nofap; La MEILLEURE stratégie NoFap

YouTube et Le thème « nofap » en vidéo

Le thème « nofap » abordé sur youtube par Improvement Pill

Publiée par Improvement Pill (), cette vidéo YouTube est une ressource intéressante traitant du thème « nofap ».

Sur YouTube, on trouve des milliers de vidéos éducatives et informatives, parfaites pour approfondir les connaissances sur divers sujets.

Lorsque nous avons examiné la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions.
Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 274887.

Vous noterez la durée (00:06:57s), le titre (The BEST NoFap Strategy), et les commentaires ajoutés par l’auteur :« Pour en savoir plus sur le Habit Builder Challenge : (Vous aurez également accès à un mini-cours GRATUIT sur l’amélioration personnelle) 👉 Mon NOUVEAU cours de narration : https://www.graphyapp. co/g/the-art-of-storytelling/cebb488f La meilleure stratégie NoFap est celle qui se concentre sur la résolution de la racine du problème. Dans cette vidéo, je vais expliquer quel est ce problème et exactement ce que vous devez faire pour le résoudre. C’est l’un des meilleurs conseils nofap que je puisse vous donner. J’espère que cette vidéo servira de motivation pour nofap. Cours apprivoisé (cours GRATUIT de création d’habitudes) : Cours BeeFriend (cours GRATUIT de compétences sociales) : Otter Half Course ( Cours GRATUIT de conseils en matière de rencontres pour hommes/femmes) : La liste de lecture des affaires en ligne (s’y ajoutera progressivement au fil du temps) : Pour les demandes d’emploi en entreprise/animation : envoyez-moi un e-mail à Intro : (00:00) Une étude célèbre : (00 : 25) La découverte : (01:28) Ce que nous sommes MANQUANT dans la vie : (01:52) La solution : (02:30) Ce que vous devez comprendre à propos de NoFap : (03:03) Quelques exemples de la façon de procéder : (03:26) La MEILLEURE stratégie NoFap : (04 :43) Si vous avez du mal à adopter des habitudes : (05:31) Oeuf de Pâques : (06:51) ».

La vidéo est affichée juste en dessous pour votre consultation

Choisir l’abstinence impacte considérablement la vie quotidienne des hommes.

Évaluer les effets psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme est crucial pour comprendre ses bienfaits.

L’abstinence réduit l’anxiété et la dépression, tout en améliorant la confiance en soi. Les forums NoFap regorgent de témoignages montrant de réels progrès psychologiques.

Analyser les bénéfices psychologiques de l’arrêt de la masturbation, notamment la baisse de l’anxiété et de la dépression.

Pour les hommes, l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation génère une anxiété considérable. Après avoir arrêté ces comportements, beaucoup observent une réduction de la dépression et un meilleur contrôle de leurs actions.

Observer les changements dans la performance érectile après l’abstinence.

Les problèmes érectiles associés à la masturbation sont courants chez l’homme, mais l’abstinence offre des solutions.

Réussir dans NoFap grâce à des stratégies efficaces

Conseils pour rester engagé sur NoFap

Pour rester motivé, il est important d’adopter des habitudes comme l’exercice et la méditation, tout en évitant les déclencheurs de tentation.

Adopter des méthodes efficaces permet de surmonter les rechutes dans NoFap.

Les rechutes dans NoFap sont courantes, comme le confirme une étude. Les participants doivent analyser leurs échecs, se concentrer sur leurs objectifs et demander du soutien à la communauté pour réussir.

Sites et vidéos pour découvrir l’impact de l’abstinence.

Des études, des articles scientifiques et des recherches de spécialistes comme Nicole Prause aident à mieux comprendre les effets de la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que les solutions fondées sur la science.

Les avantages du NoFap pour les hommes

Évaluer les effets de la pornographie sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

Les recherches menées par des experts ont révélé que la pornographie peut engendrer des troubles tels que la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression, des problèmes émotionnels et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué une étude scientifique sur les effets de la pornographie excessive sur le bien-être mental et physique des hommes.

NoFap est un mouvement prônant l’abstinence de pornographie et de masturbation.

