YouTube : du nouveau sur le thème « chasteté »
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پیام تاریخ « در این برنامه #استاد رستمی به ادامه بحث پیرامون تحلیل وقایع #تاریخی صدر #اسلام می پردازند ».
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Le Moyen Âge a souvent lié la chasteté aux valeurs morales. Les classes dirigeantes utilisaient la chasteté pour structurer la société.
La chasteté féminine était un pilier de nombreuses traditions religieuses.
Au Moyen Âge, la chasteté féminine était un symbole de vertu et de moralité. L’Église mettait l’accent sur la virginité avant le mariage et la fidélité après comme vertus importantes. La pureté familiale et morale était souvent associée aux femmes, et la chasteté garantissait la légitimité des héritiers.
Les chevaliers ont ajusté leurs habitudes de chasteté en fonction des exigences des croisades.
Les chevaliers européens, en partance pour les croisades, s’engageaient souvent à pratiquer la chasteté, considérant que l’abstinence rehaussait leur pureté spirituelle et morale et les rendait plus dignes pour la lutte religieuse.
Les règles de chasteté étaient des piliers de la vie dans les communautés monastiques.
Les ordres religieux médiévaux, tels que les bénédictins et les cisterciens, observaient des vœux de chasteté sévères. Pour ces ordres monastiques, la chasteté était perçue comme un moyen de se détacher des plaisirs terrestres et de progresser spirituellement. La chasteté, au cours de la période médiévale, est fréquemment mise en avant dans les récits et légendes, reflétant son importance dans les domaines religieux, moraux, et sociaux. Que ce soit à travers des ceintures de chasteté mythiques, des vœux solennels avant les croisades, ou des luttes personnelles contre la tentation, la chasteté représentait un concept central entouré de mysticisme et de dévotion. Les récits médiévaux mettent en lumière comment la chasteté a été utilisée pour exercer le contrôle, affirmer le pouvoir, et poursuivre un idéal spirituel dans un contexte de conflit entre le corps et l’âme.
Le Moyen Âge est souvent perçu comme l’époque des ceintures de chasteté. Toutefois, l’Histoire ne corrobore pas ces idées reçues.
La ceinture de chasteté est souvent attribuée à la période médiévale. Cette connexion est en grande partie issue de mythes datant de la fin du Moyen Âge. Selon la légende, les croisés verrouillaient leurs épouses dans des ceintures de chasteté. Ces ceintures de chasteté devaient empêcher l’infidélité des femmes durant les croisades. Des récits historiques et des illustrations ont popularisé cette croyance. Les preuves historiques sont insuffisantes pour soutenir cette idée.
Approches et techniques de la chasteté masculine contrôlée :
L’ère antique en Grèce et à Rome.
La chasteté dans les civilisations grecques et romaines se rattachait fréquemment à l’idée de pureté et de vertu. Cependant, la chasteté n’était pas habituellement imposée par des dispositifs physiques comme des ceintures de chasteté. La notion de chasteté était plutôt ancrée dans des croyances spirituelles et religieuses. Dans la Rome antique, les Vestales, prêtresses de Vesta, devaient maintenir leur virginité au risque de mort. Cela constitue un exemple frappant de la chasteté institutionnalisée à l’extrême.
L’Égypte antique est une civilisation qui a grandement influencé l’évolution historique.
En Égypte antique, la chasteté était un choix personnel fait par les prêtres et prêtresses. Ils estimaient que l’abstinence augmentait leur puissance spirituelle. Cependant, il n’existe aucune preuve matérielle indiquant l’usage de dispositifs physiques pour assurer la chasteté. La régulation de la sexualité dépendait surtout de la maîtrise personnelle. Elle était aussi influencée par des coutumes religieuses.
Dispositifs conçus pour les hommes et les femmes : La lutte contre la masturbation et les premiers dispositifs de chasteté.
À l’époque victorienne, la masturbation était considérée comme une menace grave pour le bien-être physique et mental. Les recommandations des médecins et moralistes de l’époque incluaient des mesures strictes pour prévenir ce qu’ils qualifiaient « d’auto-abus ». Cela a résulté dans la mise en place et l’usage de dispositifs de chasteté, tant pour les hommes que pour les femmes. De nos jours, beaucoup choisissent la chasteté pour des raisons personnelles, et des coachs qualifiés sont disponibles pour offrir leur soutien (c’est le cas de sur ce lien)
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#برنامه #کامل #پیام #تاریخ #1403.9.27 #استاد #امین #رستمی
Retranscription des paroles de la vidéo: In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, may God bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and hasten to Walik al-Fajr. I offer greetings, courtesy and respect to all of you, dear and respected viewers. May the Ahl al- Bayt always and everywhere be present in your life. Sometimes a person does some studies, it is very beautiful and he thinks he is a twin. Hossein in the month of December means like this, now I don’t know how true it is, but it is in the month of December , and we are entering the month of December, those who have devotion and are looking for a thousand and one reasons to show courtesy to the family, in short, it is very interesting and beautiful, why am I saying this because The program of that history is the program of the message of history in front of you, and God willing, if Muhammad and his family, Ahl al-Bayt, will consider the right, we will be able to take a step in relation to the issues related to history. It is too early, but we must shout. Fatima Zahra, peace be upon you, we are entering it slowly and glorifying the status of women and mothers, who are said to be the smile of God on earth. I congratulate them in advance and we hope that the Almighty God will protect those who have mothers and those who They don’t have any. God willing, they will be at the table of Hazrat Zahra, peace and blessings of God be upon her. Hajj Agha Salam Alaikum Alaikum Salaam, peace and courtesy and respect from my servant, Your Excellency and all dear viewers, I offer my greetings and respect, and in advance of the birth of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon him, I congratulate and congratulate especially the believing women all over the world who are the followers of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon you, God willing, and we invite you to take a look in this space where the air is so cold so that gas can reach all parts of our country and everyone can benefit from this blessing. My God, it ‘s been strange this year, it’s been cold, I want to tell you that we have reached the beginning of the caliphate era of Mr. Amir al-Mu’minin, and now I’m making a mistake. Please help me . Saying Ali, follow him, come and become our caliph. Yes , this is how it happened. Yes, in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful . accept it, and maybe no caliph was welcomed by the people to the extent that the people welcomed the caliphate of Amir al-Mu’minin. Well, the first caliph, only a small group of people sat in the roof, then tomorrow, the caliph was taken to the mosque, and the people took him to swear allegiance to him. The second caliph, who was installed at all He was the third caliph who was elected with a council of 6 people, the only caliph who, at least in Umm al-Qara Islam, Medina, small and large, people flocked and begged for the caliphate. It was Amir al-Mu’minin Ali (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who pledged allegiance to Birah and with him, but as you mentioned, what happened when people reached Amir al-Mu’minin after 25 years? During 25 years, the first three caliphs had cut the knife to the bone, especially the performance of the third caliph in one word. People’s luck was with Amir al-Mu’minin Ali, may peace be upon him, the deviations that occurred, for example, the society’s distance from the province, the transformation of the province from the Imamate to the apparent caliphate of the worldly caliphate, for some people, this issue was not acceptable, that the tendency towards Amir al-Mu’minin had not taken into account the development of the world. Islam, well, the conquests during the time of the first, second, and third caliphs expanded geographically to the conquest of Iran, the conquest of Shamat, but the cultural work was zero. This was a problem, that is, the world did not get to know Islam with the Islamic world. A testimony said that the territory For example, our Iran was conquered during the time of the second caliph, but don’t think that the Iranian people became Muslim during the time of the second caliph, it was only a geographical conquest. The religious conquest of Iran and the acceptance of Islam took until the fourth century, slowly as the Iranians became familiar with Islam and the teachings of Islam. And especially with Sadat’s trip to Iran and these things, he helped me with the principle of Islam, which I had heard of, received teachings, with the culture of Ahl al-Bayt, with authentic Islam, one of the problems that occurred during this 25-year period. It was the influence of non-inside elements in the Islamic government. Well, the Bani Umayyad movement infiltrated the Islamic government. This is the father of the people of Aden . And Ajam and these debates were raised even among Arab tribes about the superiority of this tribe over that tribe I don’t know, these discriminations that had been created, those who had reached thousands and thousands from the results of the spoils that had flowed to the Islamic world and those who were not privileged, these were the blows that the society had become into two parts, the rich and the poor, and these He had created a lot of dissatisfaction. Now we will discuss this in detail in the continuation of the discussion. Deviations such as corruption in the administrative and judicial system, we will discuss examples of this . I don’t know. At some point in this program, I had a discussion. I will briefly point out that we have a generation, a case of ijtihad where there is a place for ijtihad, a series of places where there is a place for ijtihad. It’s not that the Qur’an says that you should pray, no imam, no prophet, no jurist can be found throughout history to say that my fatwa is that you should not pray. It is clear that the Qur’an or the text of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, is not a place for ijtihad, but what should be done if there is a doubt between three or four? This is ijtihad . He gives correct and authentic hadith, he gives fatwa based on it, he performs ijtihad, so there is no place for ijtihad against the texts, one of the great cultural deviations. which was addressed by these caliphs after the Messenger of God, this was the issue of ijtihad against the text, to say clearly, the Prophet said this way, we say this way, the Prophet made this work haram, we say it is halal, the Prophet made this work haram, we say that it is halal, the Prophet made it halal We say that the first caliph did this, the second caliph did this, Uthman did this, it even reached Muawiyah, Muawiyah used to eat food and water in a gold dish. The Prophet said to him, « This is forbidden. » He said, « I don’t see any prohibition. » Uthman prayed four rak’ats of the traveler’s