Un film sur le thème «chasteté» sur YouTube
Le thème « chasteté » en vidéo par Nicolae Cirpala
Disponible sur YouTube (), une vidéo créée par Nicolae Cirpala aborde le sujet de « chasteté ».
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités. »
YouTube regorge de vidéos fascinantes qui explorent des sujets variés, offrant à chaque utilisateur un vaste choix de contenu pour satisfaire toutes les curiosités.
Cette vidéo, que nous avons récemment découverte (le ), présentait déjà des informations intéressantes. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 0.
Notez la durée de la vidéo (00:19:27s), le titre (Why Chastity is the most Important Nowadays), et les commentaires qui accompagnent le contenu de l’auteur :« Profitez, pratiquez et partagez des citations de motivation #MassReadings pour le vrai bonheur #MessageToBillions des mots d’amour pour donner du pouvoir avec une ambiance énergétique positive pour la prospérité en lisant les Écritures mondiales – Moralité – Chasteté – S’abstenir de l’adultère, le péché le plus grave Rejoignez le marathon d’un milliard d’abonnés Happy Life et devenez vrai Bonheur J’aime Commentaire : Pour obtenir plus de bénédictions, faites un don maintenant, téléchargez simplement nos livres pour la vie sur https://ivacademy.net/en/market/books et partagez ce marathon très IMPORTANT 7 fois+ pour un bonheur abondant Rejoignez les réunions quotidiennes de salut et de bénédiction en direct, contactez-nous -Très important – Vous voulez recevoir le salut et la bénédiction ? Devenez membre de ma communauté mondiale et rejoignez le marathon d’abonnés Billion Happy Life. Je suis un écrivain et activiste mondial depuis 24 ans. Je travaille quotidiennement #ForPeace Donner aux personnes et aux organisations les moyens de s’unir pour finaliser la construction d’un monde ultime de paix d’ici 2027 – Royaume Céleste – Communauté Holly des Parents Célestes au Réseau Mondial de Consolidation de la Paix Je recherche une coopération fructueuse et ☛ devenons les meilleurs amis, rejoignez maintenant l’équipe mondiale des artisans de la paix et invitez vos amis, postez des commentaires sur mes discussions vitales sur : Instagram www.instagram.com/MessageToBillions Twitter www.twitter.com/ivacademynet et Youtube www.youtube.com/c/MessageToBillions Téléchargez mes livres www.ivacademy.net/en/market Rejoignez mon marathon d’abonnés Billion Happy Life et obtenez
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Vous pouvez regarder la vidéo juste en dessous
Pour conclure, les cages de chasteté sont une option intéressante pour les personnes intéressées par cette pratique.
Choisir une cage de chasteté est une décision qui mérite une réflexion approfondie. La meilleure solution reste de solliciter l’aide d’un expert dans ce domaine préciscomme cette sociétépour le monde entier. En prenant en compte les dimensions du tube, les matériaux et vos besoins, vous serez en mesure de sélectionner un modèle approprié. Que vous soyez un néophyte ou un utilisateur aguerri, prenez le temps de vous renseigner et de choisir une cage alliant confort et sécurité.
Quelle cage de chasteté devrait-on privilégier ?
