Le thème «chasteté» en vidéo : Une publication sur YouTube
Une vidéo, réalisée par Strive to Be et mise en ligne sur YouTube (le ), examine le thème « chasteté » et mérite que l’on en parle quelques minutes.
La plateforme YouTube est propose des vidéos allant des derniers succès musicaux aux comédies hilarantes, en passant par des documentaires captivants.
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Nous retranscrivons ici la durée (00:04:00s), le titre (Chastity: What Are the Limits?), et les commentaires fournis par l’auteur :
« Latter-day Saint teens are counseled to stay sexually pure, but what exactly are the limits? Using teachings of modern prophets, this presentation shows why that’s the wrong question to ask, as well as how we can find happiness and peace through staying chaste.
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Le player de la vidéo est situé juste en dessous
Il existe de nombreux bénéfices à pratiquer la chasteté contrôlée.
S’investir dans la chasteté contrôlée apporte un réel apaisement émotionnel. Celui qui pratique la chasteté contrôlée se sent libéré des soucis sentimentaux et bien encadré. Son trajet est délimité, il n’a qu’à appliquer la discipline fixée. En éliminant certaines sources d’impulsion, les hommes peuvent diminuer les distractions sexuelles. Les industries de la pornographie et des rencontres amoureuses captent constamment l’attention des individus. Moins de sexe peut conduire à des relations plus profondes et plus significatives. Cela rend possibles de nouvelles initiatives. Cela facilite l’engagement dans des projets et l’accentuation sur de nouveaux défis.
La pratique de la chasteté masculine contrôlée est courante. On utilise fréquemment des dispositifs comme les cages ou ceintures pour maintenir la chasteté. Il s’agit de maîtriser ses désirs et de concentrer son énergie ailleurs.
La chasteté masculine contrôlée implique qu’un homme choisit de limiter ses activités sexuelles grâce à des accessoires spécialisés, comme les cages de chasteté, dont il confie la gestion à un partenaire. Voici quelques détails importants de cette pratique :Cet articleanalyse en détail le sujet de la chasteté controlée.
Stratégies et méthodes pour la chasteté masculine contrôlée :
Accessoires de chasteté : La cage de chasteté est conçue pour restreindre physiquement la manipulation ou la masturbation du pénis. Avec la cage, le partenaire, maître ou maîtresse assume le contrôle des pulsions.Confiance avec un partenaire : La pratique de la chasteté contrôlée nécessite une confiance véritable et une dynamique d’abandon au pouvoir de l’autre. La personne qui détient la clé ou qui enferme le pénis devient un mandataire, s’occupant de la libido et des préoccupations connexes. Confier la clé à une personne externe, sans implication personnelle, assure une meilleure réussite de la chasteté contrôlée. Des coachs spécialisés, notamment des sexologues, offrent ce service sous contrat. Les bénévoles appelés « keyholders » prennent parfois ce rôle, mais leur propre plaisir reste leur principale motivation.
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#Chastity #Limits
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Teenagers sometimes wonder. They always tell us we shouldn’t become sexually involved, but they never tell us the limits. What are the limits? The problem with this question is that some people think if they can identify certain limits, that they can still get as close to those limits as possible and still be OK. But like floating down a river without knowing about a waterfall ahead, trying to get close to the limits is not a very smart idea. Consider this analogy. The story is told of a military pilot who flew his airplane near a forested area. Now the military had a rule that said pilots should not fly their planes close of the trees. It’s pretty obvious why. One wrong move and you would crash your airplane. So instead of trying to see how close to the trees he could get, this pilot set a rule for himself that he would stay at least 500 feet above the trees. In this way, he kept himself much safer. Just as a pilot can crash into the trees, we know that emotional damage and other problems come from sharing physical intimacies is outside of marriage. So instead of trying to ask what are the limits, we should follow standards that will keep us safe. For the Strength of Youth provides this valuable standard– before marriage do not do anything to arouse the powerful emotions that must be expressed only in marriage. In addition, from the Strength of Youth, list some specific things we should not do. It says do not participate in passionate kissing, lie on top of another person, touch the private, sacred parts of another person’s body with or without clothing, or allow anyone to do that to you. Now if those things are like flying in the trees, then what might be like flying 500 feet above the trees? Here’s one idea that could be helpful. Only do things you would feel comfortable doing in the presence of your parents, For example, a 15-year-old could ask, is it OK for me to hold hands? But maybe the question should be, would I hold hands in front of my parents? You can set standards that will help you stay pure. Elder Richard G. Scott said quote, firmly establish personal standards. Choose a time of deep spiritual reflection when there is no pressure on you, and you can confirm your decisions by impressions that will come to you from the Holy Ghost. Decide then what you will do and what you will not do to express feelings. The spirit will guide you. Then, do not vary from those decisions, no matter how right it may seem when the temptation comes, end quote. Consider talking with your parents or leaders about your standards, and seek their additional guidance. Pray and ask Heavenly Father about the standards you have set for yourself. When you feel the Holy Ghost confirming your standards, you will have greater power to live them. Now let’s review what we’ve discussed. Profits have clearly taught us how we can stay sexually pure. They have given us this standard– before marriage do not do anything to arouse the powerful emotions that must be expressed only in marriage. Just as a wise pilot keeps himself far above the trees, we should not even get close to sin. You can pray and talk with God about personal standards that you set for yourself. Take the time you need to really be guided by the Spirit. Once you set clear standards, never deviate from them. And don’t let what’s happened in the past control your future. If you stray from the path, you can return. In a world that’s full of temptation, it can be challenging to stay virtuous. But it’s worth it. When you obey God’s commandment to be sexually pure, you prepare yourself to make and keep sacred covenants in the Temple. You prepare yourself to build a strong marriage and to bring children into the world as part of a loving family. When we look at the big picture, it’s easy to realize that it’s worth it keep God’s commandment to be sexually pure. [MUSIC] .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