prayer in Mina. The Prophet said that the traveler’s prayer is broken. He said, « I have nothing to do. I don’t think there is a problem. I am the second caliph who said that the Prophet said this and this and this are permissible. He did it. I say it is haram. The Prophet made this work lawful. I say it is haram. Ijtihad against the text of this caused a deep cultural blow to the religion. This caused a deep cultural blow to the religion . Uthman’s third caliph , which leads to the caliphate of Amir al-Mu’minin Ali, peace be upon him, the corruptions are very prominent, financial and administrative corruption, and unauthorized captures of the Baitul Mal, the Baitul Mal during the time of Uthman, the king was divorced from the Umayyads, any amount according to his taste, what he wanted, to so and so, his cousin, to so and so. His family is like some kind of people, that is, he became a poor man, he became a pasture of Bani Umayyah, and he became some hungry animals who whatever they want. He wants them to consume as much as they want in this fertile pasture, and this dealt a heavy blow to the Islamic society. This was an important deviation in the period of Osman, which is more than the previous periods. Sir, if you want to talk about the deviations, I think the programs will win, yes. We just want to tell a little bit about what happened, people came to Amir al-Mominin, these factors gave people, yes, what are they saying, then the people got here, yes, that’s one of the cases. We want to point out that we cannot discuss it in detail. Yes, another one of the involvements of Uthman’s period that is very prominent is the appointment of incompetent people, especially from Banu Umayyad, someone who had no merit, did not deserve this job. He removed the Ansar, and now we will talk about it in detail in the continuation of the discussion. The result of Uthman’s actions was that the people revolted against Uthman, revolted against Uthman and led to Uthman was assassinated, so far our discussion is not the history of the caliphs, I want to explain the details in detail. These are the discussions that one might discuss in the history of the caliphs, so let’s discuss. We are discussing the history of Amir al-Mu’minin . You are aware that our dear viewers more or less know that Uthman had placed a ruler named Abdallah bin Absar in Egypt and that he was oppressing the people, people came there to plead with Uthman. Uthman, instead of giving these to him, did not listen, he did not depose him, Amir al – Mu’minin interceded and advised Uthman to remove him and let a better person, he was the governor of Egypt, the governor of Egypt. solve the problem make up for the mistakes in the time of the third caliph in the time of the third caliph, which led to the rebellion, it happened like this. A camel is a riding camel with a government license plate. In the past, these camels also had license plates on their ears . Our teacher, this is a government license plate, this one goes past this one, it comes back again, if you suspect this, don’t say this, this was Osman’s agent, this was taken, this was inspected, a letter was found, seeing Osman, instead of following the words of these people, he wrote this letter to the ruler. Egypt, that this rebel returned to Egypt, the father of this, instead of promising to make amends and remove the defects, this is how he took this letter, came to Amir al-Mu’minin, and said, Sir, you intercede. What did you do to Uthman that he wrote this letter against us? He came to Uthman and said to Uthman, did you write this line of this letter or not? He said, I don’t know at all . It turned out that Marwan Ibn Hakem had done this with the seal of Uthman, look at the incompetent people who are in the government, he is a rebel . A rebellion was formed there, surrounding Uthman’s house and saying that either Uthman should remove himself from the caliphate or he will kill him. Now our dear viewers may ask what was the position of Amir al- Mu’minin here. He didn’t accept this way of the opponents, who blocked the water on Uthman’s face, and they got into his blood, but at the same time, he didn’t accept the work of Uthman, that is, he didn’t accept this system of civil opposition. His Holiness even ordered to bring water to Uthman, Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain, to bring water to Uthman, well, maybe he knew that later the Umayyads would take over this, with today’s term, when we say that they wear Uthman’s shirt, they really wear Uthman’s shirt, this is what happened to you in Karbala. Did you hear Imam Hussain that on the seventh day of Obaidullah he sent a letter to Umar Saad in Karbala to shut off the water on Hussain, his army and his children? Quench his thirst just as the oppressed caliph was killed when he was thirsty, meaning Uthman, while this Ali and his son Hossein brought water to Uthman, but Muawiya’s propaganda made Ali guilty of Uthman’s murder. Hazrat acted in this way, he didn’t agree because of the position of the caliphate, because killing the caliphate was not good, he didn’t know that he would become the Bab , so this is the same thing they did by making him the second caliph, they assassinated him, then I killed Uthman like this, then Amir al-Mu’minin, assassination is another cause of instability in the society, whether the ruler is the right ruler, whether he is at the helm, whether the ruler is unjust, the smoke of his instability is in everyone’s eyes, so I will also use the points from this platform of the message of history. Islamic societies should pay attention to any society. It does not benefit from instability, there is no obstacle in the face of problems, objections, civil protests, but it has its own legal solution, it has its own conditions, if someone wants to act in a way that the enemy If he wants to use it, then the enemy will not show mercy to anyone when he becomes the ruler. Ah, for example, now we have the situation in Syria in front of us. What is the situation in Syria right now? I just saw today’s report that the cursed evil Israel has attacked Israel 800 times in the past few days, and destroyed all the infrastructures in Syria. The entire Syrian nation will have to live tomorrow. It’s not just that The warplanes hit the ports, the drinking water hit them, everything that a nation needs to be able to use it for hundreds of years, to have the right to life, they destroyed everything, this is how instability can happen . You are talking about this, father, there is a problem, we say that there is, but the way to deal with the problem is not to kill a caliph, killing a caliph, Hazrat Lah does not know that , Ah, Hazrat, not with terror The second caliph agreed, not against killing Uthman in this way, but at the same time, he had serious criticisms of them, and in some places he guided me in this direction, in some places he guided me in this way, in some places he interceded for Uthman, and Uthman interceded. A rebel should return to Egypt. Osman should fix these problems. The Prophet interceded because of these rebels who did not return to Osmani. They went to the Amir al-Mu’minin. You interceded and wrote such and such a letter to Alim. You said, in any case, Uthman was killed by this means, and the result was that he was taken advantage of by Bani Umayya. This same Uthman, who was from Bani Umayya, took advantage of his death . He narrates a story, saying that Uthman sent a message to Muawiya that he gave me, I am under siege, Muawiya gave an order and some of The soldiers gathered and he said this, you stay behind the city wall, don’t move for now, I will go to Madinah to see what happened to Osman, Osman said, well, who did he tell your army that I came to ask how you are doing first, Osman said, no, you didn’t come, ask me now, you came to see me, my people, my dead. Abusing, Uthman’s death has more oil for Muawiya than his wife, while his wife is alive, Uthman keeps Muawiya as the ruler of Syria, Uthman’s death, Muawiya’s soil, he wants his blood and claims his caliphate. It will make him universal, he will bring him to the caliphate, not only the rule of Syria, he is seeking the rule of the Islamic world. See, arrogance is like this. In the eyes of everyone, arrogance has an expiration date. It has an expiration date. Yes, Saddam’s expiration date was until the time he was with Iran. You are fighting, when you fought with Iran, America pulled its horn in front of itself, cutting it, destroying it, Gaddafi in Libya, the same way, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, the same way, even Muhammad Morsi who He trusts the West, the same mistakes that Reza Khan made in Iran throughout history, the same way, Muhammad Reza . Uthman is still alive. Did you pay attention to what happened? So Uthman understood. Uthman understood and said, « You didn’t come, ask me now. You came to see if I am dead or not. Are you going to take advantage of my dead body and claim the caliphate? That’s it. » It happened to me. Yaqoubi narrates this in the third century. In any case, 4 days after the death of Uthman, people came to the Amir al-Mu’minin to pledge allegiance to the Prophet. The Prophet accepted the caliphate . You have to take the trouble, only in terms of time, we guys can come and watch the program, so let’s watch an episode and come back, so we came to this conclusion, sir, the society has moved in a direction, that is, this society Injustice, discrimination, and Nadal’s explanation, wealth is unfair, and in short, anyone, wherever someone is not in his place, use his expertise, and they will take this society to a direction where they will get tired, yes, they will be tired. You said this community, this is going to the house of Mr. Amir al-Mu’minin, when you come, why should you be a caliph, Mr. Amir al-Mu’minin, at first he refuses, we will stay because of their ummah. Why is Qob so important to me? Yes, it is important. Why does Hazrat Umtana care? Vivaan Najaf has a wonderful purity. Very pure pictures from the shrine of Hazrat Amir al-Mu’minin Ali, peace be upon him. Show us, children, your breath is warm, so beautiful, so clean, and we ask God for the right of Muhammad. And the family of Muhammad and history has shown, even the history of Syria has shown right now that you have to make an effort and go to visit the Ahl al-Bayt. It was a blessing at one time, God forbid, God forbid, even in our Corona era. We were about to close the door and we realized what a blessing we would be giving up if we don’t make the effort and go on the pilgrimage, God willing, let them look at our black case, if not at all, if they want to look at it, you should be sad. The family of Muhammad, by his grace, and with the hope that we have in the door of Hazrat Amir, God willing, that we will be granted a visit to the shrines and the high places, and that everyone will be blessed with a spiritual life, for the sake of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. It was beautiful from the shrine, sir, long live sir, this government of Amir al-Mu’minin is a right of his that has been lost and we are shouting and I count Molaf, this is Ali Mullah, and all these things go hand in hand, that Baba Ali should be the caliph, is it true or not, yes Well, then tomorrow, when they say, Sir, God bless you, come and be the