Pour choisir la cage de chasteté la plus adaptée, il est essentiel de considérer divers facteurs, tels que la longueur du tube, le diamètre de l’anneau, les matériaux utilisés, et la commodité d’emploi. Quelle longueur de tube choisir ? La longueur du tube est un critère crucial pour le confort et l’efficacité de la cage. Elle doit être ajustée à la taille du pénis en état de repos. Un tube trop long peut entraîner de l’inconfort et réduire l’efficacité de la cage, tandis qu’un tube trop court peut causer des douleurs. Il est conseillé de mesurer votre pénis au repos pour choisir la longueur appropriée du tube. Quel est l’anneau idéal pour une cage de chasteté ? Le choix de l’anneau est essentiel pour garantir confort et sécurité. Il doit entourer la base du pénis et des testicules pour maintenir correctement la cage en place. Il est crucial de choisir le bon diamètre : un anneau trop petit peut provoquer gêne, douleur ou problèmes circulatoires, surtout s’il est en métal, tandis qu’un anneau trop grand ne maintiendra pas la cage correctement. Pour une mesure précise, il est conseillé de mesurer la circonférence de la base du pénis et des testicules et de sélectionner un anneau légèrement plus grand. En ce qui concerne la forme, les anneaux peuvent être circulaires, ovales ou ergonomiques, en métal ou autres matériaux. Les modèles ergonomiques, bien qu’ils soient plus complexes, offrent souvent un meilleur confort pour un port prolongé en s’adaptant mieux aux contours du corps, ce qui réduit les frottements et les irritations. Quels matériaux choisir pour une cage de chasteté ? Les cages de chasteté sont conçues avec plusieurs matériaux, chacun ayant ses propres avantages et désavantages. Les matériaux les plus fréquemment utilisés sont : Plastique : Léger et souvent clair, ce matériau est idéal pour les débutants en raison de son poids réduit. Cependant, il pourrait ne pas être aussi durable que d’autres matériaux. Métal : Dur et résistant, le métal procure une sensation de poids qui peut être excitante pour certains. Cependant, il peut interférer avec les détecteurs de métaux et n’est pas conseillé pour les longues périodes de port. Silicone : Ce matériau est à la fois flexible et confortable, idéal pour ceux qui cherchent une cage plus douce. Il est également hypoallergénique, ce qui est favorable pour les peaux sensibles.
Quels facteurs sont cruciaux dans le choix d’une cage de chasteté ?
Lors de la sélection d’une cage de chasteté, plusieurs critères importants doivent être pris en compte pour assurer confort, sécurité et efficacité, en particulier pour les hommes. Taille et Diamètre : Choisir une cage bien ajustée est fondamental pour comprimer légèrement la verge. Il est crucial de mesurer correctement la taille et le diamètre du pénis au repos. Une cage de chasteté trop large pourrait rendre la cage inefficace, tandis qu’un anneau ou une cage trop serrée peut provoquer des douleurs et des problèmes lors d’une érection. Matériau : La fabrication des cages de chasteté inclut divers matériaux, avec des avantages et des inconvénients pour chaque. Les cages en résine se distinguent par leur légèreté et leur aspect discret. En raison de ses propriétés hypoallergéniques, ce matériau est recommandé pour les peaux sensibles, car il limite les risques d’irritation tout en restant durable pour un usage prolongé. Les cages en métal, en particulier celles en acier inoxydable, offrent une résistance accrue et une sensation de poids que certains utilisateurs trouvent excitante. Ce produit se distingue par sa durabilité et est souvent vu comme un accessoire de qualité pour les personnes cherchant une expérience plus intense. Pourtant, ces cages peuvent être plus lourdes et parfois moins confortables lors d’un port prolongé. Il est vital de choisir un modèle de cage avec un anneau bien ajusté à votre anatomie, en termes de forme et de diamètre. Sécurité et Système de Verrouillage : Un système de verrouillage efficace est indispensable pour assurer la réussite et la rigueur de l’utilisation d’une cage de chasteté. Les cadenas classiques sont fréquemment choisis pour leur facilité d’utilisation. Les micro-serrures en métal sont aussi sécurisées. Des cages de chasteté sont équipées d’une fermeture à vis en métal nécessitant un outil spécial, comme un tournevis Torx, pour être ouvertes. Les serrures à came tubulaire sont considérées comme parmi les plus sécurisées, grâce à leur mécanisme métallique plus complexe et difficile à forcer. Votre coach peut vous aider à choisir entre ces solutions en fonction de vos objectifs. La plus haute sécurité n’est pas systématiquement la meilleure. Il a été observé que les hommes choisissant des cages de chasteté avec un anneau en métal et un système de verrouillage sécurisé le font souvent pour l’excitation liée à l’inviolabilité plutôt que pour la sécurité réelle. L’expérience et une adaptation progressive sont nécessaires pour le port prolongé d’une cage de chasteté, qu’elle soit en métal ou d’un autre matériau. Le modèle de cage, surtout l’anneau, doit être de bonne qualité pour garantir une expérience globale positive. Choisir une cage avec un anneau bien conçu est crucial pour garantir un confort quotidien sans compromettre la sécurité ou l’hygiène. Pour éviter les érections complètes tout en facilitant l’entretien régulier, un modèle de cage doit garantir une bonne ventilation et un accès facile.
Les buts associés à l’utilisation d’une cage de chasteté sont divers.
