Youtube (chasteté): MUTLISUB【九重霄 Blossom】▶EP 10💋 战国晚期,御史之女遭继母陷害,被商人买下献于襄王,三人谋算周旋,情与谋交织,看她如何逆袭破局。💐 /#肖战/#吴谨言/#赵丽颖#许凯

Le thème «chasteté», une vidéo sur YouTube

Un film sur le thème « chasteté » présenté par 追剧不能停

Une vidéo, réalisée par 追剧不能停 et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), est destinée aux passionnés du thème «chasteté ».

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Vous noterez la durée (00:41:57s), le titre (MUTLISUB【九重霄 Blossom】▶EP 10💋 战国晚期,御史之女遭继母陷害,被商人买下献于襄王,三人谋算周旋,情与谋交织,看她如何逆袭破局。💐 /#肖战/#吴谨言/#赵丽颖#许凯), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« ❤【九重霄 Blossom】👉观看全集:
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🧡剧名Name:九重霄 Blossom
🧡主演Cast: /#肖战/#吴谨言/#赵丽颖/#许凯
🧡简介:💋 战国晚期,御史之女遭继母陷害,被商人买下献于襄王,三人谋算周旋,情与谋交织,看她如何逆袭破局。💐

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九重霄#九重紫#肖战#肖战电视剧#吴谨言#吴谨言电视剧#赵丽颖#赵丽颖电视剧#许凯#许凯电视剧#肖战#肖战电视剧#李一桐#李一桐电视剧#许凯#许凯电视剧#赵丽颖#赵丽颖电视剧#黄景瑜#黄景瑜电视剧#赵露思#刘宇宁#赵露思电视剧#刘宇宁电视剧#趙麗穎#趙麗穎電視劇#肖战#肖战电视剧#肖戰#肖戰電視劇#古装剧#古装爱情电视剧#2022最新古装电视剧 #中国电视剧 #电视剧 #都市剧 #都市情感电视剧#现代爱情剧 #都市情感剧 #大陆电视剧 #大陆剧 #陆剧 #2022电视剧 #电视剧2022 #2022最新电视剧 #2022都市剧 #都市剧2022 #2022最新都市剧 #家庭情感剧 #家庭剧 #家庭情感电视剧 #都市家庭剧 #2022chinesedrama #2022 #2022ChineseDrama #ChineseDrama2022 #ChineseDrama#爱情偶像剧#chinesedram #MysteriousLotusCasebook #SheAndHerPerfectHusband ».

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Les équipements pour les hommes et les femmes : La lutte contre la masturbation et les premiers dispositifs de chasteté.

La masturbation était vue comme une menace sévère pour la santé mentale et physique durant l’ère victorienne. Les médecins et moralistes de cette époque suggéraient des mesures drastiques pour éviter ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus ». En conséquence, des dispositifs de chasteté ont été créés et utilisés pour les hommes et les femmes. À l’heure actuelle, de nombreuses personnes pratiquent la chasteté pour diverses raisons, et des services de coaching existent pour les accompagner (voir à ce proposici)

Approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Les civilisations antiques de la Grèce et de Rome.

Dans les sociétés grecque et romaine, la chasteté était fréquemment liée à la pureté et à la vertu. Elle n’était pas traditionnellement imposée par des instruments physiques comme les ceintures de chasteté. La notion de chasteté était plutôt ancrée dans des croyances spirituelles et religieuses. À Rome, les prêtresses de Vesta, appelées Vestales, devaient préserver leur virginité sous peine de mort. C’est un exemple extrême de chasteté institutionnalisée.

L’Égypte ancienne est considérée comme l’une des civilisations les plus marquantes de l’histoire.

Les prêtres et prêtresses de l’Égypte ancienne optaient parfois volontairement pour la chasteté. Ils pensaient que l’abstinence rendait leur pouvoir spirituel plus fort. Il n’y a aucune preuve tangible attestant l’emploi de dispositifs physiques pour maintenir la chasteté. La gestion de la sexualité était principalement une question de discipline personnelle. Les traditions religieuses avaient aussi un rôle dans la maîtrise de la sexualité.

Durant le Moyen Âge, la chasteté était perçue comme un pilier de la morale. Le pouvoir médiéval voyait dans la chasteté un moyen de réguler la société.

Dans de nombreuses religions, la chasteté féminine avait une dimension sacrée.

Les femmes médiévales étaient soumises à une grande valorisation de la chasteté. Avant le mariage, la virginité et après, la fidélité étaient des vertus fondamentales, encouragées par l’Église. Les femmes étaient considérées comme les protectrices de la pureté morale et leur chasteté était cruciale pour la légitimité des héritiers.

Les chevaliers ont modifié leurs pratiques de chasteté en réponse aux croisades.

Avant de se lancer dans les croisades, les chevaliers prenaient fréquemment des vœux de chasteté, pensant que cela fortifiait leur pureté spirituelle et morale pour mieux servir Dieu dans la reconquête de Jérusalem.

La vie monastique était marquée par des exigences strictes en matière de chasteté.

Les bénédictins, les cisterciens et les chevaliers teutoniques, parmi d’autres ordres monastiques médiévaux, suivaient des vœux de chasteté stricte. La chasteté représentait pour les religieux médiévaux une abstinence des plaisirs terrestres et un chemin vers une élévation spirituelle. La chasteté, au cours de la période médiévale, est fréquemment mise en avant dans les récits et légendes, reflétant son importance dans les domaines religieux, moraux, et sociaux. Les ceintures de chasteté mythiques, les vœux solennels avant les croisades, et les luttes contre la tentation montrent à quel point la chasteté était un concept central, chargé de mysticisme et de dévotion. Ces récits révèlent que la chasteté était un moyen d’exercer le contrôle, d’affirmer le pouvoir, et de rechercher un idéal spirituel dans un contexte de conflit entre le corps et l’âme.

Le Moyen Âge est souvent associé à l’idée de ceintures de chasteté. Les faits historiques montrent une réalité différente.

La période médiévale est fréquemment liée à l’invention des ceintures de chasteté. Mais cette croyance provient surtout de récits mythiques de la fin du Moyen Âge. La légende dit que les croisés enfermaient leurs femmes dans des ceintures de chasteté. Ces objets avaient pour but de s’assurer de la fidélité des épouses des croisés. Les récits et représentations graphiques ont aidé à ancrer cette légende. Il existe peu de documents historiques prouvant l’utilisation de ces dispositifs.

