chasteté; พระอัญญาโกณฑัญญะ l เอตทัคคะในทางรัตตัญญู #พระพุทธเจ้า #คนตื่นธรรม #โหนกระแส #พระปีนเสา

Le thème «chasteté» en images : Une vidéo sur YouTube

A la une, le thème « chasteté » publié par อาจารย์ธนากร

Sur YouTube, publié par อาจารย์ธนากร (), cette vidéo examine le thème « chasteté » et mérite que l’on en parle quelques minutes.

La plateforme YouTube est propose des vidéos allant des derniers succès musicaux aux comédies hilarantes, en passant par des documentaires captivants.

Au moment où nous avons consulté la vidéo (), elle avait déjà cumulé quelques interactions. Le décompte de Likes indiquait: 362.

Il faut prendre en considération la durée (00:22:51s), le titre (พระอัญญาโกณฑัญญะ l เอตทัคคะในทางรัตตัญญู #พระพุทธเจ้า #คนตื่นธรรม #โหนกระแส #พระปีนเสา), pour une vue d’ensemble complète, ainsi que la présentation faite par l’auteur :« พระอัญญาโกณฑัญญะ เอตทัคคะในทางรัตตัญญู เป็นพระเถระสาวกของพระพุทธเจ้า เป็นหนึ่งในปัญจวัคคีย์ และพระอสีติมหาสาวกผู้เป็นเอตทัคคะในด้านรัตตัญญู คือเป็นผู้รู้ธรรมก่อนใครในพระพุทธศาสนาและได้บวชก่อนผู้อื่น

พระอัญญาโกณฑัญญะ เมื่อได้บรรลุเป็นพระอรหันต์แล้ว ได้มีบทบาทสำคัญในการเผยแพร่พระพุทธศาสนา ในช่วง 12 ปีสุดท้ายในบั้นปลายของท่าน ท่านได้ไปพักจำพรรษาและได้นิพพานที่สระฉันทันต์ ป่าหิมพานต์ ในช่วงต้นพุทธกาล

พระ​อัญญาโกณฑัญญะ เอตทัคคะในทางรัตตัญญู เกิดในตระกูลพราหมณ์มหาศาล ในหมู่บ้านโทณวัตถุ กรุงกบิลพัสดุ์ เดิมชื่อ “โกณฑัญญะ” เมื่อเจริญเติบโตขึ้นได้ศึกษาศิลปะวิทยาจบไตรเพทและเรียนมนต์ (วิชาการทำนายลักษณะอย่างเชี่ยวชาญ)

พระอัญญาโกณฑัญญะ เอตทัคคะในทางรัตตัญญูตั้งจิตปรารถนาไว้ตั้งแต่ครั้งพระพุทธเจ้าปทุมุตตระ ครั้งนั้นท่านเกิดเป็นบุตรคหบดีมหาศาล ชาวหงสวดี วันหนึ่งเข้าเฝ้าพระพุทธเจ้า พร้อมกับพวกชาวเมืองเพื่อฟังธรรม เห็นพระพุทธเจ้าทรงตั้งพระสาวกรูปหนึ่งไว้ในตำแหน่งเอตทัคคะด้านรัตตัญญู (แปลว่า ผู้รู้ราตรีนาน หมายถึงได้บวชก่อนใครได้รู้ได้ฟังมาก) แล้วเกิดศรัทธาปรารถนาจะได้เป็นเช่นพระสาวกรูปนั้นบ้าง

ท่านแสดงศรัทธาให้ปรากฏด้วยการถวายมหาทานแด่พระพุทธเจ้าและพระสาวกติดต่อกัน 7 วัน วันสุดท้าย ได้สั่งให้เปิดเรือนคลังเก็บผ้า นำผ้าเนื้อดีเลิศมาวางถวายไว้แทบยุคลบาทของพระพุทธเจ้าและถวายพระสาวกแล้วกราบทูลว่า

