Why do you still stay in the palace
11.6 ? I have done countless things . I have thought for the first time
11.6 that if I could leave here one day,
11.6 I would open the largest medical clinic in the world and
11.6 earn countless money,
11.6 live happily all day long, drink
11.6 a glass of old wine, and
11.6 have three friends
11.6 care about who wins the world
11.6 and who goes to hell.
11.6 This is really It&;s a comfortable ideal,
11.6 but it&;s a pity that I&;m in debt.
11.6 I can only stay here
11.6 until I clear
11.6 my debt.
11.6 Whose debt do you owe?
11.6 Let&;s go, let&;s go
11.6 , don&;t look back.
11.6 Would n&;t it be better if Ogawa
11.6 could be the best layman in the world
11.6 ? Token,
11.6 okay,
11.6 let
11.6 you go. What are you doing,
11.6 Haolan,
11.6 you&;re back,
11.6 hey,
11.6 hey
11.6 , hey, what are you doing, what are you
11.6 doing? I don&;t want to see you,
11.6 why are you so stubborn ? Go away,
11.6 you are too stubborn,
11.6 I am stubborn, my father forgets
11.6 me, but I will never,
11.6 I will never. Remember how my mother died.
11.6 A life for a life.
11.6 I have received the retribution I deserve .
11.6 White-haired people send black-haired people.
11.6 Is there anything worse than this?
11.6 Sister, everything is my fault .
11.6 If you have all the limbs,
11.6 please forgive me. My
11.6 God,
11.6 everything is my fault.
11.6 Why should I retaliate against Xiuyu?
11.6 Whatever is wrong with me, Xiuyu has
11.6 committed all the mistakes.
11.6 I will spend the rest of my life repaying them. I
11.6 just beg you
11.6 not to let Xiuyu Tuo live like this again. people
11.6 Well
11.6 , your mother is the kindest woman in the world.
11.6 If he is still alive,
11.6 he
11.6 will definitely not want to see you
11.6 living with such deep-seated hatred.
11.6 He has become like this
11.6 and is still struggling to make amends.
11.6 Even if he one day You should forgive him
11.6 for such a big sin
11.6 . Later,
11.6 I am willing to give up my position of righteousness
11.6 and let your mother be buried beside your father a hundred years later
11.6 .
11.6 We will move your mother&;s tomb back to the Li family cemetery immediately.
11.6 She is
11.6 a member of the Li family and
11.6 she dies. answer Where should I hide ?
11.6 Are you really willing to go out for my mother
11.6 ? I&;m not forgiving you,
11.6 I&;m just atoneing for myself.
11.6 If what I said today is even half a lie,
11.6 I&;ll be struck by thunder
11.6 and die.
11.6 Haolan, you should respect your mother&;s wish.
11.6 Your room ? You&;ve packed up,
11.6 can you come back? No,
11.6 I have nothing to do with Li Jia.
11.6 Now that Xiu Yun is gone,
11.6 you are my husband&;s only daughter. You
11.6 will be my husband&;s longevity minister in the future
11.6 . Can&;t you bear the heart to let your husband be alone? Ling Ling &;s birthday
11.6 is the last time for
11.6 my father
11.6 to fulfill his father&;s wish,
11.6 okay? I beg you,
11.6 Ms. Li, let&;s take you back to the Royal Master&;s Mansion.
11.6 No,
11.6 I want to walk around alone.
11.6 I will escort Ms. Li back to the Royal Master&;s Mansion.
11.6 You guys can
11.6 look for it. Go ahead and drink
11.6 . You
11.6 are still
11.6 afraid that I will abduct her
11.6 ? Go ahead
11.6 . Let’s follow and protect Li Nv from a distance
11.6 . It’s up to you.
11.6 You don’t want to go back to the Li family
11.6 . You don’t want to
11.6 , but you still have to decide to go back
11.6 for your mother’s wish.
11.6 Although I Disagree
11.6 but You must respect
11.6 that there is a temple fair tonight. Do you want to go see it?
11.6 But they
11.6 have money and can push
11.6 the devil.
11.6 Oh, grab the gun
11.6 and get
11.6 out of the way.
11.6 Can you look at these dolls
11.6 ? Are they cute?
11.6 Silly money
11.6 , you men always ignore these cute things
11.6 . In your eyes
11.6 , only glittering gold and power
11.6 can excite you?