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#MUTLISUB九重霄 #BlossomEP #战国晚期御史之女遭继母陷害被商人买下献于襄王三人谋算周旋情与谋交织看她如何逆袭破局 #肖战吴谨言赵丽颖许凯

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Princess, do you want to plead with the queen? You don’t have to go. The queen is destined to see no one today . Why is the king of Qin’s grandson in trouble ? The princess is worried about her and is in seclusion. Everyone knows that even if my mother refuses to see me, I will save someone. Tell your mother if they refuse. If you let someone go, you will see Princess Zhao accompanying him to death . I don’t care what the world says. Princess, you have always been calm and wise. The matter of the Prince of Qin’s grandson actually has no rules at all. You have a way. Chastity is all in one person. You are saying that the father of the Marquis of Shu threatened the queen and framed the Prince of Qin in every possible way. You must get rid of him. If you want to get close to the Shuhou Mansion, I’m afraid it’s not that easy. It is easy for Princess Shangxun to lend a helping hand. My majestic Princess Zhao is not your turn to give advice . Drag this audacious female official down and punish her with a cane 20 1 2 3 Yes, why was he beaten so badly? It was clearly the queen’s will. 2 Miss Wang, what’s wrong with just following the instructions ? The princess is arrogant and domineering. Who dares to recruit people? It’s because he is unlucky. 4 Lu Shaofu, this is this month’s purchase. Policy please check Lu Shaofu 9 Lu Shaofeng, where are you going? Then there is only one way, what way? Return the master in the other way. I despise the masterless Shu Hou, come on, come on , don’t get up, lie down, lie down, why are you here? Hey, what’s so good about this ? After being beaten like this, Ah Yue went to pour the pulp on his back, but it was just a minor injury. It’s not worth mentioning . This princess, even this man can’t stand it, is really willful and willful. Even the queen’s favored female officer doesn’t look down on her. Shi Haolan went beyond his duty and offended the princess. He was a silly boy. Can you not understand what kind of person he is? Since Haolan Since entering the palace, the queen has always abandoned Everyone, you could have been the king’s favorite concubine , but now you have become a mermaid slave. This is called respecting you. You are obviously loyal to him and tried your best, but he allowed the princess to beat you like this. This is called respecting Haolan, and he treats you like this. Do you really have no complaints at all? Mr. Shu Hou? Hao Lan has never had this intention. Please do not presume to assume that such delicate little hands have to do the work of a slave. It is really heartbreaking to see . I hope this meal can make you completely sober. Some people are uncles who are not worthy of allegiance. Take good care of yourself. Come to me when you have thought it through. Prime Minister Wang Sun was beheaded. Even the princess was blocked when she went to plead for mercy. I’m afraid Wu The king should not trust that woman when he is strong enough. The Qin army’s retreat for 10 miles for the king and grandson shows her value. The king was so angry that he killed the king and grandson. I ‘m afraid there will be endless troubles. Lu Shaofu, aren’t you impatient at all ? I am preparing to propose a remonstrance to the king. I want to suggest to the king that General Xuanwu, who has been appointed as Gang, should serve the country. You are talking about the father of the Marquis of Shu. His son is just a young boy. What use can he have on the battlefield? Zhao Qin is fighting with his heart. At this moment, Zhao Qin abandons his capture and surrenders. He leaves the city to meet the enemy. It is not to fulfill him, but to fulfill him. How to rescue the king and grandson ? Please trust Ren Lu Buwei and don’t ask too much. This time, I want to show the root of a small official like Lu Buwei. It is of no importance and must be stamped by the Prime Minister. Li Haolan, you are too cautious. No matter how long the queen’s hand is, it is impossible to reach me. But you came to see me today because you have figured it out. Haolan doesn’t understand what I mean to you. It has no effect, and empty words can easily shake the queen’s position , but it cannot kill her. But with your well-known Xu That’s different, the first female official of the Sun Palace. What do you want me to do? The king will soon find out that the queen has a concubine. This is nonsense. Even if there is no one , I will find a perfect one for him. And ask online and this matter You did me a big favor by not saying a word. Do you really hate him so much? Back then, he pushed me into a desperate situation without leaving a trace of life. The pain was indescribable until I died. Are you willing to be an ant buried with you or a phoenix bathing in the fire? After I succeed, I will help you achieve success No more anger, no more cheating. Opportunities are fleeting. Even if you don’t think about it, others will think about it. If I do it, will you regret it later? Am I the kind of person who can’t keep his word? How can you trust me? What proof do you want? I want a simple promise In the future, if you break your promise, I will take this certificate and go to the king to sue you. Li Haolan, you have taken me for a fool. Could it be that the queen sent you here to deliberately deceive me? It is a pity that there is no written token. I took the risk to come to you. But I don’t believe it since So what’s the point of our cooperation? Say goodbye to this jade pendant. I will never leave my body. I will make you a token to express my feelings. However, if you defect in battle, I will have a way to deal with you . Don’t worry, Haolan will definitely live up to your trust. However, it is nothing more than General Xuanwu. The queen will definitely take action after entering the battlefield. He is still too young, and I need you to give him more advice. Don’t let us plan a complete defeat. Naturally, it seems that I have to send a secret letter to Cole. Lu Shaohu discovered that this gun is easy to seize. Hidden arrows are hard to guard against My mother said that the king of Zhao was suspicious and asked me to take advantage of the opportunity to go to the expedition to surrender to the state of Qin first. Then he would escape from the state of Zhao. He tried every means to get together with me in the dead of night and asked the general to hurry up before the Zhao army was aware of it. Set off quickly to return to Zhao Mother’s long-cherished wish, all the plans are in progress , how could she rebel against Qin without reason? Who sent you? I also know that I can’t hide it from the general . The wife of the marquis bribed the hypocritical palace maid, and was discovered by the queen. She reported it to King Zhao. Now she is under surveillance, and she sent the secret message. It happened suddenly He’s afraid that you don’t believe me. I take this jade pendant as my concubine. It ‘s not bad. It’s the jade pendant my mother never left. He’s in danger now , and I can’t leave . General, once dawn comes, the messenger sent by King Zhao will arrive at the military camp. You won’t be able to leave. In times of crisis, you can only rescue Shu if you go to Qin and persuade them to send troops as soon as possible. The prince of Shu swears not to me. Tai asked the general to make up his mind. It was absolutely true that the prince’s wife’s son had defected before the battle. The messenger he had sent to report the news was outside the palace gate . Fu Ke has been convicted of collaborating with the enemy and rebelling. Princess Xia Xuejue will definitely die without a burial place. It’s very strange why Shu Hou’s father is still in the palace when he has a bright future. He hates his mother deeply and has been plotting evil. Li Haolan has long been interested in getting closer, but his initiative to surrender to the city will arouse suspicion. Lend me the 20 pieces of silver . My father took the initiative to come to find him, so he could pull a trick. The princess took advantage of her father, the Marquis of Shu, and she couldn’t help it. When the mother’s hatred is overthrown