YouTube : Le thème « chasteté » dans une nouvelle vidéo informative
Vidéo sur le thème « chasteté » par Emily Wilson
Une vidéo, produite par Emily Wilson et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), se concentre sur le thème « chasteté », apportant des éléments de réflexion intéressants.
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Il convient de préciser la durée (00:11:46s) de la vidéo, le titre (What the heck is emotional chastity?), et les observations de l’auteur :« Thank you to Ladder for sponsoring this week’s video! Use code EMWILSS for 20% off the entire Ladder store at this link:
Today we’re talking about the term « emotional chastity » and some ways you can practice it in your own life! ».
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Pratiquer la chasteté sur une base quotidienne.
Les stratégies pour intégrer la chasteté dans la vie des hommes sont nombreuses. Saisir ses propres motivations et valeurs commence par une introspection détaillée. Il est recommandé d’éviter les circonstances qui pourraient éveiller des désirs incontrôlés, comme les contenus sexuels. Trouver un mentor ou rejoindre un groupe de soutien avec des convictions similaires peut aider à maintenir le cap. Pratiquer la chasteté peut être difficile, notamment dans une société où la sexualité est omniprésente. La pression sociale et les tentations fréquentes sont des défis majeurs. Une discipline personnelle rigoureuse est essentielle pour dépasser ces obstacles. Si l’on échoue, il est crucial de ne pas se décourager, mais de recommencer avec une motivation fraîche. La chasteté n’est pas une fin en soi mais un parcours nécessitant patience et persévérance. En conclusion, pratiquer la chasteté dans sa vie peut entraîner une liberté plus grande, une maîtrise de soi améliorée, et une profonde réalisation spirituelle. Même si la chasteté peut paraître restrictive dans un monde où la sexualité est souvent valorisée davantage que la spiritualité, elle offre une voie vers une existence plus sincère, conforme à ses valeurs et croyances.
Étudier comment la pratique de la chasteté affecte les relations avec les autres et les liens familiaux.
Les relations avec autrui peuvent également s’améliorer grâce à la chasteté. Avec une cage de chasteté, un homme restaure ses aptitudes séductrices et change sa façon d’interagir avec ses partenaires. La réduction de la fréquence d’utilisation rend les capacités physiques et sexuelles plus puissantes pendant l’acte. Il est possible de pratiquer la chasteté en toute discrétion, sans nécessairement dévoiler le secret à ses partenaires. Dans le cadre du mariage, pratiquer la chasteté peut approfondir les relations entre les époux, en favorisant un amour plus pur, éloigné du plaisir physique.
La chasteté renforce le cheminement spirituel.
La spiritualité et la chasteté sont souvent intimement connectées. De nombreuses religions associent la chasteté à la sanctification spirituelle. La régulation des désirs sexuels permet de renforcer son bien-être intérieur. Dans ce cadre, la chasteté est considérée comme une offrande personnelle et un signe de respect envers Dieu. La chasteté est interprétée comme un choix d’élever l’âme plutôt que comme une privation. La chasteté est interprétée de manière diverse à travers les traditions religieuses. La chasteté est perçue comme une vertu indispensable pour les prêtres dans le christianisme catholique. Dans l’islam, des règles strictes sont établies pour maintenir la chasteté. Dans l’hindouisme et le bouddhisme, la chasteté est un moyen pour les ascètes d’atteindre l’illumination. La chasteté transcende les différentes religions, rassemblant les croyants dans une quête partagée.
La chasteté : Une vertu redécouverte pour l’homme contemporain.
La chasteté est souvent regardée comme une vertu taboue dans le contexte moderne. Pour ceux qui choisissent de la pratiquer, la chasteté offre un chemin vers une paix intérieure accrue, des relations renforcées et une connexion spirituelle plus profonde. Il y a longtemps, la chasteté était plus fréquemment reconnue et discutée.Cette pageanalyse en détail le sujet de la chasteté . Cet article examine la chasteté sous divers angles, en offrant aux hommes des clés pour comprendre et appliquer cette vertu dans leur quotidien.
FAQ : Tout ce que vous devez savoir sur la Chasteté.
