Dr K (HealthyGamerGG), Dr Rena Malik, Erika Lust

Disponible sur la plateforme YouTube, vidéo sur le thème « nofap »

Actuellement sur YouTube, et crée par The Diary Of A CEO Clips (), cette vidéo est intéressante pour ceux qui s’intéressent au thème «nofap ».

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La vidéo présentait déjà plusieurs interactions au moment où nous l’avons observée (). Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 5817.

Pour une évaluation complète, il faut considérer la durée (00:11:59s), le titre (The Shocking Truth About NoFap… « 📺 Regardez l’épisode complet ici – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8LjNUabIJOk&ab_channel=TheDiaryOfACEO ❤ Abonnez-vous à notre chaîne principale – www.youtube.com/TheDiaryOfACEO #thediaryofaceo #doac ».

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Comment réussir sur NoFap : stratégies essentielles

Conseils de la communauté NoFap pour réussir sans rechute

La clé du succès passe par des habitudes saines, telles que l’exercice et la méditation, pour conserver une motivation élevée et éviter les tentations.

Les rechutes peuvent être maîtrisées avec des techniques appropriées.

L’étude scientifique montre que les rechutes sont fréquentes dans NoFap. Les hommes doivent prendre du recul pour comprendre les causes de l’échec et solliciter l’aide de la communauté pour se remettre sur la bonne voie.

Consulter des plateformes pour des témoignages et conseils sur NoFap.

Pour une vue d’ensemble scientifique, des travaux comme ceux de Nicole Prause et d’autres recherches approfondies permettent de mieux comprendre l’impact de l’addiction à la pornographie et à la masturbation ainsi que ses traitements.

Les hommes qui pratiquent l’abstinence constatent des effets sur leur bien-être général.

Évaluer les effets de l’abstinence sur la performance érectile.

Selon des recherches, l’abstinence masculine permet de surmonter les dysfonctions érectiles associées à la masturbation.

Observer la réduction de l’anxiété et de la dépression après l’arrêt de la masturbation, et ses effets bénéfiques sur la santé mentale.

Chez l’homme, la dépendance à la pornographie et à la masturbation entraîne des niveaux élevés d’anxiété. L’arrêt de ces comportements permet souvent une réduction notable de la dépression et une reprise du contrôle sur leurs habitudes.

Les bénéfices psychologiques de l’abstinence pour l’homme sont nombreux et méritent d’être étudiés.

L’abstinence favorise la diminution de l’anxiété et de la dépression, tout en boostant la confiance en soi. Les forums de la communauté NoFap sont riches en témoignages positifs.

Les hommes trouvent un soutien essentiel au sein de la communauté NoFap pour faire face à leurs défis.

Révéler l’impact bénéfique du soutien social et émotionnel dans le maintien de l’abstinence.

La plateforme Nofap et ses forums offrent un environnement propice pour que les hommes partagent leurs expériences et solutions, tout en les soutenant dans la gestion de la dépression, de l’anxiété, et des rechutes. Un accompagnement spécialisé est parfois indispensablec’est le cas de ce spécialiste du Nofap.

Explorer comment les forums et les groupes de soutien contribuent à l’amélioration des résultats pour les participants.

Les études scientifiques ont révélé que la participation aux forums de la communauté NoFap aide à surmonter les comportements problématiques, notamment l’anxiété et la dépression. Ces groupes de soutien augmentent les chances de succès grâce à la solidarité entre les membres.

Les discussions sur les forums NoFap permettent aux membres de partager leurs histoires et de s’entraider.

Les forums de la communauté NoFap permettent aux hommes de partager leurs expériences et de trouver des ressources scientifiques pour mieux comprendre leur parcours.

Pourquoi de plus en plus d’hommes adoptent le NoFap

Examiner les conséquences de la pornographie sur la santé des hommes.

Les recherches sur la pornographie ont révélé ses effets délétères, comme la dysfonction érectile, l’anxiété, la dépression et l’addiction. Nicole Prause a effectué des études sur l’impact de la consommation excessive de pornographie et de masturbation sur la santé mentale et physique des hommes.