caliph, why do you hesitate, why don’t you come ? Refusal to say go to someone else is the reason for the order. One issue is that there is no ground for accepting Amir al-Momenin in the way that Amir al-Momenin wants to implement his thoughts, ideals and ideas. The position of the caliphate to bring disaster on this Islamic society, bringing this society no longer accepts Ali in practice, now he has become emotional, everyone says you come, yes, this is now, but in the position of action, we have seen what hardships and Causing trouble for Hazrat Ali when Ali comes to deliver his justice, there will be protests from 1st place . To the bottom of the valley, now in this car, you send the first grade driver and he says go and bring this out. From now on, the management of this car is with you, Dad, you didn’t leave anything of the car. The class gap has become a culture among people. Well, we saw that you are talking about reforms We will discuss the economy of Amir al-Mu’minin. When Amir al-Mu’minin said that everyone should be given equal pay to everyone in front of Baitul Mal, which on that day had the ruling of subsidy today, instead of work and wages . Compare with the others, the rest of the community of the privileged class of the Quraish community, the Quraishians, the followers of the Companions, which remained during the period of the previous caliphs, some of them were so grazed from Baitul Mal could no longer tolerate Ali’s justice. This was one of the reasons why Hazrat did not accept it. He saw that they do not accept it. Now they are getting emotional. They say, « Come on, they cannot tolerate Ali’s justice. This is a discussion of economic discrimination, a discussion of social discrimination. There is another discussion, a discussion of social corruption, corruption. » administrative, judicial corruption in the society, we will mention this, prove it, we will discuss, this is another part, look at every part of the Islamic government, this Islamic government is worn out. During the 25-year caliphate of these three caliphs , the Prophet did not accept it at first, which means that the values turned into anti- values . A problem, which is not a small problem, so they didn’t know what Ali wanted to do with them . His point of view was towards Uthman, Umar and Abu Bakr, what does it mean with this point of view that Ali bin Abi Talib is the guardian of al-Awsiya, he is infallible, the proof is God, the Imam is the right of the community, the caliphate is his right, not coming with this point of view, coming with the point of view that the caliph came first, he did something. He left, the second one came, the third one, now it ‘s his turn, the fourth one, like them, like them. The people’s view of Ali, peace be upon him, in Medina, as Amir al-Mu’minin says, they attacked so much that it was close to Hasan and Hossein. These Hassan and Hossein were not children at that time, they were not young, they were under 35 years old , they were not young, they were trampled, it means that the crowd in the house of Amir al-Mo’minin was such that they insisted the Prophet to come and accept the caliphate, says Amy. Hasan and Hossein are being crushed under the pressure of the crowd. Well, this crowd of over 900 is hurting them. They say that Abu Bakr came, Uthman came, Omar came, now Ali is the fourth caliph. They don’t say that Ali is capable of bringing this ship to the shore. They don’t say that Ali is God’s authority . They don’t say that Ali is God’s proof . Ali is innocent . God willing, if he can make reforms, for example, to solve our problems, they do not have a religious view, in other words, these are not religious Shiites, but political Shiites, yes, the CIA. Before the discussion, yes, it can be political. We said that you should look in your old sources. Wherever it is interpreted as Shia, it does not necessarily mean that you and I believe, but that Shia is the belief that we believe in, that is, our imams, but God knows the proof of God. Innocent, yes, or political Shia, the second category is that they consider Ali to be superior only in terms of government, or they say that they are loving Shia, they say that the Qur’an said that yes, Ahl al-Bayt should love us, or that Shia Ghali are people of the heart, which are harmful to them. The religion was more than the infidels who attributed divinity to the imams, peace and blessings be upon them, and now it is the same here. These are the ones who come and break the oath of allegiance to you. They are not religious Shias. Many of them are Shia politicians. For example, Malik Ashtar is a religious Shia. Muhammad bin Abi Bakr is a Shia believer, Abu Dharr is a Shia believer, but the majority of the community of others, what can I say about your presence, from Talh and Zubair to many of the remaining companions? It is not that the caliphate was the right of Ali, but the right has reached the rightful person. This is not the issue, but Ali can settle our world better than others, when Ali comes with this view. They don’t know the proof of God. He compares the performance of Ali (peace be upon him) with the performance of the past caliphs and being familiar with those methods. When Ali (peace be upon him) wants to make reforms, they stand in front of him, but again, because of too much insistence, the proof is exhausted. His Holiness accepts the government. His Holiness accepts the government. This procrastination of His Holiness is so that the proof against them will be over. Tomorrow, we did not know who you are. His Holiness said, « If I come, I will buy the property of the house with which you bought the slave girl, and you will make a garden for your women’s dowries. » You made an agreement that they will return to Baitul Mal after 10 minutes. No one else will hear that Ali has deprived us of our rights. Yes, this is the end of this discussion. It is good that this refers to the third sermon of Nahj al-Balagha Faraz From Farazi’s sermon, let’s refer to this sermon, the same narration, the same famous expression, which is due to the presence of the present and the rise of the argument to the existence of Nasser. Now I will present the translation. They would not have finished the proof against me, and if God had not taken a pledge from the scholars that they would not be silent in front of the stomach of the oppressors and the hunger of the oppressed, he would have restrained the camel of the Caliphate on its hill. He throws it away and lets it go. His Holiness says, « You know from what point of view this is, and accepting it. » His Holiness says, « Well, that’s it. I can feed a hungry person, stop a burden breaker from abusing the treasury. That’s the booty. And how much do you believe that this concern, Mr. Amirul Mominin, will come later? » It shows itself. It means that you have been ruling for 4 years. You have had wars for 4 years. Yes, it has been 4 years. There are a thousand and one problems, a thousand and one seditions going this way and that, this is the result of the worries that the gentleman has, yes, the Hazrat is seeing the future, these are the ones who are insisting now, ah, well, you know that the first person who pledged allegiance to the Hazrat was Talha, exactly, and Talha and Zubair were the first ones. If he were to die, he drew a sword. Yes, this is the first war of the Prophet . Our dear viewers, more to this analysis that we have presented, the reasons for not accepting the caliphate of Amir al-Mu’minin, this becomes more tangible, the more it is felt, in any case, the acceptance of Hazrat Olin entered the caliphate and my people pledged allegiance to him . Although we want to say it, we said many times that Imamate and caliphate are not optional, but at the same time, with the same deviation and heresy that All this is done to the public, but let’s look at it from the people’s point of view. No one had more supporters than Ali, peace be upon him. At the beginning of the caliphate, he did not have an opinion. Accepting the mantle of the caliphate, the Prophet made reforms and took measures in several areas. The first and most important area of the actions of the Prophet It was an economic arrangement. Hazrat disagreed with the method of the first and second caliphs and ordered the treasury to be divided equally among the people, but the second caliph did not do this, and the third caliph did not do this, Hazrat. He said, « What was the Prophet doing? » He said, « The Prophet used to divide equally. Even during the time of the first Caliph, it was divided equally. This system and economic classification started during the time of the second Caliph. He said, ‘Well, we, the prophet, must act. In any case, these actions of the Prophet are confronting the unreasonable demands of famous figures. And the influential companions were that until now they had reached thousands of hoofs under the shadow of wealth and comfort and prosperity, this work was to their detriment, they had unreasonable expectations that Hazrat , continue the same way as before . From the time of the Messenger of God and even the first caliph , it was equal . more dirhams because she is the daughter of the caliph, for example, Tabari narrates this, the so-called class division system created by the second caliph, the Quraish is different from the non-Quraish, the Arab is different from the non-Arab, receiving money from Baitmal, this way the nation did not come together at the same time. In any case, some people would have benefited from these divisions of the people, what is this? My people did not create culture for them, yes, the land provided the time to create culture for them and the people for this. Acceptance of the Holy Prophet when he reached the caliphate, he appointed three people, one of them was given a mission to Ammar, one was Ubaidullah bin Abi Rafah, and the other was Ibn Tian Ibn Tihan Ibn Tihan , who among the Companions of the Prophet said, « Adl fiyh wa ta’falf ahda a ahd, no one, no one, and no one has superiority Divide it equally with each other. The protest of Talah and Zubair was raised. The protest of some others was stopped. I said, « We are in Qom. Now, the government has just been formed. Yes, we are related to the Prophet. Come forward. » Amir al-Mu’minin said, « Sir, what is the condition of our three dirhams, our slave, the Prophet said, ‘ What is the difference between you and others ?’ We were in wars, we were in Badr, we were in Uhud, Hazrat, which one of you had more courage than me? See, this class system had done something that a few people had created in the so-called luxury spectrum in today’s society. They were eaten, whose life was provided by the world, and now they have been eating for several generations So, what was the purpose of this protest? The purpose of the protest was to say that Ali has humiliated us. I will tell you another thing. He has eaten this so much , he knows the true truth, he knows the true truth , yes, the Prophet said in his answer that I studied the Qur’an, but from the beginning to the end, there is superiority and virtue for the children of Ismail, that is, the Arabs. Mecca is not found on the children of Isaac. In the logic of Islam, the superiority of human beings over each other is only due to piety and righteous deeds, and nothing else. My dear, I trust you. Why should we take more? What was the result of this economic reform of the Prophet? Joining Muawiya, father, some people leaving their homes, crawling after their own personal lives, towards Ali bin Abi Talib , not participating in the government, not cooperating in solving problems, seclusion, he said, now Maat got angry. Then, in response to the fact that choosing to retire means withdrawing from society, the Prophet said, » Are you telling me to win victory by oppressing those over whom I was chosen to be governor and ruler? Well, if you want me to give you more, that is from his right. » I have to take the oppressor and give you this oppression. Ask for it, but I have become oppressed by them. By God, I have as long as I live, and night and day are established, and the stars of the sky rise and set one after the other. I will not do that. This Ali is not anyone. who, in the face of this hostility and isolation and coercion, wants to trample on the rights of others and destroy the rights of others. If that property belonged to me, I would have divided it equally between them, not to mention that it belongs to God, God is the source of all this. After a fair explanation, Rome faced objections. The second strategy of His Holiness was the confiscation of windfall wealth . Come back, come and bring it, yes, you should return, well, huge sums of money from Baitul Mal, some people were slaves during the time of Uthman, during the time of Umar, the Holy Prophet had taken over lands from Baitul Mal . Hasten had given this to Banu Umayyah, the Prophet said, « I swear to God, if they bought women with that property or bought slaves, I will take it back. » Sermon 15 Some of these are joining Mu’awiyah and some of them are engaging in sedition in the very first days of the caliphate. Some of these Umayyad leaders, such as Marwan bin Hukm Saeed bin As Walid bin Uqbat bin Abi Mu’id, coming to Amir al-Mu’minin and saying, « Sir, we have come to pledge allegiance to you, but to One condition is that we refrain from the confiscation of our property. Shame on Hazrat Mod, such a thing is not possible, so the economic reforms of Hazrat can be briefly mentioned in the form of two strategies. One explanation. Justly, confiscation of illegal property, which took away many people, the first act took away a few people, the second act took away the work of another person, took away the work of another person . The time of the caliphs had caused crime to increase in the society. Pay attention to something. Don’t see this, don’t see that . The caliphate is appointed by the caliphate to collect zakat from a tribe of Qom and a relative, he had a so-called shard of glass with them, he had an account with them, the tribe of Malik bin Nuweera goes there and says no, on the pretext that they wanted to fight with us, all this He binds their hands, puts them all under the razor’s edge, sleeps with Malik Bin Nuira’s wife on the same night, the day they kill their wives. On the same night, he can sleep with her and say, « Well, he committed adultery, there should be a limit, the first caliph went away, he refused to execute the order, during the time of the second caliph, he brought Ibn Sha’ba, who violated his chastity, to bring Amir al-Mu’minin. He said the limit should be imposed on this. Let this happen, the second caliph prevented it. It was the turn of the third caliph, Saeed bin As, to tell you that your presence, which should have been punished, was not punished because of the embezzlement. Those who committed a crime against them, they did not implement the Islamic rules for them, and in this way, the implementation of the Islamic rules in the society had become lax, and the judicial will to see that the government must be decisive in these matters, otherwise no stone will be turned, or, for example, Abdullah bin Saad. Ibn Abi Sarh, I told him that Uthman’s governor is in Egypt. Well, this has bothered the people. I told him that your presence, the caliph, is defending him because of his family relationship with the caliph, until it reached a point where it became clear that he himself is an element. Hala says that during the time of Uthman, there was no news of justice No, Amras says that Uthman does not respect justice. Well, Amir al-Mu’minin came and put an end to these judicial injustices. Let me give you an example. Hazrat has a friend named Najashi. He is a poet. He writes poetry in Amir al-Mu’minin’s museum. He even sings poems on the battlefield, which provokes the Islamic forces of Hamas. When it was said that this gentleman had gone during the month of Ramadan, he had gone to some garden with his friend Nabob, drank alcohol, and smoked rice, the Holy Prophet ordered to arrest him and bring him back. He was a friend of Amir al-Mu’minin, he was a poet of Amir al-Mu’minin, he was a praiser of Amir al-Mu’minin, His Holiness ordered to whip him 80 times, he said to give him 80 lashes, he said, « Amir al-Mu’minin, add another 220 because of our friendship, for example, you added 20. Now my interpretation is that these 20 extra for What is the sanctity of the month of Ramadan? Well, this justice of Ali is hard to bear. The Prophet started from his relatives and his friends and organized this judicial system that from now on everyone Every crime committed should be punished, he should pay back the compensation, it should not be like that some people have become an exception, and I think that those who, in that space of the first three caliphs, did whatever they wanted in any field, now they reach a dead end. Ali’s name, yes, to the justice of Mr. Amir al-Mu’minin, yes, so it is not without reason that Mr. Amir al -Mu’minin spent a large percentage of the history of his rule on the sidelines. For Amiral Hazrat, who did not want us to discuss the restraint of Amir al-Mu’minin before, you were not at all satisfied with the Companions of the Prophet, the survivors after the Prophet, even their followers, why should their blood be spilled? Well, Master, we have 3 minutes, we want you to say yes. The other points are summarized, but if the next points are going to be raised, they should not be raised in such a way that it remains incomplete. Let me tell you that the third act of His Holiness was the dismissal of non-selfish agents. The third act of His Holiness was the economic reforms . The Prophet was prohibited from entering the government of the Umayyads. They were the ones who fought with the Prophet behind the gates of Mecca until the 990th minute. They did not have the right to enter the government, and the second Caliph opened their way. During the time of the third caliph, Darbast placed them at the disposal of Hazrat and dismissed them. For example, during the time of Uthman, Muawiya became the governor of Syria, of course, he was the military commander from the time of the second caliph, then he became the governor of Syria, Waleed bin Uqbah and Saeed bin As. Abdullah bin Amer is the governor of Basra, he is from Banu Umayyad . The decree of the head of Uthman’s office, this Marwan bin was the decree of exile of the Messenger of God, this one was walking behind the Messenger of God, making a smiley face, this one was walking around in the tents of the Prophet’s houses . He brought him and did everything by himself. Again, it was Marwan bin Hakam who blew Othman’s head to the wind. That story was a letter to the governor of Egypt that I said Marwan bin Hakam wrote and sealed it with Uthman’s name in the name of Othman. The messenger said carefully that these are all from the party of Talqa. The Prophet rejected all of them. He removed all of them. He said, « I swear by the One who split the seed and created man, they did not bring Islam to us, but they are Muslims, and they were not Muslims at all. They were pretending to be Muslims. They have hidden themselves. When you see the science of disbelief again, be careful because the most terrible fitnah that I fear for you is the fitnah of the Umayyads. Amir al-Mu’minin Ali, may peace be upon him, says, « Therefore, His Holiness threw them all around. Well, it is natural that they do not sit idle, which means that he took the position away from them. Yes, he removed them from their responsibilities. Now, what were the consequences of these reforms of His Holiness, what were the problems for His Holiness? » He imposed the discussion of the upcoming session of the upcoming session, and I think I would say that if the ruler was ordinary people, non-Ali politicians, maybe he would have some knowledge of helping such people . Somehow, he walks with these men, yes, he will not be Ali anymore, yes, if these voices are not heard, he will not be the herald of justice, Amir al-Mu’minin Ali bin Abi Talib. You know what, sometimes, teachers, we cannot be called Adel, a child whose story is now summarized. It is known that sometimes we come and give him some ransom, but this is not the case. Now he is different . Aha, the comparison is wrong. Yes, this comparison is wrong at all. Look here, for example, let’s assume that at the beginning of his caliphate, Ash’ath bin Qays endured slowness for a few weeks. As the governor of Azerbaijan, he didn’t stand by him. Abu Musa abducted Ash’ari in Kufa, or even Ziyad bin Abi in Fars, but he can’t tolerate Mu’awiya, so I have a plan, but also justice . Now, if you don’t have time for the next meeting, please remember me. It’s very beautiful, Haj, sir. Your hand really doesn’t hurt. Inshallah, God will bless you and your site will be a good year. I will say something in the virtual space. Really listen to the audio files on the internal and external platforms. There is a lot of help from people from the general spectrum of society like ourselves to see what we should do today. That is the mission of the history message program . .
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0.359 In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, may God
0.359 bless Muhammad and the family of Muhammad, and hasten to Walik
0.359 al-Fajr. I offer greetings, courtesy and respect to all of you, dear and respected viewers.
0.359 May the Ahl al- Bayt
0.359 always and everywhere be present in your life. Sometimes a person
0.359 does some studies, it is very beautiful and he thinks he is a twin.
0.359 Hossein in the month of December means like this, now I don&;t know how true it is, but it is in the month of December
0.359 , and we are entering the month of December, those who have devotion and are looking for a thousand and one reasons
0.359 to show courtesy to the family, in short, it is very interesting and beautiful, why am I saying this because The program
0.359 of that history is the program of the message of history in front of you, and God willing, if Muhammad and
0.359 his family, Ahl al-Bayt, will consider the right, we will be able to take a step in relation to the issues related
0.359 to history. It is too early, but we must shout. Fatima Zahra, peace
0.359 be upon you, we are entering it slowly and glorifying the status of women and mothers, who
0.359 are said to be the smile of God on earth. I congratulate them in advance and
0.359 we hope that the Almighty God will protect those who have mothers and those who
0.359 They don&;t have any. God willing, they will be at the table of Hazrat Zahra, peace
0.359 and blessings of God be upon her.