11.6 Don’t you dislike it?
11.6 Even now,
11.6 I don’t think the doll is cute.
11.6 So why did you buy it?
11.6 You’ve been helping me
11.6 , but do you really like fame and wealth?
11.6 No,
11.6 if you don&;t like it, then
11.6 why can&;t I buy this doll for you?
11.6 No matter what you want,
11.6 I will meet you.
11.6 As long as I can make you smile,
11.6 I am a wealthy young woman Lu.
11.6 If I want this world, can
11.6 you take it off for me?
11.6 Do you want it?
11.6 I think it’s you who wants it.
11.6 Let me tell you again.
11.6 I entered the palace for myself
11.6 , not for you.
11.6 Don’t always put gold on your face.
11.6 Money is good,
11.6 power is beautiful,
11.6 as long as I hold your hand.
11.6 Those powers It&;s not that important.
11.6 Wait until your father&;s birthday passes.
11.6 Let&;s leave the Kingdom of Zhao forever.
11.6 No matter where
11.6 we go ,
11.6 we will be together
11.6 . Then you will lose all your wealth.
11.6 I am wealth
11.6 and you have it. Am I
11.6 afraid that I will not have power and wealth in the future?
11.6 I have never seen such an arrogant person
11.6 . Hahaha,
11.6 where is King Qin&;s grandson?
11.6 Qin Wangsun is a rare smart man.
11.6 He must have a way to protect himself.
11.6 Well,
11.6 I have already made arrangements in
11.6 the next few days.
11.6 You are waiting for me.
11.6 Can you say a few words to me?
11.6 What do you want to say?
11.6 Even today, you still refuse to forgive me. I,
11.6 you will never repeat your words,
11.6 even if you did something wrong
11.6 . It’s not my turn to judge
11.6 you. The person you want to win your forgiveness is not me
11.6 . Yes, I know
11.6 that my father has done many wrong things
11.6 in his life of pursuing fame, wealth, greed and vanity.
11.6 I am not qualified to ask for your forgiveness.
11.6 But later,
11.6 I can tell
11.6 my father from my heart. I treat you badly,
11.6 don’t I love you?
11.6 The killing caused by hatred has taken away your mother
11.6 and taken away the humiliation
11.6 . Do you want to let this tragedy continue?
11.6 I have lost one family member after another.
11.6 Can you understand
11.6 this heartbreaking pain ? Father
11.6 ,
11.6 my chastity does not depend on me,
11.6 does
11.6 n’t it? It&;s not all his fault.
11.6 You know,
11.6 after hearing the news of Xiuyu&;s death,
11.6 I thought he would go crazy
11.6 , but he didn&;t.
11.6 After being extremely sad,
11.6 he suddenly realized
11.6 that he no longer resents you
11.6 and no longer screams for revenge against you every day. Got
11.6 us Can you let
11.6 the hatred end here
11.6 and let everything return to peace?
11.6 The tree wants to be quiet but the wind is still .
11.6 I hope he is sincerely repentant
11.6 . He is
11.6 a father and promises you that he will never hurt you again. It
11.6 ’s late at night
11.6 and father should go back to rest early. Yeah
11.6 , you&;ve worked hard all your life
11.6 Fangcao&;er,
11.6 don&;t worry.
11.6 What are you doing?
11.6 My slave, Fangcao,
11.6 please step aside .
11.6 My mother&;s illness has not recovered yet
11.6 . Don&;t catch a cold.
11.6 Thank you for your concern
11.6 . Mother, take a good rest.
11.6 Doctor, please,
11.6 doctor, please
11.6 . How is the situation?
11.6 Lawyer,
11.6 lawyer, Fu&;s pulse is stable and strong.
11.6 The body is indeed gradually recovering
11.6 tomorrow . It’s my birthday party.
11.6 I don’t know if that person can attend
11.6 , but I can’t go.
11.6 But remember, don’t But it’s too much
11.6 work. Hahaha,
11.6 thank you
11.6 so much,
11.6 doctor . It’s
11.6 a wonderful farewell
11.6 .
11.6 I’m sending the doctor out
11.6 . Master, the guest list is ready.
11.6 Please take a look at it.
11.6 Master
11.6 ,
11.6 hahaha.
11.6 I have a request.
11.6 Can you please bring my brother and me
11.6 to the birthday banquet ? Invite my nephew to come together.