“พระองค์ผู้เจริญ ขอให้ข้าพระองค์ได้เป็นเหมือนภิกษุรูปที่พระองค์ทรงแต่งตั้งไว้ในตำแหน่งเอตทัคคะเมื่อ 7 วันก่อนจากนี้ด้วยเถิด นั่นคือขอให้ได้บวชในศาสนาของพระพุทธเจ้าในอนาคตแล้วได้รู้แจ้งธรรมก่อนใครหมด”

กดติดตามช่อง ไม่พลาดธรรมะดีๆ คลิปใหม่ [Official Channel]
#พระอัญญาโกณฑัญญะ #คนตื่นธรรม #พระพุทธเจ้า #พระมหากัสสป #ปฐมสังคายนา #พระสิ้นคิด #พระไตรปิฎก #อาจารย์ยอด #หลวงพี่บุญเฮือง #ธรรมไม่ยาก #เผือกสีขาว #แพรรี่ไพรวัลย์ #หมอชีวกโกมารภัจจ์ #อาพาธสูตร #โหนกระแส #เรื่องเล่า #พุทธประวัติ #ชาดก #คำสอน #นิทาน #กฏแห่งกรรม #วิบากกรรม #สมาธิ
#พระปีนเสา #ปัญจวคีย์ #ปัญจวัคคีย์ #พระสงฆ์รูปแรก ».

La vidéo se trouve juste en dessous de cette phrase

Dans le contexte médiéval, la chasteté incarnait les valeurs morales dominantes. Les classes dirigeantes utilisaient la chasteté pour structurer la société.

Dans de nombreuses cultures, la chasteté des femmes était associée à la foi religieuse.

La valeur de la chasteté était accentuée au Moyen Âge, surtout pour les femmes. Avant le mariage, la virginité et la fidélité après étaient des principes clés, fortement encouragés par l’Église. Pour assurer la légitimité des héritiers, les femmes étaient vues comme des gardiennes de la pureté morale et familiale.

Les pratiques de chasteté des chevaliers ont été redéfinies sous l’influence des croisades.

Les chevaliers engagés dans les croisades faisaient souvent vœu de chasteté, estimant que l’abstinence augmentait leur pureté spirituelle et morale, et les rendait ainsi plus aptes à mener leur mission pour Dieu.

Les membres des ordres monastiques devaient suivre des préceptes stricts en matière de chasteté pour honorer leur vocation.

Les moines et les chevaliers teutoniques, ainsi que d’autres ordres religieux médiévaux, prenaient des engagements sévères en matière de chasteté. Les religieux médiévaux considéraient la chasteté comme une manière d’élever leur esprit tout en renonçant aux plaisirs matériels. La période médiévale regorge d’histoires et de légendes soulignant l’importance cruciale de la chasteté dans les domaines religieux, moraux, et sociaux. Les récits de ceintures de chasteté, les vœux solennels avant les croisades, et les luttes personnelles montrent comment la chasteté était un concept clé, enveloppé de mysticisme et de dévotion. Les anecdotes médiévales illustrent comment la chasteté a servi à exercer une autorité, à affirmer le pouvoir, et à poursuivre des idéaux spirituels dans un monde où le physique et le spirituel étaient souvent en opposition.

Les instruments pour les hommes et les femmes : La lutte contre la masturbation et les premiers systèmes de chasteté.

À l’époque victorienne, on considérait la masturbation comme une menace sérieuse pour la santé mentale et physique. Pour prévenir ce qu’ils appelaient « l’auto-abus », les médecins et moralistes de l’époque recommandaient des mesures strictes. Cela a résulté dans la mise en place et l’usage de dispositifs de chasteté, tant pour les hommes que pour les femmes. À l’heure actuelle, de nombreuses personnes pratiquent la chasteté pour diverses raisons, et des services de coaching existent pour les accompagnercomme ce spécialiste de la chastetépour le monde entier.