0.359 Hajj Agha Salam Alaikum Alaikum Salaam, peace and courtesy and respect
0.359 from my servant, Your Excellency and all dear viewers, I offer my greetings and respect, and in advance of
0.359 the birth of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon him, I congratulate and congratulate especially
0.359 the believing women all over the world who are the followers of Hazrat Zahra, peace be upon you, God willing,
0.359 and we invite you to take a look in this space where the air is so cold
0.359 so that gas can reach all parts of our country and everyone can benefit from this blessing. My God, it
0.359 &;s been strange this year, it&;s been cold, I want to tell you
0.359 that we have reached the beginning of the caliphate era of Mr. Amir al-Mu&;minin,
0.359 and now I&;m making a mistake. Please help me
0.359 . Saying Ali, follow him, come and become our caliph.
0.359 Yes
0.359 , this is how it happened. Yes, in the name of Allah, the Most Merciful
0.359 . accept it,
0.359 and maybe no caliph was welcomed by the people to the extent that
0.359 the people welcomed the caliphate of Amir al-Mu&;minin. Well, the first caliph, only a small group of people
0.359 sat in the roof, then tomorrow, the caliph was taken to the mosque, and the people took him to
0.359 swear allegiance to him. The second caliph, who was installed at all
0.359 He was the third caliph who was elected with a council of 6 people,
0.359 the only caliph who, at least in Umm al-Qara Islam, Medina, small and large, people flocked
0.359 and begged for the caliphate. It was
0.359 Amir al-Mu&;minin Ali (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) who pledged allegiance to Birah and with him,
0.359 but as you mentioned,
0.359 what happened when people reached Amir al-Mu&;minin after 25 years?
0.359 During 25 years, the first three caliphs had cut the knife to the bone,
0.359 especially the performance of the third caliph in one word.
0.359 People&;s luck was with Amir al-Mu&;minin Ali, may peace be upon him,
0.359 the deviations that occurred, for example, the society&;s distance from
0.359 the province, the transformation of the province from the Imamate to the apparent caliphate of the worldly caliphate,
0.359 for some people, this issue was not acceptable, that the tendency towards Amir al-Mu&;minin had
0.359 not taken into account the development of the world. Islam, well, the conquests during the time of the first, second, and third caliphs expanded
0.359 geographically to the conquest of Iran, the conquest of Shamat, but the cultural work
0.359 was zero. This was a problem, that is, the world did not get to know Islam with the Islamic world. A testimony
0.359 said that the territory For example, our Iran was conquered during the time of the second caliph, but don&;t think that the
0.359 Iranian people became Muslim during the time of the second caliph, it was only a geographical conquest. The
0.359 religious conquest of Iran and the acceptance of Islam took until the fourth century, slowly as the Iranians became familiar with
0.359 Islam and the teachings of Islam. And especially with Sadat&;s trip to Iran and these things,
0.359 he helped me with the principle of Islam, which I had heard of, received teachings, with the culture of Ahl
0.359 al-Bayt, with authentic Islam, one of the problems that occurred during this 25-year period. It
0.359 was the influence of non-inside elements in the Islamic government. Well, the Bani Umayyad movement infiltrated
0.359 the
0.359 Islamic government. This is the father of the people of Aden
0.359 . And Ajam and
0.359 these debates were raised even among Arab tribes about the superiority of this tribe over that tribe
0.359 I don&;t know, these discriminations that had been created,
0.359 those who had reached thousands and thousands from
0.359 the results of the spoils that had flowed to the Islamic world and those who were not privileged, these were
0.359 the blows that the society had become into two parts, the rich and the poor, and these
0.359 He had created a lot of dissatisfaction. Now we will discuss this in detail in the continuation of the discussion.
0.359 Deviations such as corruption in the administrative and judicial system, we will discuss examples of this
0.359 . I don&;t know. At some point in
0.359 this program, I had a discussion.
0.359 I will briefly point out that we
0.359 have a generation, a case of ijtihad where there is a place for ijtihad, a series of places where there is a place for ijtihad. It&;s not that the Qur&;an
0.359 says that you should pray, no imam, no prophet, no jurist can be found throughout history
0.359 to say that my fatwa is that you should not pray. It is clear that the Qur&;an or
0.359 the text of the Messenger of God, peace and blessings of God be upon him, is not a place for ijtihad, but
0.359 what should be done if there is a doubt between three or four? This is ijtihad
0.359 . He gives correct and authentic hadith,
0.359 he gives fatwa based on it,
0.359 he performs ijtihad, so there is no place for ijtihad against the texts, one of the great cultural deviations. which
0.359 was addressed by these caliphs after the Messenger of God, this
0.359 was the issue of ijtihad against the text, to say clearly, the Prophet said this way, we say this
0.359 way, the Prophet made this work haram, we say it is halal, the Prophet made this work haram, we say
0.359 that it is halal, the Prophet made it halal We say that
0.359 the first caliph did this, the second caliph did this, Uthman did this, it even reached
0.359 Muawiyah, Muawiyah used to eat food and water in a gold dish. The Prophet said to him, "This
0.359 is forbidden." He said, "I don&;t see any prohibition." Uthman
0.359 prayed four rak&;ats of the traveler&;s prayer in Mina. The Prophet said that the traveler&;s prayer is broken. He said, "I have nothing to do. I don&;t think
0.359 there is a problem. I am the second caliph who said that the Prophet said this and this and this are permissible. He did it.
0.359 I say it is haram. The Prophet made this work lawful. I say it is haram. Ijtihad against the text of this
0.359 caused a deep cultural blow to the religion. This caused a deep cultural blow to the religion
0.359 . Uthman&;s third caliph
0.359 , which leads to the caliphate of Amir al-Mu&;minin Ali, peace be upon him, the corruptions
0.359 are very prominent, financial and administrative corruption, and unauthorized captures of the Baitul Mal, the Baitul Mal during the time
0.359 of Uthman, the king was divorced from the Umayyads, any amount according to his taste, what he wanted,
0.359 to so and so, his cousin, to so and so. His family is like some kind of people, that is, he became a poor man, he became
0.359 a pasture of Bani Umayyah, and he became some hungry animals who whatever
0.359 they want. He wants them to consume as much as they want in this fertile pasture, and this
0.359 dealt a heavy blow to the Islamic society. This was an important deviation in the period of Osman, which is more than
0.359 the previous periods. Sir, if you want to talk about the deviations, I think
0.359 the programs will win, yes. We just want to tell a little bit about what happened, people
0.359 came to Amir al-Mominin, these factors gave people, yes, what are they saying, then the people
0.359 got here, yes, that&;s one of the cases. We want to point out that we cannot discuss it in detail.
0.359 Yes, another one of the involvements of Uthman&;s period that is very prominent
0.359 is the appointment of incompetent people, especially from Banu Umayyad, someone
0.359 who had no merit,
0.359 did not deserve this job. He removed the Ansar, and
0.359 now we will talk about it in detail in the continuation of the discussion. The result of
0.359 Uthman&;s actions was that the people revolted against Uthman, revolted against
0.359 Uthman and led to Uthman was assassinated, so far our discussion is not the history of the caliphs, I want to
0.359 explain the details in detail. These are the discussions that one might discuss in the history of the caliphs,
0.359 so let&;s discuss. We are discussing the history of Amir al-Mu&;minin
0.359 . You are aware that our dear viewers more or less know
0.359 that Uthman had placed a ruler named Abdallah bin Absar in Egypt and that he was oppressing
0.359 the people, people came there to plead with Uthman.
0.359 Uthman, instead of giving these to him, did not listen, he did not depose him,
0.359 Amir al – Mu&;minin interceded and advised Uthman to remove him and
0.359 let a better person, he was the governor of Egypt, the governor of Egypt.
0.359 solve the problem
0.359 make up for the mistakes in the time of the third caliph in the time of the third caliph, which led to
0.359 the rebellion, it happened like this. A camel is a riding camel with
0.359 a government license plate. In the past, these camels also had license plates on their ears
0.359 .
0.359 Our teacher, this is a government license plate, this one goes past this one, it
0.359 comes back again, if you suspect this, don&;t say this, this was Osman&;s agent, this was taken, this was inspected,
0.359 a letter was found, seeing Osman, instead of following the words of these people,
0.359 he wrote this letter to the ruler. Egypt, that this rebel returned to Egypt, the father of this,
0.359 instead of promising to make amends and remove the defects, this is how he
0.359 took this letter, came to Amir al-Mu&;minin, and said, Sir, you intercede.