11.6 This is originally a small banquet at home.
11.6 Brother Ninth is busy, so don’t disturb him.
11.6 Is there a birthday banquet at home? It&;s a trivial matter
11.6 and we&;re all members of the family. How can we not invite
11.6 that father?
11.6 Since mother insists
11.6 , go ahead and invite him.
11.6 Okay, ok, ok
11.6 , haha. I&;ll send someone to ask Xie Patriarch
11.6 to shave.
11.6 Hahahahao
11.6 Lan.
11.6 My body hasn&;t recovered yet. It
11.6 &;s the Patriarch&;s birthday party. It&;s all up to you to take care of everything
11.6 .
11.6 Congratulations, congratulations
11.6 , congratulations, sir.
11.6 Hahaha, I
11.6 live up to the prophet Haoyang.
11.6 Hahaha,
11.6 uncle.
11.6 The birthday banquet is about to begin.
11.6 Please
11.6 come to the table, mother. Hao Lan,
11.6 sit with me for a while.
11.6 The front hall is busy .
11.6 Hao Lan still has many things to prepare.
11.6 No matter how busy he is, this time is not enough.
11.6 Tell me. That year,
11.6 the princes held a feast.
11.6 The girls were so beautiful.
11.6 At the banquet,
11.6 I saw
11.6 your father for the first time.
11.6 He was standing in the crowd.
11.6 I saw him at first sight.
11.6 I only saw him. When people
11.6 get old, they sometimes get short of breath
11.6 . Taking a piece of ginseng slice will make you feel better.
11.6 At that time, Li&;s family background was ordinary
11.6 , but I was determined to be with him.
11.6 My father and brother were furious
11.6 , but no one could stop me
11.6 from becoming a uncle and coming to Gao.
11.6 For the first time , I felt so full of joy when
11.6 I fell in love with someone.
11.6 I thought
11.6 you had always been such a vicious look.
11.6 When I was young, I would have looked very good.
11.6 I am even more beautiful than your mother. But
11.6 when I reach middle age,
11.6 my
11.6 appearance is affected by my temperament.
11.6 In your eyes, have I always been so fierce
11.6 and ugly?
11.6 To tell you
11.6 the truth, I have always wanted to have a good relationship with your mother. We got along
11.6 until one day I accidentally passed by his door
11.6 and saw my husband
11.6 drawing his eyebrows.
11.6 My husband was holding a willow branch in his hand
11.6 . His eyebrows were slightly thick
11.6 and his hands were shaking a little
11.6 until he painted his eyebrows as long and
11.6 beautiful as distant mountains.
11.6 I still remember how
11.6 nervous
11.6 , affectionate and cute he looked at that time
11.6 . Only then did I realize that
11.6 although my new house was luxurious, it was so
11.6 beautiful. It&;s cold.
11.6 Your mother lives in an old house
11.6 and uses old things.
11.6 But her room is bathed in the spring light.
11.6 I envy you.
11.6 I really envy you.
11.6 Gradually, I become so envious. It turned into hatred.
11.6 This hatred turned into poison
11.6 and has been torturing my heart. That’s why
11.6 you hate my mother.
11.6 How could I not hate my mother
11.6 ? The past events are still vivid in my mind. They
11.6 all turned into hatred.
11.6 Only I hate that
11.6 my mother was married to a matchmaker
11.6 but ended up living in depression.
11.6 He has been suffering for so many years
11.6 and has not ended up well in the end.
11.6 What is there to hate?
11.6 So he is wrong,
11.6 I am wrong, everyone is wrong,
11.6 and it affects our children.
11.6 Life is worse than death.
11.6 What&;s wrong with you
11.6 ? It&;s nothing.
11.6 I just want to tell you
11.6 that I don&;t hate you anymore.
11.6 I really don&;t hate you at all now.
11.6 Xiuyi has liked to run with you since he was a child.
11.6 He told me
11.6 You are his role model.
11.6 He likes you.
11.6 He wants to be you so much
11.6 that you fall in love with the same man.
11.6 He kills you. His heart is tormented more than anyone else.
11.6 But that is life. It
11.6 is a nightmare.
11.6 He cannot escape.
11.6 Today I will
11.6 pass on my life .