Il est courant de penser que les ceintures de chasteté étaient utilisées au Moyen Âge. Pourtant, les faits historiques racontent une autre histoire.

La période médiévale est fréquemment liée à l’invention des ceintures de chasteté. En réalité, cette idée provient de mythes apparus à la fin de la période médiévale. On raconte que les croisés auraient imposé des ceintures de chasteté à leurs épouses. Leur usage visait à prévenir l’infidélité des femmes durant l’absence de leurs maris. Cette légende s’est répandue grâce à des écrits et des images. Toutefois, les preuves historiques manquent pour confirmer cette légende.

Méthodes utilisées dans la chasteté masculine contrôlée :

Les époques de la Grèce et de la Rome antiques.

La chasteté dans les civilisations grecques et romaines se rattachait fréquemment à l’idée de pureté et de vertu. Néanmoins, elle n’était pas généralement imposée au moyen de ceintures de chasteté ou d’autres dispositifs physiques. Elle était surtout associée à des concepts spirituels et à la religion. À l’époque romaine, les Vestales devaient garder leur virginité sous la menace de mort. C’est un exemple extrême de chasteté institutionnalisée.

L’ancienne Égypte est célèbre pour son influence immense sur l’histoire.

La chasteté était parfois une décision volontaire prise par les prêtres et prêtresses en Égypte. Ils croyaient que l’abstinence amplifiait leur force spirituelle. On ne possède aucune preuve matérielle de l’emploi de dispositifs physiques pour garantir la chasteté. La régulation sexuelle dépendait surtout de la discipline personnelle. Les coutumes religieuses contribuaient aussi au contrôle de la sexualité.

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#พระอญญาโกณฑญญะ #เอตทคคะในทางรตตญญ #พระพทธเจา #คนตนธรรม #โหนกระแส #พระปนเสา

Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: Phra Anyakodha Ettakka in the way Rattanyu Phra Anya Kotak When growing up, he graduated from studying arts and sciences. Tri-gender and expert in character prediction When Prince Siddhartha was 5 days old, King Suddhodana was born. His father invited 108 brahmins to feed him food. Palace to predict royal characteristics Tradition to select brahmins who have Special experts from 108 people were reduced to 8 people, and Anya Kotakraek took a look at the prince’s characteristics. Siddhartha like Detailed and accurate according to the Mahapuri book. The predictions were complete in all respects and then he raised two fingers as a symbol for divination with two meanings, all the same, saying that this royal child, if Remain in the lay gender and you will become a god. The repressive emperor won victory all over the earth. The country would gain enlightenment and become the Lord Buddha. He is the main prophet in the world and teaching animals without any other prophet. Than the Brahmin rotabhas had accumulated complete merit. Covered from the past Being born in this world will be the last. More intelligent than the seven brahmins, they first examined the characteristics of the young child. In detail, only a thumbs up was given. This alone is a decisive confirmation of the prediction. This is the only indication that the Buddha The royal prince who is full of great men This kind of person will definitely not stay in the reign of the lay sex. He will definitely have to leave. Ordained and attained enlightenment as a monk True Buddhahood without It is curious that when 29 years had elapsed, Prince Siddhartha went out to ordain Kotak. Hearing the news, he was happy because it matched his prediction. So he hurriedly invited the seven brahmin sons who had joined in the divination by saying: that now Prince Siddhartha Rajkumar King Suddhodana’s son went out for ordination. and he will surely attain enlightenment. If your father were still alive, will be ordained together with If you all wish to be ordained, then be ordained. Following the great man together Only four of those brahmin sons agreed to become monks : Vappa Bhaddiya Mahanama. And Assachigotanya took all 4 people along with him, making a total of 5 people, and received the name « Buddha ». Panchavaggi went out to be ordained and asked for the great man. in various places until they found him practicing Perseverance is at Senanikom Subdistrict with confidence that His Majesty will attain enlightenment. Anuttarasammāsambodhiññā for sure, so they all went to stay and observe their daily routine. The layperson arranges water, uses it and brushes it. Sweeping the palaces etc. with hope that when he gained enlightenment he would show Dhamma pleases them to follow and know. Sometimes when the great man He practiced asceticism. Ukrit, for up to 6 years, still did not attain Buddhahood. The enlightened one thought that this method probably would not be the way. Enlightenment therefore gave up the effort of tormenting the body and turned to mental cultivation and chose to fast his body. Come back and eat. Formerly to nourish the body and make it strong for the Panchavaggi people who have faith in the practice. A form of physical torture when seeing the Buddha The Bodhisattva abandons that effort and feels exhausted. Wang therefore fled and left the Bodhisattva. Sitting alone with Him Let’s take a trip together. Traveling and staying in the forest Isipatanamaruekhathayawan Krung Phranasi when the Buddha Bodhisattva attains enlightenment Anuttara Sammāsambodhiññā then thought about finding a suitable person to listen to the first sermon. and attained enlightenment quickly in the first level. He remembered all teachers. The two places that His Majesty had gone to study were Alaradabas Kato, but he learned that he had passed away 7 days ago, and the other one was Uddabas. Ramaputra, but he also knew with his wisdom. that he just died yesterday After that, the Buddha recalled the Panchavaggi who had been a benefactor to the Buddha. When he was doing all the duties and knowing that at the moment all five of them were residing at Pa Narukathayawan, he thought as follows. Then he came to Buddha. Proceed to Paisipattana Maruekhathayawan. The five Pañcavāgi were sitting and talking together and saw the Lord Buddha passing by. Coming from far away, understand that he came to seek people So the laypeople made rules. that this monk Gotama loosened his perseverance and turned around Come for the sake of being a good person. Most of us shouldn’t bow down. When paying respects, you should not get up to welcome or accept alms. and his robes So just arranged the seat. When he wishes to sit down, Sit according to His Majesty’s pleasure. When the Lord Buddha arrived, they all gathered together. Forgot the rules of the appointment Returning to welcome you as well. I’ve done this before but still use the greeting saying, Elderly and called Gotama which are words that express displeasure So respect the Buddha. He forbade and spoke. Say no, you guys, don’t say things like that. Now the Tathagata has attained Amatadhamma himself. Then you all listen carefully, I will show you. When you practice what I have taught you, it will not be long before you. will achieve immortality The elder Gotama even though he practiced If Ukij sees that, he still hasn’t attained the special Dhamma. Now that he has relieved his perseverance, Turn to practice for being an avid person. Then