0.359 What did you do to Uthman that he wrote this letter against us? He came to Uthman and said
0.359 to Uthman, did you write this line of this letter
0.359 or not? He said, I don&;t know at all
0.359 . It turned out that Marwan Ibn Hakem had done this with the seal of Uthman, look at the
0.359 incompetent people who are in the government,
0.359 he is a rebel
0.359 . A rebellion was formed there, surrounding Uthman&;s house and saying that either
0.359 Uthman should remove himself from the caliphate or he will kill him.
0.359 Now our dear viewers may ask what was the position of Amir al-
0.359 Mu&;minin here.
0.359 He didn&;t accept this way of the opponents, who blocked the water on Uthman&;s face, and
0.359 they got into his blood, but at the same time, he didn&;t accept the work of Uthman, that is,
0.359 he didn&;t accept this system of civil opposition. His Holiness
0.359 even ordered to bring water to Uthman, Imam Hasan, Imam Hussain, to bring water to Uthman, well, maybe
0.359 he knew that later the Umayyads would take over this, with today&;s term, when
0.359 we say that they wear Uthman&;s shirt, they really wear Uthman&;s shirt, this is what
0.359 happened to you in Karbala. Did you hear Imam Hussain that on the seventh day of Obaidullah he sent a letter to Umar Saad
0.359 in Karbala to shut off the water on Hussain, his army and his children? Quench his thirst just as
0.359 the oppressed caliph was killed when he was thirsty, meaning Uthman, while this Ali and
0.359 his son Hossein brought water to Uthman, but Muawiya&;s propaganda made Ali guilty of
0.359 Uthman&;s murder. Hazrat acted in this way,
0.359 he didn&;t agree because of the position of the caliphate, because killing the caliphate was not good, he didn&;t know that he would become the Bab
0.359 , so this is the same thing they did by making him the second caliph, they assassinated him, then I killed Uthman like this,
0.359 then Amir al-Mu&;minin, assassination is another cause of instability in the society, whether the ruler
0.359 is the right ruler, whether he is at the helm, whether the ruler is unjust, the smoke of his instability is in everyone&;s eyes,
0.359 so I will also use the points from this platform of the message of history.
0.359 Islamic societies should pay attention to any society. It does not benefit from instability,
0.359 there is no obstacle in the face of problems, objections, civil protests,
0.359 but it has its own legal solution, it has its own conditions, if someone wants
0.359 to act in a way that the enemy If he wants to use it, then the enemy will not show mercy to anyone when
0.359 he becomes the ruler. Ah, for example, now
0.359 we have the situation in Syria in front of us.
0.359 What is the situation in Syria right now?
0.359 I just saw today&;s report that the cursed evil Israel has attacked
0.359 Israel 800 times in the past few days, and destroyed all the infrastructures in Syria. The entire
0.359 Syrian nation will have to live tomorrow. It&;s not just that The warplanes
0.359 hit the ports, the drinking water hit them, everything that a
0.359 nation needs to be able to use it for hundreds of years, to have the right to life, they
0.359 destroyed everything, this is how instability can happen
0.359 . You are talking about this, father, there is a problem, we say that there is, but the way
0.359 to deal with the problem is not to kill a caliph, killing a caliph, Hazrat Lah does not know that
0.359 , Ah, Hazrat, not with terror The second caliph agreed, not against killing Uthman in this way,
0.359 but at the same time, he had serious criticisms of them, and in some places he guided me
0.359 in this direction, in some places he guided me in this way, in some places he interceded
0.359 for Uthman, and Uthman interceded. A rebel should return to Egypt. Osman should fix these problems.
0.359 The Prophet interceded because of these rebels who did not return to Osmani. They went to
0.359 the Amir al-Mu&;minin. You interceded and wrote such and such a letter
0.359 to Alim. You said, in any
0.359 case, Uthman was killed by this means, and the result was that he was taken advantage of by Bani
0.359 Umayya. This same Uthman, who was from Bani Umayya, took advantage of his death
0.359 . He narrates a story, saying that Uthman sent a message to
0.359 Muawiya that he gave me, I am under siege, Muawiya gave an order and some of
0.359 The soldiers gathered and he said this, you stay behind the city wall, don&;t move for now, I will go to
0.359 Madinah to see what happened to Osman, Osman said, well,
0.359 who did he tell your army that I came to ask how you are doing first, Osman said, no, you didn&;t come,
0.359 ask me now, you came to see me, my people, my dead. Abusing, Uthman&;s death
0.359 has more oil for Muawiya than his wife, while his wife is alive, Uthman keeps Muawiya as the ruler of Syria,
0.359 Uthman&;s death, Muawiya&;s soil, he wants his blood and claims his caliphate. It will make him universal, he will bring him to
0.359 the caliphate, not only the rule of Syria, he is seeking the rule of the Islamic world. See, arrogance
0.359 is like this. In the eyes of everyone, arrogance has an expiration date.
0.359 It has an expiration date. Yes, Saddam&;s expiration date was until the time he was with Iran. You are
0.359 fighting, when you fought with Iran, America pulled its horn in front of itself, cutting it, destroying it,
0.359 Gaddafi in Libya, the same way, Hosni Mubarak in Egypt, the same way, even Muhammad Morsi who
0.359 He trusts the West, the same mistakes that Reza Khan
0.359 made in Iran throughout history,
0.359 the same way, Muhammad Reza
0.359 . Uthman is still alive.
0.359 Did you pay attention to what happened? So Uthman understood. Uthman understood and said, "You didn&;t come, ask me now.
0.359 You came to see if I am dead or not. Are you going to take advantage of my dead body and claim the caliphate?
0.359 That&;s it." It happened to me. Yaqoubi narrates this in the third century. In any case, 4 days after the death
0.359 of Uthman, people came to the Amir al-Mu&;minin to pledge allegiance to the Prophet. The Prophet accepted the
0.359 caliphate
0.359 . You have to take the trouble, only in terms of time, we guys can come and
0.359 watch the program, so let&;s watch an episode and come back, so we came to this conclusion, sir, the society
0.359 has moved in a direction, that is, this society Injustice, discrimination, and
0.359 Nadal&;s explanation, wealth is unfair, and in short, anyone, wherever someone is not in his place,
0.359 use his expertise, and they will take this society to a direction where they will get tired, yes,
0.359 they will be tired. You said this community, this is going
0.359 to the house of Mr. Amir al-Mu&;minin, when you come, why should you be a caliph, Mr. Amir al-Mu&;minin, at first
0.359 he refuses, we will stay because of their ummah. Why is Qob so important to me? Yes, it is important.
0.359 Why does Hazrat Umtana care? Vivaan Najaf has a wonderful purity. Very pure pictures from the shrine of
0.359 Hazrat Amir al-Mu&;minin Ali, peace be upon him. Show us, children, your breath is warm,
0.359 so beautiful, so clean, and we ask God for the right of Muhammad. And the family of Muhammad and history
0.359 has shown, even the history of Syria has shown right now that
0.359 you have to make an effort and go to visit the Ahl al-Bayt. It was a blessing
0.359 at one time, God forbid, God forbid, even in our Corona era. We were about to close the door and
0.359 we realized what a blessing we would be giving up if we don&;t make the effort and go on the pilgrimage, God willing, let them look
0.359 at our black case, if not at all, if they want to look at it, you should
0.359 be sad. The family of Muhammad, by his grace, and with the hope that we
0.359 have in the door of Hazrat Amir, God willing, that we will be granted a visit to the shrines and the high places, and that
0.359 everyone will be blessed with a spiritual life, for the sake of Muhammad and the family of Muhammad. It was beautiful
0.359 from the shrine, sir, long live sir, this government of Amir al-Mu&;minin is a right of his that has been lost
0.359 and we are shouting and I count Molaf, this is Ali Mullah, and all these things go hand in hand,
0.359 that Baba Ali should be the caliph, is it true or not, yes Well, then tomorrow, when
0.359 they say, Sir, God bless you, come and be the caliph, why do you hesitate, why don&;t you come
0.359 ?
0.359 Refusal to say go to someone else is the reason for the order. One
0.359 issue is that
0.359 there is no
0.359 ground for accepting Amir al-Momenin
0.359 in the way that Amir al-Momenin wants to implement his thoughts, ideals and ideas. The position of the caliphate
0.359 to bring disaster on this Islamic society, bringing this society
0.359 no longer accepts Ali in practice, now he has become emotional, everyone says you come, yes, this is now, but in the position of
0.359 action, we have seen what hardships and Causing trouble for Hazrat Ali
0.359 when Ali comes to deliver his justice, there will be protests from
0.359 1st
0.359 place .
0.359 To the bottom of the valley, now in this car, you send the first grade driver and he says go and
0.359 bring this out. From now on, the management of this car is with you, Dad, you
0.359 didn&;t leave anything of the car. The class gap has become a culture among
0.359 people. Well, we saw that you are talking about reforms
0.359 We will discuss the economy of Amir al-Mu&;minin. When Amir al-Mu&;minin said that everyone should be given equal pay to everyone in front of
0.359 Baitul Mal, which on that day had the ruling of
0.359 subsidy today, instead of work and
0.359 wages .
0.359 Compare with the others, the rest of the community of the privileged class of the Quraish community, the Quraishians,
0.359 the followers of the Companions, which remained during the period of the previous caliphs,
0.359 some of them were so grazed from Baitul Mal could no longer
0.359 tolerate Ali&;s justice. This was one of the reasons why Hazrat did not accept it. He saw that they
0.359 do not accept it. Now they are getting emotional. They say, "Come on, they cannot tolerate Ali&;s justice.