Les raisons pour lesquelles on choisit de porter une cage de chasteté sont multiples et personnelles. Certains considèrent la cage de chasteté comme un moyen de renforcer la discipline personnelle. D’autres considèrent la cage de chasteté comme un moyen de revigorer leur vie sexuelle. La cage de chasteté peut être un moyen pour certains couples de renforcer leur confiance et de redynamiser leur relation. Avant de vous lancer, il est crucial de bien saisir vos désirs et attentes, quelles que soient vos motivations. En fonction de cela, on peut définir un critère clé : la durée durant laquelle la cage de chasteté est portée. Cela va de quelques minutes (si elle est utilisée comme un accessoire lors d’un acte sexuel) à plusieurs mois (pour une chasteté durable et véritable).
Comment décider quelle cage de chasteté choisir ?
Pour choisir une cage de chasteté appropriée, il est essentiel de prendre en considération vos besoins et vos préférences. Une bonne connaissance des matériaux (comme le métal, le silicone ou la résine), du mécanisme de verrouillage, et des dimensions qui correspondent à votre anatomie est essentielle pour un choix éclairé.
Quelles sont les étapes pour mettre en place une cage de chasteté ?
La mise en place d’une cage de chasteté peut sembler ardue au début, mais elle devient plus facile avec de l’expérience. Préparation : Avant de mettre la cage, vérifiez que votre pénis est détendu et au repos. Utilisez un lubrifiant à base d’eau pour aider à l’insertion et évitez les lubrifiants à base de silicone qui peuvent endommager certaines cages. Procédure : Commencez en plaçant l’anneau autour des testicules, puis insérez le pénis dans le tube et verrouillez la cage.
Les erreurs souvent observées chez les débutants.
Il est important de corriger l’erreur habituelle des débutants dans la chasteté : sélectionner une cage de chasteté simplement en consultant un catalogue sans expérience pratique est la pire décision. Il est essentiel de ne pas improviser dans l’engagement de chasteté. Beaucoup de cages de chasteté achetées sur Internet se retrouvent oubliées. Pour des questions de développement personnel, s’appuyer sur un professionnel est primordial. Un expert est capable d’évaluer vos objectifs, de vous offrir des conseils, de vous aider à faire des choix et de vous accompagner.
Où acheter une cage de chasteté de qualité ?
Pour acheter une cage de chasteté, les sex-shops sont une option. En ligne, vous trouverez une grande variété de cages de chasteté.
Cage de chasteté : Décision, Opinions, Introduction.
Deux types de personnes se montrent de plus en plus intéressés par la cage de chasteté : Ceux qui désirent explorer de nouvelles facettes de leur sexualité avec leur partenaire, que ce soit par curiosité envers les cages de chasteté, pour renforcer leur relation, ou par désir de jouer avec le contrôle et la soumission. Ceux qui souhaitent adopter la chasteté pour bénéficier des avantages associés à la croissance personnelle, à la pureté, à la spiritualité, à la fidélité, à la santé, à la soumission, et à la concentration sur des objectifs non sexuels. Mais comment sélectionner la cage de chasteté idéale ? Quelles sont les questions à se poser avant d’acheter une cage de chasteté ? Nous vous apporterons des éclaircissements sur ces sujets.