NoFap repose sur une abstinence volontaire de pornographie et de masturbation, offrant aux hommes un moyen de surmonter leur dépendance. Cette approche favorise un équilibre émotionnel et une vitalité accrue.

Découvrir les raisons derrière NoFap permet de mieux apprécier les changements qu’il peut entraîner dans la vie quotidienne.

Les objectifs de la communauté NoFap incluent la réduction des effets de la pornographie sur la santé mentale, l’amélioration de la fonction érectile et la réduction de l’anxiété. Plusieurs hommes sondés rapportent également une diminution significative de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après l’arrêt de ces comportements.

Le rôle central de la communauté NoFap est d’accompagner les hommes dans leur démarche de sevrage.

Mettre en valeur le rôle crucial du soutien social et émotionnel pour ceux qui suivent ce chemin.

Les forums de la communauté Nofap fournissent une aide concrète aux hommes pour lutter contre l’anxiété et la dépression tout en offrant des conseils pour surmonter les obstacles et éviter les rechutes. Un suivi professionnel peut s’avérer indispensable (voir à ce sujet ce lien).

Analyser l’efficacité des plateformes d’entraide et des forums dans l’accompagnement des individus.

Les recherches scientifiques ont prouvé que les forums de la communauté NoFap sont cruciaux pour surmonter l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes de soutien augmentent les chances de succès dans l’abandon de la masturbation grâce à la solidarité de leurs membres.

Les forums NoFap sont un lieu où l’on peut trouver des stratégies pratiques et des encouragements.

Les participants des forums peuvent non seulement s’entraider, mais aussi découvrir des études scientifiques liées à leur expérience de l’abstinence.

Si vous souhaitez regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
la source: Cliquer ici