11.6 Give it to your
11.6 mother
11.6 , but Haolan,
11.6 you must also accompany Xiuyu
11.6 Come , come, come, come, come, come, come, come,
11.6 come, come,
11.6 if you come, kill
11.6 someone, come, come, if you come, kill someone
11.6 , young lady, kill
11.6 someone, come quickly,
11.6 Mrs. Amin,
11.6 Mrs. Amin,
11.6 Amin, how could this happen,
11.6 Father,
11.6 Madam,
11.6 Madam? What&;s going on,
11.6 Amin, what&;s going on?
11.6 Let me go and see why this is happening.
11.6 Madam, uncle,
11.6 what is this
11.6 , a body film
11.6 ? Not only
11.6 is there arsenic ointment in
11.6 the ginseng slices, right , arsenic and arsenic, what’s going on with Fangcao?
11.6 Your Majesty, tell me
11.6 that Fangcao doesn’t know
11.6 Fangcao doesn’t dare
11.6 to say. Do you not know or don’t dare to say?
11.6 It was the eldest lady
11.6 when the incident happened. He is the only one in the mistress&;s room.
11.6 I also reminded the mistress
11.6 that the eldest lady has always been holding a grudge
11.6 , but the mistress just didn&;t listen.
11.6 Now it&;s miserable. His poisonous hands
11.6 , hey, hey,
11.6 you dare to kill your own mother.
11.6 What are you doing?
11.6 He killed my sister.
11.6 I want him to pay for it with blood.
11.6 You get out of the way, Jiuji. You get out of the way.
11.6 The matter is not clear yet.
11.6 I don’t believe that Hao Lan is Murderer,
11.6 what&;s going on?
11.6 No, don&;t you speak?
11.6 Tell me, did you do it? Haolan,
11.6 I didn&;t kill anyone,
11.6 but this room There
11.6 is no other person except you
11.6 . Who is it? You
11.6 actually killed
11.6 your own mother. It is so cruel.
11.6 It’s all because of this girl’s cruelty, cunning and disregard for human relations.
11.6 This kind of woman should be cut into pieces.
11.6 You killed your mother. Heaven and earth will not tolerate it
11.6 . I want you to pay with blood.
11.6 Execute on the spot
11.6 , no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no,
11.6 no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
11.6 , no, no, no, no, you get out of the way,
11.6 no, no , no, no, you want to tie me up. Daughter,
11.6 what are you doing? You let go of my daughter.
11.6 No, you can&;t take my daughter.
11.6 General
11.6 , you bully a weak woman like this. Will
11.6 you be able to bear the consequences
11.6 when the king and queen know
11.6 about it? Everyone
11.6 knows that you are the murderer.
11.6 I will execute you on the spot.
11.6 No one will say anything.
11.6 I already know that you are the murderer.
11.6 The general is right.
11.6 Everyone has seen it with their own eyes.
11.6 I saw that he
11.6 was about to be kidnapped. You killed the devil and
11.6 pretended to be a traitor
11.6 . Why are you laughing
11.6 ? I laughed at you. Who saw me kill someone with your own eyes
11.6 ? Who saw it
11.6 ?
11.6 You
11.6 or you
11.6 just decided that I was guilty
11.6 based on the specious words of a maid
11.6 ? I dare to ask
11.6 you. Who
11.6 has the right to set up a private court here?
11.6 Li Haolan.
11.6 Everyone here today
11.6 is your elders and the pillars of the imperial court.
11.6 You are so arrogant.
11.6 General Gao is right.
11.6 We need to seek justice
11.6 for Yu Shifu. To seek justice
11.6 , perhaps what you want to seek today is not justice at all
11.6 , but to please this person.
11.6 You are afraid of the power of the Gao family.
11.6 Whatever he says today is
11.6 nothing. If you don&;t give me a chance to tell,
11.6 no matter how much you argue,
11.6 the fact of murder cannot be changed.
11.6 He committed suicide.
11.6 What did
11.6 you say? Say it again. It
11.6 is absolutely impossible to commit suicide.
11.6 Why? There is no reason to commit suicide
11.6 because he is about to die. If he
11.6 does not avenge Xiuyu, he
11.6 will never have a chance.
11.6 This is not the case.
11.6 The Yushifu has been cured.
11.6 It is just full of nonsense.
11.6 He is cured. Yes,
11.6 the doctor has already said that
11.6 when I was close to Gao Ming that day,
11.6 I deliberately put a hand on his
11.6 My wrists were slightly stained.
11.6 Later, when the doctor took over the pillowcase,
11.6 my hands were clean.
11.6 Why do you think this is
11.6 because the doctor didn’t diagnose a highly sensitive pulse
11.6 , but the hands of a healthy person?