NoFap repose sur l’idée de renoncer à la masturbation pour mieux se concentrer sur soi.

Le mouvement NoFap encourage les hommes à éviter la pornographie et la masturbation pour briser le cercle de la dépendance. Il s’agit d’une approche visant à favoriser une meilleure santé mentale et un bien-être physique durable.

Les motivations des pratiquants de NoFap sont diverses, mais toutes sont tournées vers l’amélioration personnelle.

Les membres de la communauté NoFap sont motivés par la volonté de combattre les effets néfastes de la pornographie, d’améliorer leur performance érectile et de réduire l’anxiété. De nombreux hommes sondés ont rapporté une diminution de la dépression et des pensées suicidaires après avoir cessé ces comportements.

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#vérité #choquante #sur #NoFap #HealthyGamerGG #Rena #Malik #Erika #Lust

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: this idea of noof FAP which is I believe and you clearly know much more about this than I do Dr K but I believe the term is it’s it’s proposing a solution to the pornography challenge that some people have where you completely abstain from watching pornography and or masturbating at all um Reena if I recall and I don’t want to mischaracterize your opinion here but I think when we spoke the first time on the podcast you made the case that masturbation does have positive impacts so what is your view on this idea of noof FAP yeah so I think the the movement it’s so the idea of retaining from or abstaining from masturbation or watching pornography is a very individual one and it may have benefits for some people in terms of uh they may because if they’re using these things in a negative way abstaining from them may allow them to have more control over other portions of their life but a lot of people will misinform people and say oh you’re going to have a higher testosterone you’re going to have all these physiologic changes which have not been born out in literature there’s like a very small study looking at men who abstained from um ejaculation for 21 days that saw a very small minute increase in testosterone like 10 guys so it’s not generalizable it’s never been repeated um and testosterone varies as it is quite significantly over days and throughout the day and you know one day to the next so ultimately there’s no evidence to support the fact that abstaining from anything like masturbation is actually going to have a benefit more likely than not either you’re going to have a nocturnal emission or you’re going to body’s going to absorb that cement so it doesn’t really change what’s going on physiologically is there an impact on fertility if I masturbate or don’t masturbate yes so fertility we do see that if you abstain for about 5 days up to 5 days you’re going to see some improvement in the seen qu um seen volume potentially and also some characteristics of the sperm uh but above and beyond that you start seeing DNA Dam damage and so that can actually be negative if you abstain for too long so the sperm are effectively dying in the well you’re seeing like mutation so they’re not as they’re not as effective they’re they’re not going to die necessarily but they’re not going to create uh a healthy you know fetus or embryo that okay no thought that fascinating I didn’t know that so really interesting um so a couple of things to understand so there are a lot of traditions that abstain from sexual activity I think um we don’t study those Traditions very well and I think the key thing to understand I personally think that um celibacy and abstinence from sexual activity can be incredibly powerful um and so I think part of the we have to remember right so if we don’t have any evidence for something why do so many people believe it so some of it is there’s a lot of bad information out there but people what happens on the noap community is that people are having some experiences and they’re saying this kind kind of thing changed my life and there’s so many layers to that so the first is that I think nofap is kind of a way to wrestle with any kind of Behavioral control so if we look at like you know people who are addicted to pornography we talk about all of these negative impacts of this cycle of I don’t have anything to do any day anything today so I’m going to jerk off and then I have no mean meaning no purpose no dopamine so I’m just like stuck in the cycle so they want to break the cycle and they just pick one thing and I think just challenging yourself from a self control perspective I completely agree with Dr what mik says