La chasteté est-elle limitée aux personnes consacrées ? Non, la chasteté est une vertu qui peut être pratiquée par tout le monde, pas seulement les religieux. Quelle est la distinction entre chasteté et abstinence ? L’abstinence se réfère spécifiquement aux vœux de ne pas avoir de relations sexuelles. La chasteté inclut parfois l’utilisation d’un accessoire comme une ceinture ou une cage, et suit une méthode de progrès comparable à celle d’un entraînement sportif. Comment la chasteté est-elle vécue au sein du mariage ? Dans un mariage, la chasteté est souvent partagée, avec des discussions entre les époux sur les objectifs et les pratiques. Pourquoi la chasteté est-elle si valorisée par l’Église ? La chasteté est valorisée par l’Église pour sa capacité à promouvoir une vie conforme aux principes de la foi chrétienne. Comment la chasteté aide-t-elle à se réaliser personnellement ? La pratique de la chasteté favorise l’épanouissement personnel en développant la maîtrise de soi, la clarté mentale et la paix intérieure.
Plonger dans les origines historiques et culturelles de la chasteté.
La chasteté trouve ses origines dans de nombreuses traditions religieuses et culturelles. La chasteté est souvent associée dans le christianisme au vœu de continence des religieux et prêtres. Les traditions islamiques et les Églises catholique et orthodoxe valorisent la chasteté comme une vertu fondamentale, non seulement pour les religieux mais aussi pour les laïcs, notamment avant le mariage. Dans le passé antique, la chasteté était respectée comme une méthode pour protéger l’intégrité personnelle et la pureté morale. La chasteté continue de transcender les différentes époques et cultures, se maintenant comme une vertu respectée et reconnue.
Le bien-être personnel et moral bénéficie grandement de la pratique de la chasteté. Analyser l’impact de la chasteté sur le bien-être personnel et moral.
La chasteté, lorsqu’elle est adoptée de façon consciente, affecte profondément le bien-être personnel. Elle favorise une meilleure maîtrise de soi, une plus grande clarté mentale et une paix intérieure issue du respect des convictions morales. La chasteté aide à établir une relation plus équilibrée avec son corps et ses désirs. La chasteté procure une plus grande liberté en dégageant l’individu des pulsions et des pressions sociales liées à la sexualité. La chasteté offre un sens accru de pureté morale, qui renforce la dignité et l’estime de soi. La chasteté a des effets notables sur le bien-être psychologique. La chasteté aide à renforcer la confiance en soi et à affronter plus sereinement les défis.
Interpréter la chasteté dans le cadre moderne. Analyser la chasteté dans le contexte de la vie moderne.
Essentiellement, la chasteté est le contrôle volontaire des impulsions sexuelles. Il ne s’agit pas uniquement d’abstinence, mais d’une gestion volontaire des désirs sexuels selon des principes moraux ou spirituels. La chasteté moderne ne se contente pas de supprimer les désirs; elle les dirige vers des objectifs plus élevés, tels que le respect de soi et des autres. Être chaste aujourd’hui ne veut pas dire abandonner le plaisir, mais plutôt vivre sa sexualité selon ses propres principes.
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#heck #emotional #chastity
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hey it’s just me daniel and i have so enjoyed making videos lately for you i’ve really just enjoyed sharing from our hearts together with you but today it’s just me today’s video is sponsored by ladder ladder is a sports nutrition brand with workout supplements for daily use i use some of the different things daniel uses some of the different things and you might enjoy them as also i’m going to show them to you in just a moment today we are talking about emotional chastity this is a question that i get all the time so i want this to live on my channel i did an instagram live about it how many of y’all have been around since instagram lives i went live every single week really before instagram live was really a thing when the boys came into our lives that changed a lot so i’m thinking about bringing it back in the new year would you want me to bring back instagram lives to see if i would be able to set a time every week to do that maybe when the boys are not being holler if you’d want me to do that but today emotional chastity and this is a really silly term coined by who knows who i do not know who made up this term but it’s one that’s thrown around a lot and so many people ask me emily what is that like what does it even mean how do i practice it in my life so today i’m going to talk about a couple of different ways that you can implement this into your life and set boundaries for your own emotions in your own heart and your own life for your own good and for your own holiness in your walk of faith what emotional chastity ultimately is is just a term for setting boundaries with like in our emotions in our relationships and in our friendships many times emotional chastity is used as a term like when you have a guy friend right and i want to live emotional