and the mother and son collude with the enemy and treason, all the troubles of the mother and the prince and grandson will be solved. It seems that Li Haolan is going to make a great contribution in front of her mother again. The princess is very scheming. If she is allowed to continue to be arrogant, I’m afraid. The queen will like her more and more. If she thinks about the mantis in the future, she will sit back and watch. It’s ridiculous to know that Huangque is here. Give me a gift to Father Shu. Now it’s just in the name of Li Haolan. Bitch , bitch, bitch, bitch. Oh, you really value this mother and son so much. How dare you betray everyone’s heart? What are you doing? Why is your father so angry ? If your father is still in the palace, you can always ask me clearly. Your Majesty , your guards. When we arrived, the father-in-law had already disappeared . He had run away . The guards had gone to arrest them . The building was already empty. Hurry up and chase them back. Who stole the newspaper ? The ladies in the palace all said that Miss Li, who is beside the queen, sent someone over today to deliver a basket of fruits . What fruits are they ? A basket of fresh peaches . Li Haolan turned out to be the good man of the evil king who caused the storm that you gave this bitch. The king never dared to hear that on that day, Miss Li was imprisoned by Zangze Ershi . Her father went to visit her and sent him some healing medicine. Oh yes, and Huang Jin heard about it. Well , you two have been colluding with each other for a long time. Li Haolan, Li Haolan, you never imagined that your actions in the past to reassure the Marquis of Shu’s wife have become evidence against you today. Why does Ms. Li’s mother love you so much ? If you can betray Princess Hao Lan of Zhao, you are a real Zhao. Why should you sacrifice your life for the people of Qin ? Money can communicate with the gods. Maybe it was the father of the Marquis of Shu who promised you something to make you reciprocate. Otherwise, apart from betraying Zhao, what other value do you have? Do you dare to tell the husband of Shu that your mother asked you to get rid of the husband of Shu? You are speechless again. Take it from me. Your Majesty, Haolan is the person next to me. I have done something wrong with the body inspection. You say that I am a widower. How much do people like it? It turned out to be the theater of the Qin Kingdom . Well, the Internet said it was Li Haolan or the wife of the Marquis of Shu. Well, Father, you should let the king and grandson alone now. Why should the Father be so angry? Think about the Marquis of Shu. My father is a theater actor in Qin , but he wants to kill one person. This may seem like a contradiction, but it actually has a lot of meaning. Don’t forget that there is also a very favored Wang Sunzi in Qin. You may not be sure whether this Rat Marquis wife is Wang Sunxi. The minions want to kill one person in one fell swoop . This person’s death is a good thing for Wang Sunxi, but not necessarily for our Zhao State . Hey, you are saying that someone wants to involve Zhao State in Qin’s life-and-death struggle. The father’s reputation is too sinister. How dare you play with me in the palm of your hand? Well, cutting into pieces with a thousand swords is not enough to relieve the hatred in your heart . Father, since you understand everything, you should let the innocent people go. This King of Qin cannot kill. Ah, is he a bargaining chip in the hands of the widow? Who is here ? Oh, didn’t you hear what the princess said? Let go of Qian Wang Sun Nuo , but you are back. Princess, why did the king suddenly let me go since he has found my crime ? Father of the Marquis of Shu, you are collaborating with the enemy and treason. He was acquitted of collaborating with the enemy . Yes, his son rebelled against the imperial edict and defected to Qin. Even the father of the Marquis of Shu himself ran away , right? You don’t believe it. I’m just curious. Since the Marquis of Shu is determined, Why didn’t you wait until the matter was settled to frame me? You gave my head as a gift to the Prime Minister of Qin. Zhao Qin is about to fight. The swords have no eyes on the battlefield . Xu is greedy for life and fear of death at this moment. They changed their strategy. It’s impossible. It’s the most impossible in the world. Everything has happened. As a Zhao native, Li Haolan turned out to be an internal agent of the Marquis of Shu. What is impossible in this world? What did you say ? Thank you for your hard work. Wait for me, General Gongsun . That one. Wang Sen said a few words, it’s okay. Hey, what, here, let’s take the brothers to drink. Then you have to hurry up so as not to be seen. Wang Sun , please, prince, are you okay? I’m okay. Someone asked Shuhou Mansion The good news was announced and I deliberately put the blame on you. Why didn’t you tell the truth to King Zhao? You have to explain it from beginning to end. Then you will contact the Queen of Chu to punish me for killing the Marquis of Shu Fu. But I’m afraid I won’t even have a chance to go to jail for betraying the Queen. I’ll be killed on the spot. Then why did you save me? Aren’t we friends? Lu Buwei asked you to get close to me. I just regarded you as a chess piece. And you clearly know that I accepted your overtures and was just observing that you have no fate in the world. Love for no reason . When the King of Qin and his grandson are in a foreign land, there are always people with ulterior motives. For example, the prince of Shu died accidentally, so the suspicion of the prince and grandson of Qin is also human . The main businessman Lu Buwei is a real businessman who dares to risk the world to save me and return me to Qin. But what about you ? If King Zhao wants to kill me, you should hide far away. Why risk your life to save me? The clove sachet of King Qin’s grandson was taken away by Lu Buwei. However, Qin Wangsun offered help to Hao Lan many times and always kept it in his heart. You are so stupid and you dare to treat him sincerely after being killed so many times. What’s wrong with treating others sincerely ? It’s those who trample on sincerity. You shouldn’t be so honest. Lu Buwei is willing to use his life and all his wealth to help Qin Wangsun return to Qin. All he wants is the power and status that match his abilities. Only I am I don’t want to be bullied anymore. I don’t want to be insulted anymore . I want to live an upright life. I do n’t steal nor grabbing me . I ca n’t say what I will later have Gongsun . Two cups of wine, the young man’s health is not important. Those military generals are nice people, so why bother to compete with them for their drinking capacity? What happened outside in the noisy last night ? You may not know it if you are not in the palace. General Xuanwu defected back to Qin as soon as he entered the battlefield. When the king found out, he sent someone to catch the Rat Marquis. As a result, someone tipped him off and asked him to give him a message. He ran away, didn’t he? And the person who tipped off the news was my friend. Sister, what have you done again ? Master, you have wronged me. It is inevitable that Li Haolan will offend others when he is in the palace. Oh, I swear to God , I will not thank you at all this time . Master, after so long, you still miss him. If it weren’t for his careful care, I would have died long before my father gave up on me. Where are you in the suburbs? Your husband is here, but I’m fine. No need to say anything. I’m tired. Come here. Well, what are you doing? Your Majesty has ordered this woman to commit treason. You can’t go in and fart. Think about it. Your head is full of water. How can you not think about it? Your Majesty. He ordered the man to be imprisoned but did not say to kill him immediately. He was the first female official around the queen and the queen wanted it. How can you explain this when you see other people but disappear ? Hey, hey, hey, general, okay, the general is stupider than shit. You and I don’t have any deep hatred. If you don’t want to come, it’s fine. Why are you saying this to hurt people ? Do you know where this place is, a powerful person ? When the gathered people of King Zhao