there may not be a physiological thing going on here but just challenging yourself and saying hey like this one thing messes up my relationships messes up my dopamine messes up my purpose and my motivation I’m going to take control of this and it’ll change my life so I think if you look at it from an isolated stance of masturbation it may not have much of an effect we’ll talk about the exception to that rule in a second in the spiritual Traditions but I think that a lot of people are just using it as a vehicle to come to terms with something challenging in their life and they’re like they’re making a commitment right I’m going to do this thing and the benefit comes from that maybe not any physiological thing um you know all the stuff about testosterone and stuff completely agree I don’t think that there’s a clear thing there but if you look at some of the meditative Traditions one of the really common things and this is really fascinating because this is true of uh meditative or religious Traditions all over the world so you’ll see salivas is a part of some of the abrahamic religions it’s part of some of the kic religions from the East so human beings at some point figured out that abstaining from sexual activity can have different kinds of impacts in the organism so a couple of things that it does is it reduces our thoughts of lust um if we do it the right way and we’ll get to a couple of specific examples of what the nofap community doesn’t understand so when I deprive myself of a particular thing I sometimes reduce that behavioral reinforcement so if I look at someone who’s addicted to alcohol you know when they stop drinking alcohol at the very beginning their desire will increase but then 10 years later they don’t even think about it so if you are someone who is thinking about sex constantly and you stop engaging in sexual perceptions so remember the thoughts in our brain come from what we perceive this is why advertising is a thing because an Advertiser knows if I can show you this thing you will think about it now if I’m fapping and watching pornography I’m getting this perceptual um input which is then creating thoughts in my head now I’m thinking about this stuff instead of thinking about something else so there’s that layer of thing too when I cut something off from my perception when I break up with someone why do I block them because if I watch their social media if I get texts from them that’s going to enter my perception and control my thoughts so they can also use it as a benefit of like thought control if I stop looking at this stuff this has also been hijacked by generally speaking patriarchal structures for like you know there’s a particular religious sect of Hinduism where the priests are like I’m never going to see a woman like no women are allowed in the house if I’m going to come visit your house right so this gets turned into some weird things but so noap gives us an opportunity for self-control it gives us a chance to reduce our sensory input which reduces our thoughts and then there’s also these meditative Traditions which say that you know achieving esoteric spiritual experiences which is a lot of what the noat community like talks about like they become slightly different human beings celibacy is a part of now the key thing about the meditative Traditions is that they’re not taking advice from Rand on the internet so I’ll give you all just one really simple example when you do esoteric meditations spirituality celibacy kind of stuff it’s usually accompanied in the Hindu tradition or Buddhist tradition with certain yogic postures and one example of this is something called sidas sidas is adapts pose and literally what you do is in this pose you place the heel of one your right foot usually up against your perenium so you put pressure on the area between your anus and your scrotum if you’re a man it’s a slightly different location if you’re a woman and then what that actually does from Anatomy I’m sure you know this better than I correct me if I’m wrong is that you know we know that the blood supply to the scrotum passes through that right it’s on the underside it’s like in that pelvic floor region so one of the really interesting things that I remember learning from a yogi who was a medical doctor is that when we compress blood flow through the testes like if you have gently compressed blood flow that increases over time you’re going to get less blood flow to the testes you may get some kind of reduction in testosterone production and semen production or whatever so there may be some physiological things that