chastity how do i set boundaries with my emotions how do i set boundaries with how much i am investing into this friendship with this guy who i’m not dating etc ultimately this isn’t about the virtue of chastity right the virtue of chastity so much more than sexual but chastity looks at the like the purity of my heart um and the purity of my mind and the purity of my life and the purity of my body but ultimately emotion like this is settling setting those boundaries with emotions as well as not getting carried away it’s hard as a woman to not get carried away especially when there’s a really attractive guy and it’s really easy to just get carried away into emotional chastity right this term which i don’t love um can like implementing that can really help us guard our hearts and protect our hearts as we are called to the other important thing is that when people talk about emotional chastity it’s often like geared toward women when the reality is that this is something that both men and women can and should practice is having these emotional boundaries in our friendships with one another having holy friendships as guys and girls and practicing that for guarding our hearts in our own lives so i have four ways that i want to share with you to practice this in your life but before that a word from our sponsor today check this out so today’s video is sponsored by ladder it’s a sports nutrition company with awesome supplements dana and i use a couple of different ones for different things we love having a healthy lifestyle as part of our life we’ve shared about that before it’s an important part of our life so i like the latter greens it’s really hard especially cooking for the whole family to get all the nutrients we need i need in order to live a healthy life so the greens are super helpful i mean the list is long of amazing things that you’re getting spinach leaf matcha tea leaf beet root extract broccoli seed extract so many different healthy aspects to the greens it’s super easy it’s just one scoop of greens eight to twelve fluid ounces of water and you can have that every day i’ve really been enjoying that what about you ones i predominantly use is just the uh the way that they have after every one of the workouts just for recovery and then during my workouts the hydration so as emily said she wanted me to brag so i will last saturday i did the thousand pound challenge which is something you know you guys can look up and weightlifting stuff like that but these were two of the supplements that i used to get to that goal so again the whey protein after every workout and then during my workouts i would do the hydration one and i got there and i made it and i hit a thousand pounds and more even so first of all congratulations yeah daniel works so hard at that and i love when people like set fitness goals and achieve them it’s quite cool yeah well it took me a little over a year to get there though so it’s not like one two three i didn’t say it was easy i said people set goals so that’s a year or two years out and you achieve that yeah it’s amazing yeah and so again and this was great i mean this was just for recovery the way and then during the workouts the hydration stuff whatever kind of workout you’re doing supplements help maximize the effort and the energy that you’re putting into those workouts and so i highly recommend you and what you’re getting out of the workout of course right so so my code for 20 off the entire store is m wills how great of a code is that very appropriate e-m-w-i-l-s-s and these could be for you they might be for your sister your mom might really be into whey protein or your boyfriend or your husband tell them to check out the store 20 off is an awesome discount using my code so i’m going to leave the link down below thanks a lotter for sponsoring today’s video now back to what we were talking about before so number one one of the most helpful things you can do for yourself which i got tangled up in when i was single is that you don’t start praying about whether or not god wants you to date a guy if you have never like known how he feels about you or he’s asked you on a date so often i talk to women and i you know i journey with women all the time she said oh i’ve been praying for weeks about whether or not god wants me to go on a date with this guy or to date this guy only to come to find out that he’s already dating someone else you think how silly of me to be praying like lord do you want me to date this guy do you want me to date this guy do you want me to date this guy when he has never asked me on a date or he never said like i have feelings for you and i would love to get to know you more the problem is that when we like start praying about that god you want me to date this guy when i have no idea how he feels or what his life looks like we can start to become obsessive right and believe me before i was married a long time ago i have lived this i think it’s something so many women live is these prayers can become obsessive and we it’s like the only thing that we pray about it’s the only thing that we think about