#MEILLEURE #stratégie #NoFap

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: have you been struggling with the nofap challenge constantly hitting one or two weak streaks but always finding yourself back at square one feeling worse and worse about yourself every single time you mess up if so then you’ve come to the right place see what you’re missing isn’t more motivation or some new trick that you’re unaware of what you’re missing is simply the right strategy let me explain a famous study was conducted in the 1970s by american psychologist dr bruce alexander he placed rats in isolated cages all alone and gave them access to two water bottles one that contained just normal drinking water while the other contained water laced with cocaine he discovered that the large majority of these lonely rats would continuously drink from the cocaine water until they overdosed and died but that’s not all because he then recreated the experiment with a new cage one that he called rat park it was much larger and it was filled with toys that the rats could play with and nice comfortable places where they could sleep but most importantly he added other rats so that they could interact play and share intimate time with each other and finally he added the same two bottles one with normal drinking water and the other laced with cocaine and to his surprise in this new cage the rats actually preferred to drink the plain water and not a single rat overdosed what he discovered was that animals tend to form addictions when their other needs are not fulfilled and this seems to apply to us humans as well see nowadays most of our needs are fulfilled it’s easy to get food and shelter most of us don’t have to worry about getting attacked by wild animals or neighboring tribes and it’s very easy to find entertainment because we have the internet the only thing that we’re missing nowadays is meaningful human interaction see a study conducted in 2019 found that 25 percent of millennials have zero close friends and to make things even worse a third of all the people surveyed reported feeling extremely lonely very often if you relate to this at all you are essentially in the same position as a rat in an empty cage and just like in the experiment it’s easy for you to indulge in your addiction because your social needs are not being met it’s how you cope with the emptiness and the loneliness which is why in order to overcome your addiction you need to get out of your cage you need to find the human version of rat park and the only way to do this is by going out into the world and building relationships with other people and eventually finding someone that you can develop a deep intimate relationship with if you don’t do this then you will never be able to shake off the addiction for good now of course this is much easier said than done i’m sure many of you decided to take on the nofap challenge because you wanted to improve your social skills and your dating life but what you have to understand is that nofap alone is not gonna give you that nofap’s main benefit is extra energy sure there’s more mental clarity and more confidence but the most apparent benefit is the energy you have to make use of this energy and start building habits because that’s the only way you can start improving your social life for example if you take this excess energy and you build a habit of working out and eating well then you will see a visible change in your body which will make you more attractive and also more confident this will make it easier for you to go out there and make friends and also to date or you could choose to take this energy and build a habit of meditation if you do this you will start to see a clear change in your thinking and your mental strength this will allow you to become more present during your interactions you will become wittier more empathetic all while becoming less sensitive to negative emotions all of which make it easier for you to make friends and date you could also take this energy and build a habit of working on a project or honing a skill then you will eventually gain some sort of success and you’ll have something that you excel at which are both extremely attractive traits which again make it easier for you to make friends and date and finally if you want to get out of that cage as soon as possible you could take the shortest route and take that energy and build a habit of going out and actually talking to strangers whether it’s at meetups via dating apps or even just sparking random conversations with people throughout the day if you do this you will drastically improve your social skills in a short period of time and you will start making friends and start finding people to date do you see what i’m getting at the best nofap strategy is to use the energy it gives you to build habits that will improve your social life and your dating life your goal should be to build meaningful relationships with others and also to find a girl or guy that you can share intimate time with so that you can get out of your cage and once that happens you will literally forget about nofap because you’ll be as happy as a rat in rat park that’s how i was able to overcome my addiction i didn’t have a perfect 365 day streak which magically cured me in fact i stopped counting days for nofap altogether all i was focused on was building habits which permanently made my life more fulfilling and because of that i genuinely forgot about nofap that’s the best nofap strategy now if you’ve been struggling with building habits and getting them to stick i do have some good news for you see i’ve been running a special program called the habit builder challenge where i go over everything you need to know about building habits and getting them to stick and what’s unique about this program is the fact that i will personally be applying pressure on you making sure that you take action now not next month or next year see that’s the main problem with online courses nowadays there’s no sense of urgency so you end up buying the course watching a few videos and then you set it aside and never finish it that’s why i personally spend two to three hours every day during the habit builder challenge pushing you to take action on top of that we’ve recently built a special community for the people who complete the challenge there we hold a weekly book club weekly hangouts and even a weekly game night so that you can start getting out of your cage and start building meaningful relationships with others it’s a great community and i do honestly feel like i’ve made a couple of close friends over there this challenge only happens three to four times a year so if you want to get notified about the next time i open the doors just sign up for my newsletter in the description box below once you do you’ll also be given a free mini course that i put together which will help you on your self-improvement journey and remember focus on building habits not counting streaks besides that stay tuned .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.4 have you been struggling with the nofap challenge 
constantly hitting one or two weak streaks but  
0.4 always finding yourself back at square one 
feeling worse and worse about yourself every  
0.4 single time you mess up if so then you&;ve come 