Si vous souhaitez regarder la vidéo directement sur YouTube, cliquez sur ce lien :
la source: Cliquer ici
#Pourquoi #chasteté #est #importante #nos #jours
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: hello so good to meet you at this Global motivational meeting we are reading word scriptures book to inspire and Empower with positive for today this holy book Inspire billions of people families communities and the whole world and will help you to just read this quotes and practice daily as we read this holy book from the beginning please find all the chapters our message tolian Channel and let’s read further about qualities for prosperous and happy life father is chus justi is to control one’s sexual desire to refrain from premarital sex and to have sexual relationship only with one spouse J requires the institution of marriage for its most joyful fulfillment the extreme aism of a celebate monk or not is a vocation only for the few those who are willing to sacrifice continually the God given desire to love and be loved God created us to love from families and rais children to propagate the human race in this regard sexuality within marriage is a wonderful gift a joyful experience and the blessing of God however as Fallen human being me we do not naturally displine our sexual desire to be employed in a faithful marriage bond that requires training and religions have traditionally sered this purpose religions teach that the adultery is among the most serious sin they train their mind to subdue the desire of the flesh and set boundaries on Behavior to avoid Temptations to sin they lift up marriage as a holy institution however in today secular society people have forgotten the discipline of desire fromus and free sex are everywhere from promising inad happiness but yielding disappointment heartbreak and broken homes marriages is under attack and the many young people are conting rather than Mar largely because they no longer believe that they can make a lasting marriage as the original standard of faithful marriage is forgotten homosexuality and are gaining accidents and alternative lifestyle father Moon speak passionately and directly about this topic based upon his teaching that the human for was an act of illicit love he sees the of love as the root of all sins crimes unhappiness and suffering in human life therefore cause people to devate love and use it wrongly therefore he calls us to elevate love to its original Heavenly purpose as the linking point between human beings and God sex and marriage should be a holy act that what he calls about absolute sex love between husband wife should have the same absoluteness as God’s love for us anything less create separation from God refrain from adultery the most serious sin nether forn for whoever does that shall meet the price of sin dou shall be the Chas man for him and the Resurrection Day let marriage be held in honor among all and let the marriage be the undefined for God will judge the immoral and the adult Whoever has AIC affair with the wives of his relatives or friends either by force or by Mutual con then he is to be known as the outcast but fornication and all impurity a convention must not even be named among you as youting among Saints let there be no thess of not silly talk nor levity which are not fitting but instead let there be Thanksgiving be sure of this that no fornication is impure man has any inheritance in the Kingdom of Christ and of God let no one deceive you with the empty words for it is because of these things that the word of God CES upon the sons of Disobedience approach no adultery for it is a shameful deed and an evil opening the road to the evils he who commits adultery is punished it both he and herea for his day in his work are cut short and when dead he falls into hell now um Joseph was handsome and good-looking and at time his master’s Wife cast her eye upon Jose and said lie with with me but he refused and say to his master wife L having me my master has no concern about anything in the house and he has put everything that he has in my my hand he is not greater in this house that I am nor has he hi back anything from my except yourself because you are his wife how then can I do these great weaknesses and sin against God for Misfortune be before a careless man who commits adultery acquisition of Dem merits disted sleep thir blame and fought a state of all there is acquition of the Merit as well as evil Destiny previous joy of the fighting man and woman the king imposes a heavy punishment hence no man should frequent another man’s wife H drink water from your own system flowing water from your own well should you spring be scattered a broad stream of water in the streets let them be for yourself alone and not for stranger with with you let your fontain be blessed and rejoice in the wives of your youth a lovely hind a graceful da let her attra affection fill you and all at all times with theight be infed always by her love why should you be infed my son with a l woman and embrace the bosom of an adventurous for man’s way up before the eyes of the Lord and he watched all his path the iniquities of the wied andan him and he is C in the TOs of his sin he dies for lack of discipline and because of his great fly he is lost for this is the will of God you sanctification that you abstain from Andes that each one of you know how to take a wife for himself in Holiness and honor nor in the passion of lost like H who do not know God the body is not meant for immorality but for the Lord do you not know that you bodies are members of Christ shall I therefore take the members of Christ and make them members of a prostitute never do you know that he who joins himself a prostitute becames one body with her for as it is written the two shall became one flesh but he who is United to the Lord became one spirit with him some immorality every other sin which a man commits it’s outside the body but the immoral man sins against his own body do you know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you which you have from God you are not you own you were bought with the price so glorify God in your body father let’s read quotes from the second Messiah father the Sun and Moon violating and misus love is the gravest of all things men and woman who have