and the intensity of what we imagine might be happening with us in this guy or the intensity of our feelings might really escalate when it’s not right there the guy either has a girlfriend or there’s nothing there or there might be something there but i am not like helping myself to have healthy emotional boundaries by praying about this thing that like it’s a huge question mark so do you see how that like emotional chastity rate is setting those boundaries to say i’m not going to pray about whether or not god wants me to date this guy unless he asks me on a date or expresses that he has feelings for me the second thing is to call it what it is if it’s a friendship call it a friendship this is so important the language that we use is so important to help us guard our hearts in relationships it’s easy to get your friends excited about your crush and to get excited together about this guy that you like or this guy that you went on a date with or this guy you sit next to in class and like you get out of class and your friend’s like did you sit next to your boyfriend today like joking light-hearted of course i’m not saying don’t have any fun in life you know me but asking your friend like oh did you sit next to your boyfriend today is not helpful because he’s not her boyfriend language is so important because when we use language like oh did you sit next to your boyfriend we get carried away and this is all about helping us use clear minds and clear hearts to not get carried away emotionally because our hopes can get high right you say oh did you sit next to your boyfriend today and your friend gets these hopes and these hopes and these hopes in our heart and that can lead to crashing and burning if it doesn’t turn into anything or you find out that he’s engaged or married or whatever it is that that leads to greater crashing and burning when i am not realistic about what is actually happening calling things what they are is really important for healthy emotional boundaries in our own hearts and our own minds number three is pretty obvious don’t stalk him on social media all day long if you are looking at what he’s doing if you are looking at his post if you’re constantly checking if he’s updating you are not setting healthy emotional boundaries for yourself because you are becoming obsessed with his life and becoming obsessed with what he’s doing and that’s not healthy that’s not healthy for anyone to be obsessed with what somebody else is doing if you have problems with this you need to recognize this to say yeah maybe i am like obsessively looking at what he’s doing all day long and yeah this isn’t healthy for me emotionally and i need to take a step back and look at okay how can i change this how can i fix this how can i guard my heart more in this situation how can i you know set healthier emotional boundaries for myself to help my heart along the way what do i need to change in my social media use whatever platform that is in order to help my emotional boundaries with this friendship with this guy with this crush that i have whoever he is that one’s pretty self-explanatory but it takes a little like inner lookings at your heart like how often are you checking and what are you checking and are you looking at his stories again and again and again really taking that inventory honestly in your own heart and in your own life number four if you do find yourself getting carried away which as i said is a totally normal thing offer up a prayer if you’re a woman of faith you say god help me to invest properly in this friendship and be present to the here and now another one god help me to set healthy emotional boundaries for myself a very short and simple prayer when you find yourself getting caught up or getting carried away use short and simple prayers like that to bring yourself back to reality to bring yourself back to the present to bring yourself back to that work that each of us has to do in order to take care of our own hearts which you know i am in the business of helping you do helping your own heart and in your own life god help me to invest properly in this friendship and pour your heart you pour your heart out to the lord you can say lord this man is very attractive and i love hanging out with him and i love spending time with him and i don’t know what’s going on between us but really i i offer it to you right whatever it is light the way guide the way guide me toward your will make it a prayer so often we get just all tangled up in this and that in our emotions we forget let me talk to god about this right i’m going to talk to the lord about what’s going on and just ask for his guidance and ask for his hand in it and ask him if it’s not the right thing or this is going to lead me down a path he doesn’t want me to go to cut that part of my life out or cut that relationship out of my life or close that door pray about everything pray without ceasing about every single aspect of your life god cares about every aspect of your life every single one he loves to hear from you so those are four things to help us keep a healthy perspective on our emotions i’ve told you a thousand times emotions are a healthy thing it’s healthy to have emotions but as women and as men too as human beings it’s important to figure out in our own hearts in our own lives some of us are more sensitive than others some of us are controlled by emotions more easily but it’s so important for each person to understand how to not let their emotions control our lives and control our decisions to think with clear heads and clear hearts and those are four ways that i hope will be helpful for you in doing that let me know if this is applicable for you let me know what you think in the comments below subscribe to my channel for more videos that’s all for today i’ll talk to you soon bye .