you will be able to achieve immortality. What is the Buddha? Remind the Panchavaggi to remember the past . Do you all remember whether words like this were ever spoken to you? Didn’t the Panjavāgi recall it? that he had never spoken before, so he stood Agreed together to listen to the sermon by Respecting the Lord Buddha, he preached omniscient wisdom to the Pañcavāgi through the Dhammachakkappavattana Sutta as the first sermon, which is superior to what is in the sermon. This Buddha He criticized two useless practices that monks should not indulge in: 1. Kamasukhan and Likānuyoga, practices that are too lax and seek only The sensual pleasures which are entangled in the appearance, taste, smell, sound, and touch, which are evil, cause Set up a house It is the work of people with heavy desires, not of monks. Ariya is not the path to enlightenment, it is not beneficial . 2 Attakilamathanuyoga Strict conduct in dealing with hardship too much causing oneself to suffer Torture is a tiring, useless, and useless act and is not a path to liberation. that Buddha cutting instructions how to Practice the Matchima style Patipada is a middle practice. Not too slack like Type 1 and not too tight like Type 2. Follow the middle path, which is Practice to the point of extinction Suffering is called noble attankhik. The path is a path consisting of 8 elements, including 1 right view. Right is the wisdom to see and understand the Noble Truths. 4 2 Right thought, right thought, is the thought away from sensual desires . 3 Right speech, right dialogue, is the abstinence from corrupt speech. 4 4 Right Kammanta, right action, is the abstinence from the corrupt body. 3 5 Right livelihood. The right livelihood is to abstain from Making a living in the wrong way. 6 Right Effort, right effort, is to refrain from doing evil and doing only good. 7 Right Mindfulness, remembering, likes to remember in the base of mindfulness . 4 8 Right Right Concentration, setting the mind right is cultivating the 4 jhānas. At the end of the Dhamma sermon, Dhamma Eyes. It is the eye that sees Dhamma without dust. Impurity occurred to Anya. Kotak happens to be Naturally, all things cease to exist. Ordinary Buddha He knew that Anya’s kotak was thick and then he uttered it. exclaimed with satisfaction that Anyasivada Dhananyāsiṭaṭako Dhan which means Kotak, hence the word Anyā is the prefix for Lord Gotanya’s name. From that time until it was widely known that Phra Anya Kodha thereafter asked for Ordination: Lord Buddha gave the ordination by speech. That you should become a monk, following the Dhamma that I have spoken. Well, then you must practice chastity. To make the most of suffering. Please, just say this. Thanya also became a monk in Buddhism , considered to be the first monk in Buddhism. world and being ordained in this way is called Ehi Bhikkhu Upasampada The next day, the remaining 4 people attained the status of single monks. and ordination together When the Lord Buddha was finished, he considered that the Buddha’s words Having strong enough wisdom to reach the highest levels of Dhamma, he then spoke the sermon Anantaraphaṇa Sutta is the Sutta that expresses the five aggregates as Anattā, the absence of self, pleases the Pañcavaggi at the end of the Buddha. The Dhamma sermon has achieved arahantship. They are both monks. During that time, there were 6 Arahants in the world, including the Buddha. With Anya Gotanya When the Buddhist Lent ended, the Buddha He sent out to preach the religion along with the first generation of 60 disciples. He traveled to his original home. brought a grandson named Pun Manti, her son Manti, his younger sister, came to be ordained and became a monk. It’s called Phra Boon Mantaniputra. Thera because he is a monk Thera who is old very experienced So much has been praised by the Lord Buddha. In the position of attendant He is the best of all monks in the way of life. Rattanyu means one who knows the night. Nan Phra Anya Gotan is an elder monk who does not like to mingle with groups and likes to escape in quiet places. Alone in the Manoros Book Parnī and scriptures Warasini said the same thing , that it was 12 years before he Upon passing away, he bid farewell to the Buddha and went to observe the Himpawan Rainstern. Alone besides wanting such peace Then there were 3 other personal reasons : 1. He did not want to see the Buddha. The apostle is Venerable Sariputta Thera. and Phra Maha Moggallana Thera who is an important force in helping to lighten the Buddha’s burden Various aspects of religion that must be expressed Pay homage to an old monk like you, whose body is passing away and close to death every moment. 2 You have been extremely tired. It’s a lot to have to welcome people who come and visit. There were both monks and laypeople. Therefore, it was not appropriate to stay in a residence close to home. For an old monk like Mr. 3, he was fed up with the monk’s stubbornness. Later generation of Viharika religion who often behave outside of The path is far from attaining the path. As a result, he spent the rainy season in the Himmapan forest near Sa Chat. It has been 12 years since you will Nirvana, he considered the age of his body and attained it. Watching the Buddha To bid farewell to Nirvana, when the Lord Buddha gave permission , he returned to the forest. Himmapan and Nirvana in the library Accommodation near Chattan The Lord Buddha along with a large number of monks and disciples went to perform the cremation ceremony for him . .