people do when they’re normally like try to be celibate that allow it to be healthy in a in a good way so I think kind of the the key takeaway don’t disagree with anything that Dr mik said I think you’ve got to remember that nofap is not a Surefire solution to fix all your problems and at the same time some people have positive experiences also Dr mik has been emphasizing this point of it’s not the same for everybody and we know that there are a couple of things working with this community quite a bit you know there are a couple of things that happen about self-control challenging yourself setting a goal creating purpose in your life changing what your sensory inputs are so you you’re not thirsty all day long and thinking about being horny and all this kind of stuff like sometimes you got to kind of cut it out of your life and so it’s almost like this this cold turkey kind of approach which which can sometimes work for nicotine can sometimes work for things like sex but I think like your mileage may vary and we don’t really know exactly what’s going on yeah I think I’ll add I think the the problem I have with it to some degree is when people are white knuckling it right they’re really and they’re getting peer pressured into it like you got to stop right and so then they’re they’re they’re really trying hard not to ejaculate and so they’re tensing up their pelvic floor muscles they’re developing problems because they’re tensing up their pelvic floors they’re developing dysfunctions they’re getting pain with ejaculation they’re getting pain with erections or they get so much shame when they have a nocturnal emission for example nocturnal mission is a nighttime ejaculation exactly so they’re they’re they’re getting so shamed by the community because they’ve failed which is completely out of their physiological control like you’re going to have a nocturnal emission if your body wants to have one there’s nothing you can do about it so you know I think ultimately there is a lot of Shame and peer pressure that can sometimes create harm in these situations now if you’re using it in the way Dr K describes like that’s fine if you’re if you’re deriving benefit from it I have no problem but I do take issue with the people who are harming themselves because they’re getting a lot of pressure from this from the group if I can jump in for a second so I want to emphasize this point too so this is really weird but people are white knuckling it they’re they may be making their addiction actually worse so there’s a really interesting principle in addiction where if I’m white knuckling something like so like I let’s use the example of like opioid addiction right so when when I have when I’m working with an opioid addict at the very beginning what they have is like a psychological craving like I want to I want to have an opiate so that I feel better mentally I feel better I feel Euphoria and then if I White Knuckle it what happens is things start to get worse then I start to go into withdrawal and then my body is like now I’m going to opioid withdrawal so instead of euphoria now I start to feel pain all over my body and as I feel pain all over my body then finally what happens is I crack and then I use opioids and then something really interesting happens the body learns what it what it has to do to you to make you use opioids again so when you White Knuckle and actually crack at the end what we find is that your the the body jumps straight to level 10 right so it’s kind of like we see this also with like kids and devices Mommy Daddy can I have an iPad no and then they’re like Mommy Daddy please no ah and then they start crying then they start throwing a temper tantrum if you give them the iPad when they throw a temper tantrum that encourages them to throw a temper tantrum and we see that internally biologically physiologically where if you resist an addiction and then you cave at the end the body is like hey there’s no point messing around with the early stages let’s just go to hard withdrawal way faster so I think it can be so harmful when people are white knuckling it they don’t realize that every time they fail sometimes what they’re actually doing is training their brain to punish them way harder so their brain can get the dopamine that it wants if you love the dver CEO brand and you watch this Channel please do me a huge favor become part of the 15% of the viewers on this channel that have hit the Subscribe button it helps us tremendously and the bigger the channel gets the bigger the guests .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