entered the palace, they could only say one sentence, « No, Master, what have you done? » I’m not here to be a puppet. That’s why you’re lying here covered in bruises and dying. No resistance is allowed. Self-righteousness is not allowed. You are not allowed to look up at people. If you keep your head high, they will chop off your head. Doctor, thank you. I scolded you, but you still thank me. I , I know that you are expressing concern in your own way. Please leave as soon as possible. Don’t come here again, lest you be implicated. You are really stupid and have no boundaries . I won’t be able to survive this night if you don’t come. These two bottles of medicine, red cinnabar for external application and blue pills for internal use, are taken twice a day for 3 days. It’s really impossible for me to come to Zhao country again. I was in a daze and saw that the war was about to start. No one cared about the king, the stupid officials, the bastards, even the dogs. It’s better than in my previous life. I never knew that your personality was so fiery. You are a recluse from the secular world. Your wife is so wild and crazy. It’s not easy for anyone, outside or in the palace, to remember. Don’t waste my good medicine. You ’re seriously injured, but you can’t die for the time being. Thank you Qin. The prince also asks you to leave here as soon as possible. The cinnabar applied to the wound is definitely poisonous . It must be confused with the one taken internally. Damn it , disciple . I beg the Queen to forgive me. No, you did a good job. What did you add? Report back to the Queen. She is Xiangzi. This is called Xiangze. The process of making Xiangze is very troublesome . It needs to add natural bluegrass to the pig. After mixing, just add it. Applying a little bit to the end of the hair can not only comb the hair, but also make the queen The green hair exudes a refreshing fragrance, which is very thoughtful. Ms. Li led us to do this . The disciple said something wrong. Please forgive the queen. He meant it. The queen, Lu Shaofu, asked to see Lu Buwei . Lu Shaofu has the key to ask to see the queen. He is waiting outside the door to announce his promise. Li Buwei has seen Queen Lu Shaofu. Why are you anxious to see me? When Chen De knew that the guilty person had escaped, he immediately sent people to hunt him down . Finally, he found the guilty person 10 miles outside Handan City. If he found it , he found it. If he didn’t hand it over to the king, he handed it over to me. I believe the queen would handle it more appropriately. He brought him up and met again. I finally found it. You must be very proud to be slaughtered by you, right? I haven’t treated you well enough after you returned home. Forgive me, you deliberately let Li Haonan help me to defraud me of my jade pendant. This is called tolerance. This is called tolerance. What a cruel idea. What did you say? Don’t be pretentious. You deliberately let Li Haonan get close to me to deceive my trust. You killed my Kerr with poisonous chicken. Don’t think you can. With one hand in the sky , I want to see the king. I want to see the king. I want to accuse you of all your crimes. We, mother and son, were wronged. We were wronged. This is what you want me to see. Lu Buwei just wanted to let the queen know that Haolan is loyal to you. If he really wanted to betray you, the Marquis of Shu would not have become what she is today, a rebel and collaborator. How can a bitch have the face to meet the King? The King will not treat me like this. I want to see you. He, I want to see him, I want to see him right away, yes , haha. In the past, the king pitied you and loved you. Of course, he believed whatever you said . But now, if you fall into his hands, you will be cut into pieces. You should thank me for discovering it first . Leave your whole body intact. You want to kill me, Li Shaofu, but I want to kill the Prince Consort of Shu. Unexpectedly, Buchen was out hunting in the suburbs , but he slipped and fell off his horse and died . Ah, let me go. Let me go. I won’t let you go even if I become a ghost. It’s great . No wonder you let me go . Your Majesty admires you so much. You really know how to do things . Thank you, Queen. I know you want to save Li Haolan, but you think he is a traitor . But if Your Majesty doesn’t let go, I can’t do anything. Queen , that’s it. How is Master No? What a cunning fox . this Who refused to help Haonan at the critical moment ? Who gave Song Taozi to the Marquis of Shu? No matter who it was, this person knew very well that Hao Lan could not explain the reason for approaching the Marquis of Shu, nor could he tell the truth about the matter. He had to bear the responsibility of collaborating and rebelling. Master , you should have sent the person directly to the king to convict him just now. The rebellion is already a fact. Even if Shu and his husband go, he will still keep an eye on Haonan and grab a backer. Now, aren’t we at a dead end? No matter how you go, you will die. Open the door, Young Master, without Wang Shang’s order. Please atone for your sins . Please step back first. Don’t delay. Young Master, please speak. Sister Nuo , do you still remember that time when we were children, we ran away on the street and met each other? After arriving at the execution ground and returning home, my sister was so frightened that she was sick for a long time. My sister, the emperor, sentenced you to have your car broken. You know, my sister has always been afraid of blood and even dared not watch the killing of chickens, so I won’t go to see you off tomorrow. Sister, please take care. Xiuyue people are interesting. sooner or later Forget it, the young master is being deceitful and ruthless. I have to remind you to see clearly that the husband in front of you is too infatuated and will rarely end well . He still claims that his power of arching is overestimating his ability. Hey , teach him a lesson for me. NO, I understand. Thank you, young master , haha. Haha, come and catch me, hahaha, where are you, sister, come and catch me, hahaha, Xiaoyu, come on, sister, where are you, sister, sister, where are you, sister, sister, where are you, sister, where are you, sister, where are you, sister? Sister, sister, master, why am I crying? Are you having a nightmare? Are you okay? What are you going to do? Let me go . Do you know what these five female officials are accused of and what they are afraid of? He is no longer a female official in the palace, but a prisoner . Why let me go, let me go. This is the dungeon in the palace where felons are imprisoned. When did it become a place for female donkeys to have fun? Xiaoli in the palace dared to break into the dungeon and win the day. Before he wakes up , he must be someone you can’t afford to mess with . Do you want me to report to the queen now that you want to touch the female officer next to him? Someone come and report to the king immediately. There are two bold madmen here who dare to defile the female officer in the palace, NO. Liu Shaofu. Who dares to do such an immoral thing? This is the order of the young master. We are also forced to have no choice. Please show your noble hand and let me go. I know what to do. No, I understand, get out. Why are you laughing ? Now I am trapped in a dungeon, and the King has sentenced me to a broken car. All that awaits me in front is death . Li Buwei, are you coming to see me now to kill me and silence me? What nonsense did you say? What a pity that I can’t see you making contributions and being famous throughout the ages . But you I have to find a new partner, but there are countless beautiful and intelligent women. It’s too easy for you, Lu Buwei. Listen, I don’t want anyone else. I only want you. You are the best. The person who knows me best below, you are my companion, my confidant, my most important person, my dignity, wealth, status, and power. We agreed to fight together . I won’t allow you to give up halfway. Listen to me. I need you. I need you to follow me. Let’s go together and get everything we want. If you dared to say that you want to find a new partner just now, I would shout out. I will uncover everything you plotted and let you draw water from a bamboo basket in vain. .