11.6 You hid the person’s hand on the bed.
11.6 This is not true.
11.6 You said yes, tell me the truth, no. After
11.6 that, I still kept thinking about
11.6 why Gao Min pretended to be a contraceptive and insisted on attending the birthday party.
11.6 Now I finally understand
11.6 that he wanted everyone to know that
11.6 he had no reason to commit suicide.
11.6 Fang Te didn’t know
11.6 if that was the case. Love,
11.6 Fangte really doesn’t know.
11.6 I don’t know. Fangte doesn’t know that
11.6 you stole the dragon and turned around. Feng secretly transferred the package
11.6 , I dare say, not to paralyze my vigilance,
11.6 father! This girl&;s preface and last words
11.6 are clearly inconsistent. She is hiding the truth
11.6 . Why don&;t we interrogate
11.6 him strictly
11.6 ?
11.6 I&;ll beat you to death.
11.6 Tell me what&;s going on.
11.6 Li Hao Lan,
11.6 all this is just your guess.
11.6 Isn&;t
11.6 the corpse of a terminally ill person right here?
11.6 Why don&;t you ask a doctor to come and take a look
11.6 ? Then everything will come to light.
11.6 Yes, come on, please tell me. If you don&;t
11.6 tell me
11.6 , I&;ll tie you up now
11.6 .
11.6 I really don’t know
11.6 if Fangcao
11.6 wants to kill yourself Do n’t
11.6 you even want the lives of the whole family?
11.6 You have to know that you will bring disaster to your whole family
11.6 . Miss Ci’er, please spare her life.
11.6 Miss Ci’er is nothing without her mistress .
11.6 Even the doctor said that he has only a few months to live.
11.6 Don’t say that. Even if you can&;t listen to the death penalty of the eldest lady,
11.6 even if you add the title of matricide
11.6 Not to mention that if you become a concubine
11.6 and become a concubine, you will be scolded by others for the rest of your life.
11.6 It is really pitiful.
11.6 He confessed so easily.
11.6 Gao Min really admitted the wrong person.
11.6 Even I feel so disappointed.
11.6 Please spare my life, sir. General,
11.6 do you hear me clearly?
11.6 Father,
11.6 okay.
11.6 Father
11.6 , you bastard,
11.6 I want you to leave
11.6 . I want you to leave.
11.6 Leaving means
11.6 I want to leave and
11.6 give up everything I have worked so hard for for a woman.
11.6 Since I can give up, naturally I can rebuild
11.6 . But change a place and
11.6 start everything all
11.6 over again. It is stupid and ridiculous.
11.6 Material leaves this place and starts everything over again.
11.6 It is easier said than done.
11.6 Father,
11.6 you should have confidence in me. Of course I have confidence
11.6 in you. I have confidence
11.6 , but I can&;t tolerate you
11.6 giving up everything you&;ve got
11.6 for a woman. Son,
11.6 you are my father&;s only
11.6 hope. You will be proud of your ancestors and be famous all over the world.
11.6 Didn&;t you say
11.6 that one day you will be able to trample the world under your feet?
11.6 What&;s wrong now? You
11.6 were knocked unconscious by a woman. Headache
11.6 Talk, talk,
11.6 you talk,
11.6 I&;ll go to hell, you bastard, I &;m sorry,
11.6 father . If
11.6 a man
11.6 can&;t even protect the woman he loves, what
11.6 else can he say about his family, country, and world?
11.6 Now that he has agreed, he
11.6 can no longer be unemployed.
11.6 Xiaozhi is dead. You bastard, get out of here
11.6 forever.
11.6 You are not my son
11.6 in this family.
11.6 Get out of here. Get
11.6 out of
11.6 this house, get out of here, get out
11.6 of
11.6 here, get out of here, wait for me
11.6 , my father, I don’t understand
11.6 how you can suspect that Gao Min is pretending to be sick and
11.6 try to test him?
11.6 Mother faces suffering,
11.6 he can only cry,
11.6 he can only endure,
11.6 and in the end, he has nothing. Dignity ends
11.6 but I told myself that
11.6 from the day my mother died
11.6 Never put down the dagger of self-defense.
11.6 I came back this time
11.6 just to give him a chance to take action.
11.6 Okay
11.6 ,
11.6 now that your mother&;s revenge has been avenged,
11.6 you should feel at ease.
11.6 Father,
11.6 the real culprit
11.6 is not you, aren&;t you?