0.12 this idea of noof FAP which is I believe
0.12 and you clearly know much more about
0.12 this than I do Dr K but I believe the
0.12 term is it&;s it&;s proposing a solution
0.12 to the pornography challenge that some
0.12 people have where you completely abstain
0.12 from watching pornography and or
0.12 masturbating at all um
0.12 Reena if I recall and I don&;t want to
0.12 mischaracterize your opinion here but I
0.12 think when we spoke the first time on
0.12 the podcast you made the case that
0.12 masturbation does have positive impacts
0.12 so what is your view on this idea of
0.12 noof FAP yeah so I think the the
0.12 movement it&;s so the idea of retaining
0.12 from or abstaining from masturbation or
0.12 watching pornography is a very
0.12 individual one and it may have benefits
0.12 for some people in terms of uh they may
0.12 because if they&;re using these things in
0.12 a negative way abstaining from them may
0.12 allow them to have more control over
0.12 other portions of their life but a lot
0.12 of people will misinform people and say
0.12 oh you&;re going to have a higher
0.12 testosterone you&;re going to have all
0.12 these physiologic changes which have not
0.12 been born out in literature there&;s like
0.12 a very small study looking at men who
0.12 abstained from um ejaculation for 21
0.12 days that saw a very small minute
0.12 increase in testosterone like 10 guys so
0.12 it&;s not generalizable it&;s never been
0.12 repeated um and testosterone varies as
0.12 it is quite significantly over days and
0.12 throughout the day and you know one day
0.12 to the next so ultimately there&;s no
0.12 evidence to support the fact that
0.12 abstaining from anything like
0.12 masturbation is actually going to have a
0.12 benefit more likely than not either
0.12 you&;re going to have a nocturnal
0.12 emission or you&;re going to body&;s going
0.12 to absorb that cement so it doesn&;t
0.12 really change what&;s going on
0.12 physiologically is there an impact on
0.12 fertility if I masturbate or don&;t
0.12 masturbate yes so fertility we do see
0.12 that if you abstain for about 5 days up
0.12 to 5 days you&;re going to see some
0.12 improvement in the seen qu um seen
0.12 volume potentially and also some
0.12 characteristics of the sperm uh but
0.12 above and beyond that you start seeing
0.12 DNA Dam damage and so that can actually
0.12 be negative if you abstain for too long
0.12 so the sperm are effectively dying in
0.12 the well you&;re seeing like mutation so
0.12 they&;re not as they&;re not as effective
0.12 they&;re they&;re not going to die
0.12 necessarily but they&;re not going to
0.12 create uh a healthy you know fetus or
0.12 embryo that okay no thought that
0.12 fascinating I didn&;t know that so really
0.12 interesting um so a couple of things to
0.12 understand so there are a lot of
0.12 traditions that abstain from sexual
0.12 activity I think um we don&;t study those
0.12 Traditions very well and I think the key
0.12 thing to understand I personally think
0.12 that um celibacy and abstinence from
0.12 sexual activity can be incredibly
0.12 powerful um and so I think part of the
0.12 we have to remember right so if we don&;t
0.12 have any evidence for something why do
0.12 so many people believe it so some of it
0.12 is there&;s a lot of bad information out
0.12 there but people what happens on the
0.12 noap community is that people are having
0.12 some experiences and they&;re saying this
0.12 kind kind of thing changed my life and
0.12 there&;s so many layers to that so the
0.12 first is that I think nofap is kind of a
0.12 way to wrestle with any kind of
0.12 Behavioral control so if we look at like
0.12 you know people who are addicted to
0.12 pornography we talk about all of these
0.12 negative impacts of this cycle of I
0.12 don&;t have anything to do any day
0.12 anything today so I&;m going to jerk off
0.12 and then I have no mean meaning no
0.12 purpose no dopamine so I&;m just like
0.12 stuck in the cycle so they want to break
0.12 the cycle and they just pick one thing
0.12 and I think just challenging yourself
0.12 from a self control perspective I
0.12 completely agree with Dr what mik says
0.12 there may not be a physiological thing
0.12 going on here but just challenging
0.12 yourself and saying hey like this one
0.12 thing messes up my relationships messes
0.12 up my dopamine messes up my purpose and
0.12 my motivation I&;m going to take control
0.12 of this and it&;ll change my life so I
0.12 think if you look at it from an isolated
0.12 stance of masturbation it may not have
0.12 much of an effect we&;ll talk about the
0.12 exception to that rule in a second in
0.12 the spiritual Traditions but I think
0.12 that a lot of people are just using it
0.12 as a vehicle to come to terms with