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10.7 Princess, do you want to plead with the queen?
10.7 You don’t have to go.
10.7 The queen is destined to
10.7 see no one today .
10.7 Why is the king of Qin’s grandson in trouble
10.7 ? The princess is worried
10.7 about her and is in seclusion. Everyone knows
10.7 that even if my mother refuses to see me,
10.7 I will save someone.
10.7 Tell your mother
10.7 if they refuse. If you let someone
10.7 go, you will see Princess Zhao accompanying him to death .
10.7 I don’t care what the world says.
10.7 Princess, you have always
10.7 been calm and wise.
10.7 The matter of the Prince of Qin&;s grandson
10.7 actually has no rules at all.
10.7 You have a way.
10.7 Chastity is all in one person.
10.7 You are saying that
10.7 the father of the Marquis of Shu threatened the queen
10.7 and framed the Prince of Qin in every possible way. You
10.7 must get rid of him. If
10.7 you want to get close to the Shuhou Mansion,
10.7 I&;m afraid it&;s not that easy. It is easy for
10.7 Princess Shangxun to lend a helping hand.
10.7 My majestic Princess Zhao
10.7 is not your turn to give advice
10.7 . Drag this audacious female official down
10.7 and punish her with a cane 20
10.7 1
10.7 2
10.7 3
10.7 Yes, why was he beaten so badly?
10.7 It was clearly the queen&;s will.
10.7 2 Miss Wang, what&;s wrong with
10.7 just following the instructions
10.7 ? The princess is arrogant and domineering.
10.7 Who dares to recruit people?
10.7 It&;s because he is unlucky.
10.7 4
10.7 Lu Shaofu, this is this month&;s purchase. Policy
10.7 please check
10.7 Lu Shaofu
10.7 9
10.7 Lu Shaofeng, where are you going?
10.7 Then there is only one way,
10.7 what way?
10.7 Return the master in the other way. I despise
10.7 the masterless
10.7 Shu Hou,
10.7 come on, come on
10.7 , don’t get up, lie down, lie down,
10.7 why are you here?
10.7 Hey, what’s so good about this ?
10.7 After being beaten like this,
10.7 Ah Yue went to pour the pulp on his back,
10.7 but it was just a minor injury.
10.7 It’s not worth mentioning
10.7 . This princess, even
10.7 this man can’t stand it,
10.7 is really willful and willful.
10.7 Even the queen’s favored female officer doesn’t look down on her.
10.7 Shi Haolan went beyond his duty and
10.7 offended the princess.
10.7 He was a silly boy.
10.7 Can you not understand what kind of person he is?
10.7 Since Haolan Since entering the palace,
10.7 the queen has always abandoned Everyone,
10.7 you could have been the king&;s favorite concubine
10.7 , but now you
10.7 have become a mermaid slave.
10.7 This is called
10.7 respecting you. You are obviously loyal to him and tried your best,
10.7 but he allowed the princess to beat you like this.
10.7 This is called respecting
10.7 Haolan, and
10.7 he treats you like this.
10.7 Do you really have no complaints at all?
10.7 Mr. Shu Hou?
10.7 Hao Lan has never had this intention.
10.7 Please do not presume to assume
10.7 that such delicate little hands
10.7 have to do the work of a slave.
10.7 It is really heartbreaking
10.7 to see
10.7 . I hope this meal can make you completely sober.
10.7 Some people are uncles who are not worthy of allegiance.
10.7 Take good care of yourself.
10.7 Come to me
10.7 when you have thought it through.
10.7 Prime Minister
10.7 Wang Sun was beheaded.
10.7 Even the princess was blocked
10.7 when she went to plead for mercy. I&;m afraid Wu
10.7 The king should not trust that woman when he is strong enough.
10.7 The Qin army&;s retreat for 10 miles for the king and grandson
10.7 shows her value.
10.7 The king was so angry that he killed the king and grandson.
10.7 I &;m afraid there will be endless troubles.
10.7 Lu Shaofu, aren&;t you impatient at all
10.7 ? I am preparing to propose a remonstrance to the king.
10.7 I want to suggest to the king that
10.7 General Xuanwu, who has been appointed as Gang, should serve the country.
10.7 You are talking about the father of the Marquis of Shu. His son
10.7 is just a young boy.
10.7 What
10.7 use can he have on the battlefield?
10.7 Zhao Qin is
10.7 fighting
10.7 with his heart. At
10.7 this moment, Zhao Qin abandons his capture and surrenders.
10.7 He leaves the city to meet the enemy. It is not to fulfill him,
10.7 but to fulfill him.
10.7 How to
10.7 rescue the king and grandson ?
10.7 Please trust Ren Lu Buwei
10.7 and don’t ask too much.
10.7 This time, I want to show
10.7 the root of a small official like Lu Buwei. It is of no importance and
10.7 must be stamped by the Prime Minister.
10.7 Li Haolan, you are too cautious. No matter
10.7 how long the queen&;s hand is, it is impossible to reach me.
10.7 But you came to
10.7 see me today because you have figured it out.
10.7 Haolan doesn&;t understand
10.7 what I mean to you. It has no effect,
10.7 and empty words can
10.7 easily shake the queen&;s position
10.7 , but it cannot kill her.
10.7 But with your
10.7 well-known Xu That&;s different,
10.7 the first female official of
10.7 the Sun Palace.
10.7 What do you want me to do?
10.7 The king will soon find out that
10.7 the queen has a concubine.
10.7 This is nonsense.
10.7 Even if there is no one
10.7 , I will find a perfect one for him.
10.7 And
10.7 ask online and this matter You
10.7 did me a big favor by
10.7 not saying a word.
10.7 Do you really hate him so much? Back
10.7 then, he pushed me into a desperate situation
10.7 without leaving a trace of life.
10.7 The pain
10.7 was indescribable
10.7 until I died.
10.7 Are you willing to be an ant buried with you
10.7 or a phoenix bathing in the fire?
10.7 After I succeed,
10.7 I will help you achieve success No more
10.7 anger,
10.7 no more cheating.
10.7 Opportunities are fleeting.
10.7 Even if you don&;t think about it,
10.7 others will think about it.
10.7 If I do it, will
10.7 you regret it later?
10.7 Am I the kind of person who
10.7 can&;t keep his word?
10.7 How can you trust me?
10.7 What proof do you want?
10.7 I want a simple promise
10.7 In the future, if
10.7 you break your promise,
10.7 I will take this certificate and go
10.7 to the king to sue you.
10.7 Li Haolan, you have taken me for a fool. Could
10.7 it be that the queen sent you here to deliberately deceive me? It is a pity that
10.7 there is no written
10.7 token.
10.7 I took the risk to come to
10.7 you. But I don’t believe it
10.7 since So
10.7 what&;s the point of our cooperation? Say goodbye to
10.7 this jade pendant. I will never leave my body. I
10.7 will make you a token
10.7 to express my feelings.
10.7 However, if you defect in battle,
10.7 I will have a way to deal with you
10.7 . Don&;t worry, Haolan will definitely live up to your trust.
10.7 However, it is nothing more than
10.7 General Xuanwu. The queen will definitely take action after
10.7 entering the battlefield.
10.7 He is still too young,
10.7 and I need you to give him more advice.
10.7 Don&;t let us plan a complete defeat.
10.7 Naturally,
10.7 it seems that I have to
10.7 send a secret letter to Cole.
10.7 Lu Shaohu
10.7 discovered that this
10.7 gun is easy to seize. Hidden arrows are hard to guard
10.7 against My
10.7 mother
10.7 said
10.7 that the king of Zhao was suspicious