0 Teenagers sometimes wonder.
0 They always tell us we shouldn&;t
become sexually
0 involved, but they never
tell us the limits.
0 What are the limits?
0 The problem with this question
is that some people think if
0 they can identify certain
limits, that they can still
0 get as close to those limits as
possible and still be OK.
0 But like floating down a river
without knowing about a
0 waterfall ahead, trying to get
close to the limits is not a
0 very smart idea.
0 Consider this analogy.
0 The story is told of a military
pilot who flew his
0 airplane near a forested area.
0 Now the military had a rule that
said pilots should not
0 fly their planes close
of the trees.
0 It&;s pretty obvious why.
0 One wrong move and you would
crash your airplane.
0 So instead of trying to see
how close to the trees he
0 could get, this pilot set a rule
for himself that he would
0 stay at least 500 feet
above the trees.
0 In this way, he kept
himself much safer.
0 Just as a pilot can crash into
the trees, we know that
0 emotional damage and other
problems come from sharing
0 physical intimacies is
outside of marriage.
0 So instead of trying to ask what
are the limits, we should
0 follow standards that
will keep us safe.
0 For the Strength of
Youth provides
0 this valuable standard–
0 before marriage do not do
anything to arouse the
0 powerful emotions that must be
expressed only in marriage.
0 In addition, from the Strength
of Youth, list some specific
0 things we should not do.
0 It says do not participate in
passionate kissing, lie on top
0 of another person, touch the
private, sacred parts of
0 another person&;s body with or
without clothing, or allow
0 anyone to do that to you.
0 Now if those things are like
flying in the trees, then what
0 might be like flying 500
feet above the trees?
0 Here&;s one idea that
could be helpful.
0 Only do things you would feel
comfortable doing in the
0 presence of your parents, For
example, a 15-year-old could
0 ask, is it OK for me
to hold hands?
0 But maybe the question should
be, would I hold hands in
0 front of my parents?
0 You can set standards that
will help you stay pure.
0 Elder Richard G. Scott said
quote, firmly establish
0 personal standards.
0 Choose a time of deep spiritual
reflection when
0 there is no pressure on you,
and you can confirm your
0 decisions by impressions that
will come to you from the Holy
0 Ghost. Decide then what you will
do and what you will not
0 do to express feelings.
0 The spirit will guide you.
0 Then, do not vary from those
decisions, no matter how right
0 it may seem when the temptation
comes, end quote.
0 Consider talking with your
parents or leaders about your
0 standards, and seek their
additional guidance.
0 Pray and ask Heavenly Father
about the standards you have
0 set for yourself.
0 When you feel the Holy Ghost
confirming your standards, you
0 will have greater power
to live them.
0 Now let&;s review what
we&;ve discussed.
0 Profits have clearly taught us
how we can stay sexually pure.
0 They have given us
this standard–
0 before marriage do not do
anything to arouse the
0 powerful emotions that must be
expressed only in marriage.
0 Just as a wise pilot keeps
himself far above the trees,
0 we should not even
get close to sin.
0 You can pray and talk with God
about personal standards that
0 you set for yourself.
0 Take the time you need
to really be
0 guided by the Spirit.
0 Once you set clear standards,
never deviate from them.
0 And don&;t let what&;s happened
in the past
0 control your future.
0 If you stray from the path,
you can return.
0 In a world that&;s full of
temptation, it can be
0 challenging to stay virtuous.
0 But it&;s worth it.
0 When you obey God&;s commandment
to be sexually
0 pure, you prepare yourself to
make and keep sacred covenants
0 in the Temple.
0 You prepare yourself to build a
strong marriage and to bring
0 children into the world as
part of a loving family.
0 When we look at the big picture,
it&;s easy to realize
0 that it&;s worth it keep
God&;s commandment
0 to be sexually pure.
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