11.6 What did you say that
11.6 your daughter is very grateful
11.6 to her father for being at the most critical moment? Protect me every time,
11.6 but my daughter will never understand You,
11.6 you brought my mother into misfortune,
11.6 made the Gao family fall into despair
11.6 , and Xiuyu and I
11.6 were tied to a rope that could never be untied
11.6 .
11.6 The one who really ruined the family relationship
11.6 was you.
11.6 Later,
11.6 you, since you married my mother, you
11.6 should be fine. Love her
11.6 , since you married Gao Ming, you should maintain a balance
11.6 , but you Nothing can be done.
11.6 You are dodging and giving in at every turn, which has led to today&;s situation.
11.6 Today,
11.6 every woman in the family
11.6 has been irreparably harmed.
11.6 It is all your fault.
11.6 Please, please wait for your assistant. My
11.6 father, what are you doing?
11.6 Lu Buwei,
11.6 please listen to me clearly. This person was killed
11.6 when a flash flood broke out in Wei State 15 years ago
11.6 . He carried you on his back and escaped from danger.
11.6 He is your benefactor.
11.6 This person helped you toddle and learn language 30 years ago. He
11.6 helped you through your childhood
11.6 and made you the head of the family.
11.6 This person
11.6 was passing by Chu State at that time. When I met a bandit
11.6 , he was stabbed three times and almost lost his life because of you.
11.6 These people are very kind to you. Rushan, if
11.6 you run away from home now,
11.6 can&;t you say goodbye to them
11.6 ?
11.6 And
11.6 these are our Lu family&;s retainers and servants.
11.6 They have created the family business for you
11.6 through life and death. They are the people who were born based on you.
11.6 Now you are running away irresponsibly.
11.6 They have no choice
11.6 but to die.
11.6 Well,
11.6 well, that&;s it.
11.6 Then I will remove these obstacles for you
11.6 and you can leave in peace
11.6 . Ah, ah, ah,
11.6 go out in peace.
11.6 Father , do
11.6 you really want to force me like this?
11.6 It’s not me who forces you
11.6 , it’s you who forces me.
11.6 If you walk out of this door today,
11.6 I will Kill all your servants and disciples.
11.6 Hey
11.6 , okay,
11.6 they are all the Lu family. The most powerful person
11.6 is the capital of the Lu family&;s comeback.
11.6 My father wants to
11.6 kill his son-in-law.
11.6 Kill them all
11.6 . See if I can blink and say no.
11.6 Just stop,
11.6 Lu Buwei.
11.6 Before you leave,
11.6 give your father a bell. Don&;t stop me from
11.6 running away
11.6 . Father,
11.6 not only did you run away with someone else,
11.6 you also wronged your own mother.
11.6 Dear sister,
11.6 do you know that there is still a word of shame in the world ? You and I
11.6 have been in love with each other since
11.6 we were tired of each other
11.6 . Now have you forgotten your oath?
11.6 The person I like is Xiuyu
11.6 , not you with
11.6 bad conduct
11.6 . Will you disappoint me again?
11.6 I want to see your master.
11.6 You are your master
11.6 . Tell him
11.6 that I am Li. Haolan,
11.6 I&;m here to ask him for an answer.
11.6 Please wait a moment
11.6 . Last time I said so little
11.6 , but you must remember
11.6 that you must
11.6 be looking for Lu Buwei.
11.6 Please let him out.
11.6 I have never seen such a shameless woman. Lu Buwei and I
11.6 came to the door on her own.
11.6 I have an appointment
11.6 and I came to ask him for an answer
11.6 and he has already given it to you. He has a clear answer
11.6 . What other answer do you want?
11.6 I want to listen to him in person. I
11.6 don’t know how to be ashamed.
11.6 I can tell you
11.6 that Lu Buwei doesn’t want you anymore
11.6 and will never be with you
11.6 . Go home quickly.
11.6 Don’t embarrass yourself here.
11.6 This is him.
11.6 Yes, that&;s his answer. I
11.6 &;m telling you
11.6 , you don&;t She is just an insignificant woman.
11.6 Any man with lofty ambitions
11.6 will not
11.6 give up his easy future just because of a mere woman.
11.6 Go away and close
11.6 the door .
11.6 It turns out that you are here
11.6 and we have already rummaged through Handan City
11.6 . Come back with us.
11.6 It will delay your return to the palace.
11.6 No one can afford to be drunk at this time

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