been victimized by love often want to commit suicide and throw away their lives hence we should know that committing a sin against love is worse than mother murder the critical point in life where Adam and Eve and the you innumerable Heroes and spiritual Masters throughout history have failed in is the matter of the purity of their section love it is a problem that no one today can solve now not the family nor the school the church or the government I teach the best best plan to keep Purity absolute sex what is absolute sex once join it and marriage your relationship to your spouse is eternal you form an absolute love relationship that will never change under any circumstances how can that be it is because as husband and wife you love each other within God’s Eternal absolute love absolute sex is not an obligation only for woman it is applied to men it is Heaven’s principle that all men and woman must keep on the other hand free sex is wicked trend that should be completely eradicated from the planet Earth the things associated with free sex drugs violence homosexuality and Hees only drive Humanity down the path of Destruction fre sex is like a poison snake its head is like a man’s sexual organ and its open mouth is like a woman ex one bite from his poison s can spread he way and and the white B forever cuts down the ideal world how can people conquer this snake employing only their choices come coming to their aid their religions of the world have always thought how to subdue the flesh they have always command do not drink smoke or engage in fre sex only love that is absolute unique unchanging and eternal can eradicate free sex the feeling you get from drugs or alcohol or free sex cannot compare to the absolute joy and stimulation of absolute sex in absolute sex all the cells in the body and might activate and connect to the one Center in its Supreme ecstasy far beyond the intoxication of alcohol or drugs within its Essence lie absolute Freedom absolute happiness absolute hope and the absolute fulfillment of all one’s dreams this is true love where is the place where all the cells want to unite it is the partner sexual organ all creature desire to arrive at their partment sexual organ and their final destination their sexual organs are the Connecting Point of for love LIF line lineage and conscious depending on how they are used they are the beginning point of heaven where hell why do we say that one man must love only one woman what’s wrong with the American Life Style on the one night standard why should we have only one love why should there be only one man for one woman what’s wrong with a man loving several different women and a woman Ling several different men it is wrong because it lack true love what is true love a man’s true love and the woman’s true love is the same true love does not belong to the man or the woman but is the one love that unite both that is why every man ask his sweetheart do you love me and every woman ask her man the same question everyone asked their Partners how much do you love me and they answer each other I love you more than the universe so marri the man when they see a pretty woman think how nice it would be if he will we their wives such a person has two minds we call him a mind with the mind of the thief Satan sted from to much Minds does it is the right to call such a man with to mind Satan he is not different from Satan the sexual is the most fearful of the senses because love was the cause of the human fault that is why religions treat adly as the most serious sin the free sex that we see in the modern world today is and extension of hell it is Hell on Earth and Hell on the spirit world it will entirely perish love life and lineage want to attract them attach themselves to the sexual organs of a man and a woman they are the place to connect with God they are the place where the original partner of all human beings CES and visit us the sexual organs at the place of Love place of life place of lineage and the place of conscience they are the starting point without them we cannot find love without them we cannot find life without them there will not be way for the life in a man and the life and the woman to meet as one they are where a woman man and a woman meet and where a lineage comes into being your conscience too must be in accord with your use sexual organ or it cannot manifest correctly each of us have love each of us have life and each of us have lineage in where they come from we learn that they are linking to our parent sexual organs they are linking to the love that is in our parent sexual organs that is how precious these organs are the core of all the ideal tradition of the universe flow through their Gates The Living Water of eternal life flows from them to become Eternal Living Water there must be love so uh love is the most important that is how precious these organs are and nature precious things the treasure do not lie in plain view instead they are hidden is this not Tru of God it is hidden distributed and lay of fth print of other Rock however as the result of the human fall all this was turn upside down each woman now thinks that her sexual organ is her own but it is not hers a man can never perfect his love without his wife sexual organ likewise a woman cannot maintain her love forever unless she has her husband sex organ to bring love to her as long as men and women regard their sexual organs as their own they cannot realize eternal life rather they must exchange their sexual organ the owner of the man’s organs is his wife and the owner of the woman’s organ is her husband will a new hit two different locks this days some knock headed their professors talk about free sex and say this represent the liberation of Love or thep of sex they are Chiefs and the this world has became hell on Earth because of such thinking so powerful CES for today if you have difficulties please watch one more time this video share this video as we end this billion happy life subscribers Marathon contact me for consultation cooperation and become member of this heavenly parents holy Community globally wish you a great blessed day and see you tomorrow with more powerful quotes and don’t forget to leave a comment how this CS help you today all the best bye-bye yours coach Nikolai .