0.12 something challenging in their life and
0.12 they&;re like they&;re making a commitment
0.12 right I&;m going to do this thing and the
0.12 benefit comes from that maybe not any
0.12 physiological
0.12 thing um you know all the stuff about
0.12 testosterone and stuff completely agree
0.12 I don&;t think that there&;s a clear thing
0.12 there but if you look at some of the
0.12 meditative Traditions one of the really
0.12 common things and this is really
0.12 fascinating because this is true of uh
0.12 meditative or religious Traditions all
0.12 over the world so you&;ll see salivas is
0.12 a part of some of the abrahamic
0.12 religions it&;s part of some of the kic
0.12 religions from the East so human beings
0.12 at some point figured out that
0.12 abstaining from sexual activity can have
0.12 different kinds of impacts in the
0.12 organism so a couple of things that it
0.12 does is it reduces our thoughts of lust
0.12 um if we do it the right way and we&;ll
0.12 get to a couple of specific examples of
0.12 what the nofap community doesn&;t
0.12 understand so when I deprive myself of a
0.12 particular thing I sometimes reduce that
0.12 behavioral reinforcement so if I look at
0.12 someone who&;s addicted to alcohol you
0.12 know when they stop drinking alcohol at
0.12 the very beginning their desire will
0.12 increase but then 10 years later they
0.12 don&;t even think about it so if you are
0.12 someone who is thinking about sex
0.12 constantly and you stop engaging in
0.12 sexual perceptions so remember the
0.12 thoughts in our brain come from what we
0.12 perceive this is why advertising is a
0.12 thing because an Advertiser knows if I
0.12 can show you this thing you will think
0.12 about it now if I&;m fapping and watching
0.12 pornography I&;m getting this perceptual
0.12 um input which is then creating thoughts
0.12 in my head now I&;m thinking about this
0.12 stuff instead of thinking about
0.12 something else so there&;s that layer of
0.12 thing too when I cut something off from
0.12 my perception when I break up with
0.12 someone why do I block them because if I
0.12 watch their social media if I get texts
0.12 from them that&;s going to enter my
0.12 perception and control my thoughts so
0.12 they can also use it as a benefit of
0.12 like thought control if I stop looking
0.12 at this stuff this has also been
0.12 hijacked by generally speaking
0.12 patriarchal structures for like you know
0.12 there&;s a particular religious sect of
0.12 Hinduism where the priests are like I&;m
0.12 never going to see a woman like no women
0.12 are allowed in the house if I&;m going to
0.12 come visit your house right so this gets
0.12 turned into some weird things but so
0.12 noap gives us an opportunity for
0.12 self-control it gives us a chance to
0.12 reduce our sensory input which reduces
0.12 our thoughts and then there&;s also these
0.12 meditative Traditions which say that you
0.12 know achieving esoteric spiritual
0.12 experiences which is a lot of what the
0.12 noat community like talks about like
0.12 they become slightly different human
0.12 beings celibacy is a part of
0.12 now the key thing about the meditative
0.12 Traditions is that they&;re not taking
0.12 advice from Rand on the internet so I&;ll
0.12 give you all just one really simple
0.12 example when you do esoteric meditations
0.12 spirituality celibacy kind of stuff it&;s
0.12 usually accompanied in the Hindu
0.12 tradition or Buddhist tradition with
0.12 certain yogic postures and one example
0.12 of this is something called sidas sidas
0.12 is adapts pose and literally what you do
0.12 is in this pose you place the heel of
0.12 one your right foot usually
0.12 up against your perenium so you put
0.12 pressure on the area between your anus
0.12 and your scrotum if you&;re a man it&;s a
0.12 slightly different location if you&;re a
0.12 woman and then what that actually does
0.12 from Anatomy I&;m sure you know this
0.12 better than I correct me if I&;m wrong is
0.12 that you know we know that the blood
0.12 supply to the scrotum passes through
0.12 that right it&;s on the underside it&;s
0.12 like in that pelvic floor region so one
0.12 of the really interesting things that I
0.12 remember learning from a yogi who was a
0.12 medical doctor is that when we compress
0.12 blood flow through the testes like if
0.12 you have gently compressed blood flow
0.12 that increases over time you&;re going to
0.12 get less blood flow to the testes you
0.12 may get some kind of reduction in
0.12 testosterone production and semen
0.12 production or whatever so there may be
0.12 some physiological things that people do
0.12 when they&;re normally like try to be
0.12 celibate that allow it to be healthy in
0.12 a in a good way so I think kind of the