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0.16 hey it&;s just me daniel and i have so
0.16 enjoyed making videos lately for you
0.16 i&;ve really just enjoyed sharing from
0.16 our hearts together with you but today
0.16 it&;s just me today&;s video is sponsored
0.16 by ladder ladder is a sports nutrition
0.16 brand with workout supplements for daily
0.16 use i use some of the different things
0.16 daniel uses some of the different things
0.16 and you might enjoy them as also i&;m
0.16 going to show them to you in just a
0.16 moment today we are talking about
0.16 emotional chastity this is a
0.16 question that i get all the time so i
0.16 want this to live on my channel i did an
0.16 instagram live about it how many of
0.16 y&;all have been around since instagram
0.16 lives i went live every single week
0.16 really before instagram live was really
0.16 a thing when the boys came into our
0.16 lives that changed a lot so i&;m thinking
0.16 about bringing it back in the new year
0.16 would you want me to bring back
0.16 instagram lives to see if i would be
0.16 able to set a time every week to do that
0.16 maybe when the boys are not being
0.16 holler if you&;d want me to do that but
0.16 today emotional chastity and this is a
0.16 really silly term coined by who knows
0.16 who i do not know who made up this term
0.16 but it&;s one that&;s thrown around a lot
0.16 and so many people ask me emily what is
0.16 that like what does it even mean how do
0.16 i practice it in my life so today i&;m
0.16 going to talk about a couple of
0.16 different ways that you can implement
0.16 this into your life and set boundaries
0.16 for your own emotions in your own heart
0.16 and your own life for your own good and
0.16 for your own holiness in your walk of
0.16 faith what emotional chastity ultimately
0.16 is is just a term for setting boundaries
0.16 with like in our emotions in our
0.16 relationships and in our friendships
0.16 many times emotional chastity is used as
0.16 a term like when you have a guy friend
0.16 right and i want to live emotional
0.16 chastity how do i set boundaries with my
0.16 emotions how do i set boundaries with
0.16 how much i am investing into this
0.16 friendship with this guy who i&;m not
0.16 dating etc ultimately this isn&;t about
0.16 the virtue of chastity right the virtue
0.16 of chastity so much more than sexual but
0.16 chastity looks at the like the purity of
0.16 my heart um and the purity of my mind
0.16 and the purity of my life and the purity
0.16 of my body but ultimately emotion like
0.16 this is settling setting those
0.16 boundaries with emotions as well as not
0.16 getting carried away it&;s hard as a
0.16 woman to not get carried away especially
0.16 when there&;s a really attractive guy and
0.16 it&;s really easy to just get carried
0.16 away into emotional chastity right this
0.16 term which i don&;t love um can like
0.16 implementing that can really help us
0.16 guard our hearts and protect our hearts
0.16 as we are called to the other important
0.16 thing is that when people talk about
0.16 emotional chastity it&;s often like
0.16 geared toward women when the reality is
0.16 that this is something that both men and
0.16 women can and should practice is having
0.16 these emotional boundaries in our
0.16 friendships with one another having holy
0.16 friendships as guys and girls and
0.16 practicing that for guarding our hearts
0.16 in our own
0.16 lives so i have four ways that i want to
0.16 share with you to practice this in your
0.16 life but before that a word from our
0.16 sponsor today check this out so today&;s
0.16 video is sponsored by ladder it&;s a
0.16 sports nutrition company with awesome
0.16 supplements dana and i use a couple of
0.16 different ones for different things we
0.16 love having a healthy lifestyle as part
0.16 of our life we&;ve shared about that
0.16 before it&;s an important part of our
0.16 life so i like the latter greens it&;s
0.16 really hard especially cooking for the
0.16 whole family to get all the nutrients we
0.16 need i need in order to live a healthy
0.16 life so the greens are super helpful i
0.16 mean the list is long of amazing things
0.16 that you&;re getting spinach leaf matcha
0.16 tea leaf
0.16 beet root extract broccoli seed extract
0.16 so many different healthy aspects to the
0.16 greens it&;s super easy it&;s just one