0.359 This is a discussion of economic discrimination, a discussion of social discrimination. There is another discussion, a discussion of
0.359 social corruption, corruption." administrative, judicial corruption in the society, we will mention this, prove it,
0.359 we will discuss, this is another part, look at every part of the Islamic government, this
0.359 Islamic government is worn out. During the 25-year caliphate of these three caliphs
0.359 ,
0.359 the Prophet did not accept it at first, which means that the values turned into anti-
0.359 values
0.359 . A problem, which is not a small problem, so they didn&;t know what Ali wanted to do with
0.359 them
0.359 . His point of view was towards Uthman, Umar and
0.359 Abu Bakr, what does it mean with this point of view that Ali bin Abi Talib is the guardian of al-Awsiya, he is infallible,
0.359 the proof is God, the Imam is the right of the community, the caliphate is his right, not coming with this point of view,
0.359 coming with the point of view that the caliph came first, he did something. He left, the second one came, the third one, now it
0.359 &;s his turn, the fourth one, like them, like them. The people&;s view
0.359 of Ali, peace be upon him, in Medina, as Amir al-Mu&;minin says, they attacked so much
0.359 that it was close to Hasan and Hossein. These Hassan and Hossein were not children
0.359 at that time, they were not young, they were under 35 years old
0.359 , they were not young, they were trampled, it means that the crowd in the house
0.359 of Amir al-Mo&;minin was such that they insisted the Prophet to come and accept the caliphate, says Amy.
0.359 Hasan and Hossein are being crushed under the pressure of the crowd.
0.359 Well, this crowd of over 900 is hurting them. They say that Abu Bakr came, Uthman came, Omar came, now Ali
0.359 is the fourth caliph. They don&;t say that
0.359 Ali is capable of bringing this ship to the shore.
0.359 They don&;t say that Ali is God&;s authority .
0.359 They don&;t say that Ali is God&;s proof . Ali is innocent .
0.359 God willing, if he can make reforms, for example, to solve our problems,
0.359 they do not have a religious view, in other words, these are not religious Shiites, but
0.359 political Shiites, yes, the CIA. Before the discussion, yes, it can be political. We said that you should look in your old sources. Wherever
0.359 it is interpreted as Shia, it does not necessarily mean that you and I believe, but that
0.359 Shia is the belief that we believe in, that is, our imams, but God
0.359 knows the proof of God. Innocent, yes, or political Shia, the second category is that they consider Ali to be superior only in terms of government,
0.359 or they say that they are loving Shia, they say that the Qur&;an said that yes, Ahl al-Bayt should love us,
0.359 or that Shia Ghali are people of the heart, which are harmful to them. The religion was more than the infidels
0.359 who attributed divinity to the imams, peace and blessings be upon them, and now it is the same here.
0.359 These are the ones who come and break the oath of allegiance to you. They
0.359 are not religious Shias. Many
0.359 of them are Shia politicians. For example, Malik Ashtar is a religious Shia. Muhammad bin Abi Bakr
0.359 is a Shia believer, Abu Dharr is a Shia believer, but the majority of the community of others, what
0.359 can I say about your presence, from Talh and Zubair to many of the remaining companions? It is not that the
0.359 caliphate was the right of Ali, but the right has reached the rightful person. This is not the issue, but Ali can
0.359 settle our world
0.359 better than others, when Ali comes with this view. They don&;t know the proof of
0.359 God. He compares the performance of Ali (peace be upon him)
0.359 with the performance of the past caliphs and being familiar with those methods. When Ali (peace be upon
0.359 him) wants to make reforms,
0.359 they stand in front of him, but again, because of too much insistence, the proof is exhausted. His Holiness
0.359 accepts the government. His Holiness accepts the government. This procrastination of His Holiness is so that the proof
0.359 against them will be over. Tomorrow, we did not know who you are. His Holiness said, "If
0.359 I come, I will buy the property of the house with which
0.359 you bought the slave girl, and you will make a garden for your women&;s dowries." You made an agreement that they will return to Baitul Mal after
0.359 10 minutes. No one else will hear that Ali has deprived us of our rights.
0.359 Yes, this is the end of this discussion. It is good that this refers to the third sermon of Nahj al-Balagha Faraz
0.359 From Farazi&;s sermon, let&;s refer to this sermon, the same narration, the same famous expression, which is due to the presence
0.359 of the
0.359 present and the rise of the argument to the existence of Nasser. Now I will present the translation.
0.359 They would not have finished the proof against me, and if God had not taken a pledge from the scholars that
0.359 they would not be silent in front of the stomach of the oppressors and the hunger of the oppressed, he would have restrained the camel of the Caliphate on its hill.
0.359 He throws it away and lets it go. His Holiness says, "You know from what
0.359 point of view this is, and accepting it." His Holiness says, "Well, that&;s it. I can feed a hungry person,
0.359 stop a burden breaker from abusing the treasury. That&;s the booty. And how much
0.359 do you believe that this concern, Mr. Amirul Mominin, will come later?" It shows itself. It means that
0.359 you have been ruling for 4 years. You have had wars for 4 years. Yes, it has been 4 years. There are a thousand and one
0.359 problems, a thousand and one seditions going this way and that, this is the result of the worries that the gentleman has, yes,
0.359 the Hazrat is seeing the future, these are the ones who are insisting now, ah, well,
0.359 you know that the first person who pledged allegiance to the Hazrat was Talha, exactly, and Talha and Zubair were the first
0.359 ones. If he were to die, he drew a sword. Yes, this is the first war of the Prophet
0.359 .
0.359 Our dear viewers, more to this analysis that we have presented, the reasons for not accepting the caliphate of
0.359 Amir al-Mu&;minin, this becomes more tangible, the more it is felt, in any case,
0.359 the acceptance of Hazrat Olin entered the caliphate and my people pledged allegiance to him
0.359 . Although we want to say it, we said many times that
0.359 Imamate and caliphate are not optional, but at the same time, with the same deviation and heresy that
0.359 All this is done to the public, but let&;s look at it from the people&;s point of view. No one
0.359 had more supporters than Ali, peace be upon him. At the beginning of the caliphate, he did not have an opinion.
0.359 Accepting the mantle of the caliphate, the Prophet made reforms
0.359 and took measures in several areas. The first and most important
0.359 area of the actions of the Prophet It was an economic arrangement. Hazrat disagreed with the method of the first and second caliphs
0.359 and ordered the treasury to
0.359 be divided equally among the people, but the second caliph did not do this,
0.359 and the third caliph did not do this, Hazrat. He said, "What was the Prophet doing?" He said, "The Prophet used to
0.359 divide equally. Even during the time of the first Caliph, it was divided equally. This system and
0.359 economic classification started during the time of the second Caliph.
0.359 He said, &;Well, we, the prophet, must act. In any case, these actions of the Prophet
0.359 are confronting the unreasonable demands of famous figures. And the influential companions were that until now
0.359 they had reached thousands of hoofs under the shadow of wealth and comfort and prosperity, this work
0.359 was to their detriment, they had unreasonable expectations that
0.359 Hazrat ,
0.359 continue the same way
0.359 as before .
0.359 From the time of the Messenger of God and even the first caliph
0.359 , it was equal
0.359 . more
0.359 dirhams
0.359 because she is the daughter of the caliph, for example, Tabari narrates this, the so-called
0.359 class division system created by the second caliph, the Quraish is different from the non-Quraish, the Arab
0.359 is different from the non-Arab, receiving money from Baitmal, this way the nation did not come together at the same time. In
0.359 any case, some people would have benefited from these divisions of the people, what is this? My people did not create culture for them, yes,
0.359 the land provided the time to create culture for them and
0.359 the people for this. Acceptance of the Holy Prophet when he reached the caliphate, he appointed three people, one of them
0.359 was given a mission to Ammar, one was Ubaidullah bin Abi Rafah, and the other was Ibn Tian Ibn Tihan Ibn Tihan
0.359 , who among the Companions of the Prophet said, « Adl fiyh wa ta&;falf ahda a ahd, no one, no one, and no one
0.359 has superiority Divide it equally with each other. The protest of Talah and Zubair was raised.
0.359 The protest of some others was stopped. I said, "We are in Qom. Now, the government has just been formed. Yes,
0.359 we are related to the Prophet. Come forward." Amir al-Mu&;minin said, "Sir, what is the condition of our three
0.359 dirhams, our slave, the Prophet said,
0.359 &; What is the difference between you and others
0.359 ?&; We were in wars, we were in Badr,
0.359 we were in Uhud, Hazrat, which one of you
0.359 had more courage than me? See, this class system
0.359 had done something that a few people had created
0.359 in the so-called luxury spectrum in today&;s society.
0.359 They were eaten, whose life was provided by the world, and now they have been eating for several generations
0.359 So, what was the purpose of this protest? The purpose of the protest was to say that Ali has humiliated us.
0.359 I will tell you another thing.
0.359 He has eaten this so much
0.359 , he knows the true truth, he knows the true truth
0.359 , yes, the Prophet said in his answer that I studied the Qur&;an, but from the beginning to the end, there is superiority and
0.359 virtue for the children of Ismail, that is, the Arabs. Mecca is not found on the children of Isaac.
0.359 In the logic of Islam, the superiority of human beings over each other
0.359 is only due to piety and righteous deeds, and nothing else. My dear, I trust you. Why should we take more?
0.359 What was the result of this economic reform of the Prophet? Joining Muawiya,
0.359 father, some people leaving their homes, crawling
0.359 after their own personal lives, towards Ali bin Abi Talib
0.359 , not participating in the government, not cooperating in solving problems, seclusion, he said, now Maat
0.359 got angry.