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Déroulement de la vidéo:

6.24 Phra Anyakodha Ettakka in the way
6.24 Rattanyu Phra Anya Kotak
6.24 When growing up, he graduated from studying arts and sciences. Tri-gender and expert in character prediction
6.24 When Prince Siddhartha was 5 days old, King Suddhodana was born.
6.24 His father invited 108 brahmins to feed him food.
6.24 Palace to predict royal characteristics Tradition to select brahmins who have
6.24 Special experts from 108 people were reduced to 8 people, and Anya
6.24 Kotakraek
6.24 took a look at the prince&;s characteristics. Siddhartha like
6.24 Detailed and accurate according to the Mahapuri book. The predictions were complete in all respects and then he raised
6.24 two fingers as a symbol for divination with two meanings,
6.24 all the same, saying that this royal child, if Remain in the lay gender and you will become a god.
6.24 The repressive emperor won victory all over the earth. The country would
6.24 gain enlightenment and become the Lord Buddha. He is the main prophet in
6.24 the world and teaching animals without any other prophet.
6.24 Than the Brahmin rotabhas had accumulated complete merit. Covered from the past
6.24 Being born in this world will be the last. More intelligent than the seven brahmins,
6.24 they first examined the characteristics of the young child. In detail, only a thumbs up was given.
6.24 This alone is a decisive confirmation of the prediction. This is the only indication that the Buddha
6.24 The royal prince who is full of great men This kind of person will definitely not stay in the reign of the lay sex.
6.24 He will definitely have to leave.
6.24 Ordained and attained enlightenment as a monk True Buddhahood without
6.24 It is curious that when 29 years had elapsed, Prince Siddhartha
6.24 went out to ordain Kotak.
6.24 Hearing the news, he was happy because it matched his prediction. So he hurriedly invited the seven brahmin sons who had
6.24 joined in the divination by saying: that now Prince Siddhartha Rajkumar
6.24 King Suddhodana&;s son went out for ordination. and he will surely attain enlightenment.
6.24 If your father were still alive,
6.24 will be ordained together with If you all wish to be ordained, then be ordained.
6.24 Following the great man together Only four of those brahmin sons agreed to become monks
6.24 : Vappa Bhaddiya Mahanama.
6.24 And Assachigotanya took all 4 people along with him, making a total of 5 people, and received the name "Buddha".
6.24 Panchavaggi went out to be ordained and asked for the great man. in various places until they found him practicing
6.24 Perseverance is at Senanikom Subdistrict
6.24 with confidence that His Majesty will attain enlightenment. Anuttarasammāsambodhiññā
6.24 for sure, so they all went to stay and observe their daily routine.
6.24 The layperson arranges water, uses it and brushes it. Sweeping the palaces etc. with hope
6.24 that when he gained enlightenment he would show Dhamma pleases them to follow and know.
6.24 Sometimes when the great man He practiced asceticism.
6.24 Ukrit, for up to 6 years, still did not attain Buddhahood. The enlightened one thought that this method probably would not be
6.24 the way. Enlightenment therefore gave up the effort of tormenting
6.24 the body and turned to mental cultivation and chose to fast his body.
6.24 Come back and eat. Formerly to nourish the body and make it
6.24 strong for the Panchavaggi people who have faith in the practice.
6.24 A form of physical torture when seeing the Buddha The Bodhisattva abandons that effort and feels exhausted.
6.24 Wang therefore fled and left the Bodhisattva. Sitting alone with Him
6.24 Let&;s take a trip together. Traveling and staying in the forest
6.24 Isipatanamaruekhathayawan Krung Phranasi when the Buddha
6.24 Bodhisattva attains enlightenment Anuttara Sammāsambodhiññā
6.24 then thought about finding a suitable person to listen to the first sermon.