to the right place see what you&;re missing isn&;t  
0.4 more motivation or some new trick that you&;re 
unaware of what you&;re missing is simply the  
0.4 right strategy let me explain a famous study was 
conducted in the 1970s by american psychologist dr  
0.4 bruce alexander he placed rats in isolated 
cages all alone and gave them access to two  
0.4 water bottles one that contained just normal 
drinking water while the other contained water  
0.4 laced with cocaine he discovered that the large 
majority of these lonely rats would continuously  
0.4 drink from the cocaine water until they overdosed 
and died but that&;s not all because he then  
0.4 recreated the experiment with a new cage one that 
he called rat park it was much larger and it was  
0.4 filled with toys that the rats could play with 
and nice comfortable places where they could sleep  
0.4 but most importantly he added other rats so that 
they could interact play and share intimate time  
0.4 with each other and finally he added the same two 
bottles one with normal drinking water and the  
0.4 other laced with cocaine and to his surprise 
in this new cage the rats actually preferred  
0.4 to drink the plain water and not a single rat 
overdosed what he discovered was that animals tend  
0.4 to form addictions when their other needs are not 
fulfilled and this seems to apply to us humans as  
0.4 well see nowadays most of our needs are fulfilled 
it&;s easy to get food and shelter most of us don&;t  
0.4 have to worry about getting attacked by wild 
animals or neighboring tribes and it&;s very easy  
0.4 to find entertainment because we have the internet 
the only thing that we&;re missing nowadays is  
0.4 meaningful human interaction see a study conducted 
in 2019 found that 25 percent of millennials have  
0.4 zero close friends and to make things even worse a 
third of all the people surveyed reported feeling  
0.4 extremely lonely very often if you relate to this 
at all you are essentially in the same position  
0.4 as a rat in an empty cage and just like in the 
experiment it&;s easy for you to indulge in your  
0.4 addiction because your social needs are not being 
met it&;s how you cope with the emptiness and the  
0.4 loneliness which is why in order to overcome your 
addiction you need to get out of your cage you  
0.4 need to find the human version of rat park and the 
only way to do this is by going out into the world  
0.4 and building relationships with other people and 
eventually finding someone that you can develop  
0.4 a deep intimate relationship with if you don&;t 
do this then you will never be able to shake off  
0.4 the addiction for good now of course this is much 
easier said than done i&;m sure many of you decided  
0.4 to take on the nofap challenge because you wanted 
to improve your social skills and your dating life  
0.4 but what you have to understand is that nofap 
alone is not gonna give you that nofap&;s main  
0.4 benefit is extra energy sure there&;s more mental 
clarity and more confidence but the most apparent  
0.4 benefit is the energy you have to make use of this 
energy and start building habits because that&;s  
0.4 the only way you can start improving your social 
life for example if you take this excess energy  
0.4 and you build a habit of working out and eating 
well then you will see a visible change in your  
0.4 body which will make you more attractive and also 
more confident this will make it easier for you to  
0.4 go out there and make friends and also to date or 
you could choose to take this energy and build a  
0.4 habit of meditation if you do this you will start 
to see a clear change in your thinking and your  
0.4 mental strength this will allow you to become 
more present during your interactions you will  
0.4 become wittier more empathetic all while becoming 
less sensitive to negative emotions all of which  
0.4 make it easier for you to make friends and date 
you could also take this energy and build a habit  
0.4 of working on a project or honing a skill then 
you will eventually gain some sort of success  
0.4 and you&;ll have something that you excel at which 
are both extremely attractive traits which again  
0.4 make it easier for you to make friends and date 
and finally if you want to get out of that cage  
0.4 as soon as possible you could take the shortest 
route and take that energy and build a habit of  
0.4 going out and actually talking to strangers 
whether it&;s at meetups via dating apps or  
0.4 even just sparking random conversations with 
people throughout the day if you do this you  
0.4 will drastically improve your social skills in 
a short period of time and you will start making  
0.4 friends and start finding people to date do you 
see what i&;m getting at the best nofap strategy  
0.4 is to use the energy it gives you to build habits 
that will improve your social life and your dating  
0.4 life your goal should be to build meaningful 
relationships with others and also to find a  
0.4 girl or guy that you can share intimate time with 
so that you can get out of your cage and once that  
0.4 happens you will literally forget about nofap 
because you&;ll be as happy as a rat in rat park  
0.4 that&;s how i was able to overcome my addiction 
i didn&;t have a perfect 365 day streak which  
0.4 magically cured me in fact i stopped counting 
days for nofap altogether all i was focused on  
0.4 was building habits which permanently made my life 
more fulfilling and because of that i genuinely  
0.4 forgot about nofap that&;s the best nofap strategy 
now if you&;ve been struggling with building habits  
0.4 and getting them to stick i do have some good news 
for you see i&;ve been running a special program  
0.4 called the habit builder challenge where i go over 
everything you need to know about building habits  
0.4 and getting them to stick and what&;s unique about 
this program is the fact that i will personally  
0.4 be applying pressure on you making sure that 
you take action now not next month or next year  
0.4 see that&;s the main problem with online courses 
nowadays there&;s no sense of urgency so you end up  
0.4 buying the course watching a few videos and then 
you set it aside and never finish it that&;s why  
0.4 i personally spend two to three hours every day 
during the habit builder challenge pushing you to  
0.4 take action on top of that we&;ve recently built a 
special community for the people who complete the  
0.4 challenge there we hold a weekly book club weekly 
hangouts and even a weekly game night so that  
0.4 you can start getting out of your cage and start 
building meaningful relationships with others it&;s  
0.4 a great community and i do honestly feel like i&;ve 
made a couple of close friends over there this  
0.4 challenge only happens three to four times a year 
so if you want to get notified about the next time  
0.4 i open the doors just sign up for my newsletter in 
the description box below once you do you&;ll also  
0.4 be given a free mini course that i put together 
which will help you on your self-improvement  
0.4 journey and remember focus on building habits 
not counting streaks besides that stay tuned

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