10.7 and asked me to take advantage of the opportunity to go to the expedition to surrender to the state of Qin first. Then
10.7 he would
10.7 escape from the state of Zhao. He tried every means to get together with me
10.7 in the dead of night and
10.7 asked the general to hurry up
10.7 before the Zhao army was aware of it.
10.7 Set off quickly
10.7 to return to Zhao Mother&;s long-cherished wish, all the plans are in progress
10.7 , how could she rebel against Qin without reason?
10.7 Who sent you?
10.7 I also know
10.7 that I can&;t hide it from the general
10.7 . The wife of the marquis bribed the hypocritical palace maid, and was discovered by the queen.
10.7 She reported it to King Zhao.
10.7 Now
10.7 she is under surveillance, and she sent the secret message.
10.7 It happened suddenly
10.7 He&;s afraid that you don&;t believe
10.7 me. I take this jade pendant as my concubine.
10.7 It &;s not bad.
10.7 It&;s the jade pendant my mother never left.
10.7 He&;s in danger now
10.7 , and I can&;t leave
10.7 . General, once dawn comes,
10.7 the messenger sent by King Zhao will arrive at the military camp.
10.7 You won&;t be able to leave.
10.7 In times of crisis,
10.7 you can only rescue Shu if you go to Qin
10.7 and persuade them to send troops as soon as possible.
10.7 The prince
10.7 of Shu
10.7 swears not to me. Tai asked the general
10.7 to make up his mind.
10.7 It
10.7 was absolutely true
10.7 that
10.7 the prince&;s wife&;s son had defected
10.7 before the battle. The messenger he had sent to report the news was outside the
10.7 palace
10.7 gate
10.7 . Fu Ke has been
10.7 convicted of collaborating with the enemy and rebelling.
10.7 Princess Xia Xuejue
10.7 will definitely die without a burial place.
10.7 It&;s very strange why Shu
10.7 Hou&;s father is still in the palace when
10.7 he has a bright future. He hates his mother deeply
10.7 and has been plotting evil.
10.7 Li Haolan has long been interested in getting closer,
10.7 but his initiative to surrender to the city will arouse suspicion.
10.7 Lend me the 20 pieces of silver
10.7 . My father took the initiative to come to find him,
10.7 so he could pull a trick.
10.7 The princess
10.7 took advantage of her father, the Marquis of Shu, and she couldn&;t help it. When the mother&;s hatred is overthrown
10.7 and the mother and son collude with the enemy and treason,
10.7 all the troubles of the mother and the prince and grandson will be solved.
10.7 It seems that Li Haolan is going to make a
10.7 great contribution
10.7 in front of her mother again.
10.7 The princess is very scheming.
10.7 If she is allowed to continue to be arrogant,
10.7 I&;m afraid. The queen will like her more and more.
10.7 If she thinks about the mantis
10.7 in the future, she will sit back and watch.
10.7 It&;s ridiculous
10.7 to know that Huangque is here.
10.7 Give me a gift to Father Shu. Now
10.7 it&;s just
10.7 in the name of Li Haolan.
10.7 Bitch
10.7 , bitch, bitch, bitch.
10.7 Oh,
10.7 you really value this mother and son so much.
10.7 How dare you betray everyone&;s
10.7 heart? What
10.7 are you doing?
10.7 Why is your father so angry
10.7 ? If your father is still in the palace,
10.7 you can always ask me clearly.
10.7 Your Majesty
10.7 ,
10.7 your guards. When we arrived, the father-in-law had already disappeared
10.7 . He
10.7 had run away . The guards had gone to arrest them
10.7 . The building was already empty.
10.7 Hurry
10.7 up and chase them back.
10.7 Who stole
10.7 the newspaper
10.7 ? The ladies in the palace
10.7 all said that
10.7 Miss Li, who is beside the queen, sent someone over today
10.7 to deliver a basket of fruits
10.7 . What fruits
10.7 are they ?
10.7 A basket of fresh
10.7 peaches
10.7 .
10.7 Li Haolan
10.7 turned out to be the good man of
10.7 the evil king who caused the storm that you gave this bitch.
10.7 The king never dared to hear that on that day, Miss Li was imprisoned by Zangze Ershi
10.7 . Her father went to visit her
10.7 and sent him some healing medicine.
10.7 Oh yes, and Huang Jin
10.7 heard about it. Well
10.7 , you two have been colluding with each other for a long time.
10.7 Li Haolan, Li Haolan,
10.7 you never imagined that your
10.7 actions in the past to reassure the Marquis of Shu&;s wife
10.7 have become evidence against you today.
10.7 Why does Ms. Li&;s mother love you so much
10.7 ? If you can betray Princess
10.7 Hao Lan of Zhao, you are a real Zhao. Why should you
10.7 sacrifice your life for the people of Qin
10.7 ? Money can communicate with the gods.
10.7 Maybe it was the father of the Marquis of Shu who promised you something
10.7 to make you reciprocate.
10.7 Otherwise, apart from betraying Zhao,
10.7 what other value do you have? Do
10.7 you dare to tell the husband of Shu
10.7 that your mother asked you to get rid of the husband of Shu? You
10.7 are speechless again. Take
10.7 it from me.
10.7 Your Majesty, Haolan is the person next to me.
10.7 I have done something wrong with the body inspection.
10.7 You say that I am a widower. How much do people like it?
10.7 It turned out to be the theater of the Qin Kingdom
10.7 . Well, the Internet said it was Li Haolan or the wife of the Marquis of Shu.
10.7 Well,
10.7 Father, you should let the king and grandson alone now.
10.7 Why
10.7 should the Father be so angry?
10.7 Think about the Marquis of Shu. My father is a theater actor in Qin
10.7 , but he wants to kill one person.
10.7 This may seem like a contradiction,
10.7 but it actually has a lot of meaning.
10.7 Don’t forget that there
10.7 is also a very favored Wang Sunzi in Qin. You may
10.7 not be sure whether this Rat Marquis wife is Wang Sunxi. The minions
10.7 want to kill one person in one
10.7 fell swoop . This person&;s death
10.7 is a good thing for Wang Sunxi,
10.7 but not necessarily for our Zhao State
10.7 .
10.7 Hey, you are saying
10.7 that someone wants to involve Zhao State in Qin&;s life-and-death struggle.
10.7 The father&;s reputation
10.7 is too sinister.
10.7 How dare you play with me in the palm of your hand?
10.7 Well, cutting into pieces with a thousand swords is not enough to relieve the hatred in your heart
10.7 .
10.7 Father, since you understand everything,
10.7 you should let the innocent people go.
10.7 This King of Qin cannot kill. Ah,
10.7 is he a bargaining chip in the hands of the widow? Who
10.7 is here
10.7 ? Oh, didn’t you hear what the princess said?
10.7 Let go of
10.7 Qian Wang Sun
10.7 Nuo
10.7 , but you are back.
10.7 Princess,
10.7 why did the king suddenly let me go
10.7 since he has found my crime ?
10.7 Father of the Marquis of Shu, you are
10.7 collaborating with the enemy and treason. He was acquitted of
10.7 collaborating with the enemy
10.7 . Yes, his son rebelled against the imperial edict
10.7 and defected to Qin. Even the father of the Marquis of Shu himself ran away
10.7 , right?
10.7 You don&;t believe
10.7 it. I&;m just curious.
10.7 Since the Marquis of Shu is determined, Why didn&;t you
10.7 wait until the matter was settled to frame
10.7 me? You gave my head as a gift
10.7 to the Prime Minister of Qin.
10.7 Zhao Qin is about to fight.
10.7 The swords have no eyes on the battlefield
10.7 . Xu is greedy for life and fear of death at this moment. They changed their strategy.