Déroulement de la vidéo:
2.24 hello so good to meet you at this Global
2.24 motivational meeting we are reading word
2.24 scriptures book to inspire and Empower
2.24 with positive for today this holy book
2.24 Inspire billions of people families
2.24 communities and the whole world and will
2.24 help you to just read this quotes and
2.24 practice
2.24 daily as we read this holy book from the
2.24 beginning please find all the chapters
2.24 our message tolian Channel and let&;s
2.24 read further about
2.24 qualities for prosperous and happy life
2.24 father is chus justi is to control one&;s
2.24 sexual desire to refrain from premarital
2.24 sex and to have sexual relationship only
2.24 with one spouse J requires the
2.24 institution of marriage for its most
2.24 joyful fulfillment the extreme aism of a
2.24 celebate monk or not is a vocation only
2.24 for the few those who are willing to
2.24 sacrifice continually the God given
2.24 desire to love and be loved God created
2.24 us to love from families and rais
2.24 children to propagate the human race in
2.24 this regard sexuality within marriage is
2.24 a wonderful gift a joyful experience and
2.24 the blessing of God however as Fallen
2.24 human being me we do not naturally
2.24 displine our sexual desire to be
2.24 employed in a faithful marriage bond
2.24 that requires training and religions
2.24 have traditionally sered this purpose
2.24 religions teach that the adultery is
2.24 among the most serious sin they train
2.24 their mind to subdue the desire of the
2.24 flesh and set boundaries on Behavior to
2.24 avoid Temptations to sin they lift up
2.24 marriage as a holy institution however
2.24 in today secular society people have
2.24 forgotten the discipline of desire
2.24 fromus and free sex are everywhere
2.24 from promising inad happiness but
2.24 yielding disappointment heartbreak and
2.24 broken homes marriages is under attack
2.24 and the many young people are
2.24 conting rather than Mar largely because
2.24 they no longer believe that they can
2.24 make a lasting marriage as the original
2.24 standard of faithful marriage is
2.24 forgotten homosexuality and are gaining
2.24 accidents and alternative lifestyle
2.24 father Moon speak passionately and
2.24 directly about this topic based upon his
2.24 teaching that the human for
2.24 was an act of illicit love he sees the
2.24 of love as the root of all sins crimes
2.24 unhappiness and suffering in human life
2.24 therefore cause people to
2.24 devate love and use it wrongly therefore
2.24 he calls us to elevate love to its
2.24 original Heavenly purpose as the linking
2.24 point between human beings and God sex
2.24 and marriage should be a holy act that
2.24 what he calls about absolute sex love
2.24 between husband wife should have the
2.24 same absoluteness as God&;s love for us
2.24 anything less create separation from God
2.24 refrain from adultery the most serious
2.24 sin nether forn for whoever does that
2.24 shall meet the price of sin dou shall be
2.24 the Chas man for him and the
2.24 Resurrection Day let marriage be held in
2.24 honor among all and let the marriage be
2.24 the undefined for
2.24 God will judge the immoral and the
2.24 adult Whoever has AIC affair with the
2.24 wives of his relatives or friends either
2.24 by force or by Mutual con then he is to
2.24 be known as the
2.24 outcast but fornication and all impurity
2.24 a convention must not even be named
2.24 among you as
2.24 youting among Saints let there be no
2.24 thess of not silly talk nor levity which
2.24 are not fitting but instead let there be
2.24 Thanksgiving be sure of this that no
2.24 fornication is
2.24 impure man has any inheritance in the
2.24 Kingdom of Christ and of God let no one
2.24 deceive you with the empty words for it
2.24 is because of these things that the word
2.24 of God CES upon the sons of Disobedience
2.24 approach no adultery for it is a
2.24 shameful deed and an evil opening the
2.24 road to the evils he who commits
2.24 adultery is punished it both he and
2.24 herea for his day in his
2.24 work are cut short and when dead he
2.24 falls into
2.24 hell now um Joseph was handsome and
2.24 good-looking and at time his master&;s
2.24 Wife cast her eye upon Jose and said lie
2.24 with with me but he refused and say to
2.24 his master wife L having me my master
2.24 has no concern about anything in the
2.24 house and he has put everything that he
2.24 has in my my hand he is not greater in
2.24 this house that I am nor has he hi back
2.24 anything from my except yourself because
2.24 you are his wife how then can I do these
2.24 great weaknesses and sin against
2.24 God for Misfortune be before a careless
2.24 man who commits adultery acquisition of