0.16 scoop of greens eight to twelve fluid
0.16 ounces of water and you can have that
0.16 every day i&;ve really been enjoying that
0.16 what about you
0.16 ones i predominantly use is just the uh
0.16 the way that they have after every one
0.16 of the workouts just for recovery and
0.16 then during my workouts the hydration so
0.16 as emily said she wanted me to brag so i
0.16 will last saturday i did the thousand
0.16 pound challenge which is something you
0.16 know you guys can look up and
0.16 weightlifting stuff like that but these
0.16 were two of the supplements that i used
0.16 to get to that goal so again the whey
0.16 protein after every workout and then
0.16 during my workouts i would do the
0.16 hydration one and
0.16 i got there and i made it and i hit a
0.16 thousand pounds and more even so first
0.16 of all congratulations yeah
0.16 daniel works so hard at that and i love
0.16 when people like set fitness goals and
0.16 achieve them it&;s quite cool yeah well
0.16 it took me a little over a year to get
0.16 there though so it&;s not like one two
0.16 three i didn&;t say it was easy i said
0.16 people set goals so that&;s a year or two
0.16 years out and you achieve that yeah it&;s
0.16 amazing
0.16 yeah and so again and this was great i
0.16 mean this was just for recovery the way
0.16 and then during the workouts the
0.16 hydration stuff whatever kind of workout
0.16 you&;re doing supplements help maximize
0.16 the effort and the energy that you&;re
0.16 putting into those workouts and so i
0.16 highly recommend you and what you&;re
0.16 getting out of the workout of course
0.16 right so so my code for 20 off the
0.16 entire store is m wills how great of a
0.16 code is that very appropriate
0.16 e-m-w-i-l-s-s
0.16 and these could be for you they might be
0.16 for your sister your mom might really be
0.16 into whey protein or your boyfriend or
0.16 your husband tell them to check out the
0.16 store 20 off is an awesome discount
0.16 using my code so i&;m going to leave the
0.16 link down below thanks a lotter for
0.16 sponsoring today&;s video now back to
0.16 what we were talking about before so
0.16 number one one of the most helpful
0.16 things you can do for yourself which i
0.16 got tangled up in when i was single is
0.16 that you don&;t start praying about
0.16 whether or not god wants you to date a
0.16 guy if you have never like known how he
0.16 feels about you or he&;s asked you on a
0.16 date so often i talk to women and i you
0.16 know i journey with women all the time
0.16 she said oh i&;ve been praying for weeks
0.16 about whether or not god wants me to go
0.16 on a date with this guy or to date this
0.16 guy only to come to find out that he&;s
0.16 already dating someone else you think
0.16 how silly of me to be praying like lord
0.16 do you want me to date this guy do you
0.16 want me to date this guy do you want me
0.16 to date this guy when he has never asked
0.16 me on a date or he never said like i
0.16 have feelings for you and i would love
0.16 to get to know you more the problem is
0.16 that when we like start praying about
0.16 that god you want me to date this guy
0.16 when i have no idea how he feels or what
0.16 his life looks like we can start to
0.16 become obsessive right and
0.16 believe me before i was married a long
0.16 time ago i have lived this i think it&;s
0.16 something so many women live is these
0.16 prayers can become obsessive and we it&;s
0.16 like the only thing that we pray about
0.16 it&;s the only thing that we think about
0.16 and the intensity of what we imagine
0.16 might be happening with us in this guy
0.16 or the intensity of our feelings might
0.16 really escalate when it&;s not
0.16 right there the guy either has a
0.16 girlfriend or there&;s nothing there or
0.16 there might be something there
0.16 but i am not like helping myself to have
0.16 healthy emotional boundaries by praying
0.16 about this thing that like it&;s a huge
0.16 question mark so do you see how that
0.16 like emotional chastity rate is setting
0.16 those boundaries to say
0.16 i&;m not going to pray about whether or
0.16 not god wants me to date this guy unless
0.16 he asks me on a date or expresses that
0.16 he has feelings for me the second thing
0.16 is to call it what it is
0.16 if it&;s a friendship call it a
0.16 friendship this is so important the
0.16 language that we use is so important to
0.16 help us guard our hearts in
0.16 relationships it&;s easy to get your
0.16 friends excited about your crush and to
0.16 get excited together about this guy that
0.16 you like or this guy that you went on a
0.16 date with or this guy you sit next to in
0.16 class and like you get out of class and
0.16 your friend&;s like did you sit next to
0.16 your boyfriend today like joking
0.16 light-hearted of course i&;m not saying
0.16 don&;t have any fun in life you know me
0.16 but asking your friend like oh did you
0.16 sit next to your boyfriend today is not
0.16 helpful because he&;s not her boyfriend
0.16 language is so important because when we
0.16 use language like oh did you sit next to
0.16 your boyfriend we get carried away and