10.7 It&;s
10.7 impossible.
10.7 It&;s the most impossible in the world. Everything has happened.
10.7 As a Zhao native, Li Haolan
10.7 turned out to be an internal agent of the Marquis of Shu.
10.7 What is impossible in this world?
10.7 What did you say ?
10.7 Thank you for your hard work. Wait for me,
10.7 General Gongsun
10.7 . That one.
10.7 Wang Sen said a few words, it&;s okay.
10.7 Hey,
10.7 what, here, let&;s
10.7 take the brothers to drink.
10.7 Then you have to hurry
10.7 up so as not to be seen.
10.7 Wang Sun
10.7 , please,
10.7 prince, are you okay?
10.7 I&;m okay.
10.7 Someone asked Shuhou Mansion The good news was
10.7 announced and I deliberately put the blame on you. Why didn&;t you
10.7 tell the truth to King Zhao? You
10.7 have to explain it from beginning to end.
10.7 Then you will contact the Queen of Chu to punish me for killing the Marquis of Shu Fu.
10.7 But I&;m afraid I won&;t even have a chance to
10.7 go to jail for betraying the Queen.
10.7 I&;ll be killed on the spot.
10.7 Then why did you save me?
10.7 Aren&;t we friends?
10.7 Lu Buwei asked you to get close to me.
10.7 I just regarded you as a chess piece.
10.7 And you clearly know
10.7 that I accepted your overtures
10.7 and was just observing that you
10.7 have no fate in the world. Love for no reason
10.7 . When
10.7 the King of Qin and his grandson are in a foreign land,
10.7 there are always
10.7 people with ulterior motives. For example, the prince of Shu died accidentally, so the suspicion of the prince and grandson of Qin is also human
10.7 . The
10.7 main
10.7 businessman
10.7 Lu Buwei is a real businessman
10.7 who dares to risk the world to save me and return me to Qin.
10.7 But
10.7 what about you
10.7 ? If
10.7 King Zhao wants to kill me, you should hide far away.
10.7 Why risk your life to save me?
10.7 The clove sachet of King Qin&;s grandson
10.7 was taken away by Lu Buwei.
10.7 However, Qin Wangsun offered help to
10.7 Hao Lan many times and always kept it in his heart.
10.7 You are so stupid
10.7 and you dare to treat him sincerely
10.7 after being killed so many times.
10.7 What&;s wrong with treating others
10.7 sincerely ? It&;s those who trample on sincerity.
10.7 You shouldn&;t be so honest.
10.7 Lu Buwei is willing to use his life and all his wealth
10.7 to help Qin Wangsun return to Qin.
10.7 All he wants
10.7 is the power and status that match his abilities.
10.7 Only I am
10.7 I don’t want to be bullied anymore. I
10.7 don’t want to be insulted anymore
10.7 . I want to live an upright life.
10.7 I do n’t steal
10.7 nor grabbing
10.7 me
10.7 .
10.7 I
10.7 ca
10.7 n’t
10.7 say
10.7 what
10.7 I
10.7 will
10.7 later
10.7 have
10.7 Gongsun
10.7 .
10.7 Two cups
10.7 of wine, the young man&;s health is not important.
10.7 Those military generals are nice people,
10.7 so why bother to compete with them for their drinking capacity?
10.7 What happened outside
10.7 in the noisy last night
10.7 ? You may not know it if you are not in the palace.
10.7 General Xuanwu defected back to Qin as soon as he entered the battlefield.
10.7 When the king found out, he sent someone to catch the Rat Marquis.
10.7 As a result, someone tipped him off and asked him to give him a message. He ran
10.7 away,
10.7 didn&;t he?
10.7 And the person who tipped off the news
10.7 was my friend. Sister,
10.7 what have you done again
10.7 ? Master, you have wronged me.
10.7 It is inevitable
10.7 that Li Haolan will offend others when he is in the palace.
10.7 Oh, I swear to God
10.7 , I will not thank you at all this time
10.7 . Master,
10.7 after so long,
10.7 you still miss him.
10.7 If it weren&;t for his
10.7 careful care,
10.7 I would have died long before my father gave up on me.
10.7 Where are you in the suburbs?
10.7 Your husband is here,
10.7 but I&;m
10.7 fine. No need to say anything. I&;m tired. Come
10.7 here. Well, what are you doing?
10.7 Your Majesty has ordered
10.7 this woman to commit treason. You can&;t go in
10.7 and fart.
10.7 Think about it.
10.7 Your head is full of water.
10.7 How can you not think about it?
10.7 Your Majesty. He ordered the man to be imprisoned
10.7 but did not say to kill him immediately.
10.7 He was the first female official around the queen
10.7 and the queen wanted it. How can you explain this when you
10.7 see other people but disappear
10.7 ?
10.7 Hey, hey, hey, general, okay, the general is
10.7 stupider than shit.
10.7 You and I don’t have any deep hatred.
10.7 If
10.7 you don’t want
10.7 to come, it’s fine. Why are you saying this
10.7 to hurt people
10.7 ? Do you know where this place is,
10.7 a powerful person ? When the gathered people of King Zhao
10.7 entered the palace, they could only say one sentence, "No, Master,
10.7 what have you done?"
10.7 I&;m not here to be a puppet. That&;s
10.7 why you&;re lying
10.7 here covered in bruises and dying. No resistance is
10.7 allowed. Self-righteousness is not allowed. You
10.7 are not allowed to look up at people.
10.7 If you keep your head high,
10.7 they will chop off your head.
10.7 Doctor,
10.7 thank you. I scolded you, but you still thank me. I
10.7 , I know
10.7 that you are expressing concern in your own way.
10.7 Please leave as soon as possible.
10.7 Don&;t come here again,
10.7 lest you be implicated.
10.7 You are really stupid and have no boundaries
10.7 . I won&;t be able to survive this night if you don&;t come.
10.7 These two bottles of medicine, red cinnabar for external application
10.7 and blue pills for internal use, are taken
10.7 twice a day
10.7 for 3 days.
10.7 It&;s really impossible for me to come to Zhao country again. I was in a daze
10.7 and saw that the war was about to start.
10.7 No one cared about
10.7 the king, the stupid officials, the bastards,
10.7 even the dogs. It’s better than in
10.7 my previous life.
10.7 I never knew
10.7 that your personality was so fiery.
10.7 You are a recluse from the secular world. Your wife is so wild and crazy.
10.7 It’s not easy for anyone, outside or in the palace,
10.7 to remember.
10.7 Don’t waste my good medicine. You
10.7 ’re seriously injured,
10.7 but you can’t die for the time being.
10.7 Thank you
10.7 Qin. The prince
10.7 also asks you to leave here as soon as possible.
10.7 The cinnabar applied to the wound is definitely poisonous
10.7 . It must be confused with the one taken internally.
10.7 Damn it ,
10.7 disciple
10.7 . I beg
10.7 the Queen to forgive me.
10.7 No, you did a good job.
10.7 What did you add? Report
10.7 back to the Queen. She is Xiangzi.
10.7 This is called Xiangze.
10.7 The process of making Xiangze is very troublesome
10.7 . It needs to add natural bluegrass to the pig.
10.7 After mixing, just add it. Applying a little bit to the end of the hair
10.7 can not only comb the hair,
10.7 but also make the queen The green hair
10.7 exudes a refreshing fragrance,
10.7 which is very thoughtful.
10.7 Ms. Li led us to do this
10.7 .
10.7 The disciple said something wrong.
10.7 Please forgive the queen.
10.7 He meant it.
10.7 The queen, Lu Shaofu, asked to see
10.7 Lu Buwei
10.7 . Lu Shaofu has the key to ask to see the queen. He is waiting outside the door to
10.7 announce his promise.