6.24 and attained enlightenment quickly in the first level. He remembered all teachers.
6.24 The two places that His Majesty had gone to study were
6.24 Alaradabas Kato, but he learned that he had passed away 7
6.24 days ago, and the other one was Uddabas.
6.24 Ramaputra, but he also knew with his wisdom. that he just died yesterday
6.24 After that, the Buddha recalled
6.24 the Panchavaggi who had been a benefactor to the Buddha. When he was doing all the duties
6.24 and knowing that at the moment all five of them were residing at Pa
6.24 Narukathayawan, he thought as follows.
6.24 Then he came to Buddha. Proceed to Paisipattana Maruekhathayawan.
6.24 The five Pañcavāgi were sitting and talking together and saw the Lord Buddha passing by.
6.24 Coming from far away, understand that he came to seek people
6.24 So the laypeople made rules. that this monk Gotama loosened his perseverance and turned around
6.24 Come for the sake of being a good person. Most of us shouldn&;t bow down.
6.24 When paying respects, you should not get up to welcome or accept alms. and his robes
6.24 So just arranged the seat. When he wishes to sit down,
6.24 Sit according to His Majesty&;s pleasure. When the Lord Buddha arrived, they all gathered together.
6.24 Forgot the rules of the appointment Returning to welcome you as well.
6.24 I&;ve done this before but still use the greeting saying, Elderly and called Gotama
6.24 which are words that express displeasure So respect the Buddha.
6.24 He forbade and spoke. Say no, you guys, don&;t say things like that.
6.24 Now the Tathagata has attained Amatadhamma himself. Then you all listen carefully, I will show
6.24 you. When you practice what I have taught you, it will not be long before you.
6.24 will achieve immortality The elder Gotama even though he practiced
6.24 If Ukij sees that, he still hasn&;t attained the special Dhamma. Now that he has relieved his perseverance,
6.24 Turn to practice for being an avid person. Then you will be able to achieve immortality.
6.24 What is the Buddha? Remind the Panchavaggi to remember the past
6.24 . Do you all remember whether
6.24 words like this were ever spoken to you?
6.24 Didn&;t the Panjavāgi recall it? that he had never spoken before, so he stood
6.24 Agreed together to listen to the sermon by Respecting the Lord Buddha, he preached
6.24 omniscient wisdom to the Pañcavāgi
6.24 through the Dhammachakkappavattana Sutta as the first sermon,
6.24 which is superior to what is in the sermon. This Buddha
6.24 He criticized two useless practices that monks should not indulge in: 1. Kamasukhan
6.24 and Likānuyoga, practices that are too lax and seek only
6.24 The sensual pleasures which are entangled in the appearance, taste, smell, sound, and
6.24 touch, which are evil, cause Set up a house
6.24 It is the work of people with heavy desires, not of monks. Ariya is not the path to enlightenment, it is not beneficial
6.24 . 2 Attakilamathanuyoga
6.24 Strict conduct in dealing with hardship too much causing oneself to suffer
6.24 Torture is a tiring, useless, and useless act
6.24 and is not a path to liberation. that Buddha
6.24 cutting instructions how to Practice the Matchima style
6.24 Patipada is a middle practice. Not too slack like Type 1 and not
6.24 too tight like Type 2. Follow the middle path, which is
6.24 Practice to the point of extinction Suffering is called noble attankhik.
6.24 The path is a path consisting of 8 elements,
6.24 including 1 right view.
6.24 Right is the wisdom to see and understand the Noble Truths. 4 2
6.24 Right thought, right thought,
6.24 is the thought away from sensual desires . 3 Right speech,
6.24 right dialogue, is the abstinence from corrupt speech. 4 4
6.24 Right Kammanta, right action, is the abstinence from the corrupt body. 3 5
6.24 Right livelihood. The right livelihood is to abstain from Making a living in the wrong way. 6
6.24 Right Effort, right effort, is to refrain from doing evil and doing only good. 7 Right Mindfulness,