0.12 the key takeaway don&;t disagree with
0.12 anything that Dr mik said I think you&;ve
0.12 got to remember that nofap is not a
0.12 Surefire solution to fix all your
0.12 problems and at the same time some
0.12 people have positive experiences also Dr
0.12 mik has been emphasizing this point of
0.12 it&;s not the same for everybody and we
0.12 know that there are a couple of things
0.12 working with this community quite a bit
0.12 you know there are a couple of things
0.12 that happen about self-control
0.12 challenging yourself setting a goal
0.12 creating purpose in your life changing
0.12 what your sensory inputs are so you
0.12 you&;re not thirsty all day long and
0.12 thinking about being horny and all this
0.12 kind of stuff like sometimes you got to
0.12 kind of cut it out of your life and so
0.12 it&;s almost like this this cold turkey
0.12 kind of approach which which can
0.12 sometimes work for nicotine can
0.12 sometimes work for things like sex but I
0.12 think like your mileage may vary and we
0.12 don&;t really know exactly what&;s going
0.12 on yeah I think I&;ll add I think the the
0.12 problem I have with it to some degree is
0.12 when people are white knuckling it right
0.12 they&;re really and they&;re getting peer
0.12 pressured into it like you got to stop
0.12 right and so then they&;re they&;re
0.12 they&;re really trying hard not to
0.12 ejaculate and so they&;re tensing up
0.12 their pelvic floor muscles they&;re
0.12 developing problems because they&;re
0.12 tensing up their pelvic floors they&;re
0.12 developing dysfunctions they&;re getting
0.12 pain with ejaculation they&;re getting
0.12 pain with erections or they get so much
0.12 shame when they have a nocturnal
0.12 emission for example nocturnal mission
0.12 is a nighttime ejaculation exactly so
0.12 they&;re they&;re they&;re getting so
0.12 shamed by the community because they&;ve
0.12 failed which is completely out of their
0.12 physiological control like you&;re going
0.12 to have a nocturnal emission if your
0.12 body wants to have one there&;s nothing
0.12 you can do about it so you know I think
0.12 ultimately there is a lot of Shame and
0.12 peer pressure that can sometimes create
0.12 harm in these situations now if you&;re
0.12 using it in the way Dr K describes like
0.12 that&;s fine if you&;re if you&;re deriving
0.12 benefit from it I have no problem but I
0.12 do take issue with the people who are
0.12 harming themselves because they&;re
0.12 getting a lot of pressure from this from
0.12 the group if I can jump in for a second
0.12 so I want to emphasize this point too so
0.12 this is really weird but people are
0.12 white knuckling it they&;re they may be
0.12 making their addiction actually worse so
0.12 there&;s a really interesting principle
0.12 in addiction where if I&;m white
0.12 knuckling something like so like I let&;s
0.12 use the example of like opioid addiction
0.12 right so when when I have when I&;m
0.12 working with an opioid addict at the
0.12 very beginning what they have is like a
0.12 psychological craving like I want to I
0.12 want to have an opiate so that I feel
0.12 better mentally I feel better I feel
0.12 Euphoria and then if I White Knuckle it
0.12 what happens is things start to get
0.12 worse then I start to go into withdrawal
0.12 and then my body is like now I&;m going
0.12 to opioid withdrawal so instead of
0.12 euphoria now I start to feel pain all
0.12 over my body and as I feel pain all over
0.12 my body then finally what happens is I
0.12 crack and then I use opioids and then
0.12 something really interesting happens the
0.12 body learns what it what it has to do to
0.12 you to make you use opioids again so
0.12 when you White Knuckle and actually
0.12 crack at the end what we find is that
0.12 your the the body jumps straight to
0.12 level 10 right so it&;s kind of like we
0.12 see this also with like kids and devices
0.12 Mommy Daddy can I have an iPad no and
0.12 then they&;re like Mommy Daddy please no
0.12 ah and then they start crying then they
0.12 start throwing a temper tantrum if you
0.12 give them the iPad when they throw a
0.12 temper tantrum that encourages them to
0.12 throw a temper tantrum and we see that
0.12 internally biologically physiologically
0.12 where if you resist an addiction and
0.12 then you cave at the end the body is
0.12 like hey there&;s no point messing around
0.12 with the early stages let&;s just go to
0.12 hard withdrawal way faster so I think it
0.12 can be so harmful when people are white
0.12 knuckling it they don&;t realize that
0.12 every time they fail sometimes what
0.12 they&;re actually doing is training their
0.12 brain to punish them way harder so their
0.12 brain can get the dopamine that it wants
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