10.7 Li Buwei has seen Queen
10.7 Lu Shaofu.
10.7 Why are you anxious to see me?
10.7 When Chen De knew that the guilty person had escaped,
10.7 he immediately sent people to hunt
10.7 him down . Finally, he found the guilty person 10 miles outside Handan City.
10.7 If he
10.7 found it
10.7 , he found it. If he didn&;t hand it over to the king,
10.7 he handed it over to me. I believe the queen would handle it more appropriately.
10.7 He brought him up
10.7 and met again.
10.7 I finally found it. You must be very
10.7 proud
10.7 to be slaughtered by you, right? I haven&;t treated you well enough after you returned home.
10.7 Forgive me,
10.7 you deliberately let Li Haonan help me to defraud me of my
10.7 jade pendant.
10.7 This is called tolerance.
10.7 This is called tolerance. What a cruel idea.
10.7 What did you say?
10.7 Don&;t be pretentious.
10.7 You deliberately let Li Haonan get close to me to deceive my trust.
10.7 You killed my Kerr with poisonous chicken.
10.7 Don&;t think you can. With one hand in the sky
10.7 , I want to see the king.
10.7 I want to see the king.
10.7 I want to accuse you of all your crimes.
10.7 We, mother and son, were wronged.
10.7 We were wronged.
10.7 This is what you want me to see.
10.7 Lu Buwei just wanted to let the queen know
10.7 that Haolan is loyal to you.
10.7 If he really wanted to betray you,
10.7 the Marquis of Shu would not have become what she is today,
10.7 a rebel and collaborator. How can
10.7 a bitch have the face
10.7 to meet the King? The King will not treat me like this.
10.7 I want to see you. He,
10.7 I want to see him,
10.7 I want to see him right away, yes
10.7 , haha.
10.7 In the past, the king pitied you and loved you.
10.7 Of course, he believed whatever you said
10.7 . But now,
10.7 if you fall into his hands,
10.7 you will be cut into pieces. You
10.7 should thank me
10.7 for discovering it first
10.7 . Leave your whole body intact.
10.7 You want to kill me,
10.7 Li Shaofu,
10.7 but I
10.7 want to kill the Prince Consort of Shu.
10.7 Unexpectedly, Buchen was out hunting in the suburbs
10.7 , but he slipped and fell off his horse and died
10.7 .
10.7 Ah,
10.7 let me
10.7 go. Let me go.
10.7 I won&;t let you go even if I become a ghost.
10.7 It&;s great . No wonder
10.7 you let me go .
10.7 Your Majesty admires you so much. You
10.7 really know how to do things
10.7 . Thank you, Queen.
10.7 I know you want to save Li Haolan,
10.7 but you think he is a traitor
10.7 . But
10.7 if Your Majesty doesn&;t let go,
10.7 I
10.7 can&;t do
10.7 anything. Queen
10.7 ,
10.7 that&;s it.
10.7 How is Master No? What
10.7 a cunning fox
10.7 . this Who refused to help Haonan at the critical moment
10.7 ? Who gave Song Taozi to the Marquis of Shu?
10.7 No matter who it was,
10.7 this person knew very well that
10.7 Hao Lan could not explain the reason for approaching the Marquis of Shu,
10.7 nor could he tell the truth about the matter.
10.7 He had to bear the responsibility of collaborating and rebelling. Master
10.7 , you should have
10.7 sent the person directly to the king to convict him
10.7 just now. The rebellion is already a fact.
10.7 Even if Shu and his husband go,
10.7 he will still keep an eye on Haonan
10.7 and grab a backer.
10.7 Now, aren&;t we at a dead end?
10.7 No matter how you go, you will die.
10.7 Open
10.7 the door, Young Master, without Wang Shang&;s order.
10.7 Please atone for your sins
10.7 . Please step back first.
10.7 Don&;t delay. Young Master, please speak.
10.7 Sister Nuo
10.7 , do you still remember
10.7 that time when we were children, we ran away on the street
10.7 and met each other? After arriving at the execution ground
10.7 and returning home,
10.7 my sister was so frightened that she was sick for a long time. My
10.7 sister,
10.7 the emperor, sentenced you
10.7 to have your car broken.
10.7 You know,
10.7 my sister has always been afraid of blood and even dared not watch the killing of chickens,
10.7 so I won’t go to see you off tomorrow.
10.7 Sister,
10.7 please take care.
10.7 Xiuyue
10.7 people are interesting.
10.7 sooner or later Forget
10.7 it, the young master is being deceitful and
10.7 ruthless.
10.7 I have to remind you
10.7 to see clearly that the husband in front of you
10.7 is too infatuated
10.7 and will rarely end well
10.7 . He still claims that his power of arching is
10.7 overestimating his ability. Hey
10.7 , teach
10.7 him a lesson for me.
10.7 NO,
10.7 I understand.
10.7 Thank you, young master
10.7 , haha. Haha, come and catch me,
10.7 hahaha, where are you, sister, come and catch me,
10.7 hahaha, Xiaoyu, come on,
10.7 sister, where are
10.7 you, sister,
10.7 sister, where are you, sister, sister,
10.7 where are you, sister, where are you,
10.7 sister, where are you,
10.7 sister?
10.7 Sister, sister,
10.7 master,
10.7 why
10.7 am I crying? Are you having a nightmare?
10.7 Are you
10.7 okay? What
10.7 are you
10.7 going to do? Let me
10.7 go . Do you know what these five female officials are accused of
10.7 and what they are afraid of? He is no longer a female official in the palace,
10.7 but a prisoner
10.7 . Why
10.7 let me go,
10.7 let me go.
10.7 This is the dungeon in the palace where
10.7 felons are imprisoned.
10.7 When did it become a place for female donkeys
10.7 to have fun?
10.7 Xiaoli in the palace dared to break into the dungeon
10.7 and win
10.7 the day. Before he wakes up
10.7 , he must be someone you can&;t afford to mess with
10.7 . Do you want me to report to the queen now that
10.7 you want to touch the female officer next to him? Someone come and
10.7 report to the king immediately.
10.7 There are two bold madmen here
10.7 who dare to defile the female officer in the palace,
10.7 NO.
10.7 Liu Shaofu. Who dares to do such an immoral thing?
10.7 This is the order of the young master.
10.7 We are also forced to have no choice.
10.7 Please show your noble hand and
10.7 let me go.
10.7 I know what to do.
10.7 No, I understand, get out.
10.7 Why are you laughing
10.7 ? Now I am trapped
10.7 in a dungeon, and the King has sentenced me to a broken car.
10.7 All that awaits me in front is death
10.7 . Li Buwei,
10.7 are you coming to see me now
10.7 to kill me and silence me?
10.7 What nonsense did you say?
10.7 What a pity
10.7 that I can’t see you making contributions and
10.7 being famous throughout the ages
10.7 . But you I have to find a new partner,
10.7 but there are countless beautiful and intelligent women.
10.7 It’s too easy
10.7 for you, Lu Buwei.
10.7 Listen,
10.7 I don’t want anyone else. I
10.7 only want you.
10.7 You are the best. The person who knows me best below,
10.7 you are my companion,
10.7 my confidant,
10.7 my
10.7 most important person,
10.7 my dignity, wealth, status, and power.
10.7 We agreed to fight together
10.7 . I won’t allow you to give up halfway.
10.7 Listen to me.
10.7 I need you.
10.7 I need you to follow me. Let&;s
10.7 go together and get everything we want.
10.7 If you dared to say that you want to find a new partner
10.7 just now,
10.7 I would shout out.
10.7 I will uncover everything you plotted
10.7 and let you draw water from a bamboo basket in vain.

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