0.16 this is all about helping us use clear
0.16 minds and clear hearts to not get
0.16 carried away emotionally because
0.16 our hopes can get high right you say oh
0.16 did you sit next to your boyfriend today
0.16 and your friend gets these hopes and
0.16 these hopes and these hopes in our heart
0.16 and that can lead to crashing and
0.16 burning if it doesn&;t turn into anything
0.16 or you find out that he&;s engaged or
0.16 married or whatever it is that that
0.16 leads to greater crashing and burning
0.16 when i am not realistic about what is
0.16 actually happening calling things what
0.16 they are is really important for healthy
0.16 emotional boundaries in our own hearts
0.16 and our own minds number three is pretty
0.16 obvious
0.16 don&;t stalk him on social media all day
0.16 long if you are looking at what he&;s
0.16 doing if you are looking at his post if
0.16 you&;re constantly checking if he&;s
0.16 updating you are not setting healthy
0.16 emotional boundaries for yourself
0.16 because you are becoming obsessed with
0.16 his life and becoming obsessed with what
0.16 he&;s doing and that&;s not healthy that&;s
0.16 not healthy for anyone to be obsessed
0.16 with what somebody else is doing if you
0.16 have problems with this you need to
0.16 recognize this to say yeah maybe i am
0.16 like obsessively looking at what he&;s
0.16 doing all day long and yeah this isn&;t
0.16 healthy for me emotionally and i need to
0.16 take a step back and look at okay how
0.16 can i change this how can i fix this how
0.16 can i guard my heart more in this
0.16 situation how can i you know set
0.16 healthier emotional boundaries for
0.16 myself to help my heart along the way
0.16 what do i need to change
0.16 in my social media use whatever platform
0.16 that is in order to help my emotional
0.16 boundaries with this friendship with
0.16 this guy with this crush that i have
0.16 whoever he is that one&;s pretty
0.16 self-explanatory but it takes a little
0.16 like inner lookings at your heart like
0.16 how often are you checking and what are
0.16 you checking and are you looking at his
0.16 stories again and again and again really
0.16 taking that inventory honestly in your
0.16 own heart and in your own life number
0.16 four if you do find yourself getting
0.16 carried away which as i said is a
0.16 totally normal thing offer up a prayer
0.16 if you&;re a woman of faith you say god
0.16 help me to invest properly in this
0.16 friendship and be present to the here
0.16 and now another one god help me to set
0.16 healthy emotional boundaries for myself
0.16 a very short and simple prayer when you
0.16 find yourself getting caught up or
0.16 getting carried away use short and
0.16 simple prayers like that to bring
0.16 yourself back to reality to bring
0.16 yourself back to the present to bring
0.16 yourself back to that work that each of
0.16 us has to do in order to take care of
0.16 our own hearts which you know i am in
0.16 the business of helping you do helping
0.16 your own heart and in your own life god
0.16 help me to invest properly in this
0.16 friendship and pour your heart you pour
0.16 your heart out to the lord you can say
0.16 lord this man is very attractive and i
0.16 love hanging out with him and i love
0.16 spending time with him and i don&;t know
0.16 what&;s going on between us but really i
0.16 i offer it to you right whatever it is
0.16 light the way guide the way guide me
0.16 toward your will
0.16 make it a prayer so often we get just
0.16 all tangled up in this and that in our
0.16 emotions we forget
0.16 let me talk to god about this right i&;m
0.16 going to talk to the lord about what&;s
0.16 going on and just ask for his guidance
0.16 and ask for his hand in it and ask him
0.16 if it&;s not the right thing or this is
0.16 going to lead me down a path he doesn&;t
0.16 want me to go to cut that part of my
0.16 life out or cut that relationship out of
0.16 my life or close that door pray about
0.16 everything pray without ceasing about
0.16 every single aspect of your life god
0.16 cares about every aspect of your life
0.16 every single one he loves to hear from
0.16 you so those are four things to help us
0.16 keep a healthy perspective on our
0.16 emotions i&;ve told you a thousand times
0.16 emotions are a
0.16 healthy thing it&;s healthy to have
0.16 emotions but as women and as men too as
0.16 human beings it&;s important to figure
0.16 out in our own hearts in our own lives
0.16 some of us are more sensitive than
0.16 others some of us are controlled by
0.16 emotions more easily but it&;s so
0.16 important for each person to understand
0.16 how to not let their emotions control
0.16 our lives and control our decisions to
0.16 think with clear heads and clear hearts
0.16 and those are four ways that i hope will
0.16 be helpful for you in
0.16 doing that let me know if this is
0.16 applicable for you let me know what you
0.16 think in the comments below subscribe to
0.16 my channel for more videos that&;s all
0.16 for today i&;ll talk to you soon bye
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