0.359 Then, in response to the fact that choosing to retire means withdrawing from society, the Prophet said, "
0.359 Are you telling me to win victory by oppressing those over whom I
0.359 was chosen to be governor and ruler? Well, if you want me to give you more, that is from his right." I have to take the oppressor
0.359 and give you this oppression. Ask for it, but I have become oppressed by them.
0.359 By God, I have as long as I live, and night and day are established, and the stars of the sky rise and set one after the other.
0.359 I will not do that. This Ali is not anyone. who, in the face of this hostility and
0.359 isolation and coercion, wants to trample on the rights of others and destroy the rights of others.
0.359 If that property belonged to me, I would have divided it equally between them, not to
0.359 mention that it belongs to God, God is the source of
0.359 all this. After a fair explanation, Rome faced objections. The second strategy of His Holiness
0.359 was the confiscation of windfall wealth
0.359 . Come back, come and bring it,
0.359 yes, you should return, well, huge sums of
0.359 money from Baitul Mal, some people were slaves during the time
0.359 of Uthman, during the time of Umar, the Holy Prophet had taken over lands from Baitul Mal
0.359 . Hasten had given this to Banu Umayyah, the Prophet said, "I swear to God, if they
0.359 bought women with that property or bought slaves, I will take it back." Sermon
0.359 15 Some of these are joining Mu&;awiyah and some of them
0.359 are engaging in sedition in the very first days of the caliphate.
0.359 Some of these Umayyad leaders, such as Marwan bin Hukm Saeed bin As Walid bin Uqbat bin Abi Mu&;id,
0.359 coming to Amir al-Mu&;minin and saying, "Sir, we have come to pledge allegiance to you, but to One condition is
0.359 that we refrain from the confiscation of our property. Shame on Hazrat Mod, such
0.359 a thing is not possible, so the economic reforms of Hazrat can be briefly
0.359 mentioned in the form of two strategies. One explanation. Justly, confiscation of
0.359 illegal property, which took away many people, the first act took away a few people, the second act
0.359 took away the work of another person, took away the work of another
0.359 person .
0.359 The time of the caliphs had caused crime to increase in the society.
0.359 Pay attention to something. Don&;t see this, don&;t see that
0.359 . The caliphate is appointed by the caliphate
0.359 to collect zakat from a tribe of
0.359 Qom and a relative, he had a so-called shard of glass with them, he had an account with them, the tribe of
0.359 Malik bin Nuweera goes there and says no, on the pretext that they wanted to fight with us,
0.359 all this He binds their hands, puts them all under the razor&;s edge,
0.359 sleeps with Malik Bin Nuira&;s wife on the same night, the day they kill their wives. On the same night, he can sleep with her
0.359 and say, "Well, he committed adultery, there should be a limit, the first caliph went away, he refused to execute the order,
0.359 during the time of the
0.359 second caliph, he brought Ibn Sha&;ba, who violated his chastity, to bring Amir al-Mu&;minin. He said the limit should
0.359 be imposed on this. Let this happen, the second caliph prevented it. It
0.359 was the turn of the third caliph, Saeed bin As, to tell you that your presence, which
0.359 should have been punished, was not punished because of the embezzlement. Those who committed a crime against them,
0.359 they did not implement the Islamic rules for them, and in this way, the implementation of the Islamic rules in
0.359 the society had become lax, and the judicial will to see that the government must
0.359 be decisive in these matters, otherwise no stone will be turned, or, for example, Abdullah bin Saad.
0.359 Ibn Abi Sarh, I told him that Uthman&;s governor is in Egypt. Well,
0.359 this has bothered the people. I told him that your presence, the caliph, is defending him because of his family relationship with
0.359 the caliph, until it reached a point where it became clear that he himself is an element.
0.359 Hala says that during the time of Uthman, there was no news of justice
0.359 No, Amras says that Uthman does not respect justice. Well, Amir al-Mu&;minin came and put an end to these
0.359 judicial injustices. Let me give you an example.
0.359 Hazrat has a friend named Najashi. He is
0.359 a poet. He writes poetry in Amir al-Mu&;minin&;s museum. He even sings poems on the battlefield,
0.359 which provokes the Islamic forces of Hamas. When it was said that this
0.359 gentleman had gone during the month of Ramadan, he had gone to some garden with his friend Nabob, drank alcohol, and smoked rice, the Holy Prophet
0.359 ordered to arrest him and bring him back. He was a friend of Amir al-Mu&;minin, he was a poet of Amir al-Mu&;minin,
0.359 he was a praiser of Amir al-Mu&;minin, His Holiness ordered to whip him 80 times, he said to give him 80 lashes, he said,
0.359 "Amir al-Mu&;minin,
0.359 add another 220 because of our friendship, for example, you added 20. Now my interpretation is that these 20
0.359 extra for What is the sanctity of the month of Ramadan? Well, this justice of Ali is
0.359 hard to bear. The Prophet started from his relatives and his friends and organized this judicial system
0.359 that from now on everyone Every crime committed should be punished, he should pay back the compensation,
0.359 it should not be like that some people have become an exception, and I think that those who,
0.359 in that space of the first three caliphs, did whatever they wanted in any field, now
0.359 they reach a dead end. Ali&;s name, yes, to the justice of Mr. Amir al-Mu&;minin, yes, so it is not without reason
0.359 that Mr. Amir al -Mu&;minin spent a large percentage of the history of his rule on the sidelines.
0.359 For Amiral Hazrat, who did not want
0.359 us to discuss the restraint of Amir al-Mu&;minin before, you
0.359 were not at all satisfied with the Companions of the Prophet, the survivors after the Prophet, even their followers,
0.359 why should their blood be spilled? Well, Master, we have 3 minutes, we want you to
0.359 say yes. The other points are summarized, but if the next points are going to be raised,
0.359 they should not be raised in such a way that it remains incomplete. Let me tell
0.359 you that the third act of His Holiness was the dismissal of non-selfish agents.
0.359 The third act of His Holiness was the economic reforms
0.359 . The Prophet was prohibited from entering the
0.359 government of the Umayyads. They were the ones who fought with the Prophet behind the gates of Mecca until the 990th minute.
0.359 They did not have the right to enter the government,
0.359 and the second Caliph opened their way.
0.359 During the time of the third caliph, Darbast placed them at the disposal of Hazrat and dismissed them.
0.359 For example, during the time of Uthman, Muawiya became the governor of Syria, of course, he was the military commander from the time of the second caliph,
0.359 then he became the governor of Syria, Waleed bin Uqbah and Saeed bin As.
0.359 Abdullah bin Amer is the governor of Basra, he is from Banu
0.359 Umayyad .
0.359 The decree of the head of Uthman&;s office, this Marwan bin was the decree of exile of the Messenger of God, this one was walking behind
0.359 the Messenger of God, making a smiley face, this one
0.359 was walking around in the tents of the Prophet&;s houses
0.359 . He brought him and did everything by himself. Again, it was Marwan bin Hakam who
0.359 blew Othman&;s head to the wind. That story was a letter to the governor of Egypt that I said Marwan bin Hakam wrote and
0.359 sealed it with Uthman&;s name in the name of Othman. The messenger said carefully that these are all from the party of Talqa.
0.359 The Prophet rejected all of them. He removed all of them. He said, "I swear by the One who
0.359 split the seed and created man, they did not bring Islam to us, but they
0.359 are Muslims, and they were not Muslims at all. They were pretending to be Muslims. They
0.359 have hidden themselves. When you see the science of disbelief again, be careful
0.359 because the most terrible fitnah that I fear for you is the fitnah of the Umayyads.
0.359 Amir al-Mu&;minin Ali, may peace be upon him, says, "Therefore, His Holiness threw them
0.359 all around. Well, it is natural that they do not sit idle, which means that he took the position away from them.
0.359 Yes, he removed them from their responsibilities. Now, what were the consequences of these reforms of His Holiness,
0.359 what were the problems for His Holiness?" He imposed the discussion of the upcoming session of the upcoming session, and
0.359 I think I would say that if the ruler was ordinary people,
0.359 non-Ali politicians, maybe he would have some knowledge of helping such people
0.359 . Somehow, he walks with these men, yes, he will not be Ali anymore,
0.359 yes, if these voices are not heard, he will not be the herald of justice, Amir al-Mu&;minin Ali bin Abi Talib.
0.359 You know what, sometimes, teachers, we cannot be called Adel, a
0.359 child whose story is now summarized. It is known that sometimes we come and
0.359 give him some ransom, but this is not the case. Now he is different
0.359 . Aha, the comparison is wrong. Yes, this comparison is wrong at all. Look here,
0.359 for example, let&;s assume that at the beginning of his caliphate, Ash&;ath bin Qays endured slowness for a few weeks.
0.359 As the governor of Azerbaijan, he didn&;t stand by him. Abu Musa abducted Ash&;ari in Kufa,
0.359 or even Ziyad bin Abi in Fars,
0.359 but he can&;t tolerate Mu&;awiya, so I have a plan, but also justice
0.359 . Now, if you don&;t have time for the next meeting, please remember me. It&;s
0.359 very beautiful, Haj, sir. Your hand really doesn&;t hurt. Inshallah, God will bless you and
0.359 your site will be a good year. I will say something in the virtual space.
0.359 Really listen to the audio files on the internal and external platforms.
0.359 There is a lot of help from people from the general spectrum of society like ourselves to see what we should do today.
0.359 That is the mission of the history message program
0.359 .
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