2.24 Dem merits disted sleep thir blame and
2.24 fought a state of all there is
2.24 acquition of the Merit as well as evil
2.24 Destiny previous joy of the fighting man
2.24 and woman the king imposes a heavy
2.24 punishment hence no man should frequent
2.24 another man&;s wife H drink water from
2.24 your own system flowing water from your
2.24 own well should you spring be scattered
2.24 a broad stream of water in the
2.24 streets let them be for yourself alone
2.24 and not for stranger with with you let
2.24 your fontain be blessed and rejoice in
2.24 the wives of your youth a lovely hind a
2.24 graceful da let her attra affection fill
2.24 you and all at all times with theight be
2.24 infed always by her love why
2.24 should you be infed my son with a l
2.24 woman and embrace the bosom of an
2.24 adventurous for man&;s way up before the
2.24 eyes of the Lord and he watched all his
2.24 path the iniquities of the wied
2.24 andan him and he is C in the TOs of his
2.24 sin he dies for lack of discipline and
2.24 because of his great fly he is
2.24 lost for this is the will of God you
2.24 sanctification that you abstain from
2.24 Andes that each one of you know how to
2.24 take a wife for himself in Holiness and
2.24 honor nor in the passion of lost like H
2.24 who do not know God the body is not
2.24 meant for immorality but for the Lord do
2.24 you not know that you bodies are members
2.24 of Christ shall I therefore take the
2.24 members of Christ and make them
2.24 members of a prostitute never do you
2.24 know that he who joins himself a
2.24 prostitute becames one body with her for
2.24 as it is written the two shall became
2.24 one flesh but he who is United to the
2.24 Lord became one spirit with him some
2.24 immorality every other sin which a man
2.24 commits it&;s outside the body but the
2.24 immoral man sins against his own body do
2.24 you
2.24 know that your body is a temple of the
2.24 Holy Spirit within you which you have
2.24 from God you are not you own you were
2.24 bought with the price so glorify God in
2.24 your
2.24 body father let&;s read quotes from the
2.24 second Messiah father the Sun and Moon
2.24 violating and misus love is the gravest
2.24 of all things men and woman who have
2.24 been victimized by love often want to
2.24 commit suicide and throw away their
2.24 lives hence we should know that
2.24 committing a sin against love is worse
2.24 than
2.24 mother
2.24 murder the critical point in life where
2.24 Adam and Eve and the you innumerable
2.24 Heroes and spiritual Masters throughout
2.24 history have failed in is the matter of
2.24 the purity of their section love it is a
2.24 problem that no one today can solve now
2.24 not the family nor the school the church
2.24 or the government I teach the best best
2.24 plan to keep Purity absolute sex what is
2.24 absolute sex once join it and marriage
2.24 your relationship to your spouse is
2.24 eternal you form an absolute love
2.24 relationship that will never change
2.24 under any circumstances how can that be
2.24 it is because as husband and wife you
2.24 love each other within God&;s Eternal
2.24 absolute love absolute sex is not an
2.24 obligation only for woman it is applied
2.24 to men it is Heaven&;s principle that all
2.24 men and woman must keep on the other
2.24 hand free sex is wicked trend that
2.24 should be completely eradicated from the
2.24 planet Earth the things associated with
2.24 free sex drugs violence homosexuality
2.24 and Hees only drive Humanity down the
2.24 path of Destruction fre sex is like a
2.24 poison snake its head is like a man&;s
2.24 sexual organ and its open mouth is like
2.24 a woman ex one bite from his poison s
2.24 can spread he way and and the white B
2.24 forever cuts down the ideal world how
2.24 can people conquer this snake employing
2.24 only their choices come coming to their
2.24 aid their religions of the world have
2.24 always
2.24 thought how to subdue the flesh they
2.24 have always command do not drink smoke
2.24 or engage in fre sex only love that is
2.24 absolute unique unchanging and eternal
2.24 can eradicate free sex the feeling you
2.24 get from drugs or alcohol or free sex
2.24 cannot compare to the absolute joy and
2.24 stimulation of absolute sex in absolute
2.24 sex all the cells in the body and might
2.24 activate and connect to the one Center
2.24 in its Supreme ecstasy far beyond the
2.24 intoxication of alcohol or drugs within
2.24 its Essence lie absolute Freedom
2.24 absolute happiness absolute hope and the
2.24 absolute fulfillment of all one&;s dreams
2.24 this is true love where is the place
2.24 where all the cells want to unite it is
2.24 the partner sexual organ all creature
2.24 desire to arrive at their partment