6.24 remembering, likes to remember in the base of mindfulness
6.24 . 4 8 Right Right Concentration, setting the mind right is cultivating the
6.24 4 jhānas. At the end of the Dhamma sermon, Dhamma Eyes.
6.24 It is the eye that sees Dhamma without dust. Impurity occurred to Anya.
6.24 Kotak happens to be Naturally, all things cease to exist.
6.24 Ordinary Buddha He knew that Anya&;s kotak
6.24 was thick and then he uttered it.
6.24 exclaimed with satisfaction that Anyasivada Dhananyāsiṭaṭako Dhan
6.24 which means
6.24 Kotak, hence the word
6.24 Anyā is the prefix for Lord Gotanya&;s name. From that time until it was widely known
6.24 that Phra Anya Kodha thereafter asked for
6.24 Ordination: Lord Buddha gave the ordination
6.24 by speech. That you should become a monk, following the Dhamma that I have spoken.
6.24 Well, then you must practice chastity. To make the most of suffering.
6.24 Please, just say this. Thanya also became a monk in Buddhism
6.24 , considered to be the first monk in Buddhism.
6.24 world and being ordained in this way is called Ehi Bhikkhu Upasampada
6.24 The next day, the remaining 4 people attained the status of single monks.
6.24 and ordination together When the Lord Buddha was finished, he considered that the Buddha&;s words
6.24 Having strong enough wisdom to reach the highest levels of Dhamma,
6.24 he then spoke the sermon Anantaraphaṇa
6.24 Sutta is the Sutta that expresses the five aggregates as Anattā, the absence of self,
6.24 pleases the Pañcavaggi at the end of the Buddha.
6.24 The Dhamma sermon has achieved arahantship. They are both monks.
6.24 During that time, there were 6 Arahants in the world, including the Buddha.
6.24 With Anya Gotanya When the Buddhist Lent ended, the Buddha
6.24 He sent out to preach the religion along with the first generation of 60 disciples.
6.24 He traveled to his original home. brought a grandson named Pun
6.24 Manti, her son Manti, his younger sister, came to be ordained and became a monk.
6.24 It&;s called Phra Boon Mantaniputra. Thera because he is a monk
6.24 Thera who is old very experienced
6.24 So much has been praised by the Lord Buddha. In the position of attendant
6.24 He is the best of all monks in the way of life.
6.24 Rattanyu means one who knows the night. Nan Phra Anya
6.24 Gotan is an elder monk who does not like to mingle with groups
6.24 and likes to escape in quiet places. Alone in the Manoros Book
6.24 Parnī and scriptures Warasini said the same thing
6.24 , that it was 12 years before he
6.24 Upon passing away, he bid farewell to the Buddha and went to observe
6.24 the Himpawan Rainstern. Alone besides wanting such peace
6.24 Then there were 3 other personal reasons
6.24 : 1. He did not want to see the Buddha.
6.24 The apostle is Venerable Sariputta Thera. and Phra Maha Moggallana Thera
6.24 who is an important force in helping to lighten the Buddha&;s burden
6.24 Various aspects of religion that must be expressed Pay homage to an old monk like
6.24 you, whose body is passing away and close to death
6.24 every moment.
6.24 2 You have been extremely tired. It&;s a lot to have to welcome people who come and visit.
6.24 There were both monks and laypeople.
6.24 Therefore, it was not appropriate to stay in a residence close to home. For an old monk like
6.24 Mr. 3, he was fed up with the monk&;s stubbornness.
6.24 Later generation of Viharika religion who often behave outside of
6.24 The path is far from attaining the path. As a result, he spent
6.24 the rainy season in the Himmapan forest near Sa Chat.
6.24 It has been 12 years since you will
6.24 Nirvana, he considered the age of his body and attained it. Watching the Buddha
6.24 To bid farewell to Nirvana, when the Lord Buddha gave permission
6.24 , he returned to the forest. Himmapan and Nirvana in the library
6.24 Accommodation near Chattan The Lord Buddha along with
6.24 a large number of monks and disciples went to perform the cremation ceremony for him
6.24 .

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