2.24 sexual organ and their final destination
2.24 their sexual organs are the Connecting
2.24 Point of for love LIF line lineage and
2.24 conscious
2.24 depending on how they are used they are
2.24 the beginning point of heaven where hell
2.24 why do we say that one man must love
2.24 only one woman what&;s wrong with the
2.24 American Life Style on the one night
2.24 standard why should we have only one
2.24 love why should there be only one man
2.24 for one woman what&;s wrong with a man
2.24 loving several different women and a
2.24 woman Ling several different men it is
2.24 wrong because it lack true love what is
2.24 true love a man&;s true love and the
2.24 woman&;s true love is the same true love
2.24 does not belong to the man or the woman
2.24 but is
2.24 the one love that unite both that is why
2.24 every man ask his sweetheart do you love
2.24 me and every woman ask her man the same
2.24 question
2.24 everyone
2.24 asked their Partners how much do you
2.24 love me and they answer each other I
2.24 love you more than the universe so marri
2.24 the man when they see a pretty woman
2.24 think how nice it would be if he will we
2.24 their wives such a person has two minds
2.24 we call him a mind with the mind of the
2.24 thief Satan sted from to much Minds does
2.24 it is the right to call such a man with
2.24 to mind Satan he is not different from
2.24 Satan the sexual is the most fearful of
2.24 the senses because love was the cause of
2.24 the human fault that is why
2.24 religions treat
2.24 adly as the most serious sin the free
2.24 sex that we see in the modern world
2.24 today is and extension of hell it is
2.24 Hell on Earth and Hell on the spirit
2.24 world it will entirely perish love life
2.24 and lineage want to attract them attach
2.24 themselves to the sexual organs of a man
2.24 and a woman they are the place to
2.24 connect with God they are the place
2.24 where the original partner of all human
2.24 beings CES and visit us the sexual
2.24 organs at the place of Love place of
2.24 life place of lineage and the place of
2.24 conscience they are the starting point
2.24 without them we cannot find love without
2.24 them we cannot find life without them
2.24 there will not
2.24 be way for the life in a man and the
2.24 life and the woman to meet as one they
2.24 are where a woman man and a woman meet
2.24 and where a lineage comes into being
2.24 your conscience too must be in accord
2.24 with your use sexual organ or it cannot
2.24 manifest correctly each of us have love
2.24 each of us have life and each of us have
2.24 lineage
2.24 in where they come from we learn that
2.24 they are linking to our parent sexual
2.24 organs they are linking to the love that
2.24 is in our parent sexual organs that is
2.24 how precious these organs are the core
2.24 of all the ideal tradition
2.24 of the universe flow through their Gates
2.24 The Living Water of eternal life flows
2.24 from
2.24 them to become Eternal Living Water
2.24 there must be love so uh love is the
2.24 most important that is how precious
2.24 these organs are and nature precious
2.24 things the treasure do not lie in plain
2.24 view instead they are hidden is this not
2.24 Tru of God
2.24 it is hidden distributed and lay of fth
2.24 print of other Rock however as the
2.24 result of the human fall all this was
2.24 turn upside down each woman now thinks
2.24 that her sexual organ is her own but it
2.24 is
2.24 not hers a man can never perfect his
2.24 love without his wife sexual organ
2.24 likewise a woman cannot maintain her
2.24 love forever unless she has her husband
2.24 sex organ to bring love to her as long
2.24 as men and women regard their sexual
2.24 organs as their own they cannot realize
2.24 eternal
2.24 life rather they must exchange their
2.24 sexual organ the owner of the man&;s
2.24 organs is his wife and the owner of the
2.24 woman&;s organ is her husband will a new
2.24 hit two different locks this days
2.24 some knock headed their
2.24 professors talk about free sex and say
2.24 this represent the liberation of Love or
2.24 thep of sex they are Chiefs and the this
2.24 world has became hell on Earth because
2.24 of such thinking so powerful CES for
2.24 today if you have difficulties please
2.24 watch one more time this video share
2.24 this video as we end this billion happy
2.24 life subscribers Marathon contact me for
2.24 consultation cooperation and become
2.24 member of this heavenly parents holy
2.24 Community
2.24 globally wish you a great blessed day
2.24 and see you tomorrow with more powerful
2.24 quotes and don&;t forget to leave a
2.24 comment how this CS help you
2.24 today all the best bye-bye yours coach
2.24 Nikolai
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